17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Where are the missing first 2 minutes of the 911 call?

Zimmerman's call actually connected at 7:09:34
I don't believe we have heard the whole, authentic version of the 911 call yet. What we have heard is bits and pieces of it, selectively edited by the MSM. IMO, you could sense fear in GZ's voice at the point in the call when he was telling them that TM was coming to check him out.


BBM~ But he did NOT call 911. He called the non-emergency number. Why not 911? Especially if he was so afraid he had to roll up his window? I don’t believe him. And I thought his speech sounded slurred not scared. jmo

Suzihawk, I couldn't help but chuckle over our kindredness! I, too, was once mugged. After I was thrown down several times the guy grabbed the large part of my purse. I wouldn't let go. The police measured where I was drug for 14 feet before the purse strap broke. Astoundingly enough I jumped up and ran after the guy swinging the strap.

I only ran a few steps when the Adrenalin started to subside. Once that happened rational thought returned and I realized I was chasing a person that had beaten me up. I went back to my apartment and called the police.

Adrenalin is undoubtedly the most powerful and strongest of all drugs (IMHO).

We even have the same name and I agree with your comments!

How totally scary!! And you ran after your attacker!! do you carry a loaded gun for protection?? If no weapon, you are one BRAVE SOUL!! So many people have guns & permits to carry, I never know anymore. I can’t imagine what I’d do, hopefully hang onto my purse but if he got it I’d probably run the other way as fast as I could, I’m a chicken!!!

I don't believe we have heard the whole, authentic version of the 911 call yet. What we have heard is bits and pieces of it, selectively edited by the MSM. IMO, you could sense fear in GZ's voice at the point in the call when he was telling them that TM was coming to check him out.


I heard the call when it was posted on the Sanford website.
This would be a good place to check if anyone is so inclined:


Important to note from this source: All Level III, IV, and V infractions, unless otherwise noted, require Schools Police Automated Reporting (SPAR).
Administrators must contact Miami-Dade Schools Police.

As suspected, if Trayvon had been found with a pipe, he would have been arrested....yet it was confirmed by FDLE that he had no record, juvenile or otherwise.
I don't believe we have heard the whole, authentic version of the 911 call yet. What we have heard is bits and pieces of it, selectively edited by the MSM. IMO, you could sense fear in GZ's voice at the point in the call when he was telling them that TM was coming to check him out.


Have you heard the first two minutes of the call?
Thought he was black, looks black, seems no difference - both mean he wasn't sure at that point.

So GZ's reason for calling the police was that TM fit the demographic of young black males who had committed burglaries and therefore was sure to be up to no good.

But he hadn't got a good look and wasn't actually sure that TM was young, or black. So how did he know TM fit the demographic of the recent burglars?

Does he make a habit of phone calls like this...?
"there's a guy that fits the description of recent burglars here"
"what were they like?"
"young black males"
"so you see a young black male?"
"well, he's male anyway, not sure about his race, I don't know his age. Maybe it's a tall female. But she fits the description. Come and get her now cause she's real suspicious"
It seems like some people might like their privacy about such sensitive matters and I am not sure people are yet obliged to tweet about it if they go to the hospital or get other medical attention.
Easily explained, because "a little younger" is an undefined term. he is 28, 11 years younger could BE "a little younger" to him.

Hmmm....you might be right. I'll admit, I never considered George could be rounding up to the nearest half a lifetime. :waitasec:

Since 17 is 60% of 28, I wonder if the same rationale woluld work across the board in more mundane areas?

-60 cents is almost one dollar?

-$600 is close to $1,000?

-In the case of our national debt, $9,400,000,000,000 is only a teensie bit less than $15,700,000,000,000?

60 year olds are nearly centenarians. Only 4 decades to go.
If he was taking steroids I think he should request a refund.

Interesting you said that but to me he looked somewhat beefed up on that video when he was taken into the SPD right after he killed Trayvon...Do we know if they weighed him that night and what his weight was at the time of the shooting? I've seen his weight listed as 185 lbs. Just wondering IF that is what he weighed when he was arrested, charged with 2nd degree murder and finally put in jail..Also, IIRC we have heard his supporters on tv saying he was unable to eat eventhough when arrested he purchased quite alot of junk food...
I would like to point out.. IF a person is lifting weights on a regular basis and stops abruptly they will lose weight immediately and begin to look alot thinner...Reasom being, muscle weighs more than fat...JMHO
From the way I read the probable cause document, she gave her interview over the phone and in a sworn statement. I agree, I doubt she will ever be allowed to take the stand.


I believe she will take the stand. By the time this goes to trial she will be older, she will be asked only specific questions and if MOM tries to discredit her if her testimony is solid the jury will not like it. It was just a conversation between two people and what she heard right before the call ended. I doubt if MOM would even ask her questions and he would want to move on quickly and get this out of the way and forgotten. jmo
60 year olds are nearly centenarians. Only 4 decades to go.

Yep. And there might be some annoyed middle schoolers when they find out that some would say that 11 year olds are basically no different than newborns. :lol:
The details revealed by the source provide new insight into what Zimmerman said happened in the earliest moments of his contact with Trayvon. And they may reveal the inconsistencies alluded to by prosecutors in the case.

One of those inconsistencies: Zimmerman told police Trayvon had his hand over Zimmerman's mouth during their fight on the night he shot Trayvon.
The Sentinel's source confirmed that Zimmerman's statements include that allegation. But authorities do not believe that happened, the source told the Sentinel, because on one 911 call, someone can be heard screaming for help. If it were Zimmerman, as he claims, his cries were not muffled, the source said.

Zimmerman also told police, the source told the Sentinel, that while the two were on the ground, Trayvon reached for Zimmerman's gun, and the two struggled over it.

Those portions of Zimmerman's account are not corroborated by other evidence, the source said.

Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, said he hasn't yet seen his client's statements to police, and it would be inappropriate for him to address specific evidence in the case.

At an April 20 bond hearing in Sanford, Dale Gilbreath, an investigator for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey, testified that Zimmerman told authorities he was frightened because Trayvon circled him while he sat in his SUV.

Gilbreath described that as one of the inconsistencies in Zimmerman's story — because getting out of the vehicle and looking for the teen is not the act of someone who is afraid.

Gilbreath did not testify that Zimmerman claimed the circling happened while he was on the phone with the dispatcher.

Gilbreath also testified briefly about Zimmerman telling police that Trayvon had his hand over Zimmerman's mouth during the fight.

I wish we had GZ's police statements, all of them...for there appears to be inconsistencies...

Here, according to that source, is the sequence that Zimmerman provided:

Zimmerman spotted Trayvon, called a nonemergency police number and began describing the teenager. While he was doing that, Trayvon came toward his vehicle and began to circle it.

Zimmerman, though, never described that to the dispatcher.

At one point, about halfway through the four-minute call, he told the dispatcher, "Now he's just staring at me. … Now he's coming towards me. He's got his hand in his waistband. … He's coming to check me out."

Trayvon then disappeared, Zimmerman later told authorities, according to the source, and while Zimmerman was still on the phone, he parked his vehicle, got out and began trying to find Trayvon on foot.

Zimmerman can be heard huffing and puffing on the call to police.

"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asks.

"Yeah," Zimmerman said.

"We don't need you to do that," the dispatcher says.

Zimmerman later told investigators he could not find Trayvon, so he turned and was walking back toward his SUV. A short time later, Trayvon approached him from the rear, and the two exchanged words, he told authorities.

Trayvon threw the first punch, he told police. It knocked Zimmerman to the ground, and the teenager then got on top of Zimmerman and began beating his head against a sidewalk, police have said in recounting Zimmerman's version of events.

At an April 20 bond hearing in Sanford, Dale Gilbreath, an investigator for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey, testified that Zimmerman told authorities he was frightened because Trayvon circled him while he sat in his SUV.

Gilbreath described that as one of the inconsistencies in Zimmerman's story — because getting out of the vehicle and looking for the teen is not the act of someone who is afraid.

Gilbreath did not testify that Zimmerman claimed the circling happened while he was on the phone with the dispatcher.

Gilbreath also testified briefly about Zimmerman telling police that Trayvon had his hand over Zimmerman's mouth during the fight.

Several audio experts who have analyzed the 911 tapes for the Sentinel and other news outlets have said they believe it is Trayvon's voice — not Zimmerman's — crying out for help. However, Gilbreath testified that similar identification attempts by law enforcement were fruitless.

How is it that MOM hasn't seen the statements GZ made to police?

I believe, if you tell the 'truth' the first time. you don't have to remember the details...when you lie or misrepresent, that's when you get inconsistant statements...

I certainly hope someone from the FBI has tested the voice from that scream, but I believe it's TM's scream for after the sound of the gun, the scream goes silent...
ETA: Beginning Post so you know what I'm referencing:

Originally Posted by zenreaper
Seeing as how NOTHING could be "enough", I am not sure what you expected him to say. He is NOT sorry he shot TM, because at the time, per GZ, he had no CHOICE. It was him or TM, and he chose him.

As for WHY he shot their son, do you REALLY think the reaction would have been better if he said, "I am sorry I shot you son while he was attacking me..."? And i KNOW that hasn't been proven, but that is HIS claim.


The first thing you've said that i agree with

Perfect example of things being taken out of context. Are you with the media lol.?:what:
Crime-scene evidence

That includes anything found at the scene where the two came into contact and the sidewalk where Zimmerman, a Sanford Neighborhood Watch volunteer, fatally shot the unarmed black teenager Feb. 26. He's charged with second-degree murder.

Other important pieces of evidence in this category include the bullet casing from the fatal shot and any markings from the grass or sidewalk that might hint at how violent the fight was and who had the upper hand.

Witness statements

The most important witness in the case may be Zimmerman. According to prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda, the defendant gave five statements to authorities. Police described one as a re-enactment.



Evidence will speak on TM's behalf...I believe the autopsy will hold the information that was needed to bring GZ up on charges...as well as the crime scene...

I can only imagine the amount of forensic evidence gathered, if the SPD did do their job right. This article doesn't mention whether GZ was tested for drugs/alcholol that night and if the police didn't test GZ, why didn't they?

I don't know how long the detectives were at the crime scene, what was gathered at the crime scene but when put together with GZ's five different versions, they didn't hold up to the self defense or where inconsistant with his statements...

Justice for Trayvon Martin
I was beginning to get that impression. I can't do the whole semantic dance. Just like my damnable computer, I am fried with all the bickering. Hope that is alright to say...

Right now, none of knows piddly @#$%

We can only go on our gut for now and the little that has come out. My gut tells me that GZ is guilty of more than just following Trayvon.

I hear you. I was gone for two weeks, and it seems like the bickering is just as bad or worse than it was. Thankfully, it seems like some of the few that inflamed a lot of the posters here have been banned. (Shameless tip of the hat to the mods! LOL)

I think it's the lack of news that is making a lot of us irritable....LOL

I also think that your are 100% right of GZ being guilty of more than just following Trayvon. Personally, I think he should have been charged with 1st degree murder.

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.....
I think people who don't want to accept an apology because it was too little too late are completely within their rights to say the apology should have come sooner.

A person could very easily be sorry that he had to shoot someone even if it was self defense.

I know I don't ever want to be in that position and I would be devastated.

BBM: BINGO! In my Opinion, GZ WAS devastated. But that doesn't mean it wasn't self defense.
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