17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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BBM: BINGO! In my Opinion, GZ WAS devastated. But that doesn't mean it wasn't self defense.

Wow. I did not get that from the picture of GZ at police headquarters. He looked perfectly calm as if he was there for a class in police procedures. Even had LE tuck in his shirt before entering the building....and wipes his feet, too. Usually people who are devastated can't move out of their own way. jmo
BBM: BINGO! In my Opinion, GZ WAS devastated. But that doesn't mean it wasn't self defense.


It's just that based on his website it seemed that what he was devastated about was the negative effect on his life. Reading the site you wouldn't have known that he was devastated about having had to take another human's life, he just complained about having to leave his previous life behind.
Nothing will EVER make it all better. But you CANNOT, as the Martins did, REJECT an offer to speak with GZ for an apology, then say he wouldn't GIVE an apology, then say the apology he DID give was self serving. You have to pick ONE side and stick with it.

Perhaps George should have considered that in his "apology". He only said 4 sentences, yet 50% of the four directly contradicted what he told the 911 dispatcher.

"I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son."

"I did not know how old he was."

"I thought he was a little bit younger than I am."

"And I did not know if he was armed or not."


911 dispatcher: How old would you say he is?

Zimmerman: He’s got something on his shirt. About like his late teens.

911 dispatcher: Late teens?

Zimmerman: Uh, huh.

911 dispatcher: OK, what’s your apartment number?

Zimmerman: It’s a home. It’s 1950 – oh, crap, I don’t want to give it out – I don’t know where this kid is

Did George Zimmerman think the parents of a 17 year old boy he shot and killed had never read or heard what he told the dispatcher?

His "apology" was nothing more than a disingenuous, self serving bundle of lies not told until the day of his own bond hearing.
Didn't TM's mother say she thought that GZ would have apologized, not that she was specifically asking him to do that to them now. I think she expected a sincere apology at the time it happened not after he had been arrested? Even judges look for signs of remorse when passing judgments against felons and there was nothing like that in GZ's comments to the Martins. We've seen this before.....such as: "I should have been a better friend." If the Martins did not feel it was genuine they were under no obligation to accept it. jmo
Originally Posted by zenreaper
Nothing will EVER make it all better. But you CANNOT, as the Martins did, REJECT an offer to speak with GZ for an apology, then say he wouldn't GIVE an apology, then say the apology he DID give was self serving. You have to pick ONE side and stick with it.

Why? Why do the Martins have to listen to his self serving apology that was tucked with lies? He didn't even have the nerve to look into their eyes? Which wasn't really an apology but more of a condolence for the 'loss' of their son...

What is meant by you have to pick one side and stick with it? I truly dont' understand that..

You are correct that nothing will make this better...The Martins will never see their son graduate, marry, have children...become that pilot he aspired to be all due to an over zealous NW volunteer who felt the need to take the life of an unarmed 'teen'...
I'll agree with you about adding Crump to the equation, to any equation, doesn't add any weight, but Smith was also there.

So there were two eyewitness who saw the guy in red being accosted, one eyewitness who noted on his police report, IIRC, GZ had on red, which confirms GZ had to have been the one being accosted.
So if they interviewed the teen and Jon that night, the self-defense would not have been hard to believe. IMO

Crump probably repeating what he heard.

You don't think someone who accosted another person can end up on the bottom in the ensuing scuffle?
Originally Posted by Just K
I was beginning to get that impression. I can't do the whole semantic dance. Just like my damnable computer, I am fried with all the bickering. Hope that is alright to say...

Right now, none of knows piddly @#$%

We can only go on our gut for now and the little that has come out. My gut tells me that GZ is guilty of more than just following Trayvon.

I hear you. I was gone for two weeks, and it seems like the bickering is just as bad or worse than it was. Thankfully, it seems like some of the few that inflamed a lot of the posters here have been banned. (Shameless tip of the hat to the mods! LOL)

I think it's the lack of news that is making a lot of us irritable....LOL

I also think that your are 100% right of GZ being guilty of more than just following Trayvon. Personally, I think he should have been charged with 1st degree murder.

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.....

I'll add my two cents...the constant, Link please? IS driving me nuts...the tit for tat is getting real old..

Then I see how some are trying to show TM, the only victim here in an unfavorable light for whatever reason..

This is a crime victims site..we are advocates for victims of crimes, we never put the victim down as if it's their fault..I had to leave this site yesterday for fear of getting myself timed out or banned..It's disgusting what's being said about TM and most is unfounded...If you have never been in this position, try putting yourself there..

I've been there, my brother was gunned down and killed, left to die in the street like some rabid animal...never getting justice for him is my lifes venture. I've tried and tired but being a cold case 29 years in the making, I want justice for my only brother and never did nor will I ever get justice..

So I give great honor to TM's parents for going after the truth, where ever it might lead...at least they are on the road for Justice for their son..
Wow. I did not get that from the picture of GZ at police headquarters. He looked perfectly calm as if he was there for a class in police procedures. Even had LE tuck in his shirt before entering the building....and wipes his feet, too. Usually people who are devastated can't move out of their own way. jmo


And for GZ getting his head repeatedly beaten into the concrete, being one step away from wearing diapers, he walked well on his own, didn't he?

All embellised so that the SYG defense would look alot stronger, make his case for self defense stronger but he didn't count on his words not matching to the evidence at the scene of the shooting..

It's just that based on his website it seemed that what he was devastated about was the negative effect on his life. Reading the site you wouldn't have known that he was devastated about having had to take another human's life, he just complained about having to leave his previous life behind.

YES... and on that same site he prominently posted a photo of SPRAY PAINTED GRAFFITI vandalism of a black organization's building! Therefore, he was condoning, praising and thanking those who vandalized the building for being his supporters! Yet, we have constant condemnation for a teen VICTIM, who is supposed to have been involved in a much smaller case of graffiti that is NOT confirmed other than through an illegal release of purported school records.

jmo, but that is beyond reason and a complete lack of logic....

It's just that based on his website it seemed that what he was devastated about was the negative effect on his life. Reading the site you wouldn't have known that he was devastated about having had to take another human's life, he just complained about having to leave his previous life behind.

Exactly, Donjeta...it was all about him and how his life had been altered to the point of having to leave the state...How he was now in greater fear for he and his family are getting death threats..

He probably really thought this would just 'blow over', as he told JOliver...he really didn't expect this to grow as angry as it did..

Did he really think TM's parents would just accept what the police told them? That they wouldn't take this as far as they did?

GZ is all about GZ...I see devastation only due to his arrest...

If the arrest didn't happen, would GZ be hailed the hero of Twin Lakes Retreat telling his community he stopped an alleged burglar? Would he get all the pats on the back, atta boy George...great job?

It appears to me, GZ has no true remorse for taking an unarmed teens life for no other reason than what his parnaoid mind tells him...and I believe it was a personal vendetta, for if not TM, it would have been someone elses child...you don't steal from GZ and expect to get away with it...
IF he is guilty, I agree, he should be punished. But what we currently KNOW as FACT does not point to that.

There are only two things KNOWN as FACT 1) Trayvon was murdered, and 2) GZ is responsible.
I'll add my two cents...the constant, Link please? IS driving me nuts...the tit for tat is getting real old..

Then I see how some are trying to show TM, the only victim here in an unfavorable light for whatever reason..

This is a crime victims site..we are advocates for victims of crimes, we never put the victim down as if it's their fault..I had to leave this site yesterday for fear of getting myself timed out or banned..It's disgusting what's being said about TM and most is unfounded...If you have never been in this position, try putting yourself there..

I've been there, my brother was gunned down and killed, left to die in the street like some rabid animal...never getting justice for him is my lifes venture. I've tried and tired but being a cold case 29 years in the making, I want justice for my only brother and never did nor will I ever get justice..

So I give great honor to TM's parents for going after the truth, where ever it might lead...at least they are on the road for Justice for their son..

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. :hug:
I agree wholeheartedly that TM's parents are going after the truth. Their courage is admirable, their resolve, unwavering. They have stood as a tall strong beacon of light. They don't hesitate for a second to face the public. They show their monumental courage, love,and commitment to their son each time they speak. The only thing they have asked for is justice for the victim, their murdered teenager.

On the other subject of all the board unpleasantness--the discussion doesn't need to be tit for tat. I so agree. Maybe when the documents come out it will help, but I doubt it. I think this case has become a rallying cry for protecting gun rights, keeping SYG. Trayvon as a murder victim seems to be a sideline issue in the huge gun discussion, and that's painful.

Luciano is at least the third person to be let go by NBC after it aired misleading clips of the Zimmerman tape.

According to TVNewser, one of Luciano's pieces made a completely new mistake, combining sections from two different portions of the tape to give the misleading impression that Zimmerman said the phrase, "This guy looks like he’s up to no good or on drugs or something. He’s got his hand in his waistband. And he’s a black male."
That doesn't bode well for the Defense. She is a Republican and she ran unopposed. Seems that the citizens of Florida might appreciate her point of view. (Prosecution) If the republicans back her then maybe they aren't all that happy with vigilantes and the SYG.

If she ran unopposed it possible not a single republican voted for her. (not saying that is the case, but you can see what I mean)
Come ON! Firstly.. what teen knows the exact location of their boyfriends father's home? (Sanford is a big place!)
Secondly, What teenager is gonna call 911? My son is too scared to tell me he got in trouble in school!
Thirdly.. NOTHING she could have done would have gotten LE there to STOP GZ from murdering TM
Fourthly. Fifthly and one millionth.. she is a 15-16 year old kid and I don't think we should really be questioning her actions.
What if she reads here and starts to think "OMG I could have saved my boyfriend from getting KILLED!!!" Which is absolute nonsense.
Wait.. one million and one What TEEN thinks the "scuffle" and "trouble" is death by a grown man with a gun???

I take it that's your opinion -- I just don't seem to share it. To each his own, I say. One thing I'll clear up is that I never intended my post to say that she could have prevented the outcome. Only that there would have been this evidence at the beginning vs 3 weeks down the road. All MOO.

ETA: I also think (IMO) that an exact location was not needed! If she knew he was in Sanford, I think that would have been enough. Again not saying she could have prevented the outcome as I stated above.
TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Rick Scott, once so wary of the state’s public records law that he refrained from creating a state email account, launched a new open records program Thursday designed to give the public access to his emails and those of his 11 top staff members.


Even the media, and the often-secret developing stories of reporters, became part of the new online record.

New York Times national correspondent Serge Kovaleski, for example, got into a lengthy heated exchange with Scott’s communications director, Brian Burgess, Wednesday over a story about the prosecutor who recused himself in the George Zimmerman case.

“Before you berate my staff, perhaps you should get your facts straight before seeking answers to questions predicated on false assumptions,’’ Burgess wrote. He suggested Kovaleski had wrongly said the prosecutor had been “pulled off the case.”

“Perhaps your staff should act more responsibly,’’ Kovaleski responded. They exchanged several more testy emails after that.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/03/2782076/gov-rick-scott-lets-public-open.html#storylink=cpy

Click here to view the e-mails:


domain is sunburst and password is sunburst

Once you are logged in, click at the top for Executive Office of Gov. Scott. Then you will get a folder for the staff members. Click on the directory for Brian Burgess and you will see the e-mail exchange with the NYT reporter.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. :hug:
I agree wholeheartedly that TM's parents are going after the truth. Their courage is admirable, their resolve, unwavering. They have stood as a tall strong beacon of light. They don't hesitate for a second to face the public. They show their monumental courage, love,and commitment to their son each time they speak. The only thing they have asked for is justice for the victim, their murdered teenager.

On the other subject of all the board unpleasantness--the discussion doesn't need to be tit for tat. I so agree. Maybe when the documents come out it will help, but I doubt it. I think this case has become a rallying cry for protecting gun rights, keeping SYG. Trayvon as a murder victim seems to be a sideline issue in the huge gun discussion, and that's painful.

Thank you...:hug: I've gotten to the point of visiting my brothers grave and not cry uncontrollably...finally after all these years..but the one thing I can't get for my brother is justice...it would help emmensly to know the person who murdered my only sibling would sit in prison but justice is not to be had for my brother...unfortunately...but I also believe that one might escape the laws of the land but the laws of the universe you do not escape...Karma kicks when all else fails..

And your wonderful post, the admirable words about the Martin family have tears running down my cheeks...

God Bless them in their quest for justice..

Give them the strength and fortitude needed to do this for their son. It's going to be a long, hard road...Please God, give them strength to endure all the nastiness that might be lying ahead via the trial...:please:
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