GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

All the necessary peeps are here for things to begin.

Harbison rule is once more conducted between Judge Gessner and JW. Those muted words from JW may be the last we ever hear from this man. How 'bout that, no1uknow!? That's a hoo-ray, seems to me. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish... (bbm)

Closing arguments begin.
Defense is first:
Diane Savage.
Watching intently today. I am not a fan of these defense lawyers.
Confused. Why does burglary need to include an intent to rape?
I know every defendant is entitled to a defense but I have come to the conclusion that there will be many defense attorneys sharing space in hell. How they can do it is beyond me.
Good Morning to Everybody. I hope the jury is intelligent and paid excellent attention to the final state's witness, the female psych doctor, (I'm having the hardest time remembering her name) and will come back with a guilty verdict in all respects..... in record breaking time.


Speaking of "record breaking time," I was struck yesterday during the charge conference when they were talking about when things might take place, having to do with the Penalty Phase of the trial. Conner asked Judge Gessner something like, "What if we get into the penalty phase on Friday..." :what: Did Conner really think the jury would come to a Guilty 1st that quickly??? Wow -- he of little faith. And he's been there & done that quite a few times....
I just spewed coffee at the name of the prostitute JW hired!


Same here, w'matilda..... :floorlaugh: ..... dirty minds think alike.

And Good Morning!
Gosh, now he's trying to drag Dr. Wolfe into the guilty side.
Nor am I. I'll be very happy when they are finished and done with anything that requires them to speak.

Driver is my most "un-favorite."

I want to slap him. :slap: Grrrrr. :slapfight:

Speaking of "record breaking time," I was struck yesterday during the charge conference when they were talking about when things might take place, having to do with the Penalty Phase of the trial. Conner asked Judge Gessner something like, "What if we get into the penalty phase on Friday..." :what: Did Conner really think the jury would come to a Guilty 1st that quickly??? Wow -- he of little faith. And he's been there & done that quite a few times....

I believe they know this is a first degree felony murder conviction because they concede he killed her during the commission of a rape. That's why I have been astounded by this trial. It's first degree by their concessions. Unless the jury does not believe the defense's concessions, there is no other possible outcome. It's first degree via either premeditation or felony murder.

So this should all just fast forward to the sentencing phase. That's the only question IMO.
Morning bros and sis.... :wave:

Watched Savage at home. She really, really upset me. Crimes lady, do not make sense. They defy common sense and logic.

I need more coffee.
Gosh, now he's trying to drag Dr. Wolfe into the guilty side.

He's shooting birdshot -- little lead pellets that spray in a wide pattern -- hitting whatever he can. They've got a fleet of buses -- and they're throwing everybody under them -- except the jury, and we'll see if they resort to that.

They have made a few good points -- but I just grin & say, "Saacks will take care of that. And that. And that." Whack-a-lawyer.
I'm getting sick of this 'over-reaching by the state'. The defense lawyers are over-reaching; ie, lying through their teeth. I hope Judge G. makes it clear to the jury that closing arguments do not have to be factual.
Savage really pissed me off when she said "he tried, but didn't work" referring to AA. Whoop-dee-doo lady. I see people try and fall, and I see them coming back over and over and over again. When people WANT recovery, they keep trying. It is not easy, but it is possible and it happens everyday. The clue word is willingness. JW wanted easy recovery, and at least in 12 step programs we don't offer that 'service'.
I'm getting sick of this 'over-reaching by the state'. The defense lawyers are over-reaching; ie, lying through their teeth. I hope Judge G. makes it clear to the jury that closing arguments do not have to be factual.


Savage saying "don't give the state more than they deserve".... REALLY? REALLY? What about KT? What did SHE deserve? Certainly not what she got.
This one is talking so fast I doubt the jury is able to follow.

And now he is trying to excuse his choice of "literature". Puh-leaze
I hate that I missed it. My internet connection got squirrely there for a couple of minutes. What was the name?

First name: Amanda

Last name: compound word...first word is opposite of the word out....2nd word is 'what is one of 8 appendages that extend from the human hands'? (thumbs not included)


Conner's up....

I'm waiting for the Bailiff to give him a ticket for speeding. What's he on???

Whew, I'm out of breath just listening to him. He's good, but dayam, he's flying.

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