CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #3

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They already elaborated. He hasn't contacted anyone, and hasn't used any of his on-line accounts or his cell phone. For a teenager who is active on line that is pretty much impossible to do voluntarily.

ahhh..tthanks jjenny !!
Wishing LE could ellaborate on why they were able to determine tht he didnt run away!!!

I read that due to his not using his phone and/or FB that they determined this was unlikely.
Wow what do guys make of an actual witness WHO KNOWS DYLAN saw him walking ON MONDAY with another boy along the roadway??
I am not sure why the exact ages are so important, but the three friends listed in this article were 13, 14 and 15. All I wanted to say is that his friends are teenagers and of the same age group as he is.

The reason I wondered their ages was because I wondered if one had a DL and access to a car.

In my experience, if you have a small group of middle school boys, you are going to have at least one older brother, cousin or friend who can drive.

Since none of the moms picked up Dylan, I wondered if one of the older friends
might have volunteered to do so.
Wow what do guys make of an actual witness WHO KNOWS DYLAN saw him walking ON MONDAY with another boy along the roadway??

Well, since they are people who claim to have seen Laci Peterson walking after she went missing, i don't put much value into it at all. Every time somebody goes missing, there are sightings all over the place. My impression is also that this witness isn't sure the boy was Dylan, just someone who looked like him.
If not exact times, Denise Hess (family friend) did give some clarification narrowing down times on NG tonight which perplexes me a bit.

She reiterated that Dylan's flight got into Durango around 6, 6:30. We had that general idea already, had collected that information via airport / flight records, and today LE asked for any video footage from 6pm Sunday evening on. So the 6pm /6:30 time is important.

Denise Hess also mentioned, when asked what their plans included for the week together, that Dylan and his dad went grocery shopping after Dad picked Dylan up from the airport. It doesn't matter where this took place between Durango and Vallecito, but I got every impression that it took place on the way home. My mapquest search has the trip from the airport to dad's home at about 1hr /40miles.

Sgt Bender 'confirmed' (if we can say that) the 8pm'ish time estimate was the last time Dylan's phone had activity.

I'm going to take these activities and plot them conservatively - Let's say Dylan landed at 6:15 and was in dad's car quickly within minutes. Let's say the drive home took 45 minutes. Food shopping let's say took 20 minutes. That puts us at 7:20pm. I think that's rushing things, personally, if we knew the flight landed a little later, if we knew how long the trip from airport to dad's house really took and if we could estimate how long food shopping might take.

Anyways, my point is the last phone activity was at 8. The closer to 8pm all of this puts us, the harder time I have reconciling what happened to Dylan's phone, if not Dylan. And since LE doesn't seem to have an explanation about his phone, or one they're not making public, it really has me wondering what might've happened to Dylan around 8 if he wasn't at dad's house by 8. all jmo.

Does that make any sense? My brain is scrambled eggs right now.

makes sense to me....but I'm scrambled too so....:blushing:

But going along with you....say DR got in around 6:30, hour or so drive plus grocery visit could very well have them arriving home around 8 pm. Texted Mom that he made it, fell asleep shortly after. Could explain the inactivity all night. Has it been reported if the phone is gone too?
makes sense to me....but I'm scrambled too so....:blushing:

But going along with you....say DR got in around 6:30, hour or so drive plus grocery visit could very well have them arriving home around 8 pm. Texted Mom that he made it, fell asleep shortly after. Could explain the inactivity all night. Has it been reported if the phone is gone too?

Reportedly, the phone and the charger are missing, along with the backpack. And I guess the dirty clothes he had on too, since Dad did not have any for the scent for the bloodhounds.
I need some help here with this conflict:

The last time Dylan visited Vallecito from Colorado Springs, where she moved this summer, was on Labor Day weekend, Redwine said.

Vs this: #2)

Previously she and Mark Redwine had shared custody. On Nov. 18, Dylan flew here for his first visit with his father since that court decision, Elaine said.

Did mom, husband Mike, son CR all go for Labor Day with Dylan to Bayfield/Vallecito/Durango? or what......?????? TIA.
Ok so now we've got info that someone who actually knew Dylan was the one who saw him WALKING WITH ANOTHER MALE JUVENILE..HOLY CRAP:what:

Well, not exactly. The mailman said that he saw someone who "looked like" Dylan, but that was days ago. Nothing seems to have come of it and today the police ruled out the possibility that Dylan ran away. I would say that they could not rule that out if they believed that the mailman really saw Dylan, and not just someone who resembled Dylan.

I'm going to MOO this because I am not going searching for the links. All of the articles posted since this afternoon contain the info that he is not a runaway.

makes sense to me....but I'm scrambled too so....:blushing:

But going along with you....say DR got in around 6:30, hour or so drive plus grocery visit could very well have them arriving home around 8 pm. Texted Mom that he made it, fell asleep shortly after. Could explain the inactivity all night. Has it been reported if the phone is gone too?

From what I understand, both the cell phone and the charger are gone.
Well, since they are people who claim to have seen Laci Peterson walking after she went missing, i don't put much value into it at all. Every time somebody goes missing, there are sightings all over the place. My impression is also that this witness isn't sure the boy was Dylan, just someone who looked like him.

But just because some people make faulty sightings, it does not mean that ALL sightings are faulty.

I don't know if this was really him, but it might have been. The postal worker actually knew Dylan, and so it might be an accurate sighting.
Reportedly, the phone and the charger are missing, along with the backpack. And I guess the dirty clothes he had on too, since Dad did not have any for the scent for the bloodhounds.

Yep. I do wonder if they found any of Dylan's things in the home.
But just because some people make faulty sightings, it does not mean that ALL sightings are faulty.

I don't know if this was really him, but it might have been. The postal worker actually knew Dylan, and so it might be an accurate sighting.

Reportedly she (or he) saw a boy that looked like Dylan. So, that is hardly a confirmed sighting.

"The postal worker, who knows Dylan, said one of the boys looked like him, adding that both teens were also wearing black backpacks. As of Monday morning, Bender said police had not heard from the two boys."
Ok so now we've got info that someone who actually knew Dylan was the one who saw him WALKING WITH ANOTHER MALE JUVENILE..HOLY CRAP:what:

A postal worker who knows Dylan reported possibly seeing him walking along County Road 501 in Vallecito Monday afternoon with another boy about the same age. Both had backpacks.

Investigators have not been able to determine who the two boys were that the postal worker saw.
Wishing LE could ellaborate on why they were able to determine tht he didnt run away!!!

I am thinking they know or suspect something they are not releasing.

To me it is most strange of the lack of activity on his cellphone after he arrived at his father's home. Also strange he hadn't been anxious to meet with his friends at the arrranged time. Kids don't get tired! Then again imo LE must be on to something, when they said, they were not concerned about him running away. They did say that right? I get confused!

As far as the father doing his shopping in the morning, is LE sure and can account for all the hours he had been away? I did hear something on NG about it. When my children come home to vsit, I have all the shopping done ahead of time. Well maybe he had other errand to do. Something isn't right here. imo
” His cell phone and charger and various other items were in his backpack, which he supposedly had with him. It’s not at his father’s house, she said.
She said she and Dylan had moved from near Bayfield to Colorado Springs on July 1 this year. He was in eighth grade there and was happy and had a lot of friends there, she said.
She said she was awarded sole custody of Dylan on Sept. 21. Previously she and Mark Redwine had shared custody. On Nov. 18, Dylan flew here for his first visit with his father since that court decision, Elaine said.
Some major points of info here..backpack, cell, and charger not at dads well as just as of sept 21 mom got sole custody!..PRIOR TO THAT MOM AND DAD SHARED CUSTODY!


ETA: I see ransom beat me to posting the above quote;)
Link about the postal worker that knew Dylan:
A postal worker who knows Dylan reported possibly seeing him walking along County Road 501 in Vallecito Monday afternoon with another boy about the same age. Both had backpacks.

Investigators have not been able to determine who the two boys were that the postal worker saw. Both boys were said to be wearing hoodies and dark backpacks. The sheriff’s office is asking anyone who may fit that description and who was in that area around 2 p.m. last Monday, to contact La Plata Sheriff’s Investigator Tonya Golbricht at 970-382-7019. Whoever it may have been is not in trouble. Investigators just want to determine if it was Dylan the postal worker saw or if it was two other boys.
Reportedly, the phone and the charger are missing, along with the backpack. And I guess the dirty clothes he had on too, since Dad did not have any for the scent for the bloodhounds.


I wonder if DR wanted to be there? I read that the visit was court ordered. I understand that divorces can be messy and parents can use kids as "pawns", but I wonder if Mom had good reason not to voluntarily allow DR to visit his Dad. How old is the brother? Do they have diff Dads? (i'm def not as caught up as i apologies)
Reportedly she (or he) saw a boy that looked like Dylan. So, that is hardly a positive sighting.

"The postal worker, who knows Dylan, said one of the boys looked like him, adding that both teens were also wearing black backpacks. As of Monday morning, Bender said police had not heard from the two boys."

I wonder why they have not heard from the 2 boys. Being such a small town, I have to think the two boys know about the missing boy their age, and would come forward, if they heard themselves being described. JMO
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