Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #8

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Thank you for explaining that. Wow, that IS bad. Awkward at any time, but in an emergency, deadly.

I don't know if that is actually the case but I've seen a few references to doors that wouldn't lock/weren't locked so this is what I picture in my mind.
I JMO Adam did grow up in a vacuum. when i saw the overhead view of the property he lived on, i said to my 20 year old son,(who i put into the mental health system at age of 4)Oh crap, Adam would of been better off in a trailer park.
Adam was maybe -you pick an emotional age-the sweet smile of the 2 younger pics-or the deer in the headlites of the 2 older pics. She had gobs of money.
My child, got to be put into a basic 2 parent, 2 child family, so he could learn social skills, respite , thank you tax payers, they had money.
a person i know was very much into herbal medicine and the school dealing with her adhd child, but now the child is a teenager, momma seems to of lost interest.
i am sorry- but my soul wishes i could of known Adam
I don't consider Nancy a scapegoat for what happened to her and the school faculty and students, but question why with all her money didn't she go a different route in raising Adam, like the Arts, in playing a musical instrument or painting, instead we read how she has weapons that weren't necessary for everyday living, except she had a fear of someone from New York City was coming for her material possessions, because the husband was no longer living with her as protection. Did this fear spill over to Adam and that's why he acted like he was at war, including his clothing, when he shot and killed Nancy and then drove to the school and did the same to 20 small, defenseless children.

I must have missed this... does anyone have a link?
Maybe we're looking at this bass-ackwards. Instead of thinking his connection to the school was where the first concerns were raised about his "condition" (whatever that was at the time), maybe he went back there because it was the first (and last) time he felt comfortable with himself, being around friends, teachers, - well, just living. And he "hated" those kids because he couldn't feel that way again.

I say this because of that account by his 2nd grade teacher - she saw absolutely no red flags, had no real concerns about him either socially or academically. He was a basic, normal, happy boy.

So when did this Aspbergers diagnosis come into play? Or any diagnosis really. We know in high school he was assigned a faculty member to watch over him because he couldn't feel any pain - and that went back to his days playing little league ball - didn't one of the players from back then speak out about having to be careful he didn't hurt himself? Wonder what age that started. Maybe it was later - 5th/6th grade that these "problems" started popping up. Didn't he leave in the middle of 5th grade?

What is the average age for someone who has this "can't feel pain" condition to surface?

Now I wonder how old he was before his problems started...........hhhmmmm..........

Maybe. Maybe he picked it because he knew killing elementary school kids would cause a big commotion (for lack of a better word on my part.) Bigger than Columbine. More newsworthy than Virginia Tech.

Maybe he googled "schools Newtown" and that was the first one that came up.

I don't know if we will ever know.
I must have missed this... does anyone have a link?

I asked earlier and got nothing.

More on the hoax:
"Cockfield said the purported picture of the shooter Adam Lanza that appeared online and in the newspaper was in fact a picture of a younger Ryan."

Thanks. I'm glad they got a spokesperson to clear things up.

note to self: if you ever get a job as a reporter, don't rely on 'facebook chat' for interviews. I mean seriously.
Maybe. Maybe he picked it because he knew killing elementary school kids would cause a big commotion (for lack of a better word on my part.) Bigger than Columbine. More newsworthy than Virginia Tech.

Maybe he googled "schools Newtown" and that was the first one that came up.

I don't know if we will ever know.

He used to be a student in that school so I am sure he didn't have to google it.
I JMO Adam did grow up in a vacuum. when i saw the overhead view of the property he lived on, i said to my 20 year old son,(who i put into the mental health system at age of 4)Oh crap, Adam would of been better off in a trailer park.
Adam was maybe -you pick an emotional age-the sweet smile of the 2 younger pics-or the deer in the headlites of the 2 older pics. She had gobs of money.
My child, got to be put into a basic 2 parent, 2 child family, so he could learn social skills, respite , thank you tax payers, they had money.
a person i know was very much into herbal medicine and the school dealing with her adhd child, but now the child is a teenager, momma seems to of lost interest.
i am sorry- but my soul wishes i could of known Adam

Hi, nao. When I said he didn't grow up in a vacuum I meant that he didn't live alone, unobserved. His family should have been assessing him and weighing their responsibility to their son as well as their responsibility to society. Finances have nothing to do with this burden.

Perhaps I misunderstood your post?
He used to be a student in that school so I am sure he didn't have to google it.

he went to a few different schools so it could be that is how he decided. My point is that it might have been random and that I don't know if we will ever know, unless, they get anything out of that hard drive.
well i am in the mental health system, because i am not "normal" anti social, don't feel pain,it is that i have to think about what you will understand when i say words, it is very tiring.
Adam was a child, it is an important time of life for social skills, it is was what she should of afforded -she had money. the system was good to me and my child, i would of given my child to the system if it was the best thing . Adams mother, the child needed social skills, he told jokes, he had people but she took him away.
Thanks. I'm glad they got a spokesperson to clear things up.

note to self: if you ever get a job as a reporter, don't rely on 'facebook chat' for interviews. I mean seriously.

If the gross incompetence stopped at the reporter, we would have never seen the fabricated interview published. This is a failure of reporting and editorial review on every level (including the photo editor who should be very familiar with photos of the shooter since the N.Y.Post runs then ad nauseam).

Unfortunately this is just one of countless examples of the systematic failure of the rules and ethics of journalism that continue to permeate the coverage of this tragedy.
he went to a few different schools so it could be that is how he decided. My point is that it might have been random and that I don't know if we will ever know, unless, they get anything out of that hard drive.

But elementary age children are much less likely to be able to put up any fight. AL killed himself as soon as police showed up. That tells me he didn't want to fight people that were capable of fighting back.
well i am in the mental health system, because i am not "normal" anti social, don't feel pain,it is that i have to think about what you will understand when i say words, it is very tiring.
Adam was a child, it is an important time of life for social skills, it is was what she should of afforded -she had money. the system was good to me and my child, i would of given my child to the system if it was the best thing . Adams mother, the child needed social skills, he told jokes, he had people but she took him away.

We know very little of what his life was like and what Nancy did for him. There are snippets out there, here and there, but there has been so much misinformation and bad reporting since this happened that, IMO, you have to take it all with a giant chunk of salt. A salt mine, even. We don't know the totality of what Nancy did and did not do. To blame her for this is extremely unfair.
It's called in retrospect!

That doesn't answer the question of what you mean by saying people were coming from New York. We are asking for clarification; a link to put this comment in context.
well i am in the mental health system, because i am not "normal" anti social, don't feel pain,it is that i have to think about what you will understand when i say words, it is very tiring.
Adam was a child, it is an important time of life for social skills, it is was what she should of afforded -she had money. the system was good to me and my child, i would of given my child to the system if it was the best thing . Adams mother, the child needed social skills, he told jokes, he had people but she took him away.
I understand and agree with what you are saying. The killer was isolated from his peers and limited social support system when he was removed from his high school classes, club, and friends. Isolation is a known cause of depression.

For the great majority of human history, people resided in small, intimate hunter-gatherer communities. And anthropologists who spend time with modern-day hunter-gatherer bands report that social isolation and loneliness are largely unknown among them: group members spend the bulk of their time - virtually all day, every day - in the company of friends and loved ones.*
Even Americans of a few generations ago used to benefit from a richness of community life that has all but disappeared, as we've witnessed a long, slow retreat into the hermetically sealed comfort of our fortress-like homes . . . deep friendships replaced by screens, gadgets, and exhausted couch-potato stupor.
The toll? Increased vulnerability to mental illness. Social isolation is a huge risk factor for the onset of major depression, which has more than doubled in prevalence over the past decade. *And there's*growing evidence that isolation increases vulnerability to various forms of addiction, as well.
UPDATE: Lanza family says impersonator behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page, falsely claiming to be Newtown shooter's brother

I'd like to compliment all the WS members who smelled something fishy about the New York Post/Newscorp article with comments from "Ryan Lanza."

Just another example of the gross misreporting on the tragedy that continues endlessly....

Take a gander at the hoax FB page url given in the retraction; it screams "fake."

Small wonder the NY Post doesn't have a good reputation.
I really doubt it. He killed his mother and students/teachers at his former school. All appear to be targets personal to him.

Adam decided to go to war and singled-out his casualties, is the way I am looking at it. Yeah...Mission accomplished!

Why couldn't Adam have started up his Business of fixing computers, since he was pretty proficient at it and his Mom could have driven around picking the computers up that customer's called in to have fixed, a tech business? Adam's self-esteem would have soared from all the appreciative business and word of mouth advertising!

---just talking out loud :waitasec:
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