VICTIM #6 - Crystal Benoit Zeno, 24 Found Deceased 11 September 2008


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Jul 13, 2012
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Info here taken from doteyes in the original victims thread (thanks doteyes)
Sixth victim.
Full Name: Crystal Benoit Zeno.*
Age: 24.
Residence: No address. Jennings,LA.
Last seen alive: 8/27/08
Date reported missing:*
Reported missing by:
Employment: SONIC BURGER in Lake Arthur.
Spouse:*Stanley Ray Benoit (2d husband). Ray Harrison, 1st husband, preceded Crystal in death.*
Spouse's employment:
Children:*Amaney Paige Benoit. (F)
Parents:*Bryan Lee Benoit. Sarah Ann Gaspard Benoit.
Parents address:
Parents Employment:*
Siblings:*Zachary Benoit and Melissa Benoit of Lake Arthur and Jennifer Benoit of Egan.
Maternal Grandmother: Joyce McLean, Jennings.
In Laws:*Mary Ann and Lional Mouton.*
Date body found: 9/11/08. Positive ID made 11/11/08.
Body found by:*
Body location: LaCour Rd. Jennings, LA.
Race: Caucasian.
Autopsy findings:*
Known activites:*
Other: Husband hung out with husband of Kristen Lopez, victim.
Anyone know how Crystal's first husband died?
I think that's him, Merc.

Died at age 48...that's young. Drugs maybe?

Could be. I was hoping to find his full name to see if there were any news articles, ie. perhaps murder, hoping not to find any. So far, I haven't found anything else.
I thought the only DNA was from Necole, Victim 8???

September 9, 2009 at 10:30 PM said:

Sorry, we will not be able to attend the rally. We are in charge of the seafood booth for our church bazzar. We have been doing this for 10 years and it is always on the first saturday in november . Please keep us in your prayers on that day, it is the day we got results on the DNA for Crystal. We will be praying for all of you.
According to Crystal & Elmer's marriage license, she was 19 when she married him- and he was 47. He was 28 years older than she was.

Now, to each his/her own but-
I see a theme in this case (older guy, much younger girl...and the guy is not exactly a Hugh Heffner, if you catch my drift) a lot, particularly with the white victims. They seem to have married, dated, lived with, & allegedly hooked up with much older men. For example, FR claims to have been intimate with all but the victim who was a minor. I believe he was in his Kate 40s/early 50s when the murders started. Necole was also in a relationship with a much older man before she died; from what I've read he is thought to have cared for her very much. Her sister posted on another forum that one of Necole's children's fathers was also an older man (not the same guy she was in a relationship with when she died).

Now, if I had just run across one victim who had been married/in a relationship with an older man, I wouldn't have thought much of it. But it seems to be a theme with several of them, from what I gather from the Murder in JDP blog.

Was/is there a shortage of available young men in Jennings?

Do they all the guys in their late teens/early 20s work offshore & are gone a lot (or work for LE)?

ETA: I am not suggesting that any of the older men who were in from all accounts, loving relationships with these women, harmed them. (Others who just allegedly hooked up with them or used them, that's another story...) I'm just trying to get a sense of what's going on with Jennings. The more I read, the stranger a place it becomes.
According to Crystal's mother, Crystal died of asphixiation. Her estimated time of death was Aug. 23 . (but she was last seen Aug. 29?!) Something's not right here. But anyway...

Read the posts by Mysterious, they are very enlightening.

This would make the cause of death the same for victims 6, 7 and 8. Oddly enough, the date the ME estimates for Crystal's death just so happens to be the birthday of Brittney Gary, the victim who followed Crystal Zeno. The date has to be incorrect, though, since Crystal's mother saw her at Sonic on Aug. 27. Not sure what to make of all this. It's a head-scratcher.

Somewhere around here I posted a pic of Crystal with one of the other victims. Was that victim Brittney?! I can't recall, and can't remember where the heck I posted that pic now. (I need a breather, I think.)

ETA: AHA! Here is the connection I found between Brittney and Crystal! Now I just have to find that picture, I guess.
Also of interest...we have it from Mysterious herself that 2 days after she saw Crystal on the 27th, Crystal placed a call from Phillips 66 to someone at the Sheriff's department (Mysterious won't say who). By the time someone from the sheriff's office showed up, Crystal was gone. This would be on the 29th...the last day Crystal was seen, according to LE. (As you all probably already know, the Phillips 66 is directly across from the Family Dollar where Brittney Gary was last seen on surveillance cam.)

(All this can be found at the link I provided in the previous post.)

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