Lies Exposed: discuss the cross exam of Arias

nurse - she never said she pushed the bench over to grab the gun. She simply says she jumped up on the shelf! She describes moving the bench to get up there when she was dusting.

How convenient that the one person who could challenge her lies is dead at Jodi's hand.

I remember Vinnie Politan saying what did she do use her spidery web?

None of her story fits the time line of those pics. None.
It makes no sense cuz if he really had her down she wouldn't be getting back up and have time to go reach for a gun unless he was running in slow motion after her!
Ok KCL, I watched the end and the pause she took when Juan asked her if she remembers driving back to Darryl's to return something was extraordinary. That is a yes/no question and doesn't need a lot of thought to answer. She could not give any other Salinas info either. Bombshell on the way we hope. I hope he starts with something different on Monday though. I like how he keeps things non-linear. It doesn't allow her time to anticipate his point and where they may be headed. He drills and drills and drills then stops and starts drilling in a new place. She is being attacked on all fronts simultaneously. Very hard to keep one's story straight.
Ok KCL, I watched the end and the pause she took when Juan asked her if she remembers driving back to Darryl's to return something was extraordinary. That is a yes/no question and doesn't need a lot of thought to answer. She could not give any other Salinas info either. Bombshell on the way we hope. I hope he starts with something different on Monday though. I like how he keeps things non-linear. It doesn't allow her time to anticipate his point and where they may be headed. He drills and drills and drills then stops and starts drilling in a new place. She is being attacked on all fronts simultaneously. Very hard to keep one's story straight.

BBM: I like Mr M's approach, it reminds me of a few authors I'm very fond of. they will touch on a subject only to drop it and start a new one. It eventually ends up all connected and right back where they started. Or, as some would say, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do. This is exactly what he's been doing all along and JA never knows when or where it is coming from. You can bet the magazines, the Salinas stop-over and the return trips are all inter connected to prove several lies that are all connected in some way. I love it! :great:
Wow. That transcript is priceless.

No doubt Mr Martinez has that with notes galore!
She tried to use the excuse that Travis used his land line when making some of those calls that supposedly piled up that she didn't answer on THE day.

Is she trying to say that they wouldn't show up on her cell??

She seemed pleased with herself for using that one. I was looking at those calls above & it goes back to what JM was trying to get out of her. Yet again she was making his life as difficult as she could. He helps her out then she gives him a hard time when it comes to keeping her end of the bargain ie: return his transportation!

The ridiculous land line excuse just once again shows she'll try anything to get out of the simple truth that nothing happened that day except for her not bringing back his car. He had every right get angry with the. Crap she was pulling on him.
She tried to use the excuse that Travis used his land line when making some of those calls that supposedly piled up that she didn't answer on THE day.

Is she trying to say that they wouldn't show up on her cell??

She seemed pleased with herself for using that one. I was looking at those calls above & it goes back to what JM was trying to get out of her. Yet again she was making his life as difficult as she could. He helps her out then she gives him a hard time when it comes to keeping her end of the bargain ie: return his transportation!

The ridiculous land line excuse just once again shows she'll try anything to get out of the simple truth that nothing happened that day except for her not bringing back his car. He had every right get angry with the. Crap she was pulling on him.

BBM: JA seems pleased anytime she gets in what she thinks is a zinger, or wins a word play game (she happens to be the only one thinking it's a play of words). The smirks after her little games and the snickering after her "zinger" toward JM will gravely effect what little sympathy she gained from her sobbing during direct.

I've known a few compulsive liars in my time, and they all carried many of the same traits. IE: licking of the lips in an attempt to stick their tongue out at the person they consider their opponent, snarky word play, long embellishments of the lies, truths are kept short and simple and usually only half truths at that. When confronted with a question they can't or don't want to answer, they will add great detail while totally skirting around the question asked. I've seen JA do this many times on the stand, and I'm sure the jury is putting 2 & 2 together and getting the picture by now.
I remember Vinnie Politan saying what did she do use her spidery web?

None of her story fits the time line of those pics. None.
It makes no sense cuz if he really had her down she wouldn't be getting back up and have time to go reach for a gun unless he was running in slow motion after her!

Not to mention the impossibility of screaming at her and wrestling her after being shot in the head.
Did any one see that TA mentioned anything about " getting revenge" or something to that effect when on direct she read out loud the text where he's angry & has had enough of her BS?
I've seen it transcribed somewhere on the boards. He tells her he's sick of her constant drama and dragging him into her chaos daily, told her to just leave him alone. The one where he calls her out as having scammed him and being the sociopath she is wishes he never got involved with her?

Got company for weekend so can't go hunting it down but I didn't see anything there that she read during direct where HE talks about revenge???

Did she just ad-lib that in there for effect. To make his ire seem more ominous to the jury?
Or did he really text that?

If not I hope JM caught that because that would be yet another lie that could catch her up.
How is HE going to get revenge from 1000 miles away? She's the one who had that on her mind IMO for some time before finally taking her planned road trip!

Yes, he did say something like that. She glossed right over it - didn't even address it.
BBM: JA seems pleased anytime she gets in what she thinks is a zinger, or wins a word play game (she happens to be the only one thinking it's a play of words). The smirks after her little games and the snickering after her "zinger" toward JM will gravely effect what little sympathy she gained from her sobbing during direct.

I've known a few compulsive liars in my time, and they all carried many of the same traits. IE: licking of the lips in an attempt to stick their tongue out at the person they consider their opponent, snarky word play, long embellishments of the lies, truths are kept short and simple and usually only half truths at that. When confronted with a question they can't or don't want to answer, they will add great detail while totally skirting around the question asked. I've seen JA do this many times on the stand, and I'm sure the jury is putting 2 & 2 together and getting the picture by now.


It's all crazy making and no matter what every one else sees they just don't get it!

We are supposed to loose all common sense as in a man with a gunshot to the head is going to keep coming at you! Really?? She had to have heard the ME testimony!! ( I missed the entire 1st half of trial-working on getting caught up tho). Reading here helps so much.

She didn't say the braids were hot. JM has to bring out her tape. She still has to fight him cuz you cannot believe your own ears people!

He brings out finger pics she maintains her finger is bent in the pics same as on stand?? Well they may all be bent in a slight curve but that's not gonna work for ya! But people don't believe your own eyes!! That big knuckle sticks right out in Her Own Mind!

There is just so much to put together here. Mountains of lies most important this false DV and the pedo to further taint TA entire rep and humanity. This should all backfire as JM is well on his way to showing that SHE is the twisted inhuman shell of a premeditated cold blooded murderer.

She continues to insist TA was attempting to court her back so that gives her the right to walk in HIS home every day with some lame excuse? Wait a minute. Who is courting who back? She's the one peeping cripes sake! TA isn't at her house doing that. But JA expects this jury to believe he's the one in control? He didn't ask her to come into his dark home with another woman there. We are to dismiss these stalking incidents tho and what she has written in her diary, all those texts and instead take HER lying words at face value? Apparently 12 people who surely have common sense will Not see the evidence for what it is mark. my. words.

Bad acting, lying and crazy making has worked for her for so long I suspect because peeps just gave up. You cannot argue with some one who is always right even when you can prove them wrong! You can see them do something or hear them say something they'll still say they didn't.

Whew. Sorry for the long rant!
N: Do you know where you got the knife from?

J: It was upstairs

N: Are you assuming that or do you remember that?

J: I'm assuming that. It hadn't been moved since he cut the rope. I don't think it had been touched by either of us since he used it to cut the rope

you cannot assume and know something at the same time

If she were blacked out at the time, she wouldn't about the knife. That was a slip from Jodi that Nurmi tried to save her on.
BBM: I like Mr M's approach, it reminds me of a few authors I'm very fond of. they will touch on a subject only to drop it and start a new one. It eventually ends up all connected and right back where they started. Or, as some would say, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do. This is exactly what he's been doing all along and JA never knows when or where it is coming from. You can bet the magazines, the Salinas stop-over and the return trips are all inter connected to prove several lies that are all connected in some way. I love it! :great:

Yeah, I think there is an overall strategy to this pattern. Just as when he started out with the "dumb sister" thing, then jumped around a bit then tied it to a point about a double standard.

He is also doing something I think that may be frustrating to a watcher, but is necessary for a babble like Jodi - that he doesn't ask open ended questions. He is phrasing them as much "yes-no" as possible. Like the magazine questions, he never says, "how did this end up on the magazine?" Which would only give her a chance to spin another tale.
I completely agree! I have watched the cross 3 times.. Catching different things each time. I was kinda worried about Jm's feisty style but actUally it showcases how Jodi always has to be right and that she is no wilting flower.. After all that abuse she suffered by ta u'd think she would shrink but she just puffs her chest out higher and higher. He is doing a brilliant job. I see the killer in her come out.

Yes, that she is being fairly calm and unflustered throughout the tough grilling doesn't fit with her claims of being abused, or of being rattled by "men screaming at her."
LOL Good job, nurse. What struck me when I was transcribing it was how many times she said "he almost killed me before" once she latched onto that.

The Defense Team must have been watching the Talking Heads and reading the internet, because people were saying that Jodi had not convinced anyone that Travis was scary or abusive enough to need killing. So I guess she decided to hit that point home.
Ok KCL, I watched the end and the pause she took when Juan asked her if she remembers driving back to Darryl's to return something was extraordinary. That is a yes/no question and doesn't need a lot of thought to answer. She could not give any other Salinas info either. Bombshell on the way we hope. I hope he starts with something different on Monday though. I like how he keeps things non-linear. It doesn't allow her time to anticipate his point and where they may be headed. He drills and drills and drills then stops and starts drilling in a new place. She is being attacked on all fronts simultaneously. Very hard to keep one's story straight.

Yes, THIS!!! so many posts and tv comments about how juan is scattered all over. Great description of why.

He will tie it all together, folks. First he needs to keep Jodi on her toes. Her tounge will eventually get in the way of her brain.

Also, some posters have said that "juan got it wronged when" no no no, he is just trying to trip her up.

"So which is it, Jody...?"
Yeah, I think there is an overall strategy to this pattern. Just as when he started out with the "dumb sister" thing, then jumped around a bit then tied it to a point about a double standard.

He is also doing something I think that may be frustrating to a watcher, but is necessary for a babble like Jodi - that he doesn't ask open ended questions. He is phrasing them as much "yes-no" as possible. Like the magazine questions, he never says, "how did this end up on the magazine?" Which would only give her a chance to spin another tale.

This is cross-examination 101: never ask an open ended question. OTOH, any lawyer, civil or criminal, tells their client not to argue with opposing counsel during cross. Further evidence that Jodi can't follow rules; they don't apply to her.
Ma'am, was TA aware that you were aware that he possessed a gun? * Did u 2 ever have a discussion about the gun? And, why not? *It would seem irresponsible for you *both to be keeping that same secret knowledge from each other.

Did you grab the gun so that he couldn't? *That is, were the two of you in a footrace to get the gun?

When he chased you was he carrying the knife that was conveniently at hand in the bathroom?

Is it possible that you were actually attempting to commit suicide and TA was ancillary damage?

You have stated that if someone were to point a gun at you, you would Stop. *Suppose that person was pointing your own gun at you, but you knew that you hadn't put bullets in your gun, would you still Stop?

You have referenced images that still pop-up in your memory from time to time. *Please share several of those with us.
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I wonder if JA has told herself the lies for so long she doesn't know which is real and which ones are manufactured. I see her manipulation to make her stories match the evidence but the sneaking messages to her "accomplice in lies" in yet just another cover up exposed (to the second power). I think JM is trying to show how her lies grow exponentially and @ each level they come back to her premeditation and cover up of the killing of TA. Then she goes into story mode - only changing when she is confronted with evidence to the contrary.
In a nutshell here is what arias claims:

1) she was crouched on the bathmat and taking pictures a few feet from the shower

2) she was showing him the pictures and "THEY" were deleting them (she would have to have the screen on delete)

when all of a sudden

3) she drops the camera (according to her while it is in delete mode) and catches it like a football but then drops it so it "rolls"

and then he

4) yells at her and calls her mean names while BODY SLAMMING HER into the tile (again she says so she is saying he did it multiple times??)

so she

5) runs into the open closet door... but oh wait... she was running down the hallway??

So she then

6) slams the door and starts running out the OTHER DOOR (near entrance to bedroom)


7) there is a gun on the shelf from when I dusted his shelves so she runs BACK to get get the gun (EVEN tho he has almost killed her before) and she JUMPS UP (no wait she pushes the bench over) to get the gun

when he

8) bursts into the door (the bathroom door that she slammed) so she points the gun at him

so he

9) starts chasing her and she turns around and they are in the bathroom.. umm but she also said that she was pointing the gun at him facing the closet door to the bathroom so she CANNOT be running away from him (not to mention the door is right by the shower so no way does all this happen in that period of time). She is going forward!

so then he

10) gets down real low and and as he is lunging at her the gun goes off and after that he says "kill you *****" (umm right the man was just shot thru the frontal lobe) and they are now over by the scales (ummm that is not where the casing was found on TOP of the blood)...and then

not only does he, after getting shot say this but he also

11) puts the wrestling moves on her and she ends up under him and rips at her clothes (despite the fact the Me says he would not be moving, talking or anything)...

and then badda bingo

12) she recalls being back in the bathroom and dropping "the" knife but cannot remember anything in between

and she

13) also says that she may have put it in the dishwasher because she has put THE KNIFE (like this very same one) in the dishwasher before.

What bunk!!!!

There is no way in hello it happened like this.

I am looking forward to Juan putting the bedroom diagram up when he crosses this bunch o bull chit!

eta: no way the final pictures were taken if the camera were in delete mode.. and I cannot wait for juan to ask her when she deleted the other pictures!!

This whole thing is a lie, but the way I remember her testifying - she first ran down the hall towards the bedroom ( she actually SAYS, I don't know why I didn't go out the door), and runs in to the open closet door from the bedroom.
When he follows her in there (from the bedroom entrance) she is already pointing the gun at him IN THE CLOSET, then, she runs to the bath, again pointing the gun, then the "foot ball tackle".
So she ended up going in a circle - bathroom to bathroom.
It's a bunch of BS.

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