jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ah...thank you!

There was also a break in the trial which lasted a couple of weeks... iirc 9 days or so of actual testimony? Involved parties had other business to attend to. It was already scheduled prior to trial beginning and the jurors were aware, but it's moving at a snail's pace. A really slow snail. :snail:
We did hear about it, but as usual the story was totally unbelievable. She supposedly remembers as that she was losing consciousness, her arms fell to the floor. That just doesn't ring true to me. When people lose consciousness, they don't remember details like that. Her account was like a cartoon.

I agree 100%! I lost consciousness once (from shock, not choking). I remember very distinctly the vertigo just before passing out--I was standing up and the floor suddenly shifted. I don't remember falling down. Next thing I recall is when I came to--a strange smell--someone held smelling salts under my nose. I didn't know I'd passed out and it was weird to be lying on the floor surrounded by strangers. Oh, and I was covered in cold sweat.

I think Arias's version of losing consciousness comes from what she's learned by watching movies.

Off the topic, but only just a little: I think she gets ideas from songs, too. In her journal entry, written right after 'learning' of Travis's death, she writes something to the tune of: I think I hear him laughing, I think I hear him sing. That's a line straight from REM's song 'Losing My Religion'.

Someone should tell Arias: you can't lose what you never had!
Yes I think so too .. Someone said that Hinkley is a name used by Mormons because it relates to someone in the church but all three together??? Weird.

I was the one who mentioned Gordon Hinckley. I hadn't thought of all names together, however. JA also mentioned Megan.

Too much re: baby names for someone (Travis) who had no intention of marrying her. It's all in her own warped imagination.

Some of the things i caught today
Ja said she had blood on her hands and then kind of quickly said and feet
In the 48 hr clip she said the girl names they liked hinkly and reagan,,could she be hinkly to ta reagan to impress mm?
I didnt know ja mom went down there to visit ,,ja had to have showed ta off to mom
Hinckley, Regan and Iris are names associated with shootings. Iris is from Taxi Driver.

Iris is also a song by the Goo Goo Dolls.

'And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you'd feel me somehow.'

I'm on my phone and can't cut and paste but its interesting in light of what I know about this murderer.


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I am so sorry, and I completely understand. It happened to me as well. You don't just wilt and "things go grey", then come to and have make-up sex, or whatever her tale was.
There is panic, and primal fight, you are shaken to the core for a while after, etc., etc., ETC.
When I came to he was gone, and I went to my neighbors and the police were called, pics taken, an arrest made later. You cannot hide these bruises with make-up unless I imagine it was undertakers make-up… I wore a scarf.
Thank you for sharing… really.

Exactly. I hope there are some abuse victims in that jury box. I think they will know that is BS.

I liked how JM got her to say that after he scared her downstairs with his angry outburst and his punching the door frame, that she then WENT UPSTAIRS because she heard him banging his head for a minute and a half. :liar:

So Many things WRONG with that ^^^ story --where to start?

First of all, abuse victims don't stick around when their abusers start punching the walls. And they certainly don't willingly follow them up the stairs. And if he really had been hitting his head agaisnt the door for a minute and a half, he would have been badly injured.

Besides all that, if he was really abusive, he would have banged her head against the wall, not his own. Although after hearing her testimony, I can believe he wanted to do both. :banghead:
She's sick as if she did that and is deliberately torturing the family which is most likely true. I believe it I believe she is that horrible .. Passive aggressive but only just!! I wish she'd show her true colours.

She seems to relish knowing that she's the only person on earth who knows what really happened. And she's never going to tell anybody the truth.

Geez, this woman is a piece of work.
Yes I think so too .. Someone said that Hinkley is a name used by Mormons because it relates to someone in the church but all three together??? Weird.

IDK about Iris, but Hinkley is definitely associated with LDS, and Ronald Reagan was a personal hero of Travis'. He mentioned Reagan and his love of capitalism many times in his MS posts and (maybe) blog, too.

I think we are trying to find too much symbolism in some things that don't really mean much. MOO
Ok I'm thinking she's playing a double game on the stand .. I think she's playing up to people who she thinks would enjoy what she has done - hence all the days of sex talk and her bragging about corrupting Travis .. And on the other side she's trying to avoid DP but there are obvious excuses she is not using which she could, but avoids. I think she wants to appear enigmatic rather than innocent .. It's all very bizarre .. JMO
Jodi sarcastically asks the Prosecutor if he can be more specific.
Juan shoots back, "No, can YOU be more specific.

I loved that part. Thanks Juan. :blowkiss:
It happened???

But how does it make any sense?

Nothing that comes out of that woman's mouth makes any sense.

here's a link to j.a. during direct, talking about that chase down that hall... she interjects this story while talking about the day of the murder... notice how she is reciting the same words she used today (tentatively, madman, palming the wall really hard errr i mean door frame)
Iris is also a song by the Goo Goo Dolls.

'And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you'd feel me somehow.'

I'm on my phone and can't cut and paste but its interesting in light of what I know about this murderer.


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Love that song! :)
Thanks button wasn't enough.

There are MANY MANY. DV victims who do not exhibit the exact behaviors as do other victims.

Calling women who survive their abuse in a different way from the "expected" norm a "liar" is victimizing them all over again. I mean, jeez.

Call Jodi a liar because she lies, but don't call thousands of other women liars because their experience was not the same as yours. I feel sad for the women reading here who now think they can never come forward because by the comments here, they must be *advertiser censored* or liars.

Jodi Arias may have lied but that does not mean that other women who have behaved in a similar manner (excepting the murder) are not true victims of abuse.


100% agree with you.
Probably flicking one of those boogers he keeps digging deep into his nose for during the trial.
--> sorry, couldn't resist that bit of juvenile humor. :what:

Seriously though ... I too saw Nurmi looking like he was making weird gestures in her direction - and trying to get JA's attention today as she droned on & on.
Definitely not right ... wish the Judge would catch Nurmi and his antics and call him out on it.

LoL, he sure spends a lot of his time on the sidelines "mining" doesn't he?

I get such a bad taste in my mouth from Nurmi. I've said right from day one that I find him dislikable to the extreme. I thought he was particularly distasteful today when he addressed the judge. He comes across as extremely disrespectful, and I know the jury shouldn't take that into consideration when they deliberate, but it makes him less believable. And that they CAN take into deliberations. Both he and his client are not doing themselves any favors with their antics, and I think it will hurt them in the long run.
I agree 100%! I lost consciousness once (from shock, not choking). I remember very distinctly the vertigo just before passing out--I was standing up and the floor suddenly shifted. I don't remember falling down. Next thing I recall is when I came to--a strange smell--someone held smelling salts under my nose. I didn't know I'd passed out and it was weird to be lying on the floor surrounded by strangers. Oh, and I was covered in cold sweat.

I think Arias's version of losing consciousness comes from what she's learned by watching movies.

Off the topic, but only just a little: I think she gets ideas from songs, too. In her journal entry, written right after 'learning' of Travis's death, she writes something to the tune of: I think I hear him laughing, I think I hear him sing. That's a line straight from REM's song 'Losing My Religion'.

Someone should tell Arias: you can't lose what you never had!

I think Travis Alexander did just that and he paid for it :(
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