jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Hi all!
We have a wicked line of TStorms about to go through with a Tornado watch for the next 4 hrs. Sure hope I don't loose power. If lightning strikes around 12:30 eastern time I'll know JM is at it again, slowly burning her lies!
If state filed request, they are trying to keep them out. They were forged remember? If defense filed then who knows?

I don't think this about the forged letters, i think this has to do with the email travis wrote her about invading his privacy and calling her out on her behaviors (stalking, lying, crazy etc.) The defense wouldn't want this in because it would show that Jodi was all of these things from the victims mouth. Someone said that the party "0001" is the defense trying to keep these emails out. The state would have no problem with it because it further bolsters their case. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Its only a motion. I don't know if would be granted. i think the forged letters wont come in unless someone opens the door. I'm pretty sure its not about the forged letters.
She is currently unemployed as are many Americans. She was talking about a job interview she'd just had the day I met her. She's been open about her dream to get back in to some kind of journalism as this is what her degree is in. She's worked in journalism before, has been a host on some kind of local TV show, has worked on political campaigns and her dream was to once become a prosecutor so she's been talking to Beth etc. about going back to law school.

Like many people being unemployed I imagine she has some kind of savings or support to help her through this period. She is by no means "lazy" or anything like that.

She is very interested in this trial, very concerned about the victim's family and Dr. Drew has taken an interest in her (I mean as a court watcher) so made her his regular Dr. Drew's Juror. He could switch among different viewers daily but as his producer told me "he really likes her perspective". She's still juggling her search for employment with this incredible opportunity to be involved, on TV, with her huge passion. She's been watching trials, like many of us have, on her own for a long time.

I personally think she has a natural poise on Dr. Drew. I was a nervous wreck sitting next to her but she's just naturally comfortable and it shows.

She turned 27 last week.

And she joined Websleuths this week and is going to post (I think) on the court observer thread.

I hope posts like this don't scare her away. She talked about, having read some snarky posts on here about her after joining, that she'd have to develop a thick skin. I assured her the moderators wouldn't allow people to jump her here.

How about we consider she is using this unfortunate period of her life being unemployed to be doing a service by getting up at 5am every day to get to the court to get in line with everyone else to navigate the fruits and nuts who also show up, in order to get in there and at least for one reason to "report" back what she's seeing in there. And she is definitely in the camp of the prosecution and being she's not a professional journalist, like the rest of us Joe Nobody court watchers, has the privilege to show her bias.

Everyone who meets katie in court, that I've interacted with directly, likes her. She's a sweet gal. Unlike me, she's nice to everyone in there.

I can see where she might push people's buttons because she's opinionated, outspoken and drop dead gorgeous.

Well said. I agree she is very pretty and she has style. (I notice what she wears, as I am a clothes-horse). She seems to be the "complete package." I for one welcome her. moo Oh, I also like her speaking voice.
Respectfully snipped.

LadyEdith, I strongly agree with those statements. This is absolutely Jodi's weakness and Achilles heel. And I think Juan Martinez has this figured out, too. It is the entire motive for the murder. I think he will HAVE to bring this out, to show that "self defense" is really a fantasy story.

Her composure may indeed crack if he goes there and focuses on how Travis rejected her-- and we will see the "angry, rejected Jodi" emerge. Remember Alex in Fatal Attraction? "I will NOT BE IGNORED, Dan."

It wasn't that if she couldn't have HIM, no other woman would-- just the opposite. If he wouldn't have HER, then he would have nothing-- no women, no life, no nothing. He dared to reject her. She made sure she was the end game.

Last one he had sex with.
Last one he spoke to.
Last person he ever saw.
Last person who ever saw him alive.
Last person who touched him while he was alive.
And she took from him all of his life goals, and even his after-life goals.

She did her da*&dest to make sure SHE was the last thought in his mind as he lay there dying from being murdered. She is not an eraser killer. She is an annihilator. Look at the mess she left behind-- only a cursory attempt to clean up. She was PROUD of what she had done, and wanted others to see it.

In Jodi's mind, she "won" by annihilating Travis, and winning (one-upping) is very important to a psychopath. The rest of all this, the trial and the aftermath, is simply collateral damage she has to endure. In her mind, she "won" with Travis-- and no one can ever take that away from her. Even if they ultimately take her freedom and her life.

Yes. This is exactly the sense that I get. Her causing his death gave her relief. Makes her feel 'good' (not the right descriptor, but I am not a sociopath and cannot relate). Jodi wins, and winner takes ALL
I'm dwelling on MM matters.

JM has brought up MM in the context of:

--JA's confrontation of Bianca
--JA's visit to MM on her murder road trip
-- JA's coded magazines intended for MM
-- JA's call to MM within 24 hours of the murder
--played JA's 48 Hours vow that MM was her closest friend and would never betray her
--solicited (purposely, IMO) from JA that MM could "verify" the bruises on her neck
--JA visted MM on her return from murder trip
--JA was heading to MM's house with "books she wanted to return to him" when she was caught and arrested while packing to flee.

I'm really interested in hearing opinions about MM- is he a weapon for the prosecution? Or is JM simply trying to destroy/discredit ahead of time any possible defense testimony by MM?

IMO, he may be significant to JM in part because he is the ONLY possible person brought up so far who the defense suggests may support JA's claims of physical abuse.
I'm a little confused, you don't care about the outcome, you can't stand the prosecutor, and you don't want to what's the attraction for you?

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Respectfully, I don't think I have to explain why I follow this case. But, since you asked, my interest is academic for the most part. I don't feel it's necessary to like the prosecutor or feel strongly about the outcome to be interested in the case. And I said I find it hard to watch (I meant live), not impossible. But mostly I just listen on a headset when it's live (rather than watch) or watch it after the fact on youtube. Plus, I don't find ALL of it hard to watch. Mostly just Jodi's testimony so far. I'm interested in the mechanics, the evidence, the strategy. I enjoyed watching the forensic testimony, etc., etc. And I am interested in the outcome, I just won't be happy or upset by how it comes out.
Because they were hand written.

I see many people making comments all over the place regarding whether this was due to an email, when. I suggest reading the 2-25-2013 argument/brief made by the state.

Sorry I am not going to put on hip waders and blindfolds, why in all this time has the state not provided Travis's journals, they do exist, if they showed such a positive light. When you Zerox something or make a copy, which is what Jodi has, it is not forged, UNLESS it has been altered and that can be called into question

Are they journals? Or rough drafts of the book he hoped to write?

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Hi all!
We have a wicked line of TStorms about to go through with a Tornado watch for the next 4 hrs. Sure hope I don't loose power. If lightning strikes around 12:30 eastern time I'll know JM is at it again, slowly burning her lies!

We are under the same watch but haven't gotten a drop here yet. I hear Tampa was slammed this morning.
It's so stressful to anticipate what a Jury will do. However this case has such a different feel to it. Much of the "vibe" is from her testifying. This is not something we often see.

As we know, testifying for yourself often does not go well and was a sign that this was such a losing proposition, we have nothing to lose and this is our Hail Mary pass, just get up and give it a go, after all, it can't get worse than a bloody crime scene and a nearly decapitated victim that we really can't find any dirt on. Which translates to a nice guy, no criminal history, beloved by his friends and even ex girlfriends who call him a total gentleman.

So how do we explain why you stabbed him 29 times (not just once) and then shot him in the face?

I know we will never know this part, but I would love to know if this story of self defense was created by her Defense team?

I think under normal circumstances a Defense team would never suggest to their client what to say right? Can someone speak to that? Could they have guided her to this elaborate story little by little in some verbal exchange or would they be bold enough to say "Listen, you need to say he tried to kill you"

OR do you think she made ALL this up on her own?
I was talking about this case to a friend of mine and I am VERY anti-Jodi so I know the story coming out of my mouth wasn't Jodi-friendly. So I laid out the case, told her all about all of the sexual encounters and how TA made it clear that JA was not the marrying kind. 1/2 way through my friend turned to me and said "Sounds like he got just what he deserved". I think my jaw must have been on the table for an extended period of time because she said "What?, he was an arse!". I replied "and he deserved to have his throat slit, a knife penetrate his body 27 times, and be shot in the head" because he used a girl who was very willing to be used?

She said "You're right, no, he didn't. But I don't think she should get the death penalty."

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people felt this way. I, do not.

My BF feels the same way ( we don't talk about the case much as I get very upset when he dosn't take my side, I tell him I'm going to turn JA on you ) anyway we don't speak of it as she dosn't deserve the DP she deserves to be tortured, brutially tortured. The DP is to simple. I'm harsh I know, this is MOO. There are to many people who think they have the right to another persons live and it's because there punishment isn't harsh enough IMO. We sent these sick people to prison where we give them FREE medical, FREE education, FREE meals, FREE utilities. I have a family member now in Prison for the 3rd time and he prefers it. He has a college degree from his 2nd time in prison. It's an eaiser life for some then getting a job, paying your bill, going grocery shopping, cooking dinner, cleaning up the kitchen and so on.

OK Ok sorry done venting.
Because they were hand written.

I see many people making comments all over the place regarding whether this was due to an email, when. I suggest reading the 2-25-2013 argument/brief made by the state.

Sorry I am not going to put on hip waders and blindfolds, why in all this time has the state not provided Travis's journals, they do exist, if they showed such a positive light. When you Zerox something or make a copy, which is what Jodi has, it is not forged, UNLESS it has been altered and that can be called into question

I am pretty sure that unless there are originals, even 'handwritten' can be electronically created.

But I really am curious about Travis's journals. I know I heard Ja had stolen them, and I also heard Skye had one in her possession, now really do wonder where they are.
Anyone else keeping an eye on the JAII site? WOW the theories they have floating around over there are just BIZARRO World. I'll read anything, by anyone, and make up my own mind... but after leaving there without drinking the koolaid.. i needed an adult beverage!
Hi everyone!
I am watching recaps from yesterday and I thought of something. They had that interview with Dave Hall. Travis' friend who he went shooting with.
Dave says a week before the murder he was at Travis' house and Travis had no gun.
Jodi says she found the gun cleaning.
I didn't think she was cleaning that week before was she??

You guys may have covered this before and I just missed it so if so, I'm sorry!!

This is a very good point, IIRC she had not been to Travis' since April.
I'm not sure it works that way. It's a process of thinking, writing or saying positive thoughts such as seeing yourself as a success. Positive affirmations. You need to maintain a positive attitude, which Travis did according to friends and family. However, enter Jodi into his life and he is trying to change her ways and she ends up changing his. He is trying to get back on track and she keeps dangling that carrot, won't give up to the point he can't even date someone without finding her there when he gets home. She was obsessed with him to the point where the only way she could win was to take his life. Now she feels she owns him and because he is such a good person he will forgive her once she dies and they are together again. She has no soul. She's not going where Travis is. jmo

You know someone was talking about JA thinking in her mind together forever it was about cup in shower blood vampire etc BUT since she was his 1st that in her mind she did own him his soul etc

Daily affirmations... I had a creepy version of Stuart Smalley replaced by JA.. I'm good enough, Smart enough & Gosh darnit people like me (afraid of me)!
I was addressing what we know about Sky from Chris' testimony in the court hearing. The letters could include other things but I know they were very upset when Nurmi told them they were 100% positive Travis wrote that letter. Also how angry they were when they found out it was not true. jmo
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