Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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Hi all. I have been lurking here for a long time. I lived on W.110th Street, where Amanda was taken from. I attended the rallies for her, I watched in sadness as her mother literally died of a broken heart. I used to drive around the neighborhood praying that God would please bring her home. When Gina went missing most of us had came to the conclusion this was some sort of Human Trafficking going on. As I speak, Detectives are in Castro's home tearing up the basement floor, looking for deceased infants. Their will be much more to follow. Keep your eyes on the newschannel 5 site, as they seem to be the most up to date. Yes, a man DID call Amanda's mom, using Amanda's cell phone.The Little girl who is 6 yrs old IS Amanda's. What kills me is everyone is giving too much credit to MR. Ramsey. When, in fact, it was Amanda Berry who kicked the door OUT to get out, then she ran into his arms. The Castro's were very close to Gina, even made up fliers for her, attended her rallies too. They are still looking for more involved.
BBM: I am curious, what makes you say that? I looked at the door remains on a picture, and it does not look kicked out to me. I could be seeing it wrong, but I see a piece of metal that looks like it was kicked in at the bottom, then pulled out from the top and is now laying on the ground. The bottom frame of the door also looks bent in the middle (see the gaps on the bottom corners). But that's just how I see it.
:tyou:Let's give a huge hug and thank you and acknowledgement to Angel Cordero. He was the first man to run to the house when Amanda was crying for help. Bless your heart Angel. :blowkiss:

[ame=""]Angel Cordero helped rescue Amanda Berry - YouTube[/ame]
There will be an investigation into law enforcement over this.
Big time.
I personally hope that every inept Commander is fired.
I am so glad that these women escaped.
But LE in this town needs a complete retraining IMO.
Their lack of follow up is mind boggeling. Seriously.

BBM - Unbelievable, yes, and that's honestly got me pretty worried. The stories seem to be getting more and more outlandish. "He was a nice normal guy" and then all of a sudden other people are remembering "Oh well except that time there were naked women on leashes..." Really??? I know it's not the same people changing their stories, but still, it's pretty fishy IMO. I know the stories may be true which makes me sick! Some of them just seem so exaggerated though, and I have a feeling the actual truth is awful enough on its own without embellishments. All MOO.

I completely agree with you that there will be a major investigation into LE. I don't envy the people who have to try to sort out the truth. They're going to have a really hard job all the way around. Investigating LE is always touchy it seems like, and on top of it even just from Charles' original interview it doesn't seem that these residents and LE have a real great relationship, IMO. I really hope that some positive changes can come from this. Inept staff dealt with. Additional training as needed. Lessons learned from this case. Maybe some community outreach? I don't know... but I hope this leads to improvements. All MOO.
Hi all. I have been lurking here for a long time. I lived on W.110th Street, where Amanda was taken from. I attended the rallies for her, I watched in sadness as her mother literally died of a broken heart. I used to drive around the neighborhood praying that God would please bring her home. When Gina went missing most of us had came to the conclusion this was some sort of Human Trafficking going on. As I speak, Detectives are in Castro's home tearing up the basement floor, looking for deceased infants. Their will be much more to follow. Keep your eyes on the newschannel 5 site, as they seem to be the most up to date. Yes, a man DID call Amanda's mom, using Amanda's cell phone.The Little girl who is 6 yrs old IS Amanda's. What kills me is everyone is giving too much credit to MR. Ramsey. When, in fact, it was Amanda Berry who kicked the door OUT to get out, then she ran into his arms. The Castro's were very close to Gina, even made up fliers for her, attended her rallies too. They are still looking for more involved.

Welcome and thank you! :seeya:
Stupid woman!

Psychic Who Said Amanda Berry Was Dead Silent After Berry Is Found Alive

Psychic Sylvia Browne, who has made a career of televised psychic readings, told Louwanna Miller on a 2004 episode of the show that her daughter was dead, causing Miller to break down in tears on the show's set.


From here:

Isn't there some kind of fine for those false claims that cause so much pain?

I don't know, but there should be fines at LEAST. Sadly no punishment - fine, jail time, whatever can help take away Amanda's mother's pain or bring her back so that they can be reunited. No I don't blame the "psychic" for her mother's death, but I'm very confident it didn't help anything at all!
I totally agree, I didn't post it for the mothers sake. I posted it because it does belong in this thread, news articles back in the posts the mother was saying she couldn't get any information etc. And so now it seems she is on her way. We may here she doesn't get to meet with Michelle.Seems the news stations are behind this.

"There was speculation that the family had signed a deal to talk exclusively to NBC and that the TV network had chartered them a flight to Ohio for the reunion" Source Mail online.

Jmoo butthat sounds a little uncaring to me. Ten years without my missing child ...the last thing I'd worry about is who gets my interview. :moo:
What disturbs me about these abductions and the recent Anthony Sowell story (he abducted, killed and buried multiple women on the eastside of Cleveland) is the lack of trust between police and the Cleveland community. If you listen to Charles Ramsey's interviews he shows a total distain for Cleveland Police. Is this a reflection of how the police views the public they are to serve?

seeing as how Cleveland PD is currently under federal a DOJ investigation for excessive use of force, the community's distrust of them does not surprise me at all - if the DOJ pays attention, you know the reality of what they did is probably 10 times worse.

According to this story, Charles Ramsey didn't kick the door in and wasn't there first.

“Ramsey arrived after she was outside with the girl,” Cordero said. “But the truth who arrived there, who crossed the street, who came and broke the door, it was me.”

This man doesn't speak English well, so he wasn't able to get his version out there to MSM right away. Charles did seem to be exaggerating in his latest interview with Anderson Cooper. I think he was asking for $$$$ in a round about way. I'm still a Charles fan though.
Jmoo butthat sounds a little uncaring to me. Ten years without my missing child ...the last thing I'd worry about is who gets my interview. :moo:

I'm a believer that as soon as her mother passed over, she knew instantly that Amanda was still on Earth. That's my opinion anyway, FWIW.
I don't know, but there should be fines at LEAST. Sadly no punishment - fine, jail time, whatever can help take away Amanda's mother's pain or bring her back so that they can be reunited. No I don't blame the "psychic" for her mother's death, but I'm very confident it didn't help anything at all!

Did this Silvia Brown take money for her "readings?" I guess it doesn't matter, these types of people give people false hope and take away their hopes if they say their loved one is dead when they are not. I hope she learns a lesson from this and hangs up her psychic shoes so to speak. If she can't be positive she is 100% right all the time, she should say nothing.
It's taken me two days to read the last thread and this one. Last night WS wouldn't even load for me so I gave up and went to bed. Today, life kept getting in the way or my reading, so I ended up reading every 5 pages to get the gist of what was going on.

If Michelle Knight was reported missing back in 2002, why wasn't she on NamUs? Why didn't she have a thread her on WS??? It's like the poor girl didn't exist. No one seemed to be looking for her. And then I read she's mentally abnormal, and no one was bothering???? I don't think the fact she was 20 when she was taken should have come into play. We have thread after thread here of missing women, well past the age of 21. Kelli Bordeaux, Terrilynn Monette, Kelse Schelling, Jessica Heeringa. All are missing and all have threads here and all have people looking for them. Why didn't Michelle??? This really bothers me.

And because I skipped pages (I hate doing this) but would someone catch me up to speed on the animosity towards Michelle's mother?? I read a few things that don't put her in a very good light. What did she do/not do that has caused this??

Did Michelle live with her when she disappeared? If she had mental abnormalities, was she on her own????

Seems this Castro guy picked on some women who were remedial (not insult intended) so they would have easily been swayed by his tricks to get them in his power. You know, I believe there is a special place in hell for people like him. (Can I say that or am I in violation of TOS??? Sorry if I am, please delete if it is, it's late and I'm tried.)
Did this Silvia Brown take money for her "readings?" I guess it doesn't matter, these types of people give people false hope and take away their hopes if they say their loved one is dead when they are not. I hope she learns a lesson from this and hangs up her psychic shoes so to speak. If she can't be positive she is 100% right all the time, she should say nothing.

She told Shawn Hornbeck's parents he was dead too, she didn't learn from that so I see no reason why she would learn from this.
Has this been posted?

"From the Lakewood Observer: "Today I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the real heroes of this event, Angel Cordero. When the media arrived yesterday they loved talking to "Charles" but Charles who took credit for everything, merely called 911 when Angel called him. It was Angel who kicked down the door, but his poor English did not make for a good interview.""
It's taken me two days to read the last thread and this one. Last night WS wouldn't even load for me so I gave up and went to bed. Today, life kept getting in the way or my reading, so I ended up reading every 5 pages to get the gist of what was going on.

If Michelle Knight was reported missing back in 2002, why wasn't she on NamUs? Why didn't she have a thread her on WS??? It's like the poor girl didn't exist. No one seemed to be looking for her. And then I read she's mentally abnormal, and no one was bothering???? I don't think the fact she was 20 when she was taken should have come into play. We have thread after thread here of missing women, well past the age of 21. Kelli Bordeaux, Terrilynn Monette, Kelse Schelling, Jessica Heeringa. All are missing and all have threads here and all have people looking for them. Why didn't Michelle??? This really bothers me.

And because I skipped pages (I hate doing this) but would someone catch me up to speed on the animosity towards Michelle's mother?? I read a few things that don't put her in a very good light. What did she do/not do that has caused this??

Did Michelle live with her when she disappeared? If she had mental abnormalities, was she on her own????

Seems this Castro guy picked on some women who were remedial (not insult intended) so they would have easily been swayed by his tricks to get them in his power. You know, I believe there is a special place in hell for people like him. (Can I say that or am I in violation of TOS??? Sorry if I am, please delete if it is, it's late and I'm tried.)

I'll try catch you up.
Michelle did not get much publicity perhaps because they thought she may have left on her own. She had a troubled family, her mom seems a little neglectful (left a child in a dumpster.) seems like she may have come from a possibly abusive home. Mothers boyfriend was abusive. It seems that her mother did not make the effort that the other families made, re making posters and searching and keeping it all in the news.

2 of the girls were in remedial classes at school, no-one knows to what extent. I know plenty of people who were in those classes but were gifted in other areas and by the end of school it all balanced out. Amanda was a gifted student.
"From the Lakewood Observer: "Today I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the real heroes of this event, Angel Cordero. When the media arrived yesterday they loved talking to "Charles" but Charles who took credit for everything, merely called 911 when Angel called him. It was Angel who kicked down the door, but his poor English did not make for a good interview.""
Interesting... the article says police found the other two women still chained up in the basement, at least according to Angel Cordero. Other sources say the other two women came out on their own when they saw law enforcement had arrived.
Interesting... the article says police found the other two women still chained up in the basement, at least according to Angel Cordero. Other sources say the other two women came out on their own when they saw law enforcement had arrived.

And I read they were in the attic. *head scratch*
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