George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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This guy has a drone! Awesome.

Yeah, this testimony isn't that interesting. I'm disappointed we didn't get to see the animation. The tech sounds interesting but just not how they are explaining it. IMO.

Yeah IMO this is incredibly boring and sounds like a bunch of theoretical hocus pocus. I hope the defense isn't planning on putting up a lot of witnesses that ramble on without real content, they don't need to do that (even though I can understand why the prosecution felt the need to do it). If they bore the jurors to death the main real points will be lost.

Never go to your house and family with a suspicious person or persons following you. IMO

But if you believe everything RJ has said (I don't), he was already at his house and didn't see GZ. IMO
i definitely agree with this. this should have been done imo
ITA. If that is somehow against the law then perhaps the law might be adjusted when one of the parties ends up dead. It seems only logical that the killer should be tested. For his or her own good, too. IMO, of course.
I wonder if they checked GZ's blood after the fact? IMO

No, and there are many people who want to know why. LE is tested when they discharge their weapon and someone dies.

Attorney Ben Crump told CNN's Piers Morgan that "what's really relevant is the fact there was no toxicology report done on George Zimmerman and we don't know what else was in his system with the prescribed medicines he was on to have him get out of his car in the rain, and profile, pursue, and confront Trayvon Martin and kill Trayvon Martin in cold blood, even though he was unarmed."

The precautions listed for the prescription medication, Temazapam, that GZ was prescribed at the time say: "do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness until you are sure you can perform such activities safely. Avoid alcoholic beverages."

When TM's toxicology comes in, this likely may also.
A gun, especially if visible- predicates the entire "fearful" atmosphere regardless of male or female. In an area where there have been burglaries- ALL residents and guests would be apprehensive about random young men or women following them for a full five minutes around corners and getting out of their vehicle to "see where you went" and follow down the dog path behind you toward your home. Your scenario is not really compatible. If anyone was confronted because of their appearance it was Trayvon.


Ahh, but the evidence (IMO) doesn't not prove that GZ was following anyone for 5 minutes. Normally in a case like this where you are trying to pinpoint where the defendant was, you bring up detectives/experts to illustrate where exactly GZ was and at what time. The state didn't do any of that.
Please no rude remarks about people's appearance .

Thank you
Yeah IMO this is incredibly boring and sounds like a bunch of theoretical hocus pocus. I hope the defense isn't planning on putting up a lot of witnesses that ramble on without real content, they don't need to do that (even though I can understand why the prosecution felt the need to do it). If they bore the jurors to death the main real points will be lost.


This is legal requirement to determine if he can even present this to the Jury. I don't think the presentaion will be very long if he is allowed to present it. HOPEFULLY!!!!

When did this happen? One day last week, the defense asked the Judge for more time as they had not been able to take his deposition. The Judge said they could do it over the weekend.

I'm dumb regarding legal issues. If he doesn't have to give a deposition does that mean he doesn't have to testify either.

The judge originally ruled that Crump could not be deposed or called to testify. The defense appealed that decision to the 5th District COA, and the appeals court ruled against the judge. Basically said Crump was not an attorney in this case and his testimony could be heard, but think it's restricted to the events surrounding his meeting with RJ and the Martin family, where her statement was recorded and 'leaked' to the press.

That appeal decision came through on 6/3, so that is why his depo has just taken place. The defense said it's been a little tied up in court since 6/3 and wanted a day's delay to depose him before they began their case, but the judge denied them time and insisted they begin and work in his depo over the holiday weekend.

This above is IIRC the details, but can be considered as MOO.
No, and there are many people who want to know why. LE is tested when they discharge their weapon and someone dies.

Attorney Ben Crump told CNN's Piers Morgan that "what's really relevant is the fact there was no toxicology report done on George Zimmerman and we don't know what else was in his system with the prescribed medicines he was on to have him get out of his car in the rain, and profile, pursue, and confront Trayvon Martin and kill Trayvon Martin in cold blood, even though he was unarmed."

The precautions listed for the prescription medication, Temazapam, that GZ was prescribed at the time say: "do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness until you are sure you can perform such activities safely. Avoid alcoholic beverages."

When TM's toxicology comes in, this likely may also.

BBM, That means they know what he was taking as prescribed by a doctor and he would most likely not have been drinking as per med instructions...


Whether or not they did a BAC is irrelevant now. WE can not go back.. We can only go with what we do have... OMO
Yeah IMO this is incredibly boring and sounds like a bunch of theoretical hocus pocus. I hope the defense isn't planning on putting up a lot of witnesses that ramble on without real content, they don't need to do that (even though I can understand why the prosecution felt the need to do it). If they bore the jurors to death the main real points will be lost.


i agree. i think they need to obviously present the best defense possible to GZ but should do that as quickly and precisely as possible. i think they should aim to be done by thursday at the latest imo.
Yeah IMO this is incredibly boring and sounds like a bunch of theoretical hocus pocus. I hope the defense isn't planning on putting up a lot of witnesses that ramble on without real content, they don't need to do that (even though I can understand why the prosecution felt the need to do it). If they bore the jurors to death the main real points will be lost.


The jury isn't there. This is a Daubert hearing to determine if this animation, or whatever it is, can come in.
But, IMO, the jury needs to know that LE did not treat GZ as a suspect from minute one. They seemed to have showed bias in GZ's favor. IMO.
This case is one that I truly am torn by. I see fault on both sides. GZ should not have been following TM. As a young black male, this would make TM very nervous. He would likely be feeling a bit of fear in that scenario. TM should not have asked GZ why he was following him, that made GZ nervous. IMO, TM probably did throw the first punch, but likely out of fear for his own safety. He probably felt he was being stalked for reasons that his imagination worked up. GZ should have responded that he was neighborhood watch to help calm the fear, but I think he too was afraid once TM spoke to him. GZ caused the entire situation to begin with by his own actions. He was overly suspicous of young black makes and went beyond his duty by following him. It is truly a tragic situation.

This is all just imo.
No, and there are many people who want to know why. LE is tested when they discharge their weapon and someone dies.

Attorney Ben Crump told CNN's Piers Morgan that "what's really relevant is the fact there was no toxicology report done on George Zimmerman and we don't know what else was in his system with the prescribed medicines he was on to have him get out of his car in the rain, and profile, pursue, and confront Trayvon Martin and kill Trayvon Martin in cold blood, even though he was unarmed."

The precautions listed for the prescription medication, Temazapam, that GZ was prescribed at the time say: "do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness until you are sure you can perform such activities safely. Avoid alcoholic beverages."

When TM's toxicology comes in, this likely may also.

Just want to say that Ben Crump's entire quote is opinion and not fact. HE can state it as fact but it is not fact and only his version of the events of that night.

Wondering how you know what he was prescribed that night? Where is the link to that information please?? Thanks!!

I have a feeling that there will be a lot of appeals on her decisions over time.
I wonder if that is why she finally allowed the Drug test on TM..


Yes. She said yesterday that to not allow it would be reversible error.
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