George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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I think the aggressor was following TM in his truck and got out on foot to continue the engagement. IMO

IMO, TM was the aggressor. He was almost home and double backed to confront GZ near the "T" this is JMO. If he was so scared he should have just gone into his home and locked the door and/or called 911 imo. I would not be suprised if Dee Dee encouraged him to start a fight with George and that is part of the reason she had so much guilt about going to the viewing, meeting with the family, etc...All IMO.
I don't believe it was TM yelling that night. I think he was the aggressor and beating down on GZ. He would not have been calling for help. He would have been wanting GZ to be quiet so that no one came out before he finished the beating..

I believe it is GZ yelling help as also testified to by JG.



Could this be the reason he allegedly placed his hand over GZ's mouth? To stop him from screaming?
I believe he's scheduled to testify. He was deposed this past weekend.

I heard that as well.. it doesn't make sense that he would be "immune" to testifying in court but subject to the deposition. Either Attorney/Client privilege applies or it doesn't.... imo

Could this be the reason he allegedly placed his hand over GZ's mouth? To stop him from screaming?

It fits for me with his account of that night. IT makes sense. I don't think he was trying to suffocate him. I think he was trying to shut him up because he wanted to give him a beating.. OMO
The defense wants the animation shown of the bullet projectory, the prosecution objects and the judge says the defense has the burden. Say whaaaatttt? WTH?

I heard that as well.. it doesn't make sense that he would be "immune" to testifying in court but subject to the deposition. Either Attorney/Client privilege applies or it doesn't.... imo

I think his testimony was limited to info surrounding DeeDee. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
JMO. Regarding any testimony as to whose voice is screaming on the 911 recording. I felt that GZ's uncle provided the most powerful testimony. That was the first time in this trial that a witness invoked a strong sense of emotion in me. Having not read through all the previous threads, I could be alone in that regard but it's how I felt.
Will the Prosecution question this person when the Defense finishes. If so, this could take most of the morning!!

Do they inform the jury as to why they have not been called into the courtroom?

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz could have slept another hour zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

IMO, JMO, all MO etc, etc, etc...

(Absolutely IMO) Any animation is no good if you have no start point or nearly end point.
IMO, TM was the aggressor. He was almost home and double backed to confront GZ near the "T" this is JMO. If he was so scared he should have just gone into his home and locked the door and/or called 911 imo. I would not be suprised if Dee Dee encouraged him to start a fight with George and that is part of the reason she had so much guilt about going to the viewing, meeting with the family, etc...All IMO.

Never go to your house and family with a suspicious person or persons following you. IMO
Was TM's blood tested for DXM (dextromethorphan), the 3rd ingredient in "lean" (the first 2 being arizona watermelon beverage and skittles)?

I don't believe any of that has been brought in.

I've seen a lot of people bring up the aspect that this would not had happened if TM was female. To that I turn it around, what if GZ was female but everything (that we know) happened the same exact way? Would it be as divided as it is now, or would there be more sympathizing with the female, even if she had the gun?

The idea that GZ is guilty for simply getting out of his car doesn't fly for me. Imagine a scenario where a woman, who is dressed a little revealing, walks in a dark alley. A young kid is in the alley and winds up dead. The woman says she shot him because he tried to assault/rape her. Is the woman 'guilty' because she created the situation of wearing what she was and walking in a dark alley?

A gun, especially if visible- predicates the entire "fearful" atmosphere regardless of male or female. In an area where there have been burglaries- ALL residents and guests would be apprehensive about random young men or women following them for a full five minutes around corners and getting out of their vehicle to "see where you went" and follow down the dog path behind you toward your home. Your scenario is not really compatible. If anyone was confronted because of their appearance it was Trayvon.

Never go to your house and family with a suspicious person or persons following you. IMO

But at that point, TM said he lost him. HE told RJ he lost him while he was standing at the house he was staying at. There is no getting around that he went back looking for GZ. HE WAS HOME. HE SAID HE WAS ALONE AND GZ WAS NOT THERE. HE ONLY HAD TO WALK IN AND NO ONE WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHO HE WAS OR WHERE HE WAS FROM..

He is the one who left the safety of his house and went looking for GZ as per RJ testimony..

A gun, especially if visible- predicates the entire "fearful" atmosphere regardless of male or female. In an area where there have been burglaries- ALL residents and guests would be apprehensive about random young men or women following them for a full five minutes around corners and getting out of their vehicle to "see where you went" and follow down the dog path behind you toward your home. Your scenario is not really compatible. If anyone was confronted because of their appearance it was Trayvon.


But that is not what the states witness RJ said. She said it was TM that spoke to GZ First... WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME.. Was spoken first and he was way away from the home he told her he was at before the phone call ended and she called him back.. Then HE says.. HE sees him again.. HE walked right up to him and said, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?

GZ did not confront TM. Not by his testimony and not by the states witness testimony..

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