Recent content by Gatinho

  1. G

    The Fund

    I should hope it has been independently audited as this is a legal requirement. All this means is that the accounts are a true and accurate account of the fund. It means nothing in terms of what the money has actually been used for. Many of the budget headings are open to interpretation - and...
  2. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

    T7 have obtained a big payout from the Daily Express!!!!
  3. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

    Here's a quote: "We are also using this period to get advice to maximise our effectiveness and efficiency in our overall strategy going forward." Eh? :confused:
  4. G

    Proving the McCann's innocence

    I can't see any similarity and "If true that Murat had bestiality *advertiser censored* and Roos runs a pet links them in an odd sort of way." :confused: :confused: :confused:
  5. G

    Kate McCann's Diary

    Do they have to give permission for publishing anything from the PJ files I wonder. In fact I rather believe they wanted this dross published and this is just a way of keeping in the headlines.
  6. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

    Its an open letter - totally justified IMO given the way the McCanns have used the media.
  7. G

    Kate McCann's Diary

    "Brush teeth. To the bedroom with the kids. M pulls away and puts her head on pillow. Kisses goodnight for M. Pulled the door to as far as possible without shutting it. Silence. Dry hair. Put make-up on. Glass of wine. Restaurant. " I'm sorry but who really keeps a diary like this? Its...
  8. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

    Well said Mrs. Amaral!
  9. G

    Forensic Science Service Results - HELP WANTED

    I think that is an excellent summary. However I would question this statement : "Each one of those 5 markers exactly matched Madeleine's DNA." I'm not sure whether you can have an 'exact' match form 5 markers - I think the point is that there were no markers that could not have come from...
  10. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

    I think we can accept that Gerry McCann has a wonderful way with the English language - as does Kate. I wonder if he uses the same level of tact and sensitivity with his heart patients, like: "Well, you probably have less than sixth months to live, its a bit like defaulting on your loan...
  11. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

    What he says is - "Its like going to the bank and finding yourself over your student overdraft" Which means that you have spent more than the bank has allowed - you are overdrawn. By how much he doesn´t say. Perhaps the fund directors could help here by indicatiing the appropriate price for...
  12. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 24

    Hi April, I didn´t know that she was made an arguido before the questions were put to her. I suppose what I think is that her becoming an arguido was correct procedure in that the police had a certain line of enquiry to follow based on questions raised by facts such as the dogs and so on...
  13. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 24

    So is anyone going to respond to this list of facts with something, anything which suggests an abduction of a living child?
  14. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 24

    PJ did not claim to find Madeleine´s DNA in Murat´s home. They thoroughly searched his home twice and found nothing. Murat was made arguido because some of T9 identified him as bundleman and also a journalist make accusations about him. You are believing what you read in the biased press.
  15. G

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 24

    The McCanns - · Refused to give access to their bank accounts · Refused to answer 48 questions put to them by the police · Refused to return to Portugal to do a reconstruction · Complained when being called back to the police station to identify if a child on a video was Madeleine · Deleted...

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