Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #7

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I've tried to imagine what this very short encounter between Mrs. Murphy, jogging along, and Mr. S . doing what? just standing there? . running in the opposite direction? ... Did she have something he wanted urgently? her phone? what was it that made him approach her. And then, kill her.

Not knowing anything about her, who she was, she knew nothing about him , who he was, they had no background of disturbance. Two complete strangers on a bush track, on a warm and sunny Sunday morning.

Bright sunlight, no cloud cover, she with her brunch to get smartened up for, him with what to do that day? chores? car maintenance? lunch with the girlfriend?

What set him off? was he ready for her? or him? whatever came down the track?? I want to know these things. Women's lives are becoming restricted, and contained, out of safety, it's horrid, and intolerable.
I’ve been hesitant to reply or post a lot, as I prefer to listen and observe and learn. I always immediately see the good in people. That’s my natural way. That’s how I live .
In this case I’ve come to believe he’s probably observed and clocked her.
Tie that in with the lady attacked same location same time year before.
I believe we know he may have had a bender the night before, but even still under that, he’s had a mental picture or compulsion that is part of his make up. There’s something deep.
Thank you! He was a good man. Hard with his words, but gentle with his love. Never raised a hand to my mother, my brothers or myself. I think he just wanted us all to be the best people we could be.

Admittedly, I've had my problems with drugs and alcohol in the past. But even when I was under the influence, his words always rang in my ears. Going too far is going too far. Some things are unforgivable, no matter what state we're in.
Blessings. Good true beautiful humans 100% if they’re family are so precious. Sending love
They still might not have the right location.

I find it hard to believe with the type of assets they had on the ground today that they did not find anything? We assume his vehicle choices do not include GPS tracking like the newer or more expensive cars. The police indicated the search today was based on several sources. If they don't plan to resume the search tomorrow until more forensics are available perhaps they are hoping for a 'reaction' from PS almost like 'hide and seek' or are we getting 'warmer'.

I have been focusing my own little search on the area off Whitehorse Road (only because it takes me 10km from home on foot to get to the Mt Clear area to begin with) where there is an access point Frenchmans Lane. It looks like the place Dead Sofas and Mattresses go to die. It is a Pine Plantation that is heavily overgrown in places but with wide gravel access roads, disused mine shafts, water holes and lots of little access tracks branching off all over the place. I never felt nervous by myself in Boak Rd or any of the surrounding tracks but this is creepy (just because there are no walkers here). The area can also be accessed via Bradleys Lane (4 houses in this lane), although there is a large sign indicating that only approved folks should be in the area due to pine harvesting. Both entry points indicate that the area is monitored (by humans I guess). Judging from the amount of household waste etc, not too many have been caught. There are also heaps of Utes going through so you would only be one of many. However you would be exposed to possible police detection when using Whitehorse Road if you were concerned about drug/alcohol testing. You can come out in the area of Magpie and make your way back via Buningyong to home. The three main searches by police (and not SES) have included Mt Clear (Boak Rd and Tip Hill - Whitehorse Rd upper). All are within the areas which can be 'pinged' by the Buningyong Tower. However we do not know if it was only SM's phone or PS's devices as well. We assume that it is his device in Boak Rd next to her device (when watch shows her distress) which contributed to him being arrested. Was it only 'her phone' which pings later in Buningyong (i.e. did he throw her phone out to distract attention). Someone said to me that you would want to delay the body being found as it can make it more challenging to convict and to tell how she died due to animal activity, weather and interference accidentally by the public. I watched a show many years ago in Australia by the public coroner's office which showed that only about 30% or something along that line results in the coroner establishing cause of death (unlike all the TV shows). Cold comfort.

At least the snake population would have been sleeping today for most of the search (as it was so cold today).

Note there was no directive today after early finish by the police (maybe they had school runs) that the public can't access any places of interest as we have been doing since SM went missing. I however don't see anyone now other than car users accessing these bushy areas. I have seen new fly tipping in the area she disappeared from and other searched areas since the police have moved on - they do not seem that concerned with the public making a mess of their potential crime scenes. I tend to stick to pathways which you can get a car in fairly close and which do not appear to have rough sleepers camping near by (like the nice mattress and sofa I saw yesterday). As a female like SM I can attest to having to restrain myself daily from not giving the finger or unwarranted advice to people not respecting the laws of our society. Everyone tells me one day I will come off second best. However I think that is why we are in the mess we are as to many people turn a blind eye.

I have photos of this area and video but I don't think I can upload as yet.
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