AMBER ALERT TN - Autistic teen Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, 15, missing in Hendersonville - Feb 27, 2024 #2

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At this point we also know that KP has been the only one to take a lie detector test. CP said he would via NG and now is, apparently changing his mind. (For the record I wouldn't either) Seth is going on record that he will take NG's lie detector test next week on Wednesday.
So are we to believe that since LE did not ask the bio dad and the step dad to undergo the testing that they were not considered suspects and only wanted to question KP? Was she cleared, did she 'pass' like CP claims? IDK

Seth said in the Justin TikTok interview that he brought up the SA to SR's doctor last year. 7 years after the alleged event. 7 years. SR is 15, full on puberty, maybe displaying behaviors the parents were having difficulties with.
Then bring in the issue of CP wanting his daughter in his home with a step child who may not have a grasp on personal boundaries as he mentioned. I think we are scratching the surface.
She took and passed her test if she s being truthful. SR or CP may not have been asked by LE if they were able to nail down a solid alibi.Was thinkng about the Lunsford case. It was a shock when she was found across the street and none of the family were involved. The thump KP said she heard. What if someone was hiding in their house when they got home? SR would have been to scared not to answer her. What if this ends up being a case like that one? Just trying to think outside the box since there arent many facts (really none) to go on.
I inferred, perhaps wrongly of course, that CP was holding Sebastian's SA over Seth's head because CP was using it to label Sebastian a pedophile and that's the reason he was giving for not wanting Sebastian to live in the same house with Faith.

Seth said that CP told Seth's mother that her grandson was a pedophile.

On another topic, just because KP says she passed her polygraph doesn't make it true. She certainly may have, but it's also possible that LE told her she passed when she didn't.
I am super uncomfortable with the SA details having been released to the public. I totally understand Seth's frustrations with his ex, with the stepfather, with the lack of leads in the investigation into his son's disappearance. But man I wish he had kept that little tidbit to himself. if Sebastian is found alive, that info is now out there and can't be recalled. :( I cannot imagine any child wanting the world to know about that event.

For that reason, I am not going to speculate about that past event or if Seth should or should not have done anything differently. Quite frankly, Sebastian having been victimized by another minor in CA when aged 7 is simply not relevant to the question we are faced with right now - WHERE IS SEBASTIAN?
Well said my friend. I don’t even wanna listen to the video now. I just want this boy found. One way or the other. Just find him! I’m so sad for Sebastian. :(
I don't know about that specific case, but I do know of a case where the prosecuting attorney refused to prosecute a 30-year-old woman who lured underage boys to her home for sex. He said a jury would likely not find her guilty because boys are boys...

Prosecutors have a lot of leeway in what they charge, and if they don't think they can win, they don't do it.

Of course. Prosecutors only take cases they believe they can win. But we are talking about the police investigating the incident and turning their findings over to the juvenile prosecutor. The SA detective may have found no evidence of sexual assault in their investigation but that’s different than the police just saying they won’t take a report and assign a detective. I guess we’ll never know the details but if he knew at the time, I would hope that Seth would have pushed harder for an investigation.
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There’s a marked change in the way Seth is addressing the subject of his exwife, Sebastian’s mother, and her current spouse. He has been very cautious from the beginning to be mild IMO and not accusatory. He’s been careful IMO, and this is a notable change IMO. In my opinion only, he is free with details that could potentially embarrass Sebastian only at this juncture because something changed, and I hate to think what that could be moo but perhaps he’s seen evidence or indicators that his son isn’t coming back, and that’s the motivation behind this? Moo
Agree with your point. But just like so many cases here at WS - the longer the victim remains missing, the more fractured relationships become over time. Especially when one or more of the parties is exhibiting behavior not in line with the circumstances.

Seth is frustrated, rightfully so. I honestly can't make sense of their conduct either, I'm suspicious as heck!!
Well, I'm glad to see Nancy Grace and staff are publicly calling out the inconsistencies in CP's stories.

I vaguely remembered CP saying in one of the youtube interviews that the belt incident happened when Sebastian was 15 (he only turned 15 in December) and then in NG they said it was at least three years ago. I think it was in the 3-hour interview and I didn't have time to search for it. So I'm grimly pleased that this discrepancy was brought up and confirmed what I remembered.

Also, In the first account on youtube, CPS showed up at the home to investigate, and the story was completely different in the NG interview.

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I am struck over and over by how young Sebastian looks in his Amber Alert photo compared to obviously more recent photos we've seen.
Agreed. It’s odd that they would put out such an old looking picture. <modsnip> I have not seen one video of him. That would be super helpful if he was still out there, to be able to see some of his mannerisms, hear his voice.
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His scent should have been all around the yard even if he didn't take the trash out. But they did a false hit by the pond. Doesn't make sense.

To be fair, it doesn't seem as if Sebastian spent much time outside his house.

I've spent more hours than I can count listening and reading about this case.

If you listen to the dispatcher video, it sounds as if a dog named Max tracked Sebastian to the pond. But it was super early. Like within a half an hour of Sebastian being reported missing.

So I find it hard to believe that the dog tracked Sebastian because I think it's unlikely that they would have had something of his to signal the dogs to alert to by that time.

I think the dog tracked a human scent, but that human wasn't Sebastian.
<modsnip - quoted post contained no link>Do we know from where the K-9 started tracking? From the front of the house or the back? I'm trying to test a theory and move away from KP. Could Sebastian have taken out the garbage and simply not returned?
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Do we know from where the K-9 started tracking? From the front of the house or the back? I'm trying to test a theory and move away from KP. Could Sebastian have taken out the garbage and simply not returned?
I think it's reasonable he did walk out the front door.

Precedence for taking out the trash.

Precedence for throwing away anything of his he hadn't put away.

Perhaps he got locked out, felt locked out, felt hopeless without his belongings, left with his belongings... running away, running to.... wanting his dad.

And didn't get far.

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