TX TX - Caleb Harris, 21, Texas A&M University student, Corpus Christi, 4 Mar 2024 #2

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Just some thoughts :

- It seems to me, Caleb didn't leave the house to get the food with the hour waiting + its nearly 20 minutes from the snapchat photo to uber eats delivery.
--------------- Wild he's gone outside barefoot if that is still the case

- Surely the police can access/have accessed the tower for other phone pings if he did meet up with somebody.

- Also, is the doorbell cam Caleb coming home or leaving? I just wondered you'd think there would be a point on the timeline for when he leaves... ?

I have always wondered if it was a hit and run but moving away from that theory now with lack of debris, or CCTV even with the fogginess.

I hope he is found soon for his family's sake.
The doorbell cam sighting from 12:56am was not from Caleb’s cottage apt but another nearby one.

I think Caleb and his roommate and friend were letting the dog (Jenny) walk around and it wandered into that neighbor’s camera view.

It doesn’t seem Caleb’s apt has its own doorbell cam.

I'm leaning towards a hook-up gone wrong.

I don't know whom he was meeting, but as no evidence has been found, nor his phone ,nor his body, I'm presuming he was taken away in a vehicle.

He could've got into the vehicle willingly at first, then things could have gone wrong....

What is it like for trafficking in southern Texas? Does much of it occur? Do people get lured (or taken) to Houston or. San Antonio?

Also to note: the border with Mexico is only approx 165 miles away from Corpus Christi......

These things have to be considered to be a possibility......
I'm leaning towards a hook-up gone wrong.

I don't know whom he was meeting, but as no evidence has been found, nor his phone ,nor his body, I'm presuming he was taken away in a vehicle.

He could've got into the vehicle willingly at first, then things could have gone wrong....

What is it like for trafficking in southern Texas? Does much of it occur? Do people get lured (or taken) to Houston or. San Antonio?

Also to note: the border with Mexico is only approx 165 miles away from Corpus Christi......

These things have to be considered to be a possibility......
I think he did get into a vehicle willingly, but he had no idea of the true intentions of the person he was meeting.

As for the trafficking thing, I’ve never found precedent for a low risk victim being abducted and trafficked, and Caleb doesn’t come close to fitting the profile of someone who would be lured into that (which is how trafficking happens). That’s ignoring the fact that all of Texas is looking for him.
I think he did get into a vehicle willingly, but he had no idea of the true intentions of the person he was meeting.
SBM for focus:
Right, not so much a hookup gone wrong, which would imply that maybe drugs or some kind of sexual bondage had inadvertently killed CH and caused a panicked coverup..

But rather, a premeditated sex killing which was the point and motivation of the other party’s participation.
Is this what you intuit as well?
SBM for focus:
Right, not so much a hookup gone wrong, which would imply that maybe drugs or some kind of sexual bondage had inadvertently killed CH and caused a panicked coverup..

But rather, a premeditated sex killing which was the point and motivation of the other party’s participation.
Is this what you intuit as well?
Yeah. I think this person was able to cover his tracks, which is why we haven’t seen any visible progress at this point.
SBM for focus:
Right, not so much a hookup gone wrong, which would imply that maybe drugs or some kind of sexual bondage had inadvertently killed CH and caused a panicked coverup..

But rather, a premeditated sex killing which was the point and motivation of the other party’s participation.
Is this what you intuit as well?
This is exactly what I believe happened. Honestly, I'm resisting the idea of it playing out through a hookup, though, because I don't want to think that Caleb had any role, however naive, in his own demise.
I think the trail is there, and they just need to find it. Who knows, maybe they already have.
This is where I can't go, though. If LE believes he was the victim of a sexual predator, I cannot imagine them not issuing some kind of cautionary statement to the public, no matter how vaguely worded it might have to be. Lots of college students in the area, lots of potential victims. I really struggle with the notion that LE would remain silent in the face of the possibility it could happen again.
This is where I can't go, though. If LE believes he was the victim of a sexual predator, I cannot imagine them not issuing some kind of cautionary statement to the public, no matter how vaguely worded it might have to be. Lots of college students in the area, lots of potential victims. I really struggle with the notion that LE would remain silent in the face of the possibility it could happen again.
I mean, what are they going to say, “Don’t meet up with strangers you’ve met online?”

Who knows if they’re even at that point. This strikes me as the type of investigation that tends to be quiet for a long time, and then when something does happen, it’ll be like a bomb going off.
I mean, what are they going to say, “Don’t meet up with strangers you’ve met online?”

Who knows if they’re even at that point. This strikes me as the type of investigation that tends to be quiet for a long time, and then when something does happen, it’ll be like a bomb going off.
They could say something like, "We suspect that Caleb Harris may have met with foul play at the hands of an individual who made contact with him through an online platform on the night he disappeared. Be cautious when connecting."

I mean, I don't know either. Maybe I'm just banging my head against the silence.
They could say something like, "We suspect that Caleb Harris may have met with foul play at the hands of an individual who made contact with him through an online platform on the night he disappeared. Be cautious when connecting."

I mean, I don't know either. Maybe I'm just banging my head against the silence.
They might be afraid to tip the suspect off? Just trying to think….
It’s known that contact with strangers met online, whether for hookups or to buy or sell things, can be deadly. I think these types of cases make people think twice, without law enforcement publicly speaking about it….
His parents are desperate to get CH home. They clearly are very loving, and heartbroken. However the parents appear to have a lot of explanations which rule out many possibilities. 'He was not a flip flop guy' 'His phone died all the time' , 'everything was essentially perfect', he got good grades, he signed a lease, he had a summer job lined up'. 'he was looking forward to going fishing, his uber eats order was normal.
I sense that 'something was not perfect' and they want to 'explain away everything'.. I sense that there is something they they suspect about their son, which they may not want to believe. It could be something as simple as he was stressed/depressed or any other number of reason.
Yes!!! I agree with all of these observations. Putting myself in their shoes, would I want the world to know my child had issues that could potentially lead someone to believe that’s the reason he is missing???? (Opinion)

(Side bar I pray I am never missing cause I got so much junk in my closet everyone and their momma would be telling all sorts of stories about me and my college days).

The parents have a right to shield their child’s “junk” from the public. HOWEVER if the “junk” is relevant to the case, you might need to share a tad bit more to unlock this case. (Opinion)

Remember, that helicopter was searching Oso Bay Wetlanda Trail for hours at a time when this first happened. That’s not by chance………somebody knows something. Search for missing Texas A&M student deepens in Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve

If it were me, I would go to those trails at night when folks are “cruising” and I’d flat out ask if my son had been there and if they had seen him lately. Just my opinion.
SBM for focus:
Right, not so much a hookup gone wrong, which would imply that maybe drugs or some kind of sexual bondage had inadvertently killed CH and caused a panicked coverup..

But rather, a premeditated sex killing which was the point and motivation of the other party’s participation.
Is this what you intuit as well?
I'm leaning that way, definitely.
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