SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #11

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It is in the quote you made, so it had to be there when you read and quoted it. If a person changes their post, and someone else quoted it before they changed it, that quote stays as it originally was unless a mod changes it, and that quote has no modsnip.

Actually, I've been quoted on things before changing them slightly and while what the person quoted shows my post before editing, my original post which I edited doesn't indicate it was edited. I've noticed this only happens if it gets quoted and I edit it very shortly after I originally posted it. Just an FYI is all.
Sure hope that SC/SLED is also participating in this excellent DNA grant program;

Federal Grant Will Create Database of DNA
Mon, 01/27/2014 - 12:09pm
Rhonda Cook, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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Georgia prosecutors, the GBI and an unusual ally, the Georgia Innocence Project, hope a $424,000 federal grant will help solve some old cases as well as exonerate some people who were wrongly convicted.

The money will be used to catalog thousands of untested DNA samples that have been in storage for years.

The grant from the National Institute of Justice was awarded last fall. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation will use it to hire four temporary workers next month to begin the first phase of the project: putting bar codes on thousands of DNA samples taken in sexual assault cases from decades ago. They will create a database of those samples, which have been stored in clear plastic bins on shelves in a cold, tightly secured vault at GBI headquarters.

Once that is completed, the Georgia Innocence Project and district attorneys will be able to easily find evidence among thousands of old DNA swabs. This could identify suspects in cold cases, or help answer questions about whether someone in prison should be freed.
<sniped - read more>
I am confused. LE has never said it IS foul play. Is there another article or other factual document supporting that LE knows this and knows the who, what, and when? How do you know that the KNOW? Or is this your opinion?


everything I write is my opinion only.........I'm so far away, I could never have any facts unless it is MSM..............
You can discuss a post made by a VI, you can agree or disagree. You can not discuss a VI in a personal way. If you have questions you can pm me or any Mod.

A VI can answer questions or not for that matter. We certianly don't want them saying anything that would hurt the investigation.

VI's can also give their opinion about the case as well.
I've been looking at the Daily Crime reports for the morning of December 18th. I've noted anything that stood out to me. You can take a look and see if anything looks interesting to you.

&#8226; On December 18th at 5:58 a.m. a vehicle was reported stolen from Mt. Leon Baptist Church.

&#8226; At 6:59 there was an assault at 26xx Hwy 905, just down the road from the Baptist church.

&#8226; At 3:47 a.m. there was a suspicious person/vehicle at 4000 block of Atalaya Pl.
I note this because the area looks interesting. It dead ends, then across the railway tracks is the dead end of Ronald McNair Blvd. Is that a gravel pit there? I believe there was a search on Ronald McNair on January 11th.

&#8226; At 8:13 a.m. there was an assault/rape reported at 60xx Horseshoe Circle.

&#8226; At 9:44 a.m. there was a burglary at 45xx Pee Dee Hwy.
I note this because all that's there is a couple of homes and a cemetery at that corner.
I also note it because on map view there is a marker in the middle of the field across the road that says "disney".

&#8226; At 11:46 there were shots fired near Shady Grove Rd. and Woodland Drive.

Here's the link.

Good work, Paris :) Thanks for posting! I bolded a section I find immediately interesting (3:47). Very interesting. (Does that fit with the last 6:00 am phone activity...thinking out could if premeditation was involved...pulling up a map...)

<Eta: Actually, quite a few interesting things: the vehicle theft at the church is interesting too ---Where is this church I wonder (edit: it is 26.5 miles away / 9801 S Hwy 905. Longs SC.)

<Eta: I just mapped 4000 block of Atalaya Pl. (sorry can't link, technical problems)...looks like a body of water right by is 8.8 miles from Heather's condo. VERY SUSPICIOUS IMO. SOMEONE NEEDS TO GO OUT THERE IF THEY HAVE NOT ALREADY JMO!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if we can find any more details about this downstairs>
You can discuss a post made by a VI, you can agree or disagree. You can not discuss a VI in a personal way. If you have questions you can pm me or any Mod.

A VI can answer questions or not for that matter. We certianly don't want them saying anything that would hurt the investigation.

VI's can also give their opinion about the case as well.

OT: Although I know what "VI" means...It took me until the last sentence to stop and think 'not "6" you dummy' OY!
I miss webcams, investigator reporting, and pressure on people like in Casey Anthony!
the good ole days.........
Actually, I've been quoted on things before changing them slightly and while what the person quoted shows my post before editing, my original post which I edited doesn't indicate it was edited. I've noticed this only happens if it gets quoted and I edit it very shortly after I originally posted it. Just an FYI is all.
Yes, you have a few minutes to edit without it showing as edited but if someone quoted you before you edited it, the quote stays the same as your original post. I've been embarrassed so many times by my typos that I saw the second I posted, and tried to fix but somebody quoted me too fast.
Good work, Paris :) Thanks for posting! I bolded a section I find immediately interesting (3:47). Very interesting. (Does that fit with the last 6:00 am phone activity...thinking out could if premeditation was involved...pulling up a map...)

<Eta: Actually, quite a few interesting things: the vehicle theft at the church is interesting too ---Where is this church I wonder (edit: it is 26.5 miles away / 9801 S Hwy 905. Longs SC.)

<Eta: I just mapped 4000 block of Atalaya Pl. (sorry can't link, technical problems)...looks like a body of water right by is 8.8 miles from Heather's condo. VERY SUSPICIOUS IMO. SOMEONE NEEDS TO GO OUT THERE IF THEY HAVE NOT ALREADY JMO!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if we can find any more details about this downstairs>

I'm pretty sure that's "WHY" that area was searched on Ronald McNair. At least I "THINK" that was a search area on January 11th. Maybe a local can confirm.
Seems like this case has more stuff we cannot discuss, than what we can. Can't quite remember a case like one. Wish one of the HLN "news" people or shows would let these rumors out, so we could talk about them. If anyone would be JVM or NG, IMO.
Seems like this case has more stuff we cannot discuss, than what we can. Can't quite remember a case like one. Wish one of the HLN "news" people or shows would let these rumors out, so we could talk about them. If anyone would be JVM or NG, IMO.

Nancy Grace, for sure! Seems like it would be just a matter of time.
Snowyowl said LE only seems to have cleared 2 people.
I was just asking who those two are since I had only heard about the date being cleared.

My understanding was that it was the roommate and the date who were cleared.
Seems like this case has more stuff we cannot discuss, than what we can. Can't quite remember a case like one. Wish one of the HLN "news" people or shows would let these rumors out, so we could talk about them. If anyone would be JVM or NG, IMO.

Upstream I mentioned how helpful it was in Dylan R's case to have local reporter Kevin Torres committed to covering Dylan's case. I would say we need someone like that here, a dedicated local investigative reporter---I don't think LE would be crazy about it, though.
(I could go undercover as a hostess at the TK, but I doubt they'd hire my old, fat a$$, hahahaha)
My thoughts about where Heather is.
I think initially (12-24 hours after last phone activity) she was on private property. In someone's full control.
Then on Thursday morning after the car was still at PTL and no news of her missing I think someone took her on a road trip. Not too far but just far enough. I think during this time they had someone else watching for any activity at PTL to indicate that someone discovered HE was missing. The lookout person may not know where the road trip was just that they were a lookout for activity at PTL.
Therefore my perp probably missed work Thursday and probably some of Wednesday if not all of Wednesday. IF they had a mon-fri kind of job.

Makes sense.
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