IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #2

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William R Thomas said:
I have my conversations with Noreen Gosch, where she disclosed exactly what has happened with her husband, of which I have privately allowed a couple of the memebers on this forum to read, but we all know Roy, you think she's a nut and just full of untruths and fantasies. AND quite frankly Roy, if I had The names, addresses and phone numbers of all the perps in this case, your the LAST person I would provide them to.
Thank you for confessing the existence of a "behind the scenes" clique posting on this thread.
Roy Harrold said:
Thank you for confessing the existence of a "behind the scenes" clique posting on this thread.

No problem Roy. Any other questions?
Dr. Doogie said:
And as a semi-related question: Wm. Thomas, care to share what the KRH Club is?

I would, but it might violate TOS. ;)

Anywho, I don't recall you posting how to reach Bonacci, and I can't find it anywhere on thsi thread. Even Noreen couldn't tell me exactly where he was. Post or email me the info. I'll call him tonight and post the full report tomorrow.

Here is a way to contact Bonacci:

Dr. Doogie said:
I received an email from a "lurker" who cannot post due to having a non-paid email address. In it, it states:

"...fromGoogling 'Paul and Denise Bonacci' I found a website;
http://www.dragonflynebraska.com/ that is for a landscaping co. in Nebraska run by a Paul and Denise Bonacci...
Awesome. if anyone has any SPECIFIC questions that they would like posed, PLEASE post them now.
I've emailed the address...I thought it a bit intrusive to just call.

no reply as of yet though.
Franklinfiles said:
I've emailed the address...I thought it a bit intrusive to just call.

no reply as of yet though.

Ive done things way more brazen than call paul out of the blue. :)
Dr. Doogie said:
There is a strange dynamic going on in this thread. I realize that the idea of a far-reaching pedophile ring involving the highest levels of government is a pretty inflammatory concept and I understand that passions can run high on both sides.

However, the focus should be on actual investigation of the case and following the leads wherever the go, not this whizzing match that seems to prevail on this thread. If you feel that this is a conspiracy of any level (from two local pervs up to being personally directed by the President himself), then find something new and post it. If you think that the conspiracy theories are hooey, then post that backed by whatever evidence that you can present. What needs to not happen is this "Your an idiot for believing _________ (fill in the blank)" level of discussion that seems to be the norm here. We can disagree on the facts, but either outright name-calling or even subtle digs at each other show me that some people are more concerned about egos than truth.

If you think that someone on this thread is ignorant, don't say that - instead try and locate the information that will convince that person to believe what you believe. Arguing is not the same as persueding.

An example of where I believe that this thread is off-track: both sides agree that Paul Bonacci is a crucial part of the puzzle. He is either an innocent victim and a credible witness to the pedo conspiracy, or he is another John Mark Karr who created the story to deflect attention from his own history as a pedophile. Well, I posted information not long ago as to how Bonacci could be reached now. Has anybody attempted contact with him to check out his story? Not that I am aware of, because a few of you have been too busy whizzing on each other's opinions to actually follow up on leads.

To those of you that this post does not apply, my apologies. It is not my intention to paint with a broad brush. I think all of us can see the less-than-a-handful of posters here that this relates to.

And as a semi-related question: Wm. Thomas, care to share what the KRH Club is?

bravo good DR, bravo.
It sort of lays it out. It's bizarre in a sort of in-your -face way. I have never bought the Gannon-Gosch thing. He makes a case for it though. I wasn't aware of the 196 trips to the white house, with 30 odd something being when there was no press conference.

Put another log on the fire.
Thanks, Jeana. Hopefully we can all remember to play nice in here.
I for one cannot understand why these Gosht threads get so grumpy. Playing nice is not that difficult. I am a fence sitter regarding this case.I think it is possible that there was a ring involved but equally possible it is just a sick perv prowling on young boys. The whole case is very interesting and absorbing but so complicated. I read all the posts but do not post often as I have very little to impart of any use. Enjoy reading both sides immensely. Some of you guys put a lot of work and effort in and I value that.Thankyou to you all.:D
Congrats on getting the thread reopened. I hope fine discussions are had by all in the pursuit of the truth of the case.
kazzbar said:
I for one cannot understand why these Gosht threads get so grumpy. Playing nice is not that difficult. I am a fence sitter regarding this case.I think it is possible that there was a ring involved but equally possible it is just a sick perv prowling on young boys. The whole case is very interesting and absorbing but so complicated. :D
I agree.

I would describe myself as an "open-minded skeptic", if that is not an oxymoron. Fantastic claims require a high level of proof, which is what I am hoping the "pro-conspiracy" advocates can offer. And I am just as interested in seeing the rebuttals by the "no conspiracy" folks also.

My general take on the conspiracy is: If there is a conspiracy, what evidence would we find? To paraphrase the famous story of six blind men trying to describe an elephant: if a conspiracy were an elephant and it was hidden behind a sheet that is the coverup, little portions of the elephant would peek out from behind the sheet every once in awhile. I believe that there is some peeking (the Congressional "Call-Boy Scandal" of the 1980's, current news items of some Congressmen being interested in teenage boys, etc.), but these peeks do not necessarily add up to an elephant.

Some of the more ridiculous claims by the internet conspiracists have Bush the Elder and Dick Cheney raping drugged-up little girls during the Reagan administration, while W was waiting in the other room for his turn. Others have Bill and Hillary savaging a young female abductee in the White House. I immediately dismiss such info as politically-motivated foolishness. This type of nonesense actually takes away from the believibility of a conspiracy that might be true. I recognize that there are rational, dedicated researchers who believe in a conspiracy, and I am sure that they are as equally embarrassed by this stuff as I am repelled by it.

When there are organized pedophile crime syndicates operating openly in Thailand and other countries (with at least the tacit support of their governments), it is probably unrealistic to think that similar organizations do not exist in the USA and some LE turns a blind eye. However, it is equally unrealistic to think that a conspiracy that reaches all the way to the presidency in at least four administrations would be able to (for the most part) hide that information from the press and the public for a quarter of a century. Hell, this administration couldn't even hide the fact that some Al-Queda were being held in jails in other countries - how could they sudden get so brilliant at covering up something much more damaging?

To accomplish such a task would require damn near everybody at all levels of government and LE to be complicit in the conspiracy, which seems ludicrous. I am reminded of some of the broader JFK conspiracy theories that had a similar huge number of participants: why didn't they just wait a year and vote him out instead? They would have had the votes.

I am much more inclined to believe in a smaller conspiracy involving some on the fringes of goverment and a couple of well-placed LE. Unfortunately, one problem with any conspiracy theory is that lack of evidence requires that someone "must be covering it up" and the number of conspirators grows from there. LE cannot find evidence of a pedo ring? - they must be part of the conspiracy. News media not screaming about this every day on TV and in the newspapers? - they must be in on it too. Bloggers who question a conspiracy are agents for the ring designed to obscure. The more inflammatory pro-conspiracy advocates are actually "disinformation specialists" bringing discredit upon the legitimate conspiracy advocates. And the conspiracy continues to grow...

Which is why I say let's look into the source for so much of the conspiracy theory: Paul Bonacci. Before we were stalled with the thread being reviewed, FranklinFiles had emailed Bonacci and Wm. Thomas was going to contact him also. Is there any progress on these attempts to nail down questions that we have for Bonacci? If Bonacci is a money-grabber looking to get a share of $110 million, then the conspiracy theory falls apart. If his story stands up, then there is real evidence that a conspiracy exists.
Police conclude boy in photo isn't Gosch

October 17, 2006

West Des Moines police concluded today that old photos that some hoped signaled a break in a years-old disappearance did not include Johnny Gosch.

A Florida investigator tracked down one of three former youths depicted in the photos that turned up in late August over the Internet. The man told the investigator none of the images were of the West Des Moines paperboy who disappeared in 1982......

....But Florida State's Attorney Investigator Nelson Zalva told police he interviewed a now 40-year-old man who was in one of the photos. The man and the two other youthes were identified in an anonymous letter sent to West Des Moines police.

The letter, postmarked from Tampa, Fla., identified all three people in the photos, West Des Moines police spokesman Jeff Miller said.
Greta is talking about it.
One of the three children in photo has been located. Sorry if this has already been said.
Gave the boys firecrackers for posing like this.
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