50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #2

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I understand the reason you questioned the alcohol & the drug abuse and I do know how obvious that reason is. I was only stating my opinion on why I think that BK was neither an alcoholic or drug addict.

The reason I questioned the alcohol or drug abuse is obvious. Was this part of the lifestyle he was living prior to his being found? If he were homeless and if we concentrated our efforts next on shelters around the surrounding states where he was found...we might come up with his name.
I will compile lists of shelters we can contact to request they put up posters. I believe BK already did this in the immediate area of where he was found.

Ok bear with me on this one, but I'm to go a bit further with Mr. Kyle being homeless prior to being found. I don't know that much about the homeless population or way of life, but how often does this portion of the population move around? Do they often move state to state? I know that this particular population can be very violent in regards to each others welfare. I think this may have been mentioned earlier so forgive me whomever originally mentioned it, but could Mr. Kyle have been a victim of this sort of situation? Could he have been beaten and robbed for something in his possession? That may be why he was found nude. Am I way out in left field on this one? :(
Hi-I have been lurking on this one for a while and have taken the time to read this twice. I find this thread very alarming for the reasons that Cloekins has been trying to communicate:
I know that you have seen it articulated several times now, but I am going to go through it backwards with you to see if it strikes you the way it struck me.

The hospital wants to charge BK 800.00 for his medical records-that's a whole lot of money which would indicate a whole lot of medical records. Yet they cannot tell you anything going on inside BK, for example does he have pins, did he lose his teeth to his beating, did he have spinal surgery? Any ER physician worth their salt is going to work this guy up for drugs and alcohol when he came in naked, sunburned, beaten, indigent and ant bitten. Is he diabetic, what is his blood type etc...He is revived, he is virtually blind and an amnesiac. Off he goes to a rehab facility, then his sight is restored, but only because the money was raised by good samaritans. Then he starts to bounce from person to person, home to home while he waits to be found.

There is something wrong here.
Sorry for the double post-will the FBI let one of you know if they think any of the matches you called in is a good one and what they think of the nurse sending him up over NE?
Hi-I have been lurking on this one for a while and have taken the time to read this twice. I find this thread very alarming for the reasons that Cloekins has been trying to communicate:
I know that you have seen it articulated several times now, but I am going to go through it backwards with you to see if it strikes you the way it struck me.

The hospital wants to charge BK 800.00 for his medical records-that's a whole lot of money which would indicate a whole lot of medical records. Yet they cannot tell you anything going on inside BK, for example does he have pins, did he lose his teeth to his beating, did he have spinal surgery? Any ER physician worth their salt is going to work this guy up for drugs and alcohol when he came in naked, sunburned, beaten, indigent and ant bitten. Is he diabetic, what is his blood type etc...He is revived, he is virtually blind and an amnesiac. Off he goes to a rehab facility, then his sight is restored, but only because the money was raised by good samaritans. Then he starts to bounce from person to person, home to home while he waits to be found.

There is something wrong here.

Thank you Believe, Im glad someone else is feeling a bit off about this whole thing.:)
have they tried any music from the era he would have been a young adult,maybe shows, something other things(hypnosis or whatever) to maybe trigger his memory?
have they tried any music from the era he would have been a young adult,maybe shows, something other things(hypnosis or whatever) to maybe trigger his memory?

According to some of the journal articles I read they do a test similar to that to gauge the degree of amnesia. They show the patient pictures of people or news events from time periods spanning 10 years to see if the patient recognizes any of them. They also gauge personal memories much the same way. They try to get them to remember information regarding certain ages. For instance in one study they required them to remember memories from the age of 10, one from school, one from a family vacation and one from home. Then they went to age 15, than 20, etc. I wouldn't know for certain whether Mr. Kyle underwent this sort of quizzing or not but someone decided that he had amnesia. One thing I found very interesting from all these studies that I read was that there was not one instance in all the cases where the patient remembered absolutely nothing from his entire lifespan. I am willing to bet that Mr. Kyle has memories but they are probably from his childhood and are not being shared with the general public.
ok maybe thats how he is so certain he was born in Indiana
Also is it normal for the hospital to charge him so much or charge him at all for his records? I have had doctors office's and stuff wanna charge like 20 bucks for the copying and all that of medical records but on the website of the Hospital he was at for 2 weeks I found this........

Part of the Patients rights and responsibilities.........

16. Access information contained in their clinical records within a reasonable time frame.
have they tried any music from the era he would have been a young adult,maybe shows, something other things(hypnosis or whatever) to maybe trigger his memory?

Music - now there's a great idea! As Chloekins mentioned, they probably showed him info about news events, public figures, etc. But memory for music is very different from memory for facts. Often someone will have certain "special songs" that are tied together with certain events, people, or timeframes in their memory. At least, that's been my experience, and I seem to remember learning about that in my memory classes as well. For example, if Benjaman had been in a relationship and they had a special song together, listening to that song could stir up memories of the person. Or if his mom had a certain song she would sing to him, listening to it could bring back memories of his childhood. I wonder if they have tried this with various songs from the past 50 or so years.
Also is it normal for the hospital to charge him so much or charge him at all for his records? I have had doctors office's and stuff wanna charge like 20 bucks for the copying and all that of medical records but on the website of the Hospital he was at for 2 weeks I found this........

Part of the Patients rights and responsibilities.........

16. Access information contained in their clinical records within a reasonable time frame.

PhenolRed found that in the state of GA they are able to charge both administrative and copying fees for patients records. Yes patients are able to access their medical records however the degree of access is left up to the state, meaning reading through at the office vs going home with a copy. Believe09 pointed out that the shear amount of medical attention he received may be the reason why his fee is so large. I know personally of patients who have part A-D of their records. Once you factor in off site storage and copying of voluminous records fees can become very high.
We need to get to the bottom of this whole thing. We need to figure out who he is or isn't now, as the case may be. I think we should establish a direct connection with the law enforcement agency involved and the officer responsible for his case. This doesn't mean everyone should jump on this. There should be one person designated to contact them. I volunteer Christine for this as she has rapport already established in GA with LE there. (she already mentioned her organization would like to help.) If anyone disagrees...please say so. Not trying to be bossy here, but I feel in order to get the best results in working with LE to gain information pertinent to finding his identity...we should make certain to do things the right way. : )

I have printed both threads and am going through my notes now and compiling a summary, coming up with questions, concerns, a couple of :slap:'s and some ideas.

I am now working via tele/email with the nurse who is seeking the assistance of LTWH. I'd like to give her a name on here instead of just saying the nurse, I am going to call her Betty ;) no meaning, just popped in my head.....I will be back as soon as I'm finished.

Thanks to all of you for your hard work here! I think if we pull together and organize we can get to the bottom of this.
Thanks so much, Christine!! I am glad you are here and have taken on yet another case! Woohoo!
I have printed both threads and am going through my notes now and compiling a summary, coming up with questions, concerns, a couple of :slap:'s and some ideas.

I am now working via tele/email with the nurse who is seeking the assistance of LTWH. I'd like to give her a name on here instead of just saying the nurse, I am going to call her Betty ;) no meaning, just popped in my head.....I will be back as soon as I'm finished.

Thanks to all of you for your hard work here! I think if we pull together and organize we can get to the bottom of this.

Fantastic! Thank you so much for your interest in this.
I have been sitting here waiting with baited breath for Christine to give us the details of what she learned from the nurse "Betty" so that perhaps we may have new avenues to research in finding out who BK is.

Thank you Christine for your help. :)
Every time I see "baited breath", I envision a cat eating cheese to entice the rat because of an old English teacher who screamed about the spelling. LOL

Does anyone else find it odd that the FBI went on camera, but the Richmond Hill Police Department who found him won't even comment?! They mentioned in the article RHPD refers to this case as a "miscellaneous incident" is all. They didn't even consider a crime occurred or what?!

Richmond Hill police recently issued a report describing Kyle's injuries, which they have labeled as a miscellaneous incident. It's not known if there has been any response from anywhere. Richmond Hill Police Chief Billy Reynolds did not return two telephone calls Friday.

WOW, the things that you all have compiled are absolutely amazing.

Someone mentioned Ray Gricar and my heart STOPPED for a second, I rushed and stared at the pics, it is not him, but for a minute I was freakin!!!! Those of you who do not know, that is the case that brought me to WS. Ray Gricar helped my family once.

OK....back on topic:

As mentioned, I printed and read this entire thread, taking notes, getting caught up.To this point.

I want to address a few things that I have read. I was going to do a summary of the entire case, but I
have taken notes and have lots of questions, comments.

1st, I detect a bit of mistrust between some posters and your only contact with Mr Kyle right now, Betty (the nurse).
Some of it is understandable (only because of 'who we are and where we come from'), IMO, some is a bit over the top. I want to ease everyone's mind and tell you that I have spoke to her on quite a few occassions and she is sincere, caring, and wanting to only help him.
What I think you all do not realize is she (Betty the nurse) just met Mr Kyle in March of this year. When she met him she had deep feeling he was not the 'vagabond' (sp?) he was labeled, it was obvious...it is also obvious to me from my research and I can see where she is coming from. So, Betty and Mr Kyle's paths cross, Betty takes notice, she decides to help this man, because HE wants so badly to discover his identity. ( could you imagine on of us coming across this man who doesn't know who he is?????) Betty is just like us, she is wanting to help him, she had NO idea about the missing, UID, problems w/no help/and lack of education in LE on how to deal with such cases.

This woman has spent countless hours researching, she didn't even know what date he had been found back in March/April... trying to figure out what to do, how to help, trying to get people to listen. Well, let's listen and let's ask instead of assuming...k?
They are reading here, Mr Kyle is seeing everything you all are saying...I understand, we are investigators, but let's be sensitive, k?
Some of you are not used to dealing directly with the 'family'and most of us don't get to deal with the survivor directly. If there are things that NEED to be mentioned/questioned, that may 'hurt' feelings of those reading, please, keep it in PM...there is always work
being done behind the scenes..there is a solid group here, you all know how to commincate privately when needed. This is an odd case.

I ask everyone to be polite and considerate because we do have parties involved here, which is a blessing and huge advantage.

Okie dokies..notes

8/31/04, Found behind BK, next 2 dumptser, US17, Richmond Hill, Savannah (US INT 8 Exit 87)
Markings, scar across front neck, 2 scars on elbow.
5'11", 240, large frame, brown hair, blue/green eyes.

From what I can gather and what has been mentioned he is well mannered, has knowlege of restaurant bldgs, supplies and equipment. Seems to know a lot about buildings in general.

Memories: Indiana, Colorado, 3 Brothers, name of Benjaman spelling, catholic school (I haven't verified this, where did this come from?)

Possibles (One I couldn't find ellimated or follow up on):
AJ1020 suggested Thomas Ray James, MI. What happened with this?
also, Timothy A Felton??

MaconChange posted Steve Dewey...need to discuss with Betty and Mr Kyle more to see why
they are so sure it's not him. I know for us it's easy to think it is him. But he knows what he looks like...hard for us to understand.

kaylenbabysims suggested Ronald Zellmer, kaylen? Anymore research on this?

SS-you suggested missing boater John Nance? Anything?

Dimples-you found an article about "Found Car Intesifies Search for Man"...what happened with that?
You also posted an Eric Peterson?

Mark Franzeo/CP- you all discussed a William Herbert Pear....anything?

Satemplet-Gary David Poole?

sweetpea-Larry Huff?

ShowerSinger-Kevin Muca?

KT Can-Jerry or Gerald Harlean (sp? my notes are getting sloppy ;)

Sable-Eugene Fish?

Here are some questions I have on what has been discussed vs done:

SS-You said you would send info to Arch Dios. and info to local stations in Tulsa and OKC. Has this been done, can you copy us the emails please?

lymom3 suggested contacting today show, anyone do this yet? Please post correspondence if so?

aj1020 suggested contacting the Early Show, GMA and Today show....done? Please post correspondence if so?

Dottierainbow-you sent links to John Scoot, Wish TV....have you followed up? Can you post your correspondence?

Has anyone sent his story to WTHR or WRTV as discussed?

Oneshoe-you stated WSAV Rep said NBC/CNN picked up, can you follow up on this, please copy us will all correspondence?

MaconChange-you stated you talked with Savannah Now, Savannah PD, Richmond Hill PD, and FBI...can you please give us details ofthese conversations, including dates, whom you spoke with and a good summary of discussion?

Dimples-what happened with the MySpace incident, the final outcome?

DNA-FBI took Kyle's FINGERPRINTS and ran them in National Criminal Justice Info Serv Div. This is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

He should have his DNA taken and entered into CODIS. I have already spoke to Betty and will have this arranged at no cost to Mr Kyle.
Mr Kyle's DNA will be taken and entered in CODIS, once this is done it will run against the following indexes:
the Convicted Offender Index, Forensic Index, Arrestee Index, a Missing or Unidentified Persons Index, and a Missing Persons Reference Index.

The NE article- I know this is hitting some nerves here, HOWEVER, come on peeps....2 mill viewers..NE is not what it used to be. I think
the exposure is incredible, IMO, FWIW, and I give kudos to Benjaman and Betty for agreeing to do this story. 2 million viewers, this man is
50+, someone, somewhere, knows who is is. This is an incredible opportunity for exposure. I am onboard with it and will need volunteers to
help me weed through tips that come from the article running. christine@lightingthewayhome.org Subject Volunteer for NE article. (we will have volunteers set up to weed through then send on to more exp. volunteers (former LE) to weed through more, then on to LE/FBI whoever if tip is credible to get to that point, if that makes sense!)

Ideas that I have run across in thread that I think are good and should be pursued:
Getting Mr Kyle listed on every site possible!

SusieQ mentioned researching accidents/incidents presumed dead.

Gina M mentioned You Tube Video-I think a slideshow has been done..but I think a good video of him and story if possible (I dont' know how
to do this)

KT Can mentioned maybe he was on business trip...investigating local big businesses (we could send out emails/flyers to all)

I see you all have divided states, I say keep going, state by state, then go out to Canada then further. Great work and organization there, kudos!

The 20 yr gap has me too, need to research this more with Betty and Mr. Kyle.

I think we need extensive mapping done of the area he was found.

OK...you all have a lot of questions about his medical care....I will answer what I can by what I saw posted, if you already knew, I apologize in advance:
Dental Work-I can't find my notes on this!!!! I know it was discussed, will come back to this.

Here is the info on when he was first discovered:
Upon admission, the ER doctor reported him as appearing as a well-developed and well-nourished middle-aged man (not a bum), although he had depressed neurological reflexes (which is not a positive finding) and rapid heartbeat. His liver function was normal, alcohol and drug screen was negative, his condition on admission was considered serious per the ER doctor's report. He was sent up to the Neuro. A CT scan of the head was normal except for several small lacunes (depressions) in the right cerebellar
hemisphere. Perhaps a closed-head injury? The attending doctor states in his report that Mr. Kyle's labs are "surprisingly within normal limits" - probably because this is not the case for homeless people by the time they reach middle age - they would usually have bad liver damage by then and very poor nutrition. Mr. Kyle's lab tests alone are indicative of one who had practiced a healthy lifestyle right up to the time of his attack. He presently has very good to excellent health and needs no prescription or over-the-counter drugs to maintain this favorable state of health.

I have a couple of questions to ask from all of you...if they have been answered, please let me know and I will remove them from
my list:
Tan lines, glasses, beard/facial hair growth at time of discovery?
Photos when found?

Anymore you all would like me to inquire about?
Any questions I may be able to answer?

I think the key here is keep searching the missing and group together to get more exposure.

I would like to apologize if I at any time appeared to be unfeeling or negative in any way or aspect. It was certainly not my intention. I like facts and I speak very matter of fact, I know sometimes this can be off putting for some people. Once again my apologies.

Thank you Christine for providing me with the ER physicians orginal analysis, this helps me put things into prospective. Its good that we can pretty much rule out long term homelessness as I think this would just compound our search immensely. This gentleman seems to have been well cared for prior to his injuries. CHI (closed head injuries) are some of the hardest to treat long term. PTA (post traumatic amnesia) is not uncommon in severe CHI so this is understandable.

Christine, is there a way if you can ask if Mr. Kyle has problems forming new memories since his injury? Has he received any follow up CT scans to determine if his original cerebellar lacuna were resolved?

Thank you for taking your time & delving into this case with us, your dedication & organization is amazing as always. I would also like to thank you for stepping up, taking control & steering us all back to the the real reason that brought us to this thread in the first place & that is to help Mr. Kyle find his true identity. I agree wholeheartedly that we have gotten off track a bit here & there, however I know with 100% certainty that my fellow Websleuther's & I do everything from the heart & never out of malice. I think we all come from a natural place of wanting to help yet being skeptical of every single detail of every single case from all of our past experience on this board & the many cases that each of us has been & are personally invested in, which I can imagine would be hard for a lay person just being introduced to this sight to understand. I for one promise to re-dedicate my efforts towards a more positive & constructive effort in order to help Mr. Kyle. I apologize to Mr. Kyle's friend, Nurse Betty :) & can only say that I hope someone would step up to help me as she has should I ever find myself in such a situation. Thanks again Christine & to all my fellow sleuther's that are a part of this thread. I know when we WS's work together we can do AMAZING things, I've witnessed it first hand many, many times. I think we all should think of Mr. Kyle & his friend as we would any family member of a missing person & show them the respect & compassion that we do so many.

There but for the grace of God go I.

KT Can
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