Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #20

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Since you know about the white towels is it safe to assume you are a member of LTF ? I have some questions about the membership cards specifically and would appreciate any help in getting answers. I understand however if you do not wish to answer publically. No problem at all.

Ask away. I'll answer whatever I feel comfortable with.
Ask away. I'll answer whatever I feel comfortable with.

Thank you.

First - your towel theory -some very good points about using them to protect the seats in the car if the children had been swimming. This makes sense thinking about it and certainly could have occurred. As to the return, yes I see the risks he would have to take to do so. If there is a dumpster in the back lot - perhaps he could have "returned" them there as well ?

Card Question:

Say a single person has a membership. We have heard that upon entry the card is handed to a clerk and the clerk swipes the card. A monitor displays for the clerk a picture of the card member and pertainant data. The clerk verifies the person to the picture, returns the card and the member is allowed entry - correct so far ?

Now if someone comes in trying to use this member's card and the clerk realizes the person infront of them is not the same as the picture on the monitor - do you know what happens ? For instance does the clerk keep the card - call in a manager or what the procedure is ?

I have more - but one at a time.
I'm surprised that he hasn't already gone to Sally Beauty and purchased hair dye in "Come-Hither Blonde" as well as goatee grooming aids.

Hee! I think the appropriate color is "PoolHair Orange!"

Anyway, you WS folks are working hard. The Cary PD should take a vacation. You will have it tied up by the time they get back to work.

Never underestimate the collective brainpower of a bunch of sleuthies! There are some seriously smart people around here.
SG.....I understand what you are saying about HT and possible overwriting the video, but to make haste to go there and have what they wanted by early afternoon on Sunday, something they felt they needed to find.

After all this was just a missing 34 yo woman who was in an unhappy marriage and the husband states as per his affidavit she does basically what she wants to do. No reason to worry with the husband not being concerned, right?

You know those LE staying in the home that long to take a missing persons report....they knew, they just had to know it didn't look good IMO.
SG.....I understand what you are saying about HT and possible overwriting the video, but to make haste to go there and have what they wanted by early afternoon on Sunday, something they felt they needed to find.

True! And of course her body had not been found yet so LE didn't know for sure that she was deceased at this point, right?

You know those LE staying in the home that long to take a missing persons report....they knew, they just had to know it didn't look good IMO.

How long were they in the home taking that report?
Thank you.

First - your towel theory -some very good points about using them to protect the seats in the car if the children had been swimming. This makes sense thinking about it and certainly could have occurred. As to the return, yes I see the risks he would have to take to do so. If there is a dumpster in the back lot - perhaps he could have "returned" them there as well ?

Card Question:

Say a single person has a membership. We have heard that upon entry the card is handed to a clerk and the clerk swipes the card. A monitor displays for the clerk a picture of the card member and pertainant data. The clerk verifies the person to the picture, returns the card and the member is allowed entry - correct so far ?

Now if someone comes in trying to use this member's card and the clerk realizes the person infront of them is not the same as the picture on the monitor - do you know what happens ? For instance does the clerk keep the card - call in a manager or what the procedure is ?

I have more - but one at a time.

Dumpster: I can't say for sure right now, but it looks like there is one in this photo

See the kind of angled enclosure where the pavement is a lighter color in the back of the building?

Yes, they look at the picture on the card and return it to you. The original membership cards had your picture on them, but that changed this spring when they issued new cards. At the time I asked them if they kept the old photos online to verify, and the clerk said yes.

If you present the wrong card, I don't know what happens.
Dumpster: I can't say for sure right now, but it looks like there is one in this photo

See the kind of angled enclosure where the pavement is a lighter color in the back of the building?

Yes, they look at the picture on the card and return it to you. The original membership cards had your picture on them, but that changed this spring when they issued new cards. At the time I asked them if they kept the old photos online to verify, and the clerk said yes.

If you present the wrong card, I don't know what happens.

WOW - great photo - thanks very much ! I do see the area you are referring to -hard to tell if is access limited but it could have a gate on it possibly. Do you know what that area is just northwest - kinda looks like maybe just greenspace ? Thanks for this, very useful to "see" the layout.

To the card - LFT would probably not be very happy if one loaned their card to some one for use I would think - are you aware of any covenants in the membership that says you can or cannot do this ?

Second question - again if you know. With family memberships, is it safe to assume that each adult would have their own individual card - in other words the club would be able to tell for instance if it was Brad or Nancy that may have entered the club on a certain day and time ? Any idea if the children would be issued cards or perhaps their pictures or information just shows up on the monitor when the adults bring them in?

I know I may be asking things you do not know but I appreciate you trying to help me understand this.
If he went to Sally's Beauty Supply he would have to buy a toupee 1st. This balding is very noticeable.
Dumpster: I can't say for sure right now, but it looks like there is one in this photo

See the kind of angled enclosure where the pavement is a lighter color in the back of the building?

Yes, they look at the picture on the card and return it to you. The original membership cards had your picture on them, but that changed this spring when they issued new cards. At the time I asked them if they kept the old photos online to verify, and the clerk said yes.

If you present the wrong card, I don't know what happens.

Just out of curiosity.. Where you able to keep the old cards that had the photo ID on them or did you have to turn them in when the new cards were issued?
WOW - great photo - thanks very much ! I do see the area you are referring to -hard to tell if is access limited but it could have a gate on it possibly. Do you know what that area is just northwest - kinda looks like maybe just greenspace ? Thanks for this, very useful to "see" the layout.

I know I may be asking things you do not know but I appreciate you trying to help me understand this.

The area you are asking about is land that has been cleared for either something getting ready to be built or is for sale. It is at a major intersection of Tryon Rd, Regency Pkwy, US #1 and HWY 64 meet. Priceless property.

Years ago this had a little white farmhouse on it with one of the largest trees I have ever seen. Now priceless piece of land.
Carey Clark lives in a condo, correct? Wouldn't there be unsecured dumpsters there? Just wondering...

The area you are asking about is land that has been cleared for either something getting ready to be built or is for sale. It is at a major intersection of Tryon Rd, Regency Pkwy, US #1 and HWY 64 meet. Priceless property.

Years ago this had a little white farmhouse on it with one of the largest trees I have ever seen. Now priceless piece of land.

I guess I asked that wrong Mom - I was meaning the area right next to what looks like the dumpster on the left - on the LTF property along the building. Sorry I just didn't ask that the right way.
WOW - great photo - thanks very much ! I do see the area you are referring to -hard to tell if is access limited but it could have a gate on it possibly. Do you know what that area is just northwest - kinda looks like maybe just greenspace ? Thanks for this, very useful to "see" the layout.

To the card - LFT would probably not be very happy if one loaned their card to some one for use I would think - are you aware of any covenants in the membership that says you can or cannot do this ?

Second question - again if you know. With family memberships, is it safe to assume that each adult would have their own individual card - in other words the club would be able to tell for instance if it was Brad or Nancy that may have entered the club on a certain day and time ? Any idea if the children would be issued cards or perhaps their pictures or information just shows up on the monitor when the adults bring them in?

I know I may be asking things you do not know but I appreciate you trying to help me understand this.

The green area: Do you mean those trees on the NE side? There is a path off the back parking lot that leads through the trees to the walking path that parallels Crescent Green Drive. Crescent Greens Drive is all businesses, no homes. You can get to the end of Lochmere Drive and also to an apartment complex off of Crescent Green drive. You can also get to another road that runs behind Walmart and Harris Teeter.

Using someone else's card: I do not see anything specific in the agreement about lending cards. Still, I'd bet they'd have something to say about it.

Families. Each parent would have a card, teens do, not sure about small children.
Carey Clark lives in a condo, correct? Wouldn't there be unsecured dumpsters there? Just wondering...
I don't know how it is done where Carey lives.
I can name at least a dozen places with dumpsters he would have passed before he got to LTF. Once he entered Kildaire Farm Road it is all commercial. He had the Lochmere Pavillion (Java Jive) right there that has I believe 2 sets, 1 on the top level and 1 on the bottom.

Did BC say he called Java Jive to see if NC had been there?????? NO
Just out of curiosity.. Where you able to keep the old cards that had the photo ID on them or did you have to turn them in when the new cards were issued?

The old cards had to be turned in.
Question about those LTF cards and front desk procedures: do they VERIFY each and every time that the person presenting the card is, in fact, the person whose pic comes up on the screen? Who works the front desk? Is it like high school kids or college kids?

At my gym your profile comes up when they input your member #, but the staff doesn't necessarily 'closely' check to make sure you and your profile pic match. They hire a lot of young'uns to work there...age 16 - 20.
Did BC say he called Java Jive to see if NC had been there?????? NO

And for those who have been to JJ, this place is teeny-tiny, family-owned, people know each other by name there. I witnessed that personally the last time I was there. Plus of course they named a smoothie after the eldest Cooper daughter, so they knew Nancy and the kids. It would have been a logical place to inquire if NC had been seen that morning...

That is *if* one were REALLY LOOKING and *if* you didn't already know where she was (cause you placed her where she was found).
Question about those LTF cards and front desk procedures: do they VERIFY each and every time that the person presenting the card is, in fact, the person whose pic comes up on the screen?

At my gym your profile comes up when they input your member #, but the staff doesn't necessarily 'closely' check to make sure you and your profile pic match.

They do look at you, but I know I don't look much like my picture half of the time (not showered yet, etc.)
I do have a few facts...

BC was searching on Monday the 14th with long sleeves, a cap, and shorts. He did have a short conversation with someone from my home (I will not say me or who) and did ask a direct question. This was done at an outside location where BC was searching.

I saw a missing or broken bolt for his license tag, or just didn't bolt 1 end on. It was hanging about 2" lower on 1 side.

He does wear short sleeves, I have seen him recently. He has had company at his home, a male.

Both vehicles have been at his home visible at least 1 time since the SW

He has now shut all blinds and covered the window panes surrounding his front door.

Hi, Momto3kids!

I've been really curious about this as well.

Since you were close enough to notice that there is a missing or broken bolt for his license tag on the sedan, did you happen to notice the stickers as well?

I'm just wondering if he kept the stickers current on the sedan he drove, unlike the stickers on the SUV.
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