Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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Hi Housemouse,

...snipped, respectfully...

One thing we'd like to make clear --- and I'm taking the liberty of speaking for Housemouse & Nep as well as myself --- is just because you have a challenging aspect pattern in your chart DOESN'T MEAN it has to manifest in a negative way!!! There are people all over creation with hard aspects and planets in challenging configurations that learn how to apply their energies in healthy, healing, productive, positive ways --- a lot has to do with how you choose to use/ apply the energies. Please don't think if you have a **bad aspects** you are doomed!!


This bears repeating
I really don't know how to look for this, but will try. When I first posted here, Housemouse told me to be prepared for not ever knowing, (because of Neptune's influence) and I think this is good advice for all of us. I think prayer helps, though.

I have to agree with Neptunian and Housemouse here, the Neptune factor is very strong in this chart. Neptune dissolves everything it touches, it fogs things up and makes illusion seem like reality. Uranus --- the shocker, sudden changes, the unexpected, the out-of-the-blue lightning bolt --- factors in, too. Just look at how this case is playing on the media. Literally every day there is an explosive, mind-blowing (Uranus) revelation that totally shakes (Uranus) everybody up. Nobody knows what's true. I have never in my life (and I'm in my late 50s...) seen anything as smoke & mirrors and halls of illusion (Neptune) as this case. Not O.J., not Lacy Peterson, nothing.

In the #3 Phone Call to LE Chart discussed several posts back, the planet symboling little Caylee (the SUN) was located in the turned 12th House (radix 6th). In astrology, the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses are called CADENT, one meaning of which is HIDDEN. In horary astrology, the missing person is where the planet symbolizing them is located. If the significator (planet representing the person or thing asked about) is in a cadent house, they are hidden, not easy to find. I have worked with other charts showing the missing person's significator in the turned 12th house and to date they were never found. (Madeline McCann comes to mind...). I am not saying Caylee won't be found, it just wouldn't surprise me much if she isn't.

The SUN (Caylee) is in Cancer. This is a water sign, and in the 12th House, suggests a watery grave. Also, in the natural wheel, the 12th House is given to PISCES, the modern ruler of which is NEPTUNE. So here we get another testimony of the possible scenario of a watery grave (water sign Pisces), and a mystery (Neptune) never to be solved (Neptune), since we all know Casey will never tell the truth (Neptune).

I don't think I'm gonna stay logged on too much longer tonite. I feel pretty drained...

I have to agree with Neptunian and Housemouse here, the Neptune factor is very strong in this chart. Neptune dissolves everything it touches, it fogs things up and makes illusion seem like reality. Uranus --- the shocker, sudden changes, the unexpected, the out-of-the-blue lightning bolt --- factors in, too. Just look at how this case is playing on the media. Literally every day there is an explosive, mind-blowing (Uranus) revelation that totally shakes (Uranus) everybody up. Nobody knows what's true. I have never in my life (and I'm in my late 50s...) seen anything as smoke & mirrors and halls of illusion (Neptune) as this case. Not O.J., not Lacy Peterson, nothing.

In the #3 Phone Call to LE Chart discussed several posts back, the planet symboling little Caylee (the SUN) was located in the turned 12th House (radix 6th). In astrology, the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses are called CADENT, one meaning of which is HIDDEN. In horary astrology, the missing person is where the planet symbolizing them is located. If the significator (planet representing the person or thing asked about) is in a cadent house, they are hidden, not easy to find. I have worked with other charts showing the missing person's significator in the turned 12th house and to date they were never found. (Madeline McCann comes to mind...). I am not saying Caylee won't be found, it just wouldn't surprise me much if she isn't.

The SUN (Caylee) is in Cancer. This is a water sign, and in the 12th House, suggests a watery grave. Also, in the natural wheel, the 12th House is given to PISCES, the modern ruler of which is NEPTUNE. So here we get another testimony of the possible scenario of a watery grave (water sign Pisces), and a mystery (Neptune) never to be solved (Neptune), since we all know Casey will never tell the truth (Neptune).

I don't think I'm gonna stay logged on too much longer tonite. I feel pretty drained...


You need some R and R !
That is always a good treat for the soul, body, and mind.

All of the charting, and the efforts of all 3 of YOU, is very much enjoyed and appreciated by myself.:blowkiss:
What you said ***natal promise was "activated" by transiting Uranus (sudden events). Uranus moves slowly, and was squaring (challenging) Pluto (force), also was semisquare Mars(violence). Transitting Uranus was also quincunx prog. Asc., from Caylee's 8th house. Also, transitting Mars, the trigger, moved to conjunct Caylee's progressed Sun (life force) and Ascendant (body, immediate environment) and to trine natal Pluto - which, again is activating that natal promise. ***

In plain English, Folks, Nep has just described a Death aspect if I ever saw one.




Thanks so much for putting some of it into plain english. I am post op major surgery, on many meds and experiencing great difficulty putting my thoughts together, and also when I read somethin I can go over it 100 times and still not get it! I enjoy the astrology aspect in all of lie and when back on feet wish to got books at the library and learn.

Oh how very disturbing, and very, very sad. I feel soo sick to my stomach nows. :(

Thanks so much for putting some of it into plain english. I am post op major surgery, on many meds and experiencing great difficulty putting my thoughts together, and also when I read somethin I can go over it 100 times and still not get it! I enjoy the astrology aspect in all of lie and when back on feet wish to got books at the library and learn.

Oh how very disturbing, and very, very sad. I feel soo sick to my stomach nows. :(
Anais,I hope you will soon be feeling much better.I am trying to "soak it all in"also.I find it very interesting but I am not the brightest star when things try to sink in. I wish someone from the area would let us know if there are alligators in the waters near their home.I am scared..and heartsick.If this answer has already been posted I have missed it and am sorry to repost it. Now you take care. Nore
Good Morning Everyone,

Can anyone provide the exact time & date that Casey Anthony was arrested/ taken into custody? Would the time be in those documents that were released? Also, does anyone know the exact time & date those documents were made public?

My thought is that maybe Neptunian or Housemouse could look at Casey's chart and attempt to rectify it based on those two occurences. I would think the Aries Point (coming before the public) and/or Casey's Midheaven (in the public eye) would factor in, with Moon connection (Moon = the public).

Anais,I hope you will soon be feeling much better.I am trying to "soak it all in"also.I find it very interesting but I am not the brightest star when things try to sink in. I wish someone from the area would let us know if there are alligators in the waters near their home.I am scared..and heartsick.If this answer has already been posted I have missed it and am sorry to repost it. Now you take care. Nore

Nore, thanks for the well wishes! I am not too sure about alligators but know that it was brought up on either NG or greta but cant recall the specifics answers.

Soulscape I am gonna go and see ifn I cin find the times and dates exact for you.
Nore, thanks for the well wishes! I am not too sure about alligators but know that it was brought up on either NG or greta but cant recall the specifics answers.

Soulscape I am gonna go and see ifn I cin find the times and dates exact for you.

Thanks, Anais!! If I had time I'd look myself. I would think the time of arrest would be on the document. If we can't locate this information, the next best thing (IMO) would be to look at Casey's sunrise chart (putting SUN on the Ascendant degree) --- and/or maybe using Neptunian's hunch of around 7:00am based on the transits/progressions.

I will be on & offline today, and more likely to post this evening, as I work during the day. If I can manage to post a snippet here & there throughout the work day, I will.

Thanks again,
Is their a way to look at Casey's natal chart? I keep wondering if she was traumatized as a child. From a psych standpoint she exibits alot of the same behaviors as a sexual assult victim would. (well as i think this may be unethical --- just a thought )
Is their a way to look at Casey's natal chart? I keep wondering if she was traumatized as a child. From a psych standpoint she exibits alot of the same behaviors as a sexual assult victim would. (well as i think this may be unethical --- just a thought )

Hi Belleyes,

Casey Anthony, through her own actions/ inactions, put herself in the position of being a public figure. I do not think it is unethical to look at her chart, especially in light of a possible crime committed against her daughter.

Casey's natal chart is already posted on this thread. Housemouse, do you know which post # it is? Unfortunately, however, we do NOT have Casey's time of birth. This limits us because we cannot rely on the positions of her angles or her Moon. That is why I am trying to track down some key dates and times, like time of arrest and time the LE documents were made public. These along with other relevant timed charts might help us get closer to the truth of when she was actually born & could help us better assess her chart.

But even without a birth time, there are aspects in Casey's chart we can examine. We can even compare it to Cindy Anthony's untimed chart. As Housemouse & Neptunian stated before, there are often family patterns in charts. So if we see natal promise of violence, abuse, etc. in little Caylee's chart, it is worth looking at Casey's and Cindy's charts to see if some of the same patterns exist.

I hope to explore this more thoroughly, but as mentioned before, the bulk of my posts will have to come later this evening after the work day is done.

Here is a chart set for noon on the day we have been given for Cindy. I hope it helps. Will post more about it later, have some work to get finished before taking a look at it, and making comments...

Here is a chart set for noon on the day we have been given for Cindy. I hope it helps. Will post more about it later, have some work to get finished before taking a look at it, and making comments...


LOL I am "chart challenged." Can you offer a simple explanation with it, please ? Not all of us are as talented as you. LOL:blowkiss:
Hi All,

Regarding any further comparisons or comments on Casey's, Cindy's and Caylee's charts, I'd like to put this discussion on hold until I have a chance to confer privately with Housemouse and Neptunian.

Thanks for your patience,
I wish I could give you a simple explanation, Erie Princess, but serious astrology doesn't work that way, unfortunately.

It would take about 25 pages to give a proper interpretation of Cindy's natal chart, probably another 10 or 20 pages to explain her midpoints, and then more pages to examine what general energy/aspects Cindy might have been experiencing on specific dates in the past, etc.

What I am going to try to do, after I take our car into the shop to get a tire fixed (nail in it, alas, and probably a mercury/mars/saturn aspect!), is to post some highlights that might pertain to this case.

If you would like to go back to the beginning of the thread, and read through, you will find a lot of information, and get a feel for how complicated this work can be.

You can find my general interpretation of Casey's chart in one of my earliest posts.

Casey's chart is back there, too(but not on page 1, as I pulled those because they were too small to be seen easily).

I hope this helps. And, please understand that good astrologers cannot know specifically :::WHAT::: happened to anyone at a particular point in time. The best we can do is to indicate :::WHEN::: certain energies were active.

We can know something about the nature of these energies, but we cannot tell :::HOW::: the individual chose to use the energy indicated.

An example would be a chart showing fiery Mars energy in the birth chart. This could be someone who has a violent temper, or it could be the chart of a dedicated firefighter. Criminals and Policemen often will show similar aspect patterns, but one is making a choice to use the pattern in a socially constructive way, and the other is being destructive.

What we are doing here is called "forensic" astrology, so the interpretations are based on the premise that a crime has been committed against little Cayley.

We are doing our best to try to understand the possible timing of the event, and what kind of energy might have been related to it.
Hello Soulscape!

Casey was arrested and taken into custody on July 16 at 16:33 pm (which I believe is 4:33 pm)?

I am still researching for the time of the "doc dump" , as housemouse likes to call it!

I am happy to actually be offering SOMETHING to this thread.

Have a happy Wednesday!!! Catherine

Good Morning Everyone,

Can anyone provide the exact time & date that Casey Anthony was arrested/ taken into custody? Would the time be in those documents that were released? Also, does anyone know the exact time & date those documents were made public?

My thought is that maybe Neptunian or Housemouse could look at Casey's chart and attempt to rectify it based on those two occurences. I would think the Aries Point (coming before the public) and/or Casey's Midheaven (in the public eye) would factor in, with Moon connection (Moon = the public).

There is something else that is bothering me, and I might as well get it off my chest.

I got a pm from another Websleuther that some of our astrological analysis posts on this thread are being copied and pasted over to another Website that is not respected here.

If this happens again, I do think Neptunian, Soulscape, and I will be discussing and considering ceasing all our posts about the astrology of this case.

We contribute our ideas here for Websleuths, and websleuthers alone. We do not give anyone permission to cross-post our comments to other websites.

There will be a trial soon, and the three of us would be horrified if her lawyers tried to use our posts trying to concoct some kind of defense for Casey Anthony.

While it is improbable that the defense would do this, we just do not want to take the chance that some jurors (overly-impressed with astrology) would be dumb enough to base their decision on anything other than the work of recognized professionals.
There is something else that is bothering me, and I might as well get it off my chest.

I got a pm from another Websleuther that some of our astrological analysis posts on this thread are being copied and pasted over to another Website that is not respected here.

If this happens again, I do think Neptunian, Soulscape, and I will be discussing and considering ceasing all our posts about the astrology of this case.

We contribute our ideas here for Websleuths, and websleuthers alone. We do not give anyone permission to cross-post our comments to other websites.

There will be a trial soon, and the three of us would be horrified if her lawyers tried to use our posts trying to concoct some kind of defense for Casey Anthony.

While it is improbable that the defense would do this, we just do not want to take the chance that some jurors (overly-impressed with astrology) would be dumb enough to base their decision on anything other than the work of recognized professionals.

I saw one of them at Brian's Dreams. He is very good about removing things per your request. Also mention that no more are to be published on his sight without the sole permission of the author. I understand what u r saying !:eek:
so sorry housemouse, I guess I'm not suprised it has happened b/c I have seen posts from other websites that have been copy and pasted on Websleuths. whatever you, Neptunian and Soulscape decide to do, I will respect your decision. Again, sorry. On another note, I noticed dob for Cindy, George and Lee on some of the documents. Wasn't sure if that could be any help as there are no times listed. Let me know and I will compile and post. PS I am still trying to research the time of the "doc dump":crazy:

There is something else that is bothering me, and I might as well get it off my chest.

I got a pm from another Websleuther that some of our astrological analysis posts on this thread are being copied and pasted over to another Website that is not respected here.

If this happens again, I do think Neptunian, Soulscape, and I will be discussing and considering ceasing all our posts about the astrology of this case.

We contribute our ideas here for Websleuths, and websleuthers alone. We do not give anyone permission to cross-post our comments to other websites.

There will be a trial soon, and the three of us would be horrified if her lawyers tried to use our posts trying to concoct some kind of defense for Casey Anthony.

While it is improbable that the defense would do this, we just do not want to take the chance that some jurors (overly-impressed with astrology) would be dumb enough to base their decision on anything other than the work of recognized professionals.
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