Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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I, for one, do not think you should leave Websleuths. You made a mistake. Everyone has at one time or another. You apologized. You had the information removed from the other site.
I agree with Neptunian. We should not cause any one else any pain.
Think it over.

Thanks SO much for this! But I agree with KCsMom.

I tried to make amends as best I could. But, as long as even ONE person is still upset or uncomfortable with me, I think I'd rather just be gone. It' s MY mistake-- nobody else's, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it right.

I don't believe you can unsub from a forum, like you would a mailing list.

But double think it, hon. Everybody makes mistakes, and not one of us can own up to being perfect.

You've apologized. Let it go. Every one else will too.
I don't log in often because, for some reason, I'm usually unable to do so -- but I have been reading every day. This thread has been great and HM, Nep, and SS are to be commended for doing such a great job. I'm sorry this thread is not being continued...

Brini, you shouldn't leave just because one person sounded off. It's like politics -- someone is always going to disagree with you. :rolleyes:

Hope Caylee is found soon! Hope Casey stays in the :behindbar

Hope everyone is out of the way of Gustav!! Stay safe!!!

Brini, ive only posted once on this site but i visit all the time i like to read what HM, Nep, and SS all post plus i enjoy all the other posters comments including yours and KCs mom, i feel compelled to let you know that i feel if SS and you have come to an understanding then you should not let other opinions keep you from staying on the site, and you and KCs MOM should just respectably agree to disagree, please think about it before you quit this site thank you to eveyone for letting me get this off my chest and may God bless each and everyone of us!
I hate to be harsh Brini, but you ruined this thread for us all. :( You should of known better than to steal information from this site and take it to another. :mad: You know you had no right to do that whatsoever. It's common sense. You should of asked first.

We were getting info almost everyday and now there is nothing. It great knowing what might happen and most of the time it was spot on.

Thanks alot. :furious:

Awee that is a little bit harsh. She had absolutely no idea she was causing any harm! let's cut her a break as she is new, she did apologize and rectify the situation and also worked it out with the parties involved.

Brini there is absolutely NO NEED for you to quit coming, enjoying and posting here at WS! We welcome you with open arms! Please say you will stay as everyone makes mistakes. I have even made mistakes here. We all do and learn from them.

Hugs, Anais
Brini, I do not think there is any reason for you to leave the forum. You fessed up, made it right, and then apologized. That takes character and integrity, in my opinion.

We all make mistakes. Don't worry about it, and keep on contributing to the forum.

I have had a busy holiday weekend, with more company than usual. I am a bit worn out from all the entertaining. As soon as the weekend os over, and Gustav decides who and where to land on, I will be back on the forum.

Right now, though, it does seem to be a waiting game until LE decides to press further charges.

later, friends!
Brini, I do not think there is any reason for you to leave the forum. You fessed up, made it right, and then apologized. That takes character and integrity, in my opinion.

We all make mistakes. Don't worry about it, and keep on contributing to the forum.

I have had a busy holiday weekend, with more company than usual. I am a bit worn out from all the entertaining. As soon as the weekend os over, and Gustav decides who and where to land on, I will be back on the forum.

Right now, though, it does seem to be a waiting game until LE decides to press further charges.

later, friends!

Hey, House Angel! I wondered where you have been!

LE just TODAY changed the case status from "missing person" to dead person. That's a big status change.

They stated, officially, that there was a dead body in the trunk, and that it was Caylee's body.

And, the $50,000 bail has been revoked. So, Casey is still in the slam .

Meanwhile, Casey still has until 0900 on Tuesday to take the partial immunity deal, or not. Deal says she can be prosecuted for found evidence, but not for any evidence that she gives, from her own mouth.

So, the case isw heating up.

I'm waiting for the latest word re: the searches-- from the ground, not the media.

Cindy and George are both claiming that someone ELSE put a dead body-- not Caylee's, in the trunk. They insist that Caylee is still alive.

And, I heard that Padilla has left, but I'm also hearing conflicting stuff from the media.

I think the case will heat up on Tuesday, whether Casey takes the deal, or not.

If Caylee's body is found before then, the deal is off.
Glad to see you still here, Blini!

I am going to wait a bit, see what develops before posting more astrological research. There is a long time between now and Casey's pre-trial and trial in December.

In fact, enough time for all of you to study up, learn the basics, and speculate amongst yourselves!

But, keep it just to the facts of timing. No psychology stuff, for that is so wide open to bias and conjecture that you might as well be reading tea leaves!

If you need charts to download, go back over the thread... most of the info is there. And always remember, we are human, and therefore fallible.

We research with astrology to learn more about God's incredible celestial mechanism. For He is the Creator of all, and is always teaching us, if we would just pay attention in class (life)
Brini Glad to see your still here and posting!

Yes the case is heating up a little bit I agree.

I had a question about the moon and Caylee and Casey's natal charts? I guess I couldn't quite gasp an clear understanding and significance of it all?

Thanks for anyone that can help me to understand!

Hugs, Anais

BTW I am keeping all of those affected by Gustav in my thoughts and prayers, please stay safe!
When I get a little time, maybe I'll look for my Kala astrological software (It's in a box. I've moved). it's Vedic, and an excellent program. Maybe my instructor can help with interpretations.

Vedic is great for events, but you do have to know the time of birth. Rising sign is the most critical, then moon, then sun.
When I get a little time, maybe I'll look for my Kala astrological software (It's in a box. I've moved). it's Vedic, and an excellent program. Maybe my instructor can help with interpretations.

Vedic is great for events, but you do have to know the time of birth. Rising sign is the most critical, then moon, then sun.

Brini, we do have Caylee's timed birth chart.

August 9, 2005
7:14 am EDT +4.00
Orlando, FL
28:32:17N 081:22:46W

Vedic Ascendant (Lagna) is CANCER (1st House)
Vedic SUN is CANCER (1st House)
Vedic MOON is VIRGO (3rd House)

Leo on the 2nd
Capricorn on the 7th

In Vedic astrology, the ruler(s) of the 2nd & 7th houses are marakas (killer planets). This makes SUN and SATURN her marakas. Additionally, VENUS is in Caylee's natal 2nd House receving full aspect from URANUS in her natal 8th House. NEPTUNE and CHIRON are in her natal 7th House in full aspect to her 1st House planets (SATURN, MERCURY, SUN).

On December 17, 2006, Caylee entered into a MOON Dasa and JUPITER Bhukti, which remains active until 4/17/09. According to the astrological research of Richard Houck who wrote The Astrology of Death, both MOON and JUPITER and the NODES would likely be active at the time of death.

According to the work I have already done on Caylee's charts, JUPITER, MOON & THE NODES were particularly active on 6/16/08 at 2:50pm.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There were extraordinary "hits" for this date & time. The procedures I used, combining horary with vedic and using some of Richard Houck's techniques is incredibly complicated. I don't want to confuse people by going into this. Also, I want to emphasize this possible "Death Date" is my suspicion and my suspicion only, based on my own astrological investigations!

If you or your instructor can add more insight, please let us know.

I wanted to say I enjoy this thread. I would check for updates all the time. I hope it doesn't end. Thank you to those of you that put this out there for us. I found it very interesting..

The Newbie but no so newbie as I read here way back never signed in for family protection.
Brini, we do have Caylee's timed birth chart.

August 9, 2005
7:14 am EDT +4.00
Orlando, FL
28:32:17N 081:22:46W

Vedic Ascendant (Lagna) is CANCER (1st House)
Vedic SUN is CANCER (1st House)
Vedic MOON is VIRGO (3rd House)

Leo on the 2nd
Capricorn on the 7th

In Vedic astrology, the ruler(s) of the 2nd & 7th houses are marakas (killer planets). This makes SUN and SATURN her marakas. Additionally, VENUS is in Caylee's natal 2nd House receving full aspect from URANUS in her natal 8th House. NEPTUNE and CHIRON are in her natal 7th House in full aspect to her 1st House planets (SATURN, MERCURY, SUN).

On December 17, 2006, Caylee entered into a MOON Dasa and JUPITER Bhukti, which remains active until 4/17/09. According to the astrological research of Richard Houck who wrote The Astrology of Death, both MOON and JUPITER and the NODES would likely be active at the time of death.

According to the work I have already done on Caylee's charts, JUPITER, MOON & THE NODES were particularly active on 6/16/08 at 2:50pm.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There were extraordinary "hits" for this date & time. The procedures I used, combining horary with vedic and using some of Richard Houck's techniques is incredibly complicated. I don't want to confuse people by going into this. Also, I want to emphasize this possible "Death Date" is my suspicion and my suspicion only, based on my own astrological investigations!

If you or your instructor can add more insight, please let us know.


WOW! Thanks! That is CRYSTAL clear.

Nope, I'm afraid that I don't have anything to add to THAT. :)

You and the cops seem to concur, perfectly!

We also use Houk's book. Only thing is.. he was was apparently way wrong about the date/time of his own death. But, it's a brilliant book!

I'm studying at Dirah out of the Netherlands. I'm just finishing the second module of five, so have MUCH to learn.

What a dynamic combination of disciplines you have used for this chart! I am SO impressed! Gives a fuller picture.

Thanks a million, SS! :)
Re: 1900 Saturday night.

I told you that Equusearch had searched behind the airport on Saturday. Another team, (private team) with cadaver dogs were about to search, and were displaced by the cops. There were three cars (two panda cars, one unmarked) and two CSI vans. The site was taped off.

The cops dug something up. The team did not see clearly what they were doing.

The private searchers went back, after the cops were finished, and the tape was down. Their cadaver dogs alerted to the area that the cops had dug up.

This still may not be connected to the Caylee case. it might have been connected to another crime.

However, at the time the cops displaced the private searchers, they stated they were gathering evidence re: a stolen jet ski (indicating an old jet ski that had weeds growing over it, nearby).

When these folks went back, the jet ski was still there, and still covered with weeds and cobwebs.

My guess is that you folks may have been right about Saturday night. Just a guess.

Because, 1) I'm not sure the cops would bring three cars and two CSI vans for a jet ski investigation, 2) the jet ski is still at the site 3) the private team's cadaver dogs alerted.

It may not have been Caylee, but it sort of looks like they dug up somebody. And, that's where Equusearch had apparently been searching all day.

Of course, they may have found the victim of another crime, by accident, while searching for Caylee. Haven't seen anything about it, in the Orlando news. But, the cops may want the DNA labs and the coroner to finish first.
Very interesting, Blini!

We will have to keep our eyes and ears sharp when Casey goes to trial.

I have stopped searching charts for more information at the moment. Now seems to be the "time to wait".
Very interesting, Blini!

We will have to keep our eyes and ears sharp when Casey goes to trial.

I have stopped searching charts for more information at the moment. Now seems to be the "time to wait".

"To everything there is a season. And, a time for every purpose under heaven."

I think we are in a calm before a storm. Or, maybe the eye of the hurricane.

And. speaking of which, I hope all of you remain safe from the incoming storms.
WFTV Orlando reports that 20 acres were searched by Equusearch around the airport, and nothing was found re: Caylee.

Which can mean either that: 1) the evidence that the cops were digging up, in that area, has nothing to do with Caylee, or 2) the cops are blowing smoke for strategic or procedural reasons.
WFTV Orlando reports that 20 acres were searched by Equusearch around the airport, and nothing was found re: Caylee.

Which can mean either that: 1) the evidence that the cops were digging up, in that area, has nothing to do with Caylee, or 2) the cops are blowing smoke for strategic or procedural reasons.

On NG tonight Tim Miller of Equisearch stated they have searched at around the airport BUT they are not finished yet.
On NG tonight Tim Miller of Equisearch stated they have searched at around the airport BUT they are not finished yet.

He did indeed say that.:) He said the rain got in the way, and the cops are having them search "according to Casey's electronic footprints."

I'm still wondering about what the cops found, Saturday, though, too?
Hey Brini,

I have been following your posts and also the "situation" that was going on. I wanted to post to you so bad when you got beat up. Please don't leave this forum. I am a newbie also and even if I weren't, I would probably still make mistakes. I got put on time out Friday night, so see, we all make mistakes! You and Soulscape have worked it out, you took care of getting it deleted, and that is the ONLY thing that matters. This thread (and Housemouse) is the reason I came out of lurking and finally registered. I am absolutely fascinated by forensic astrology and I will be studying up on it as soon as things settled down. Anyhoo, just wanted you to know, you have another friend! :blowkiss:
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