Jesse G. and his Father RJ on Gerado Fox

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Eyewitness News has learned that Casey Anthony had apparently asked her ex-fiancé Jesse Grund about Xanax while they were instant-messaging during the time they were engaged. Grund was asked the questions when he was hooked up to a polygraph by the FBI.

I guess Geraldo forgot to ask about this?
If Jesse is going to have to testify, that would probably explain why no real questions were asked other than basics. Not asking about the lie detector test he took seemed very odd for Geraldo, so I think Jesse has to stay quite on certain subjects. Otherwise, I believe if he passed the lie detector test, he would have been exclaiming it on TV tonight for sure while he was showing the paternity results. just my thoughts.
Just wanted to comment that Jesse G. looks like a nice young man and very handsome. I don't know how he got himself mixed up with the likes of casey and how she snowballed so many people. I really can't stand her from the moment she opened her mouth. What do these men see in her???
And it's basic simple facts such as this that people lose sight of. If you had to lie about a job to keep a room in your parents home while rolling around in one of the family cars, all food and personal expenses paid for for you and your baby by your parents, you're stealing from your grandparents, parents and "best friends"....would THIS be the person who would hand over money to another woman on a regular basis for nanny or babysitting??

There was no job! Why would a sitter/nanny be needed? And how can you know someone for 5 years without your controlling mother knowing them, how can you not remember any one of their phone numbers, you conveniently lost the phone at your fake job that could substantiate your claims, and you don't have 1 picture of this nanny and can't provide a sketch?? How is that?

I hope there is a prosecution that keeps drilling the common sense basics onto the jury. There could possibly be trouble if the trial drags on and any juror loses sight of basic simple facts.
These are all good points Marlene.
The strangest part here to me, is Cindy not ever talking to "the nanny" and never ever meeting "the nanny"! That doesn't make any sense knowing how controlling she is. This is very telling in that we know Cindy would have inserted herself in this situation and taken care of it all, checked out "the nanny" and probably would have been paying for the nanny! Why are we all supposed to believe this? How does Jose Baez think there will be anyone believe this story? It has no logic at all!
WHY did he take the paternity test?

$$$$$ ??????
I'd like to know that as well. Casey was obviously involved with him and others at the same time. He did mention something about "things breaking down"...maybe Casey couldn't be the stay at home, monogamous, kinda gf he wanted.
*bolding is mine* I'm right there with ya!
Everything I see with neighbors' teens and early/mid adults is
everything is about status. Car, stereo equipment, biggest plasma, etc.
Thanks but no thanks. At my age, I am quite happy with my simple, low maintenance life. :)

:):):):):) def. of a nanny.

I think I will go and look up when those tv shows about nannys started.

My husband and I are just a couple years older than Casey, and we use the term "nanny" for the woman who comes to our house every day to care for our children while we work. We use the term "babysitter" for someone who comes occasionally to watch the kids for a few hours while we go on a date.
If they did pre-screen the questions, the comments about the family being fractured wouldn't be one I would think that he would want to answer even if he observed it firsthand. Casey's family won't be happy with that one.

But he also took up for them early in the interview more or less stating in this situation how are they supposed to act etc...I don't think he threw anyone under the bus really.
Not surprising in that household...and I'm not kidding about that. I think this was quite a dysfunctional family even before Caylee went missing...probably for a very long time. JG pretty much confirmed it.

Jesse even said there were "factions" in the A family for quite a while.
Caylee called her MOMMOM......that was reported and I thought that was so strange from the beginning POWER STRUGGLE.......

That says alot to me anyway. So wrong on so many levels.

if caylee called cindy 'mommy', and if cindy actually encouraged it, especially with casey around, that would be one thing.

calling cindy 'mommom' is another. a lot of kids call their grandmothers 'mom-mom' and their grandfathers 'pop-pop'. i have a mommom, she's 87 and she never once tried to be my mother.

just clarifying so it doesn't seem so strange to people.
I personally thought the way Geraldo worded that was wrong. Just did not seem right to me for an interview that was airing on tv.

I about spewed my coke when he said that, LOL. I don't mean to make light of it, but it's not just what he said, it's how he said it that cracked me up. He said it so nonchalaunt (Sp?)
Thank you for jogging my memory ~ yes, that was about a couple of weeks ago on Geraldo's show, I think his brother Craig was talking to Jesse's dad?

...and also, what about the RevG's letter, previously posted, saying that all will be revealed, etc., in the future... was this supposed to clear everything up? I hope not...
WHY did he take the paternity test?

$$$$$ ??????

I'm pretty sure he took a paternity test when Caylee was like an infant..10 mnths rings a bell but I could be wrong. I'm almost positive he didn't take this test recently.
My husband and I are just a couple years older than Casey, and we use the term "nanny" for the woman who comes to our house every day to care for our children while we work. We use the term "babysitter" for someone who comes occasionally to watch the kids for a few hours while we go on a date.

makes sense
You're welcome. Yep, I know about Geraldo and the hurricanes -- he totally digs covering that stuff. However...he comes back, and no preface to any other news about the Caylee story except a few lines and then launches straight to Jesse? Anyone who doesn't watch his program consistently wouldn't "get it." That's why I'm feeling it's odd.
Oh I see what you mean now. I think he could've given Caylee's case more time and included what else has happened in the past 2 wks. like the new charges and so forth and LE going to California to talk with MH. I agree it did seem kind of out of context to what's been going on.
So there was a zanny nanny in November

JG could be giving KC free pass.

Another poster got me thinking its possible caylee couldnt pronounce nanny and her pronuciation (sp?) sounded like zaaaany..
and thats where the whole zanny babysitter nanny word came from

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