Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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When you arrive at the chart, click on it and it enlarges greatly.
Has anyone done a chart or have any insight on whether Caylee will be found when TM & LP begin again on Nov. 8th. If so, would you point me to that? I'm really interested in what you guys think!
Laneymae, your questions are good ones. If you look at the chart, you see that the deception KC has practiced does not meet with the same tolerance & patience in her father that Cindy extends to it. Uranus rules H. 3 of her communications, in the House we can take to be her father, H. 4, upsetting and revolting him as Uranus does and directing his wrath at her, Mars opposite. Mars and Pluto rule her. The insult of so many lies and the disturbing choices she makes (Virgo is choices and decisions) have estranged the two of them. KC is feeling that estrangement as she writes the letter. Neptune in her communications House, afflicted, confirms that if her mouth is moving, she's lying. My regrets everybody, but nor do I buy that within every clanger is an iota of truth. It is not a reliable rule of thumb. Sometimes she uses a fragment of reality as the waxed thread amongst her false fabric but sometimes not. It is not that she inserts a bit of truth but that she refers to something that might be familiar to her listener. It is a marker, as in "oh, yeah, I recognise that!" Otherwise, she would be so far out there as to be unintelligible. That happened with The Script.

She was over aware of her confined state, stultified and stifled, the day she wrote Kevin Beary. I think she very much wanted to sail through the nearest opening, into space, don't you Laneymae? It was almost hard to draw breath, Neptune a tincture in the air of Aquarius opposite the Sun far away in the House of being at liberty, H.9
Mercury, the thoughts of the moment, were 7°Virgo square the Part of Captivity 7°II. A sense of bondage, especially with Saturn of lock up in the H. of Fate, conjunct Mercury, overwhelming in its heavy presence.
My chart is at photobucket. Let's see if this link is sufficient:

WOW Tuba!! a handwritten chart, that must be alot of work!

I remember Housemouse saying when she was learning, she used handwritten charts as well.

I am impressed by all of the astrologers that this case has brought here!

Thank you to all!!!:blowkiss:
Has anyone done a chart or have any insight on whether Caylee will be found when TM & LP begin again on Nov. 8th. If so, would you point me to that? I'm really interested in what you guys think!

:waitasec: I saw a newscast today from channel 9 and the reporter stated that TES was coming back on Nov. 4 or 5th.

I will try to find the link.....BRB

Okay....I found it!
:waitasec: I saw a newscast today from channel 9 and the reporter stated that TES was coming back on Nov. 4 or 5th.

I will try to find the link.....BRB

Okay....I found it!

It's not the date Tim Miller comes back to Florida that is critical, it is the date and time he re-begins the search. We will be most interested in assessing that chart... whether or not he (and/or his team) will find Caylee will be written in that chart.

I just surfed over to the TES site and made a donation.

I am encouraging everyone to please do the same. Even $5.00 will help. Please help Tim & his crew find Caylee when he resumes the search on November 8th.

To donate:

Thanks & Blessings,
Thanks for that link Soulscape - I'll be sending a donation to Tim also. I'm hoping everyone on WS sends something in to him, and I'm praying his search will be successful. And yes, I am really waiting for the TIME the search begins so we can take a look at the chart. Seems the drive to succeed is certainly there this time, as Tim commented that it would be the largest search he has ever conducted, and he is doing this without the support of CA. IF little Caylee is out there, he'll bring her home.
Should be able to post the mercury aspects for CA by tomorrow. I've been having a horrendously hectic week. Going to visit grandson this week, so I'm not even sure how much I'll get to check into WS.. just over the past few days, I've had to scan through tons of posts!! Getting hard to keep up. Great insights everybody!
It's not the date Tim Miller comes back to Florida that is critical, it is the date and time he re-begins the search. We will be most interested in assessing that chart... whether or not he (and/or his team) will find Caylee will be written in that chart.


Thanks for explaining that Soulscape!

The date and time they start the search will definitely not be hidden, as I believe it will get at tremendous amount of coverage by all news stations!
BTW, should a new thread be started?

Does anyone know how?

Maybe in the morning I can ask a mod.
On the note posted to the Sheriff -there was scribbling before Kc decided to write that she wanted to see her father. Are there any educated guesses on what was possibly scratched out? Seems she may have had someone else in mind before deciding to ask fo GA.. If so, who would that have been ?
I cannot decipher any names myself.:waitasec:
Thank you one and all, very well thought out thread.
On the note posted to the Sheriff -there was scribbling before Kc decided to write that she wanted to see her father. Are there any educated guesses on what was possibly scratched out? Seems she may have had someone else in mind before deciding to ask fo GA.. If so, who would that have been ?
I cannot decipher any names myself.:waitasec:
Thank you one and all, very well thought out thread.

Hi Raregem,

I examined the handwritten note closely and also couldn't determine what she had scratched out. However, I noticed she obliterated the word by drawing overlapping circles through it --- "spinning her wheels" ... "going nowhere" ... "chasing her tail" ... "round and round we go, where it stops, nobody knows"...

Tuba's read on this chart was dead-on: "the note is aimless, pointless, going nowhere along with her feeling of persecution..."

Recall that Sun was at 22 Leo, the degree of being one's worst enemy, and that Scorpio was on the cusp of both House 12 and House 1, meaning she brought this on herself.

See Tuba's original post, #605.

On the note posted to the Sheriff -there was scribbling before Kc decided to write that she wanted to see her father. Are there any educated guesses on what was possibly scratched out? Seems she may have had someone else in mind before deciding to ask fo GA.. If so, who would that have been ?
I cannot decipher any names myself.:waitasec:
Thank you one and all, very well thought out thread.

Frustrating because one can almost see under the scribble but not quite. We know one thing, it was not going to be someone's proper name because the letters overwritten are too short. It must have been my mother, my brother, my friend. I don't believe it was a thank you for monies put in her jail acc't that was on her mind, because of the scribble. She did probably want another donation to the acc't though because the Moon rules H.8 of Other's Money and is in her H. of Income/Cash.

Mainly, she wanted to square matters, conciliate the hard feelings and to break free, although that was just an overpowering urge not something she could act on. Mars opposite Uranus and square Pluto, she was about to bust her boiler---Mars & Pluto co-rule Casey here. Of course, Mars also rules the H. of her child and where does the T-Square in this letter writing exercise fall out? Right on that missing Venus Sun conjunction that occurred at the homicide. It rides the H. 8 Cusp of this chart which is so replete with shadows from the past.

As to the scribble, doesn't she always admit she is running around in circles? She uses those very words. I think your interpretation of the baling wire is too true, Soulscape. If she had reversed the direction of the circling, according to a book I have on such idle scratchings, it would mean she was working out her problems. But we know better than that because she borrows shovels from next door, signs her own name on someone else's check, cannot plan her way from the patrol car to her "office".:behindbar
Since KC draws people in only to damage them, I thought it would be interesting to examine the Dark Moon Lilith in her chart. Lilith is temptation and betrayal, seduction & poisoning, KC's Dark Moon would be particularly active.

At birth her Lilith was 30°16' Capricorn or 0°16 Aquarius. Her Lunar Node is square from 1°45' Taurus. In parts of Europe, the node is considered the locus of our associations. It would denote people and groups we belong to or connect with. It is also a point of benefit in our horoscope, an intake from the world around us. KC's intake valve is blocked, so to speak, by affliction from her own compulsions, debasements and abnormal attitudes. Lilith is self-undoing and crimes committed deliberately.

KC's progressed Lilith is 8°45' Aries this year, moving toward 11°47 Aries. This 8 Aries Lilith opposed the death star Vindemiatrix and we saw Mercury on that star at the indictment and the Moon squaring Vindemiatrix at her first arrest.

Lilith beckons and then denies, "Just give me one more day, Mother." "This is my office at Universal." She comes on to men and women, gives the old comether gaze at the camera. If she hadn't destroyed her own credibility, she might be able to work her hoodoo from the stand.
Today the not guilty plea went into the room #3 arraignment record at the jail at 8:30 a.m. I put the chart for entry into that record at

The ASC is again Scorpio with Mars rising and ruling the ASC. The ruler for KC, Mars, is square the Part of Fortune at 10:40 Leo on the hidden side of authorities & reputation. The south node is in that Tenth House. Note that the plea itself is Mercury square Jupiter and in an event chart, that is not an accurate statement of guilt. Mercury rules the H. of Death.
The Moon and Sun are at odds, ninety degrees from one another. This represents the prosecutor Moon and a happening in the past which caused KC to wear the status of prisoner. (Sun in H. 12 ruling H. 10) The prosecutor will expend whatever energy and difficulty is needed, the square, to obtain a verdict of guilt for that crime. The prosecutor is at strain with Pluto, 150° and Pluto is KC's co-ruler. Something has got to give, a change must occur before the process moves forward. I am hoping to see a new lead prosecutor who will be able to win friends on the jury.

There should be a breakthrough soon when Saturn and Uranus close their opposition. Important Houses are activated during that aspect. KC's denials and refusals, Saturn ruled H. 3 and of course, the H. of Children, 5.

Venus in H. 1 in the legal Sign of Sagittarius and ruling H. 7 does show protection for the prisoner from her lawyers. Sag is a dual Sign.

The future is ruled by Jupiter, KC's plea and it is in harmony with the sealed lips of Saturn that rule the Cusp of her written & oral communications. She is well pleased with her silence and believes she is wise to play the closed oyster.
i everyone. Getting ready for out of town visit to precious grandson, but finally finished the analysis of Cindy's afflictions to mercury. I posted the one about Casey's chart a while back (can't find the posts#!). I'll try to keep in touch from Michigan. Oh, saw on NG that the neglect charges will be dropped. Waiting for more info on new attorney. I'll be back home before the TES search. TUBA - SOULSCAPE should the search chart be timed to the actual physical search? He said he is going back to FL Nov 4-5th to start mapping out.....hmmmm. And how will we pick exactly when search starts - the actual foot forward of TM? Here's the info on CA. Tried to post the chart, but it would not let me. Set for: 6/5/58 at 12:01pm, Warren, OH


CA’s chart has even more challenging aspects to the planets of communication than Casey’s.
Her Sun in Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so it is an especially important planet for her. Depending on her exact birth time, CA has either moon in Aquarius (detached, cool, obstinate) or Capricorn (dutiful, parental). I’m using the noon chart because I think she shows more of the Aquarian profile.

Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Leo, Sextile Mars in Pisces, Inconjunct north node in Scorpio

Mercury = communication, Taurus =“The Bull” obstinate, possessive, acquisitive)
Square aspect = friction, challenge
Pluto = “Lord of the Under World” compulsive, intense, vengeful, manipulative, control, crime
Leo = proud, domineering, opinionated

Sextile = ease, opportunity
Mars = action, aggression
Pisces= illusion, deception, escapism

Inconjunct = (out of sign) aspect of tension requires adjustment
North Node = karma, destiny
Scorpio = secretive, underhanded - needs to develop self control & avoid manipulation and it is nestled right next to Neptune (more illusion)

These aspects are reflected in a style that on the surface can be very pleasant and easy going, conciliatory. But this Taurus Mercury is in the mournful 29th degree of Weeping Sisters/Pleaides, combined with the stress from vengeful, wicked Pluto. It raises CA defenses like an armed warrior, and so the helpful Sextile to mars evaporates into thin air because it is squared from prickly boisterous Saturn in Sag which exaggerates the evasive, deceptive nature of Pisces. The (out of sign) inconjunct involving the fateful nodes in heavy karma sign of Scorpio touches off her Neptune, leading right back into the trap of deception, illusion, evasion. At every turn of stressful events, she is forced to retreat into evasion and anger….alienating anyone trying to help her. Harsh mars transits to her chart beginning back in May (and peaking now) have triggered off a rash of negative aspects. Remember Cindy sniping at the media “… wasn’t a body….it was a pizza”. Cindy refusing to give LE the copies of her JCP bill….I already looked at it, there’s nothing important on it…” And most dreadful, “I’ll never work with Tim Miller again…”

Because Mercury in Taurus is ruled by Venus (love, pleasure, money) we have to look at that planet to see the additional influence. And here we find the most important configuration in CA’s chart. “

Venus in Taurus opposite Neptune & N. Node in Scorpio is square her Moon in Aquarius opposite Uranus in Leo forming a GRAND CROSS CONFIGURATIO)
(GC means there are two planets opposite each other and at the same time they are in square aspect to two other planets that are opposite each other, so that when drawn out on the chart it literally looks like a cross “+” . These planets are locked in perpetual conflict/battle – the person is constantly on a see-saw, having to balance these opposing energies. No comfort zone.

Venus = love/pleasure, Taurus = loyal/ possessive, dogmatic
Opposition = polarity/relationship/requires compromise
Neptune = confusion/deception, N. Node = karma, destiny, Scorpio = vengeful, secretive, control
Square = friction, challenge
Uranus = unexpected, rebellion, Leo = pride, dominating
Opposition (see above)
Moon = feelings/emotions/habits in Aquarius (detached, unpredictable, rebel)

“A Grand Cross in Fixed Signs is one of the most infuriating, intransigent patterns in Astrology ... because it presents you with people who seem "immoveable and uncompromising" in their treatment of you ... and attitudes that are perceived as implacable, antagonistic, mean spirited, and entrenched. Fixed signs are notoriously unwilling to compromise; they dig in, fortify their positions, stubbornly resist negotiation, and vow to "hold out to the last man." And yet the situations involved will be ones in which compromise is absolutely essential. Any other choice amounts to mutual suicide….” (snipped from enchanted spirit. org)

Like two see-saws: CA has one with Venus/Taurus affection & relationship that must cooperate/compromise with Neptune/Scorpio desire to control and evade by confusion. Her second one has Moon/emotion uncomfortable in rebel Aquarius trying to balance out wild, unpredictable- shocking Uranus in headstrong Leo almost mocking in her refusal to surrender pride and position.

This is the CA we see during the interviews with Yuri having to literally sit two feet from her, holding her hands while trying to penetrate her fortress of defense, all to no avail. In spite of the loss of her beloved little Caylee, she cannot yield the control and cooperate long enough to get at the truth. She will blame, attack, confuse, stonewall her “opponent”. Her emotionally unreachable moon hides behind false pride of Leo… “my child could not have hurt Caylee”. immobilized by delusional mists of Neptune in Scorpio (rage). Of course, this is infuriating to the tv viewers/supporters who are trying to help her…..hence her unpopularity with the public. Remember CA with the baseball bat….defensive, aggressive.

I think it will take something even greater than the arrest of her own daughter Casey to force CA to “yield” to the truth. She is not likely to relent until presented with the remains of little Caylee, when the delusional mist of Neptune departs and lets loose the rage (and guilt) of Scorpio. Her Mercury/Pluto remains under attack throughout November. The steady march of the Saturn-Uranus opposition into the next year. And look to the Jan 26th eclipse in Aquarius conj N.N. to trigger off the grand cross, bringing about major karmic transformation. She will surely need the public’s compassion and kindness to survive being forced to face the horrific reality.
I think PinkPanther has been waiting for an analysis of Cindy's chart, Kaitland. I'm sure she will appreciate the depth you drilled to. I hope she visits our thread, if not we can PM her tomorrow or the next day. More about Tim another time!
Kaitland, I am showing a different node than you see. 29:10 Libra. As you know, this family is full of contacts to that part of the zodiac (Lee has Saturn & Pluto, Geo. mand his Moon, KC with the "speculative ASC", and Cindy with the lunar node) Maybe your software placed node in an ambiguous position in the House.
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