Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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The horary Where Is Caylee dates back to 2 Sep, before I came to the Forum. I've been a member of WS longer but not the Caylee Forum. My first post here is #664 on page 27 of our first Astro Thread. So, no bad, not to worry, you did not complicate the question. The situation is simply complicated because Caylee is our cherub but there are also remains of her here and there, in the air, as stains on a trunk carpet, as hair there, as DNA in the toys and clothes she left behind, as bones yet to be found. In order to prove what became of Caylee we have to look at her as these traces, pieces and parts and there was a lot to uncover and examine and test. Not only in the cause of justice but also to undo the dishonor done to her after death, we want to gather her up and give her a proper resting place.
Whatever does corporeally remain is more symbol as this late date, no longer whole. The spirit and its new form has soared away to its real home.

The one thing that continually bothers me is that George was the one that stood over the trunk when it was originally opened. I have smelt death from a distance and can only imagine the horrible stench that must have come from the vehicle as George opened it. As a former member of LE - he would be all too familiar with what death smelt like.

At that very moment - George knew!

He drove that car home..... how???? I will never be able to comprehend ????

His denial of Caylee's death puzzled me - but I tried to resolve within myself that I have never grieved over the loss of the child and he must be working his way through the grieving process.

GA's presence and statements at the GJ brought me a glimmer of hope which was quickly blotted out in the days that followed by his return to the "land of denial."

Is it possible that George's inner turmoil with what he knows is true, his statements to the public, and his testimony before the GJ contribute to what your charts have revealed regarding "concealment" ? It's almost as if he is battling within himself......

your thoughts .....


I decided to look ahead a few days to 10/28 (Casey's upcoming court date) and see that George will continue to undergo some challenging transits to his natal planets. I am just listing a few that I think are relevant to your comments:

Transit Mercury sesquisquare (135 degrees) natal Mercury
Transit Mercury conjunct natal Neptune
Transit Mercury parallel natal Neptune

Mercury is the mind, mindset, thinking process. The contacts to natal Neptune could indicate both a tendency to be deceived and/or an ability to deceive others. Basically, George doesn't know what he is thinking because Neptune fogs everything up. With Neptune involvement, sometimes you are sure black is black and white is white and you are totally and completely unable to see the truth of the matter. Mercury/Neptune can also make a person gullible and/or subject to victimization. It can make one secretive.

Transit Mars sesquisquare natal Saturn (struggle, hardship, anger, impatience and depression)
Transit Mars trine natal Uranus (stamina, ability to withstand difficulties)
Transit Mars square natal Pluto (intense struggle, violence, violent feelings)
Transit Mars parallel natal Chiron (intense anger that can hurt or heal depending on how he uses the energy)

Transit Jupiter sesquisquare natal Mercury (overinflation of thought; poor judgment, bad decisions)
Transit Jupiter square natal Neptune (exaggeration, confused emotions, can cause him to be deceived or be deceiving, not being able to see straight, instability, changing his mind)

Transit Saturn conjunct natal Sun (depression, heavy burdens)
Transit Saturn parallel natal Sun (depression, heavy burdens, responsibility, taking it all on his shoulders, heavy heavy load)
Transit Saturn contraparallel natal Neptune (reality vs confusion/illusion --- what is real? what is a lie?)

Transit Neptune POSSIBLY parallel Moon (great sensitivity, highly impressionable, hides real feelings so sensitivity is not apparent, not talkative, attracts secret enemies, heightened sensitivity to drugs/medications)

We are not sure of George's Moon position, not having his exact time of birth. The Sunrise chart gives 29:30 Libra, but I suspect he was born later and has a Scorpio Moon, which is highly secretive, private, impatient, moody, easily hurt, jealous, set in its ways and very stubborn. This is a Moon that feels intensely but doesn't want to show its cards to the public. The Scorpio Moon, above all others, values its privacy...

The ongoing Mercury/Neptune and [probable] Neptune to Moon aspects are likely responsible for the denial and discrepancies he is exhibiting.

Hope this explanation is helpful,

Thank you for this Soulscape. I never felt like she had any 'help' with her dirty deed.

I REALLY hope that someday soon, Forensic Astrology will be used in all investigations of crimes. The wealth of insight it provides is incredible.

Hi Lovejac,

Astrology -- forensic or otherwise -- is not admissible in court and probably never will be because its validity or lack thereof cannot be proved or disproved by scientific methods.

However, as the astrologers on this thread have consistently shown time & again, astrology can be a valuable tool in crime investigation.

Websleuths has an excellent reputation and is well respected by the crime solving community. Many registered users are legal and/or law enforcement professionals. Let's hope that as time goes on, astrologers can continue to contribute valuable information here on Websleuths that helps solve crimes and that as legal and LE professionals become more familiar and educated as to what forensic astrology can reveal, they will feel more comfortable exploring & using the insights forensic astrology offers.

I think we should be concerned, definitely. I did try to draw her out but she may be entertaining company, ill in bed or preoccupied with the global financial crisis still.

Maybe you could try, Theonly1.
I think we should be concerned, definitely. I did try to draw her out but she may be entertaining company, ill in bed or preoccupied with the global financial crisis still.

Maybe you could try, Theonly1.

Hi guys. I checked under the member stats and Housemouse visited yesterday. I don't know her but value her wisdom. Hope she is well soon!!!
Hi Lovejac,

Astrology -- forensic or otherwise -- is not admissible in court and probably never will be because its validity or lack thereof cannot be proved or disproved by scientific methods.

However, as the astrologers on this thread have consistently shown time & again, astrology can be a valuable tool in crime investigation.

Websleuths has an excellent reputation and is well respected by the crime solving community. Many registered users are legal and/or law enforcement professionals. Let's hope that as time goes on, astrologers can continue to contribute valuable information here on Websleuths that helps solve crimes and that as legal and LE professionals become more familiar and educated as to what forensic astrology can reveal, they will feel more comfortable exploring & using the insights forensic astrology offers.


I hope that LE has found their way to this thread.

I am amazed at the accuracy of these charts!
This may have been looked at already, I am curious if anyone has looked at charts for Casey dating back to June 10 and 11th? I have seen some people trying to connect Casey to the death of NG (the jogger in Blanchard park).
I have also read what another astrologer has stated on a forensic astrology website. I guess what I am asking is.. Do any of you see a connection?

I am sorry if this has already been discussed, I do not have the time to read everything on this site.

If anyone would like a link to the other site where the chart on NG was done, just PM me.
The horary Where Is Caylee dates back to 2 Sep, before I came to the Forum. I've been a member of WS longer but not the Caylee Forum. My first post here is #664 on page 27 of our first Astro Thread. So, no bad, not to worry, you did not complicate the question. The situation is simply complicated because Caylee is our cherub but there are also remains of her here and there, in the air, as stains on a trunk carpet, as hair there, as DNA in the toys and clothes she left behind, as bones yet to be found. In order to prove what became of Caylee we have to look at her as these traces, pieces and parts and there was a lot to uncover and examine and test. Not only in the cause of justice but also to undo the dishonor done to her after death, we want to gather her up and give her a proper resting place.
Whatever does corporeally remain is more symbol as this late date, no longer whole. The spirit and its new form has soared away to its real home.[/QUOTE]

Tuba, this is a beautiful post...hard to read but something that we all have intuitively known..and so so accurate. Little portions of her left in this realm to be discovered, and hopefully soon given a proper resting place.

This case is such an emotional one for so many of us. I am weeping reading this last sentence of yours. It is so poetic. There is much consolation knowing that she has a true home far away from this fallen world.

Thank you for all of the work you are doing here.
This may have been looked at already, I am curious if anyone has looked at charts for Casey dating back to June 10 and 11th? I have seen some people trying to connect Casey to the death of NG (the jogger in Blanchard park).
I have also read what another astrologer has stated on a forensic astrology website. I guess what I am asking is.. Do any of you see a connection?

I am sorry if this has already been discussed, I do not have the time to read everything on this site.

If anyone would like a link to the other site where the chart on NG was done, just PM me.

I read the NG chart on that site. It makes one go hmmmm for sure. :eek: I don't recall it being discussed on this thread. It would be interesting if one of our astrologers here could post a chart fro KC on the date of NG"S murder. I believe it was June 9, the same day that KC originally stated was the last day she saw Caylee. I've wondered about this date since it was reported as the original date KC gave for Caylee's disappearance. If a chart has been posted already could someone please provide a link as I may have missed it.

Thanks for adressing this momof ecs. Matilda :)
ECS, you are right to open to the broader horizon and help us look at what led up to this crime. Not that I believe the jogger murder is related to ours but those earlier days in June tell a tale and I, for one, have ignored them.

Certainly, KC could have hoped that the jogger crime would have people muddling that with her own Blanchard Park visits but that "script" was spoiled by the June 15 video.

In terms of reality chronicle, those days after the pool party are not clear for me but astrologically, Saturn was now opposing KC's Jupiter and she therefore felt a restriction in freedom. Mars was on Caylee's Sun, so she was the 30# papoose. There was a quarter Moon at 18°Virgo to Sun 18° II. The Sun tripped off KC's afflicted Moon by solstice point. The Cancer Moon in KC's chart square Venus has everything to do with her failings as a mother and even indicates that her progesterone and estrogen were not working together harmoniously.

Uranus was transiting KC's Mercury with support from Jupiter in sextile, so she was concocting break out schemes (Uranus) with confidence, Jupiter, and seeing opportunities (60°).

The quarter Moon by activating her own lunar position in Cancer assures us that Cindy was becoming more solicitous and this added to the pressure of responsibilities that were unwelcome during these days of seeking liberation.

I need to return to the forums' timeline and examine whether there is coverage for this period, read what was going on in more detail. I don't like what I see in the planets. Not at all. Particularly Mars on Caylee's Sun already, targeting her as the trouble, the problem, the thorn in the side.
Housemouse, missing your input and wishing you well. Above all God is our saviour and is our redemption. The election is almost over and no matter who gets the 'in' it is not they who is going to save us, it is the One who is and has always been there. This is my favorite thread.
Hello All,

I am happy to report Housemouse & I corresponded via email this morning. She has been struggling with a lingering case of adult croup but thankfully is slowly recovering. Mr. Housemouse is also doing better, thank God.

Additionally, Housemouse has a house-full of house-guests this weekend that she must attend to.

Housemouse assures us she will be back as soon as she is able, and was so happy to hear of our love and caring. Please continue to pray for her swift and full recovery and continue to send your love, caring and support her way.

Hi Tuba see my bold. I live in Orlando very close to where the search will start. Would it help if I asked the question that Dolce posted?

Is there any way to predict what chances there are that Tim Miller and TES will be able to locate any remains or personal items belonging to Caylee when they head out for their search in early November?

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful insight.

Sparky, I am looking for a pine tree to be close to the bones. Are there any pines in the area where pings from KC's cell registered? I have been to Florida but not to Orlando, so I am trying to get a feel for the terrain.

Thank you.:confused:
Hello All,

I am happy to report Housemouse & I corresponded via email this morning. She has been struggling with a lingering case of adult croup but thankfully is slowly recovering. Mr. Housemouse is also doing better, thank God.

Additionally, Housemouse has a house-full of house-guests this weekend that she must attend to.

Housemouse assures us she will be back as soon as she is able, and was so happy to hear of our love and caring. Please continue to pray for her swift and full recovery and continue to send your love, caring and support her way.


Oh, thank you soulscape so much!

It's a relief to hear that our friend Housemouse is recovering and Mr. Housemouse is also doing better!

They surely have become like family to many of us and we do worry.

This is good news. Some of us, as Christians, although fascinated by astrology, had put it aside thinking it conflicted with our religion. Housemouse was the one who convinced us it was "OK" to study God's time clock for events. She let us see astrology in a different light.

I thank her that I can renew my interest in studying astrology without the guilt that always haunted me about it.

God bless her. She is a very special lady!
Sparky, I am looking for a pine tree to be close to the bones. Are there any pines in the area where pings from KC's cell registered? I have been to Florida but not to Orlando, so I am trying to get a feel for the terrain.

Thank you.:confused:

Tuba...hope this can help some...

There is a Natural Cypress aka Southern Cypress/Swamp Cypress (botanical name-Cupressaceae) in Florida that's mistaken by visitors to be a pine of some sort. Cones are produced by these trees year round more prevalent in the fall when they seed;the cone is smaller then a pine cone.These do not look anything like a Leland Cypress( Chrismas tree shape).

Anywhere there is swampland/wetlands, you will find these Cypress trees (pine looking). Other similar Cypress can grow out of the water-they start out as 'stumps' called Cypress Knees since they grow off the roots of nearby Cypress. These natural wild Cypress are tall w/slim trunks, have small umbrella tops, softer needles then a pine and a shorter needle length then a pine giving off a fuzzy look at a distance. These can grow sparingly or you can have waterways lined with them.
Natural to the terrain are Scrub Oaks with multiple trunks. Also Water Oaks that look like a scragily foliage with an oak shaped leaf that's very pointed on the perimeter/versus a live oak or laurel oak having smaller more rounded points.

The ground surfaces here: mostly sand(tan to light brown colored) as we are just above sea level. Cypress will grow in mucky "silty" soil where water presently exists or ground that has recently been covered with water.

Lastly, the Palmetto- a bush aka Scrub Palmetto (visitors associate it with a short Palm); it's a plant w long fan like frons-no more then 8-10' tall when mature-no defined tree trunk;these very often grow in multiples/bunches and inbetween and around the Splash Pines and are common to wet or a drier moist area throughout Florida.

In a public or planned park area, you'll find mostly Slash Pine trees (really skinny tall pines with growth toward the top) and possibly some Scrub Oaks and Palmettos. It is not common to find Cypress trees in those area.

In the wetlands and preserve areas we find mostly Cypress, Scrub Oak, Water Oak, some Cabbage Palm and Palmetto. These areas are usually undeveloped . This is what surrounds most of Orlando.

If you go to Google Images or MS Images, you will see all of the above; may want to also include a search line like Florida wetlands, Native Florida terrain and so on.

Thank YOU for all you share. Caylee's spirit is oh so worthy.
Thanks, 5th. That gives me a good picture. I had noticed that Pine Hill was now covered over with commercial buildings when I checked that out at MapQuest. The Splash Pines are what I have in mind from your description, partly because they are aromatic. I appreciate your help muchly.
This may have been looked at already, I am curious if anyone has looked at charts for Casey dating back to June 10 and 11th? I have seen some people trying to connect Casey to the death of NG (the jogger in Blanchard park).
I have also read what another astrologer has stated on a forensic astrology website. I guess what I am asking is.. Do any of you see a connection?

I am sorry if this has already been discussed, I do not have the time to read everything on this site.

If anyone would like a link to the other site where the chart on NG was done, just PM me.


A very detailed look at what Casey did/ where Casey was on June 9th is shown at this thread:

Another time line thread here on WS shows Casey shopping at Target on both the day before 6/8 and the day after, 6/10.

The time lines/ text messages/ phone calls, etc. paint a picture of a young woman (Casey) who has fun, partying and romantic encounters --- not to mention new lingerie, beer & cool sunglasses --- on her mind. Also, this is the time frame where she sleeps with RM for the last time, as she is dumping him to amp up her relationship with AL. Baby Caylee is being schlepped around, from one place to the next (with nights spent along with Momma KC at RM's place), like a bag of potatoes.... or a ball & chain around Momma KC's ankle...

IMO, there is no connection whatsoever between the murder of NG in Blanchard Park and KC, other than she may have, after the fact, tried to plant the seed of a Blanchard Park connection to Caylee's disappearance as a way to throw the scent off her own self.

BTW, I looked at the Last Seen for NG and the murder/death is glaringly obvious. I'm not going to post the chart, but I will tell you, Ascendent is 19 Scorpio --- Serpentis --- "the accursed degree of the cursed sign whose malefic influence never weakens" and Black Moon Lilith rises. The testimonies for murder and death are numerous, including significator for NG, Venus, in the 8th House of Death and Part of Death conjunct Midheaven (the "goal").

Here are the details for those who wish to cast the chart & form their own judgment:

Blanchard Park Murder of NG -- LAST SEEN
June 9, 2008
6:00 pm EDT (+4:00)
Orlando FL

With all due respect to the other astrologer, it appears to me that the murder was the work of one male, and not a group of three including a woman, as the other astrologer suspects. This judgment is based on how I examine/ read charts, and doesn't necessarily mean I'm right & she's wrong. If I find out later I misread the chart, hopefully I'll figure out where I went wrong and use that knowledge to give better reads on future crime charts.


A very detailed look at what Casey did/ where Casey was on June 9th is shown at this thread:

Another time line thread here on WS shows Casey shopping at Target on both the day before 6/8 and the day after, 6/10.

The time lines/ text messages/ phone calls, etc. paint a picture of a young woman (Casey) who has fun, partying and romantic encounters --- not to mention new lingerie, beer & cool sunglasses --- on her mind. Also, this is the time frame where she sleeps with RM for the last time, as she is dumping him to amp up her relationship with AL. Baby Caylee is being schlepped around, from one place to the next (with nights spent along with Momma KC at RM's place), like a bag of potatoes.... or a ball & chain around Momma KC's ankle...

IMO, there is no connection whatsoever between the murder of NG in Blanchard Park and KC, other than she may have, after the fact, tried to plant the seed of a Blanchard Park connection to Caylee's disappearance as a way to throw the scent off her own self.

BTW, I looked at the Last Seen for NG and the murder/death is glaringly obvious. I'm not going to post the chart, but I will tell you, Ascendent is 19 Scorpio --- Serpentis --- "the accursed degree of the cursed sign whose malefic influence never weakens" and Black Moon Lilith rises. The testimonies for murder and death are numerous, including significator for NG, Venus, in the 8th House of Death and Part of Death conjunct Midheaven (the "goal").

Here are the details for those who wish to cast the chart & form their own judgment:

Blanchard Park Murder of NG -- LAST SEEN
June 9, 2008
6:00 pm EDT (+4:00)
Orlando FL

With all due respect to the other astrologer, it appears to me that the murder was the work of one male, and not a group of three including a woman, as the other astrologer suspects. This judgment is based on how I examine/ read charts, and doesn't necessarily mean I'm right & she's wrong. If I find out later I misread the chart, hopefully I'll figure out where I went wrong and use that knowledge to give better reads on future crime charts.


thanks so much for keeping us updated and sharing new insights. It is, if I may coin a word from tuba, "MUCHLY" appreciated...
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