Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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I know it is hard to understand why Caylee has not been found with LP,LE,TES and all the volunteers searching for her and the many,many prayers. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. Caylee's soul is at peace and she will be found when she is supposed to be found. I truly believe in my dreams I have had along with all of the others I have read. I know some people claim she will never be found........................I believe she will be found in January like I posted earlier. We need to have faith and LP's statement fits in with my dream.

Hello Chesterp,

While I sincerely hope the dreams you & others have had regarding Caylee's remains being found turn out to be correct, the astrology gives disappointing testimony this will not happen.

I quote from one of my previous posts, found at

In the #3 Phone Call to LE Chart discussed several posts back, the planet symboling little Caylee (the SUN) was located in the turned 12th House (radix 6th). In astrology, the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses are called CADENT, one meaning of which is HIDDEN. In horary astrology, the missing person is where the planet symbolizing them is located. If the significator (planet representing the person or thing asked about) is in a cadent house, they are hidden, not easy to find. I have worked with other charts showing the missing person's significator in the turned 12th house and to date they were never found. (Madeline McCann comes to mind...). I am not saying Caylee won't be found, it just wouldn't surprise me much if she isn't.

The SUN (Caylee) is in Cancer. This is a water sign, and in the 12th House, suggests a watery grave. Also, in the natural wheel, the 12th House is given to PISCES, the modern ruler of which is NEPTUNE. So here we get another testimony of the possible scenario of a watery grave (water sign Pisces), and a mystery (Neptune) never to be solved (Neptune), since we all know Casey will never tell the truth (Neptune).

Unfortunately, the more time that elapses, the more likely the above scenario will play out.

If this has been posted, I apologize. There is just so much going on in this forum it is hard to keep track. The woman who operates a forensic astrology blog posted a reading on Caylee.
There is a chart for today's motions hearing at #587, page 24, in our thread #3. The astro thread.
If this has been posted, I apologize. There is just so much going on in this forum it is hard to keep track. The woman who operates a forensic astrology blog posted a reading on Caylee.

WOW, I just read this I do not know anything about astrology, but as I have posted before................Before the BOND hearing I had a dream and David Koresh was shouted out to me 3 times. This is the reason I have been so interested in the gas cans. I was also told red azaleas......... I am not sure what flowers are in the A's backyard, but I do know I have seen RED flowers in their yard. I do not follow the text messages/pings/or certain other things because in my mind it will not make any difference to my dream. I also posted a quote from Mother Theresa I was given about burning a man etc., which I found on RM page, which is no longer there, and I have seen a MALE crying saying he loved her and would never do anything to hurt her in my dream but I can not see his face. All of this fits in with my dreams.... except the date. I asked what day did Caylee go to Heaven and I was told loud and clear JUNE 14TH, which does not make sense because of evidence, and for the life of me I do not understand why I had these dreams of Caylee.

As for finding her remains, I strongly feel she will be found in Jan., maybe not intact, but Caylee will be found. The last dream I had Caylee was happy playing with her little sister in Heaven................. and I was told FORGIVENESS.
If this has been posted, I apologize. There is just so much going on in this forum it is hard to keep track. The woman who operates a forensic astrology blog posted a reading on Caylee.

Wow...that was something. I've been to that site before, but not back because Caylee's reading wasn't posted yet. That is amazing. A couple of things popped into my head reading it -- what male(s) did she talk to on 6/19? Also, I thought one time KC mentioned getting xanax from a male friend in a text to someone?? That's who I'd look at if I were LE. Wonder who she talked to previous and up through 6/19, but not after 6/23. Ricardo comes to mind, but I'll have to go back and look. Well, we know what she did with all that gas now...ugh, poor Caylee.

LE needs to confiscate the playhouse and all those pavers/bricks underneath it for forensics, and test the soil too maybe. I also wonder if they can do that sonar thing on the new concrete pad back there to see if anything is buried below?

I wonder if the day someone saw her there in the GREEN TRUCK with the unidentified male was the day she cremated Caylee or began preparing for it? Wasn't that (one of) the day(s) she took the gas? Can someone do a chart on the day she was there in the green truck? See if it says who might have been with her? Or at least a astro sign or something?
In reference to the above link or any chart, I'd like to point out that each house has many different possibilities. For example, the 9th house could be a woods, with a sign that agrees with that notion, or it could be high ground, the upper floor of a building, a church and especially far away, even in another country. The 9th gives international connections.

Also, each day every sign and planet touches each house cusp. Not all children die when the 5th ruler lands in their 4th or 8th and this happens every day. As I right this the ruler of the 5th is in the 8th and none of my children are dead. One is cutting a snowflake (Sag with his sword) and another is playing World of Warcraft on the internet. Mars is close by too so the warrior is busy at play. Sun there too, play time for children, young and old. The 8th is also elimination, going to the bathroom. The 8th can mean receiving payment or being abducted too, I believe. It's very important for the astrologer to not have any preconceived ideas when reading.
When a person "disappears into nowhere," the Last Seen chart can determine the condition and whereabouts of the missing person and whether the person is dead or alive.

There are certain testimonies that show whether a missing person is dead, including ruler of the 1st in the 8th; ruler of the 8th in the 1st (or the 8th --- death is strong in its own house); in either the radix or turned charts. Other indications, such as whether the Lights (Sun & Moon) are below the horizon, and the condition of the Moon (among others), support that judgment.

In the Last Seen by George chart, Caylee is symbolized by the 9th House, because she is his child's child. (George, who is the actor in this event, is the 1st House, his daughter Casey is the 5th House and her child Caylee is 5th from the 5th, or the 9th House of the Last Seen.)

You can view the chart here:

Note that Taurus is on the 9th house cusp, making Venus the ruler of Caylee. Venus (Caylee) is located in the radix 10th House, which is the turned 2nd House (the 10th is second from the 9th). This is a bad placement. Having one's significator in one's turned 2nd is as bad as having it in the turned (or radix) 8th House.

Also note Admetos 25:03 Taurus is in Caylee's turned 1st House. Admetos is a Transneptunian often associated with death by strangulation or suffocation and it closely conjuncts the malefic Fixed Star CAPUT ALGOL (not shown), associated with losing one's head (and thus, death) either literally or figuratively. Having Admetos & Algol in her 1st house bodes no good...

Additionally, Venus (Caylee) in radix 10th / turned 2nd is combust the Sun and peregrine, suggesting she is in bad condition (combustion) and unable to help herself (peregrination). That she is in "bad condition" is strengthened because Venus (Caylee) is separating from a trine to Neptune (drugs). She has recently (separating aspect) been drugged (Neptune).

As if this is not bad enough, Venus (Caylee) is partile (in the same degree) conjunct Hades (death) and applying opposition Pluto (death) in the radix 4th House/ turned 8th House (Caylee's 8th house of death because the 4th is 8th from the 9th). The ruler of Caylee's turned 8th House of Death (radix 4th house) is Jupiter which is also located in the turned 8th.

The Moon, always critically important in a horary chart, is partile conjunct Black Moon Lilith (death indicator) and partile square Saturn (death), as well as besieged (trapped) between Saturn (death) and Pluto (death). Moon applies semisquare Jupiter (ruler of Caylee's turned 8th house of Death).

This Last Seen chart clearly gives testimony Caylee is dead, as do all the key charts we have already examined.

No matter how many charts we look at, the Stars keep telling us the same thing.

:eek:There was a New Moon on June 3 at 13:34 II. Mercury stationed at that degree at the front of the week under consideration and Medea was square at 13:18 Pisces.

It is always interesting to look at the solar eclipse preceding birth. For Caylee, it was a total eclipse at 19:06 Aries. If that is familiar, it is the ASC of the perpetration chart and also the place of the progressed New Moon in Casey's chart. Pallas Athena was on Casey's progressed Venus. (S.P. Caylee's ASC)

Caylee's Chiron, Casey's Dark Moon Lilith and the Part of Death are all conjunct in the Last Seen Chart. The anaesthetist from hell.
Break out the party hats and horns! Release the confetti and balloons! Tomorrow is Kaitland's birthday and we wish her the fizziest of celebrations. Many happy returns, Kaitland!
Break out the party hats and horns! Release the confetti and balloons! Tomorrow is Kaitland's birthday and we wish her the fizziest of celebrations. Many happy returns, Kaitland!


Happy Birthday Kaitland!!
Thanks for the B'day wishes everybody! Going to have a nice celebration on Thanksgiving with family and friends...all the trimmings...and some bubbly to toast!
Love, Kait
When a person "disappears into nowhere," the Last Seen chart can determine the condition and whereabouts of the missing person and whether the person is dead or alive.

There are certain testimonies that show whether a missing person is dead, including ruler of the 1st in the 8th; ruler of the 8th in the 1st (or the 8th --- death is strong in its own house); in either the radix or turned charts. Other indications, such as whether the Lights (Sun & Moon) are below the horizon, and the condition of the Moon (among others), support that judgment.

In the Last Seen by George chart, Caylee is symbolized by the 9th House, because she is his child's child. (George, who is the actor in this event, is the 1st House, his daughter Casey is the 5th House and her child Caylee is 5th from the 5th, or the 9th House of the Last Seen.)

You can view the chart here:

Note that Taurus is on the 9th house cusp, making Venus the ruler of Caylee. Venus (Caylee) is located in the radix 10th House, which is the turned 2nd House (the 10th is second from the 9th). This is a bad placement. Having one's significator in one's turned 2nd is as bad as having it in the turned (or radix) 8th House.

Also note Admetos 25:03 Taurus is in Caylee's turned 1st House. Admetos is a Transneptunian often associated with death by strangulation or suffocation and it closely conjuncts the malefic Fixed Star CAPUT ALGOL (not shown), associated with losing one's head (and thus, death) either literally or figuratively. Having Admetos & Algol in her 1st house bodes no good...

Additionally, Venus (Caylee) in radix 10th / turned 2nd is combust the Sun and peregrine, suggesting she is in bad condition (combustion) and unable to help herself (peregrination). That she is in "bad condition" is strengthened because Venus (Caylee) is separating from a trine to Neptune (drugs). She has recently (separating aspect) been drugged (Neptune).

As if this is not bad enough, Venus (Caylee) is partile (in the same degree) conjunct Hades (death) and applying opposition Pluto (death) in the radix 4th House/ turned 8th House (Caylee's 8th house of death because the 4th is 8th from the 9th). The ruler of Caylee's turned 8th House of Death (radix 4th house) is Jupiter which is also located in the turned 8th.

The Moon, always critically important in a horary chart, is partile conjunct Black Moon Lilith (death indicator) and partile square Saturn (death), as well as besieged (trapped) between Saturn (death) and Pluto (death). Moon applies semisquare Jupiter (ruler of Caylee's turned 8th house of Death).

This Last Seen chart clearly gives testimony Caylee is dead, as do all the key charts we have already examined.

No matter how many charts we look at, the Stars keep telling us the same thing.


The Last Seen Chart (LSC) also has strong connections to Caylee's natal chart. LSC volatile mars in Leo crosses her n. ascendant while LSC deadly/fated dragon tail and Chiron conjunct in Aquarius (with close by deceptive/drugs/poison Neptune) opposes from descendant. LSC shocking uranus in Pisces falls in her n. 8th house of death/murder and forms stressful t-square to n. venus in virgo and pluto in sag. This connects the 4th/10th house parental axis (venus ruled Taurus and pluto ruled Scorpio). Caylee knew her assailant.
Snipped a bit:
When a person "disappears into nowhere," the Last Seen chart can determine the condition and whereabouts of the missing person and whether the person is dead or alive.

There are certain testimonies that show whether a missing person is dead, including ruler of the 1st in the 8th; ruler of the 8th in the 1st (or the 8th --- death is strong in its own house); in either the radix or turned charts. Other indications, such as whether the Lights (Sun & Moon) are below the horizon, and the condition of the Moon (among others), support that judgment.

In the Last Seen by George chart, Caylee is symbolized by the 9th House, because she is his child's child. (George, who is the actor in this event, is the 1st House, his daughter Casey is the 5th House and her child Caylee is 5th from the 5th, or the 9th House of the Last Seen.)

This Last Seen chart clearly gives testimony Caylee is dead, as do all the key charts we have already examined.

No matter how many charts we look at, the Stars keep telling us the same thing.


Thank you, soulscape. The parts in bold are excellent lessons for learning astrology. What's interesting in this case, all charts point to death. As terrible as this is, it only shows that no matter how many different ways astrologers do their charts and deductions, the results are consistent.

Somewhat off-topic:
In thread #3, I asked about the charts used for JFK's assassination in the book Forensic Astrology. I just want to say I've found the answer to my questions. It turns out, I didn't pay attention to the full charts he made. He used the birth chart, the death chart, and the secondary progressions. It was the secondary progressions that threw me, and I totally missed seeing the day of event chart. :confused: So those of you who read my posts, I thank you for trying to give me answers, however the error was mine, not the author's. No surprise. :rolleyes: Thanks to all. Back to Caylee now.....

Happy Birthday, KAITLAND.
I have a dumb question. Has anyone tried to do a chart on the shovel KC borrowed from the neighbor?
Thanks for the B'day wishes everybody! Going to have a nice celebration on Thanksgiving with family and friends...all the trimmings...and some bubbly to toast!
Love, Kait
Hi Kait, just saw this.I hope you had a very Happy Birthday and a Blessed Thanksgiving. Nore
I have a dumb question. Has anyone tried to do a chart on the shovel KC borrowed from the neighbor?

That's a good question. I think, though, the chart would be an event chart (or whatever) for WHEN she borrowed the shovel, since we have no way of finding the shovel's birth information. :wink: Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :blowkiss:

Has a chart been done to see if the Anthonys are being honest? :rolleyes: I know there were charts that said they are 'innocent' but anything on honesty? Not that I really think we need one. :eek:

If I don't pop in later tonight, HAPPY THANKSGIVING, everybody. I hope your day is a great one. gobble :chicken: gobble
If this has been posted, I apologize. There is just so much going on in this forum it is hard to keep track. The woman who operates a forensic astrology blog posted a reading on Caylee.

Do we know anything about this woman's credibility? I, personally found her blog on Caylee fascinating. I'm just wondering what we know on her - I wasn't even able to find her name, etc. but then sleuthing is a bit off right now at 2AM. Thanks for any info in advance.
If this has been posted, I apologize. There is just so much going on in this forum it is hard to keep track. The woman who operates a forensic astrology blog posted a reading on Caylee.

My first thoughts at the beginning of the case, when hearing about the gas cans, were "Oh, no, she burned that baby's body!". How awful! Then I wondered what she did with the bones because bones don't burn in small fires. They only disintegrate in extreme heat, like in a crematorium, or like in the high heat produced by those airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center. So if she burned the body, she could have scattered the bones in various locations, buried in small indiscriminate locations where it would be almost impossible to locate them. Little Caylee could be spread out all over Orlando. :eek:

I'm probably wrong.
Happy Birthday Kaitland! :HappyBday

And, I hope everyone has a very special and thankful Thanksgiving. Thanks to you all here! :blowkiss:
Do we know anything about this woman's credibility? I, personally found her blog on Caylee fascinating. I'm just wondering what we know on her - I wasn't even able to find her name, etc. but then sleuthing is a bit off right now at 2AM. Thanks for any info in advance.

This is Caroline Luley (she posts her name on her site). She is credible, with years of astrological experience behind her. She focuses on forensic astrology and has posted voluminous analyses of various crime cases/ missing person cases on her (very fascinating!) blog, forensicastrology. She also offers a free monthly e-letter you can subscribe to on her site.

That said, I'd like to remind everyone once again, when reading any astrologer's forensic astrological analysis, ours included, keep in mind charts speak to us in Star Language and sometimes, despite both best efforts and expertise, an astrologer --- any astrologer, even the most highly skilled --- can misinterpret to some degree or another...

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