Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7

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This is the horoscope of Judge Strickland's denial, issued today. The prisoner sought to waive her right and obligation to appear at the hearing on 30 January. Recent stoicism on the her part has collapsed and she is dramatically emotional as seen by her conjunction to excitable Uranus. Her hair is standing on end & her eye glittering, sextile to outspoken and harsh Mercury Mars. Do not rattle her cage or run rulers across the bars.

The worldwide distribution of her image in prison drabs with lank hair and Guilty written all over her is mortifying to Casey and her dread of Friday is real. These appearances prevent her indulgence in a make believe life. She much prefers to lose herself in the strategy binder and jailhouse library books. Many WS members have commented on her tactic of pushing bogies back, proscrastinating, postponing and deferring anything frightful, sure that it will go away. At least that is what I inferred from their posts and they could not be more correct.
Ok, at the top of page six of the transcript from fox it says...

"CMA: (KC) ....Because he's my boyfriend and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him because I didn't get a chance to talk to him earlier because I got arrested on a whim today.

This leads me to believe it was made on the 16th? Could it have been transcribed on the 18th, and that be the reason for that date?

I am confused....

What do the stars say about the possible jail house reunion and funeral???? Surely this will not happen and do you think it is something that Casey has asked for or do you think it's something Cindy thinks she would want?? Sorry for the run on sentence.
Ok, at the top of page six of the transcript from fox it says...

"CMA: (KC) ....Because he's my boyfriend and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him because I didn't get a chance to talk to him earlier because I got arrested on a whim today.

This leads me to believe it was made on the 16th? Could it have been transcribed on the 18th, and that be the reason for that date?

I am confused....


From memory she said that she was kept by the detectives all night by booking yada yada....complained that she had been up for 4 days now & wanted to talk to Tony....then try to close her eyes. I think they interagated her longer then we know about.

Does it take that long to book her, get her from holding cell, to her cell? Is that where the 4 days come in. She does say they talked to her all night after Universal.....Does anyone know? I'll look & see if I can find another transcript from another source!:confused:

I caught that too that she was arrested the 16th, but if you add when Cindy picked her up July 15th till July 18th would be 4 days!:waitasec:
What do the stars say about the possible jail house reunion and funeral???? Surely this will not happen and do you think it is something that Casey has asked for or do you think it's something Cindy thinks she would want?? Sorry for the run on sentence.

:crazy:salvarenga, FYI: Don't worry about any run on sentences. I know I'm famous for them and awful when it comes to commas too!

Was going to ask the same thing as you did! They also said they are annoucing the public memorial tomorrow! Finally! It so sad it takes George to have a breakdown for Cindy to finish making plans for the funeral!:furious:

I'm praying that when George gets out of the hospital that he goes and stays at a neutural place! His parents house would do him some good! He needs to have some away time with his parents & away from Hopespring DR.
Her first interview at her home with LE, I believe, was late night on the 15, early morning 16 after CA calls 911. Lee returns around 1am, if I recall, from tony's with Casey's stuff and he and CA go through it. Then LE came back later and picked KC up, she took them on a tour in the (early?) afternoon, it seems. The tour ended at Universal where she was again questioned and recorded by LE. Her arrest affidavit is for 4:33 on the 16. This all just makes it seem that the call was sometime that day, if I am not confusing these things, which I very well could be.
Sometimes I do wonder if the prisoner is under dark influences that she attracted in the months before the homicide. It wasn't libertine living, it went way beyond that in spirit and it is the spirit which becomes susceptible. She seemed to be pursuing some new degree of degradation with ambition! And I haven't seen the half of it, only what has been televised and posted here.

One glimpse that gave me pause, as mentioned before, was the snorting laugh in the jail video with her parents when she listed all the people wanting Caylee's return. She named herself last after a significant pause and then averted her face and laughed a dry laugh at the words "and her mother". Who but WHO would do that!

Thank you all for your posts on this thread. I read here everyday and have the utmost respect for all of you.:blowkiss:

Does anyone know which jailhouse video that was? I looked at the last one and didn't see that comment from Casey.

Khaki, I think your choice for examining what she has to say is a very good one. Since neither you nor I nor Angel nor Fifth has been able to find a time for that phone call when she asserts she was arrested on a whim, let's wait until it replays on one of the crime shows to see if it isn't time stamped. What we do already know is that her criminal complaint, the kidnapping of her child, is replete with lies. That is shown by the condition of Saturn, Cardinal Moon in H. 3 afflicted and Mercury opposite Jupiter plus Pluto of hidden knowledge in H. 3. That meets all tests for a liar with lots of extras for confirmation. Then we applied the Arabic part and that pronounces her complaint a lie as well. That chart is on our calendar for July 16. So is her arrest.

Now, we would like the time of delivery for the depo papers but we're probably not going to get it, although a WESH mobile cam might have seen the courier but so far, no such luck. But even without that delivery, the chart for January 23 showed continual hits on Casey's Decision Point natal, 1° 18' Aries which happened to be the rising degree, with Mercury of decisions at the critical degree of 26° Capricorn. So we know that the prisoner was frustrated and spitting ink over the questions on the deposition. That in itself is what we wanted to know.

Lastly, I remember vividly the statement to the police, ....."however it happened" and I also remember the setting but the surrounding sentences were my curiosity because that is important. That was not a time issue or to do with a potential chart because the statement itself is as WS members on another thread said, a dead giveaway. If I go read the transcripts of her police interviews, I will find the exact context.
It was really startling and an ugly moment, Laneymae. It was not the so called "lost" jailhouse video but one of the others that has played so often. Wish I could point you to the exact one. I last saw it about three weeks ago but not for the first time.
NG just annouced an emergency petition has been filed by the defense to have prosecutors thrown off the case. :eek:

On the My Orange Clerk site: 1/27/2009 A EMERGENCY MOTION TO RECUSE
Note to the super astro sleuthers from the orange County Clerk Office Of Records! I'm going to go
to Explore for a motion Baez filed today at 4:30! He's trying to get the prosecuters taken off of the criminal case!! :eek: On NG lawyer says it won't happen but they acted unprofessional in filing a complaint against Baez & the media charge with the law bar?

And to explore if I can find anything about the deposition Tuba!

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Thank you all for your posts on this thread. I read here everyday and have the utmost respect for all of you.:blowkiss:

Does anyone know which jailhouse video that was? I looked at the last one and didn't see that comment from Casey.


Here is the video where Lee and Casey are speaking at the jail. At the end, she is telling Lee what to tell the media. The five minute warning screen comes up and cuts her at a most opportune time:

I've transcribed the significant portion:

KC: If you can speak to media directly yourself, coming from me, my concern is Caylee, that’s all I want. No one has once said anything for me, voiced that I love my daughter, that I want her safety and that she and the rest of our family is my only concern

Lee: I’m writing this down.

KC: All I want is to see her again. To hear her laugh, to see her smile, and to just be with our family. Nothing else matters to me at this point.

Lee: Understand that we all feel that way. Everyone of us. Okay?

KC: I know, but again, they’ve been hearing that from you, from her uncle, from her grandparents, not from (here the video warning for 5 minutes cuts KC off and she rolls her eyes and sighs “her mother”).
Just want to tell you all that I really enjoy this thread - I check it throughout the day and appreciate all the effort and work you dedicate to this.

Kudos and thanks!:clap::clap::clap:
TUBAaaaaaa I found it. Telephone conversation of 7/18/08 where she tells her mother "because I was arrested on a whim". Also, the, "I haven't slept in 4 days" is there as well.

Their Pg.# 6 ( marked on bottom of each) - Line 3

This conversation included Lee, Cindy and friend Kristina.

Front page of transcript clearly says in the intro: 'taped transcript of recorded jail call between KC,LA,CA and Kristina on July 18, 2008.

This is all I can find new so far that has been filed in the criminal case. Motions
not released yet so I will only post this information here!


This is the motion that NG was talking about...Motion details itself will probably be released tomorrow!
TUBAaaaaaa I found it. Telephone conversation of 7/1/08 where she tells her mother "because I was arrested on a whim". Also, the, "I haven't slept in 4 days" is there as well.

Their Pg.# 6 ( marked on bottom of each) - Line 3

This conversation included Lee, Cindy and friend Kristina.

Tuba & Fifth the transcript pg to the comment of not sleeping for four days is in pg 9. I posted it at the top of the page as well as pg 8!

Fifth you are right it's the one she is looking for.:clap:

I believe it to be transcribed on the 18th but the actual phone call is on the 16th of July! :)
Tuba & Fifth the transcript pg to the comment of not sleeping for four days is in pg 9. I posted it at the top of the page as well as pg 8!

Fifth you are right it's the one she is looking for.:clap:

I believe it to be transcribed on the 18th but the actual phone call is on the 16th of July! :)

Front page of transcript clearly says in the intro: 'taped transcript of recorded jail call between KC,LA,CA and Kristina on July 18, 2008.
For judicial economy, I would presume this very controversial motion will also be heard at the motions hearing on Friday. In forty-five minutes, NG comes on here and I will get the televised word on this for the first time. Up 'til now, I have only heard it here.

It is important enough that it does warrant a separate horoscope, Angel. So, I'm glad you were able to see a time. Ashamed to admit that the clock addiction that sent me to rehab last year has surged again, worse than ever.
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