
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I figured where the rabbits and hunting came in, I think. There is a Hunter Road which is in the same neighborhood as Haleigh's right off Tyler by the tracks. It intersects Tyler as you are at the entrance it looks like. How did I miss that? Now, I have to figure out why it was in my dream. Could he have parked there at some point?
Well, this would all fit in with my vision that someone drowned her. :(

This also would fit in with the people who feel she is COLD.... In February, the river and waterway temperature were COLD..... the waterways are so black/brown in color that is causing trouble locating her at this time.

In my dream, she is fine and at peace, and well taken care of by loved ones... she was greeted with open arms. The task at hand now is to find or wait for her beautiful life body to be found.... I do believe that is the main focus of LE at this time. When she is found all HE77 is going to break loose and the PERP...

My prayers go out to all of her family because I can not imagine what they are going through. The loss of a child under any circumstances is tragic, but to lose a child under these, is unimaginable. I do not or will not allow myself to think of the nefarious actions that caused her to leave this Earth......I do not cry for her anymore I know now is she is happy and surrounded by loved ones, however, I do cry tears of sadness for RC and CS.

I do ask for guidance in my dreams WHERE IS SHE? I guess she will be found when she is supposed to be found. I pray those of you who do have dreams of her will be able to receive the info where she is..God/Guardian Angels should put GPS's on the souls of precious little babies who go missing.
Ok so first post here. I don't normally share my dreams because most people find I'm odd talking about it. Before I post I would like to say I do not feel Haleigh deceased at this time and haven't since she has been missing, I can only hope that is correct.When Caylee was reported missing I felt right away she had passed...

In my dream I can see Haleigh's hair blowing from a slight breeze ( I can feel it as well) and I am standing behind her I can't see her face. She is holding something under her arm ? a stuffed toy I believe like a light brn. teddy bear. We are standing on a balcony/deck, it is on the back of a house /apartment stretches entire length of building. Exterior old white peeling paint/ sliding doors we never go inside. Looking down can see small round table 3 wood chairs against building / dirt no grass. Looking down and out seems to be west, wacthing 3 boys 8-10 years of age, rounding up 3 dogs, picking them up and carrying dogs to (not sure). Somehow I know they had been told to catch the dogs and put them (not sure). 2 dogs were mix breed Lab/ something, Black with faint white/ grey on chest, ears point up medium build ( 30#'s) can't recall third dog as the kids had walked around the side of the building before I could see the third dog. The boys were laughing and having a good time. Some what muddy. Looking out partial wire fence ( livestock fence ,Hog wire as we call it) pens? some posts had fell over on the ground some caught and hanging, they were cedar posts( not sure why that stuck out)
Sagebrush-oakbrush? Patchy not thick and not tall. Seems dry, like not much rain. Air feels dry , no trees but not hot?
I'm seeing seems to be small rolling type hills in far background/ west seeing sun close to setting, clouds.
Southside of house/apt is where boys took dogs. I see 3 (junk ?) cars. A van newer (minivan) want to say blue seem to know it runs, (yellow) cream colored car ( 75-early 80's) large car similar to Lincoln markV, Cadillac fleetwood, can't remember if 2 or 4 dr, older gold/brn truck want to say ford.
Very remote area, no other houses, very quiet.Vastness I feel intimidated by the open space.
Never saw front of this house Pretty sure it was an older 2 story home but can't say for sure. I also remember an out building like a med. size shed, white not kept up peeling white paint as well.

Anybody have anything similar to this.. I felt at ease in this dream but there was some uneasiness as to what would happen next like a sense of being moved again..

Thanks for listening..lol
What a good dream, Mysticrose! My hope is that your dream is right, and that she is still alive.
has anyone had dreams and seen an iron looking fence, it could be wrought iron or maybe just black metal. It looked to me like wrought iron.
ok everyone, I had found this one day last week while searching around and I called the Putnam County Sherrifs office and reported it just in case. A psychic lady had posted this on a forum. Does it make since to any of you? Here it is : "I’m praying for her to be alive ..I live in Nevada .. I am a Psychic been for 38 yrs… I believe she was taken ..and it was planned or thought about for awhile ..ron does know the {man} who has taken her .. I’m picking up a name like williams and a street that sounds like clove coven or coover and a dark brown old shingled house behind a lot of shubbery or trees set back from road. with an open field nearby. I’m seeing something wrong with her arm.. I see a man older greyish beard big stomach about 48 to 52.. skin problem liver spots on his arms . a 3 in the address number tan or brown vehicle older model that’s all i can get .. May god be withe family … " Makes you wonder, ya know .

I am wondering since this case and Sandra's are happening at the same time,if she wasn't picking up info on Sandra,also.Today,the Clover Church is a taped off crimescene area and I'll have to look again at the description of the church,but it was a farmers field Sandra was found.Maybe she's seeing both together as far as the description of the man or vehicle.The thing with dreams and such is they're usually bits and pieces,like we see through a glass darkly scenario.But,on the other side of the tracks next to Haleigh's neighborhood there is a Cove dr.
Just looking at the search on the church,it is old and dark brown wood on part of building.
I haven't had a dream about Haleigh for some time now. I dreamed last night that she showed me a dish, like a candy dish and it had pain killers in it. There were actually two dishes one was light green and the tablets were white like Tylenol 3 tablets. In the dream I had the feeling that the search was being impaired because of the "high" associated with the drugs. I can't put that together. Just she indicated that she would be found soon, and the drugs are related to the search or the "high" was related to the search.
There are many, many areas which look very similar in Florida. I am not seeing houses built on a "hill" tho.

Depending on how big the "hill" was in her dream, a lot of houses in FL are built on fill, piles of dirt. Some are more elevated on the fill than others..?
Depending on how big the "hill" was in her dream, a lot of houses in FL are built on fill, piles of dirt. Some are more elevated on the fill than others..?

In my dream it looked like the ground was built up and the houses were built on that...in case the river flooded. It only looked like the top of the "hill" was about 8-10 feet higher than the road.

A few other details I didn't include on my first post.

The car was dark red, maybe burgandy. A four door. The car that drove up next to it was a pale yellow or cream color with a brown roof.
The day seemed warm and sunny. Her hands were bound in front of her, almost like in prayer, but it seemed staged.
On the "hill" were two houses directly behind where the cars were parked. They weren't large houses, and only had one level visible from the back. One of the houses was white and looked a little run down. I think there was a grill and maybe a bike up next to the house.
The number 17 kept coming up over and over again. I thought that was weird.

I've been looking all over Google Maps to try and find something familar, and so far the closest is right at the end of BayouDrive. I know the houses aren't right, but the road is. I've been trying to find a road or subdivision like that one, but I'm not having much luck.
Several times now I have had a vision/impression of an older, grandmotherly, heavy-set woman sitting in a rocking chair. She has wavy, shoulder-length hair. She is the type of lady that would wear a housedress and never slacks/pants. She seems to be a relative/family friend of Haleigh's. There is honey-colored woodgrain paneling on the walls of her home. When I see her, I can see the kitchen behind her. The kitchen flooring is vinyl and gold in color. The cabinets are the same honey color as the panelling. There is a table with 4 chairs in the kitchen and I see a red and white checked dish towel on the table. The lady in the rocking chair has a matching towel in her lap She is not in a mobile home, but it doesn't feel like a single-family detached home either...perhaps a duplex? I get the impression that the woman is not disabled, but she does have difficulty getting around. I feel strongly that Haleigh has been with her and is ok. Haleigh might not even understand that anybody is looking for her. Geographically, this location feels to be northeast of Haleigh's home, probably within 400 miles.

The other image that frequently comes to mind in this case is that of 2 adult males and one or two adult females standing at the end of a dirt "road". I put that in quotation marks because it would be more like a driveway than a roadway--like something you'd see in someone's backyard. The grass is green and comes right up to the edges of the driveway (no ditch) and there is sparse, white gravel and weeds/grass growing in the center of the driveway between well-worn tire tracks. The driveway ends at the water's edge. There are no large trees in the backyard area, but there are trees at the water's edge that are thick and one would not be able to see there was water behind them save for the cleared area where the dock is. I don't get the impression that anything bad happened to Haleigh there; it's more like the people I see are talking about what has happened. I get the feeling that RC is one of the people.

I strongly feel that Haleigh is alive and the person/people who took her didn't realize how "big" this whole case would get. I don't think they counted on all the attention and now they don't know how to get out of it.
has anyone had dreams and seen an iron looking fence, it could be wrought iron or maybe just black metal. It looked to me like wrought iron.

yes,i saw a wrought iron fence surrounding an old graveyard on a hill.looking in the graveyard i saw blackladies standing around a grave.it looked like a very oldgraveyard with huge old oaks.
yes,i saw a wrought iron fence surrounding an old graveyard on a hill.looking in the graveyard i saw blackladies standing around a grave.it looked like a very oldgraveyard with huge old oaks.

ok, we have gotten some of the same images/info. I've dreamed of a black lady also, but in my dream about Haleigh she appeared and took a baby into her arms (not Haleigh, a black child probably 2 or so). I've seen the wrought iron fence, and I believe a graveyard (because I remember waking up and thinking that would probably be an image more associated with New Orleans or something - the wrought iron, graveyard, old trees, lush vegetation), but of course there could be places like that in FL as well, but it made me think of NO. Also in my dream there was a white male, tall, slim, blond hair parted on the side with facial hair (I'd know him if I saw his face!) and he liked to watch children and hurt them. In fact the baby girl the black woman took in the dream, was hurt by this tall white male.

so some of our stuff is matching up, let me know if you've seen anything else I've mentioned.
Thankfully, I can maintain some level of detachment with Haleigh's case. So no dreams, no impressions, no nothing yet. I intend to keep it that way.

I find myself pretty detatched to this case as well and I'm not sure why. I hope the Anthony's haven't destroyed my ability to open my heart and really feel, and I'm worried they have.
Haleigh is a livewire from what I've seen in clips. A bundle of smiles and giggles and flowing blonde curls. There's one clip of her and 2 other small children sitting on the floor around a coffee table taking turns hiding. So much energy and fun in that small clip I do feel very strongly Haleigh would fight hard to escape and have the moxy to seek out an adult or older child to help her find her way home if she's been abducted.
I have a theory but not a dream so I won't go OT here. I scrolled down while typing this post to tell the thread starter how sorry I am for her loss but there are too many pages of posts and I can't find her. While reading through I noticed some of you feeling Haleigh is cold. That hit me because that's exactly the word I'd use to describe how I feel about this case. It makes me physically cold and it's hard to come to Haleigh's threads here. It's not indifference and I just realized that. I have goosebumps on my arms as I type. :confused:
Yes. LE did check for everything including underneath the home. The reason the grandmother mentioned a hole was because of Jessica Lunsford's case not this one. There was no hole or trap door in this mobile home found.

thank you!
Hi, in the past I have had missing children come to me in dreams that have come true. These kind of dreams are very vivid. I find any dreams when a person comes to you from heaven are very vivid and you don't forget the details. Different from normal dreams.

I live in Canada and have basic cable .. do not get CNN, so at the time of my dream with Haleigh (end of February), I was unaware she was missing.

In my dream I was looking at Haleigh through a glass. I knew the little girl was a spirit. I went to her and held her hand and we walked. I asked her name and she said Haleigh and I asked her what was the matter. She told me she didn't want to leave her daddy as he was crying all the time and blaming himself. She didn't like that. I asked her what had happened to her.

She told me her daddy's girlfriend hit her (also told me that she was always mean to her). She told me that she had been bad and Misty hit her and she went flying and banged her head bad. She said then she was floating in the air and she could see herself. She said she was bleeding on her head. Her little brother was crying and screaming and Misty yelled at him to go to his room. She told me how Misty was crying and walking in circles and screaming.

She told me Misty called someone and told them and asked them to help. He came over and he took her away.

I asked her if she knew where she was. She told me she was in a van and then he put her at a place with lots of trees and right by water. She told me he covered her up with stuff (she didn't say what kind of stuff).

The next day, I said to my Mom I prayed there wasn't a missing child. My Mom get CNN and when I was there next I watched Nancy Grace and there was my Haleigh. My heart just sunk. I didn't understand at first because they kept speaking of the babysitter, but I realized that the girlfriend and babysitter were the same person.

I pray she will be found, so the family can have some closure.
i've read this before... am i experiencing deja vu? ive read this exact story!

Hi, in the past I have had missing children come to me in dreams that have come true. These kind of dreams are very vivid. I find any dreams when a person comes to you from heaven are very vivid and you don't forget the details. Different from normal dreams.

I live in Canada and have basic cable .. do not get CNN, so at the time of my dream with Haleigh (end of February), I was unaware she was missing.

In my dream I was looking at Haleigh through a glass. I knew the little girl was a spirit. I went to her and held her hand and we walked. I asked her name and she said Haleigh and I asked her what was the matter. She told me she didn't want to leave her daddy as he was crying all the time and blaming himself. She didn't like that. I asked her what had happened to her.

She told me her daddy's girlfriend hit her (also told me that she was always mean to her). She told me that she had been bad and Misty hit her and she went flying and banged her head bad. She said then she was floating in the air and she could see herself. She said she was bleeding on her head. Her little brother was crying and screaming and Misty yelled at him to go to his room. She told me how Misty was crying and walking in circles and screaming.

She told me Misty called someone and told them and asked them to help. He came over and he took her away.

I asked her if she knew where she was. She told me she was in a van and then he put her at a place with lots of trees and right by water. She told me he covered her up with stuff (she didn't say what kind of stuff).

The next day, I said to my Mom I prayed there wasn't a missing child. My Mom get CNN and when I was there next I watched Nancy Grace and there was my Haleigh. My heart just sunk. I didn't understand at first because they kept speaking of the babysitter, but I realized that the girlfriend and babysitter were the same person.

I pray she will be found, so the family can have some closure.
Perhaps we are on another website together where I have posted my dream.

whew! thank god! I thought I was losing my mind LOL

Please don't think I meant anything negative...I was being serious when I said "deja vu" lol it freaked me out:crazy:
I had yet another short dream last night about Haleigh. I dreamed that the 911 call was being made and I heard a voice say "they are 6 hours late". So I woke up thinking she died at 9:30. I kept asking is am I getting this time because it was in the papers? I was doubting myself about what I had heard. Once I woke up I realized, it was never a time considered and it could be that what ever happened, happened at 9:30. So far I have been given a location, a green dish with tablets in it, and now 9:30 at night. I also had some indication something happened in the kitchen that night, like maybe a noise woke her, or she was in the kitchen and looking in a pantry or may have eaten something that she may have thought was candy.

I was also wondering if what JR saw was someone doing CPR on Haleigh, maybe he was in and out of sleep or disoriented in some way.
As far as I know the time of 9:30 pm hasn't been mentioned, but I could be mistaken. Misty claims the kids were in bed by that time and she went to bed around 10:30-11:00 pm.
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