Backward State - Reverse Speeech Analysis of Ron and Misty

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I have a hard enough time understand what people are saying in forward speech. This is all very confusing to me. How long has reverse speech been around? Or should I ask been researched?

Quote Respect elle ;)

I don't know how long it's been around. I know there are many websites dedicated to it, I have been to many. I find it very interesting.

I have watched almost every one I found on YouTube. If you are interested in this subject it is nice because you don't have to do the reversals, they are right there for you. Just look up "reverse speech" and you should get plenty. All kinds of reversals on all kinds of people.

It isn't easy for me to understand. I am still learning, but I think that any thing coming from us/our minds/emotions has to have some meaning. How much meaning and exactly what it means is always up for debate, I would suppose.

It is more than a little creepy listing to voices backward like that, it gives me the chills and brings tears to my eyes! :confused: I have read that a lot of people feel that way but they say you get used to it-I never have. It is always weird to me. What is always more strange is how clearly you can hear what is being said backward. It seems nothing should make any sense, it should just be babbling but you hear the words.

Interesting concept... but I do not think Misty Croslin/Cummings is capable of telling the truth in ANY direction. Period. IMHO.
...What if he was still coming over to molest Misty and he started on Haleigh?

My sister in laws are grown 40 year old women. Their molester uncle is very old and in a wheel chair and they are still afraid of him...

Misty from TJ ward interview talking about "Joe": ...I know I would be safe because I'm around everybody. If I was by myself with him, [then I wouldn't be around him].
I wouldn't go. Admit.

Her reversal is congruent with her forward speech. She would definitely not be around him by herself. Therefore "Joe" would not have a chance to do anything to her or Haleigh (while she were awake)
Having trouble believing the validity and accuracy of Misty Cumming’s reverse speech? How about the reverse speech of a law enforcement official that is part of the investigation?

WSKY 8-27-09 TJ Hart Interview with Captain Dominic Piscitello of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office

Note: Brackets [ ] indicate where the speech reversal occurs. Italics are my notes. Click on the links to hear the MP3.

(TJ Hart: You said "Alive". Anything we need to be paying attention to on that word?)
Uh, no. I mean it’s it you can't take anything out of it other than [it’s not meant to be taking anything of it. That w]e, We believe that she, you know, she's the last person to see her alive.
We're the lie. I give people same answer.
Based upon his reverse speech above, does LE believe Haleigh is alive or deceased?

More than half of the speech reversals that occurs with Capt. Piscitello are around whether or not the bed Misty was sleeping in was made. This appears to be something LE does not want to publicly confirm. On TES’s website they say that LE has confirmed with them that the bed was not made as Ronald Cummings has said. In this interview Capt. Piscitello is not confirming this; he is restating what Ronald Cummings told TES. But what does his reversal’s reveal?

(TJ Hart: ...They also claim that law enforcement says that's true, you found the bed made. Is that in fact true or are they espousing falsehoods on the website?)
Well I'm not going to get into what our investigative details are at [the moment, but they]...
We had led them on.
It would seem they may have led TES to believe the bed was not made, since LE “led them on” this would suggest to me the fact is it was not made.

...[explained to us that Ronald Cummings told them]...
My boss knew what going on with that. So announced it.
He seems to be further confirming that this avenue of leading TES on was approved by his superior.

...that they believed, that, she, he believed that she hadn't been to [bed and in fact the bed had]n't been made...
They had the person in the bed.
This appears to be a non congruent reversal. This appears to me that LE knows someone was in the bed. [so that's they've]...
We establish.
Confirmation that there was someone in the bed?

...[they explained that to us] when we were talking to 'em from Texas...
First, denounce it.
Does this mean at first LE denied the bed was not made, and with his superiors approval they decided to lead on TES that the bed was not made?

...[Ah from the Equusearch people. So] that was the comment that they explained to us that Ronald told them.
Must not be a truth. Look at an affair.
It would seem Ronald Cummings thinks she couldn’t be telling the truth, and therefore she must be having an affair. To my knowledge the accusation of an affair by Ron has not been proven.

(TJ Hart: Ok Ronald said the bed was made, or wasn't made?)
[Was made].
Can't tell.
The question to Capt. Piscitello is what Ron had said. Not what LE is saying. But the reversal here suggests Capt. Piscitello doesn’t want to tell the reporter the truth. Why all the smoke and mirrors over the bed being made or not?

...and Misty continues to be inconsistent about what she says. And, [and sketchy about those], you know those, that time frame...
Saw the mistakes in it.
Apparently they’re seeing inconsistencies in her timeline?

...That's what was out in that news release here a couple of weeks ago. And then apparently Mr. Miller, and whoever he has with him, embedded with him had put out a press release [yesterday to state that fact and to state the fact] that she failed that test l guess like 99%.
Guys who get into *advertiser censored* fight, that's who is the adversaries.
Misty said Ronald got into a fight with her cousin “Joe”. Ronald says he didn’t. We only know of one fight in question. Capt. Piscitello seems to be confirming a fight did occur. Could he be referring to Ron and “Joe”?

...we welcome Mr. Miller and his [search people to search if they] feel if there is an area that we needed to go back and do again...
Can't discuss this. Locate person.
Seems to be something else he doesn’t want to talk about, Since the previous reversal was in reference to a fight, and the only known fight to supposedly happen was between Ron and “Joe”, does “locate person” mean they have a primary suspect in mind on Haleigh’s abduction? If so, is it “Joe”?

Anybody that has information out there, you know they need to get it to us to and our team so we can [act on it. We act on every piece that comes in, and we follow everything] good or bad or indifferent...
That's a very odd feeling that isn't likely to prevent a guy who would like that.
Prevent a guy from doing what? Misty has said why she thinks her brother Tommy could be capable of abducting Haleigh; Misty has said that “Joe” has molested her, and her 5 yr. old cousin, but she goes into detail of why she believes “Joe” did abduct Haleigh. Including speech reversals about him. According to Misty, “Joe” has proven that he likes molesting young girls. Is this who Capt. Piscitello is referencing?

Hopefully Misty will uh, hopefully she'll see the light, and decide its time to uh, [delve a little deeper into what happened that night] for us.
You don't know the power when there are people of blood.
The only people that Misty recently brought up in a voice analysis interview are her brother Tommy, and cousin “Joe”. The officer seems to believe in his forward speech she is withholding information. Her reversals indicate she is not. With this reversal he seems to think there is a blood relative involved with Haleigh’s disappearance. “Joe” is accused of being a child molester, Misty’s reversals confirm this. He was missing from his bed in the middle of the night. Keys to a van were moved overnight as well as the van. The van had damage to it from the overnight usage. Misty said “Joe” usually sleeps in his underwear, but was wearing closes when he got out of bed the morning Haleigh disappeared. The police believe the abductor is a blood relative. In one of Misty’s speech reversals she makes it clear she would not be alone with “Joe”, therefore it is unlikely she would be in the house with him alone. But could he have came into the house when she was sleeping?

To hear all available reverse speech examples on Misty Cummings, Ronald Cummings, Jerry Snider, TJ Ward, Marie Griffis, and Capt. Dominic Piscitello go to the link: Haleigh Cummings
I found another speech reversal on Misty that I originally missed while reviewing her interview with TJ Ward’s layered voice analysis.

The brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs. The reverse speech is in bold;

(TJ Ward: What time did you go to bed?)
About ten o'clock. Haleigh went to bed, I laid her down at eight o'clock. [That's her bedtime. The kid's bedtime is eight o'clock].
I'll say it. Must not be thinking I'm innocent.

This is another reversal from Misty where she is indicating she is telling the truth, and professing her innocence. She is telling him straight out when she went to bed and the kids as well.

On September 3, 2009 I sent an email to Tim Miller where I asked him to validate and expand upon the first 2 examples below of his reverse speech I found from the interview he did with WSKY on 9-1-09. I also provided the audio for him to hear. As of today he has not responded.
Tim Miller:
But you know I'm willing to pu[t this out. I mean honesty is honesty. I m]ean I've done things in my life that I've that that I've admitted...
My father he threatened me the lawsuit.

For the record you heard it here first that there will be a story in his book about an issue he has had with his father that was serious enough that his father threatened to sue him.

Tim Miller:
...and they're actually writing a book about me. And [and all my dirty s]tuff's in there along with my good stuff. I mean we all got skeletons.
She earned the money.

Is this reversal in reference to something about an issue with his father or is “she” the person writing the book, and he feels she has earned her money? Without his response it is difficult to tell. Guess we’ll have to wait for the book.

Tim Miller:
... but with that said. When Mark and I had Ronald in a office. Just the three of us...
They are in a crime now.

The last example of Tim Miller is when he is talking about what Ronald Cummings had said to him about Misty allegedly (see the truth from the example above) not being in bed.
Tim Miller:
...and Ronald Cummings said "The ***** had something to do with my daughter's disappearance". And he said that she never made the bed that night. She'd been awake all night. She never went to sleep. They did not have any laundry detergent. [So she never washed] clothes. The only clothes in the dryer was dirty clothes...
So we run this source.

It would seem this reversal is indicating he is putting it all the information out there about what Ronald has told him, and he is telling the truth about what Ronald said.

Hear all reverse speech analysis as it relates to this case: Haleigh Cummings
Shawn, have you listened to this ?

YouTube - Haleigh Cummings Mother Crystal Sheffield on Geraldo Part 1

At about 5:20 is the beginning of the initial 911 call that Misty made.

At about 5:40 is where Ron says to Misty:

" I had nothing to do with this. We're f--ked. I had nothing to do with this."

This recording is very clear. I would love to hear a reversal of Ron's comment. (Hint, hint.) :)

Here is the video clip of the interview that RC actually makes a comment she has nothing to do with it, we both, I had nothing to do with it - it is at 2:16 in the video - the comment is NOT part of the 911 call.
YouTube - Nancy Grace _ March 16, 2009 Part (1 of 5)

The video I posted is not from Nancy's show. It's from Geraldo's show. The part at 5:40 is not an interview, it's part of the 911 call.

Immediately after Ron says "I had nothing to do with this. We're f--ked. I had nothing to do with this," that is the end of the portion of the 911 call, and Geraldo goes into an interview.
The video I posted is not from Nancy's show. It's from Geraldo's show. The part at 5:40 is not an interview, it's part of the 911 call.

Immediately after Ron says "I had nothing to do with this. We're f--ked. I had nothing to do with this," that is the end of the portion of the 911 call, and Geraldo goes into an interview.

From your quote, I do not hear the words I bolded. He was simply tripping over his words. Also, while I don't understand word reverse speech, I do believe that actions speak louder than any words.
I posted the video from the Nancy show because at 2:16 is a clip of the same interview that Geraldo put in his at the 5:40 mark. The she had nothing to do with it is not part of the 911 call at all. I posted the video so people could hear where the clip and understand that it is not part of the 911 call.

The video I posted is not from Nancy's show. It's from Geraldo's show. The part at 5:40 is not an interview, it's part of the 911 call.

Immediately after Ron says "I had nothing to do with this. We're f--ked. I had nothing to do with this," that is the end of the portion of the 911 call, and Geraldo goes into an interview.
Shawn would you be able to do it for interviews with the other side of the family?
Shawn would you be able to do it for interviews with the other side of the family?

A crazy thought just came to my head. What about if we get Shawn to do one on one of us here at ws. We know we all have secrets, issues, things good and bad in our lives. Things they weigh heavily upon our hearts. It would be interesting, a good case study for all of us. Now of course nothing too revealing to the test member that wouldn't be appropriate to post on line, but given the right hypothesis, subject and goal I think we could analyze and see with our own eyes with someone in our midst and put this reverse speech to the test.

Not questioning Shawn or his techniques, or reliabilities of the original founding person who has mastered this technique, also not saying it's 100% accurate either. I am saying I have an open mind.

LOL one pro one con for and against take two members we all come up with some questions about the case including opinion type inquiries and see what Shawn can pull out of us. The person doing the testing time stamp and validate their entire opinion on the case before the reversal and see what it reveals. Am I stupid or what? :waitasec: :angel:
Shawn, have you listened to this ?...
..."I had nothing to do with this. We're f--ked. I had nothing to do with this."

I watched the video. At first listen it does sound like he is swearing, but a closer listen seems to indicate he stopped himself from saying something. I did not find there was a speech reversal from that sentence. I did find other reversals within the audio clip of Misty and Ron. I assume they were from early on in the case. Busylady’s clip is dated March 16, 2009.

Fox News - Geraldo Rivera - Audio Montage (unknown date)

Brackets [ ] indicate where the reversal occurs.

Misty Cummings:
I woke up and she was [gone. And the back door was wide open].
What will I do I'm in shock.

[The last time I seen her is when I put her to bed].
That little girl is going to be so assaulted.

She was in her bed [in front of the TV and me and Junior was in our, my bed].
Said I'm not so innocent. He may release the lover.

For those that think she is guilty of something. Doesn’t the first reverse speech example just jump out at you that she is holding back information, or she is involved? In case someone reading this can’t tell, that question is dripping with sarcasm.

In Misty’s last reversal she appears to be thinking about something Ronald may have said to her. It would appear at the time he did not believe her. Is the second sentence of that reversal a reference to a past boyfriend, or was she having an affair that Ron was threatening to make public?

Ronald Cummings:
Somebody came in my back door. Broke in the back door, and [stoled my child while I was at work].
Girl was well watched out in the woods.

(Reporter: Do you have any reason to believe someone took your daughter? Anybody that you might suspect?)
[No. But I know somebody took her I know for a fact].
*advertiser censored**hole's phone number was there. I'm not sure not the one.

[She didn't wander o]ff.
I know this.

It is interesting to note Ron’s thoughts at the time from his reversals. In Ron’s second reversal is he referencing the “lover”, or was there someone’s phone number on Misty’s phone he didn’t approve of? At the time he seemed to be not so certain if this person was involved or not. In a speech reversal previously mentioned in a post from Capt. Piscitello it seems that Ron was telling them that he didn’t think Misty was telling the truth, and therefore must have been having an affair, when in his reversal, in reference to Ron he said “Must not be a truth. Look at an affair.”

I have currently found about 15 speech reversals from Ronald that do not indicate he has had anything to do with Haleigh’s disappearance.

I currently have found approx. 32 speech reversals from Misty in various interviews. She is not indicating any involvement with the disappearance of Haleigh, no motive, nor who she knows that has done this. She seems to be indicating she is telling everything she knows, and if she did know anything she would absolutely reveal the information. She seems to have an instinct that her cousin Joe is the most likely person involved. Until something else shows up, I’m going with her instincts.

Last Thursday TJ Ward was on Nancy Grace. He said he was trying to get LE to let him use his Layered Voice Analysis 6.50 on potential witnesses. The reverse speech I have found on him indicates he is the one that is lying (see previous post with his reversals). Based on that I think he has already done enough damage. I hope they ignore his requests.

Hear all the reverse speech from Ronald, Misty, and more: Haleigh Cummings
Shawn would you be able to do it for interviews with the other side of the family?
It takes a lot of time to go through the process of documenting reverse speech. For example, a 1/2 hr. of audio could translate into 7-8 hrs worth of time. That doesn't include putting it together and posting to my site for public scrutiny. For now, according to the reverse speech of Capt. Piscitello LE believes the abductor to be a blood relative of Misty. Misty's reversals seem to indicate she believes her cousin Joe is involved. Unless new info. comes to light in the press, I don't think it is worth the effort (for me at least) to look into others at this time. But it might be a good way for others interested in reverse speech analysis to practice finding speech reversals by taking a look into others they may find to be of interest.
Thanks Shawn, I was mainly interested in HaLeigh's mother, grandma and grandpa.
It is interesting to note Ron’s thoughts at the time from his reversals. In Ron’s second reversal is he referencing the “lover”, or was there someone’s phone number on Misty’s phone he didn’t approve of? At the time he seemed to be not so certain if this person was involved or not. In a speech reversal previously mentioned in a post from Capt. Piscitello it seems that Ron was telling them that he didn’t think Misty was telling the truth, and therefore must have been having an affair, when in his reversal, in reference to Ron he said “Must not be a truth. Look at an affair.”

I currently have found approx. 32 speech reversals from Misty in various interviews. She is not indicating any involvement with the disappearance of Haleigh, no motive, nor who she knows that has done this. She seems to be indicating she is telling everything she knows, and if she did know anything she would absolutely reveal the information. She seems to have an instinct that her cousin Joe is the most likely person involved. Until something else shows up, I’m going with her instincts.

Last Thursday TJ Ward was on Nancy Grace. He said he was trying to get LE to let him use his Layered Voice Analysis 6.50 on potential witnesses. The reverse speech I have found on him indicates he is the one that is lying (see previous post with his reversals). Based on that I think he has already done enough damage. I hope they ignore his requests.

Bingo Bango for me. The last green BBM, I discovered using my natural speech hinky meters built in and came to this conclusion from the first time I heard it. Glad to know I'm not alone, though we use 2 different techniques, scientifically, it's all still based on a foundational truth that will never falter or change. Thanks Shawn, great dedication and sacrifice of personal time, no matter the outcome of Haleigh's case, you have been a service. May you be rewarded kindly for your efforts.
A crazy thought just came to my head. What about if we get Shawn to do one on one of us here at ws. We know we all have secrets, issues, things good and bad in our lives. Things they weigh heavily upon our hearts. It would be interesting, a good case study for all of us. Now of course nothing too revealing to the test member that wouldn't be appropriate to post on line, but given the right hypothesis, subject and goal I think we could analyze and see with our own eyes with someone in our midst and put this reverse speech to the test.

Not questioning Shawn or his techniques, or reliabilities of the original founding person who has mastered this technique, also not saying it's 100% accurate either...

I recently came across something that I think should be able to be used as an experiment in place of your topics listed above. Instead of finding the truth, why not find a lie?

An experiment was conducted by Richard Wiseman, Ph. D. In his experiment he had a gentlemen describe 2 movies that he liked. One was a lie, and one was the truth. There were over 16,000 participants that viewed the videos, and audio. It didn't matter if they watched the video or not there was still a 70% accuracy rating.

My question was if it didn't matter if the participants watched the videos for visual clues could reverse speech be what the participants were subconsciously picking up on?

I analyzed all three videos for reverse speech (the third reveals the lie), and I only found speech reversals on the first video.

Once you review my findings, you should agree that the experiment proves the accuracy of reverse speech.

Here is the link to the results: The Lying Experiment
Thank you shawn. I'll check it out in a few days, got some personal things going on that are emotionally charged, so I want to check it out fresh and rested. Get back in a few days. Peace to all.
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