BREAKING: Misty has left town after fight with Ronald.

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Quote: Thank you for joining and posting. I think you got here by the same route many here did. Something was going on in the news and we found we could be 3 steps ahead of most news agencies by reading here. (Mine was Caylee.)

Thanks so much for the kind welcome!
And you are so right about what led me here. I would tune in to every news
channel to find the latest info. on Haleigh's case and it just wasn't enough for me. So, I stumbled on this site and was pleasantly surprised to see so many others are concernend. Not only concerned, but REALLY making an effort to solve the mystery of what happened to her that fateful night. I love WS and it's refreshing to know people who care can actually make a difference right from their own living room. The way members work on here is amazing and I check in daily to read the latest developments. Like the "woman in scrubs" for instance, I read that on here before I saw it on the news.

Back to the subject at hand,
I really am having a change of heart about MC's location. Rehab doesn't make much sense anymore, unless someone suggested she go. Does anyone know if certain drugs in ones' system give inaccurate results in a polygraph? I still believe the timing of her "vacation" is VERY odd and has meaning. I've read about how others thought given all the stress, she may need a change of scenery. I understand that mind set, but this ordeal is not over yet and it seems she would be wasting her time and money on a getaway under so much stinkin' STRESS. Personally, when I've been in the middle of a crisis, all I can think about is THAT and going away would not make a bit of difference. How could she go somewhere, anywhere, and possibly enjoy herself at a time like this? Especially, with so much new activity going on? Unless, as others have mentioned it may be for Ron Jr. and that would make better sense. But even then... why now? Has anyone seen or heard where Ron is presently? The last thing I've seen on him was the kiss-kiss video unless I missed something. Is it just me, or was he really smiling in that clip? I'll have to watch it again.
Everything about this case is so confusing.
I'll bet WHERE Misty is explains a lot and when we find out, we'll know what the letter says and why she left. :praying: Just imho, of course.
So sorry for what you and your kids had to go through, teh. :rose:

I agree, this is a totally different situation. Of course Junior deserves to be taken out to do fun things, that poor little boy has been through hell! I just think it's odd timing for them to be taking fun family trips to Universal now that things are picking up with the case. Or perhaps Ron is taking advantage of the situation, he knows he can get more free stuff now that his daughter's face is finally back in the news.

IMO if Ron truly wants to do something good and right for his son he needs to let that precious little boy go stay with his mama. This is no time to be selfish! It doesn't have to be permanent.

The Cummings household can't possibly be a good environment for Junior right now. All that stress has got to be horrible for that poor baby. What would be the harm in letting him go spend some time with the other side of his family... out on the farm with his little sister where it's nice and peaceful. Not cooped up in the volatile atmosphere of that trailer. Especially with the one who police call a POI regarding his missing sister. :furious:

With Ron being so close to his mother, it seems he would understand that children need their mommies. He's almost 26 years old, a grown man, and he still needs his. Too bad he won't allow his son to have that as well.

P.S. I won't believe Ron has kicked Misty out until I hear him say it. And even then I probably still won't believe it.

I doubt that Crystal's home would be any different then Ron's home right now as Crystal also has a missing daughter and I'm sure there is a lot of saddness and stress within that home too. RJ has lived with his dad since he was a baby and I think it is important to keep things the same as possible in situations like this. Ron's mother said that Ron does his grieving at night when he is alone and not around RJ. She said that he trys to stay up when he is around his son. RJ is used to being around Ron's side of the family and in my opinion that is where he belongs right now. A child needs a father and a mother...BOTH...but sometimes it just doesn't work out for mom and dad to live together which is the case here. It sounds to me that Ron is doing fine with RJ and gives him a lot of attention plus there is also Ron's mom and gramma.
Tampa and Cocoa Beach are on opposite sides of the state.

I believe this is an allowed link...mods please delete or let me know and I will delete...thanks...

I’ve received a lot of emails asking about where I know where Misty Croslin is. The answer is yes. She is staying with a “friend” near Tampa and she is currently in Coco Beach. She is not in contact with Ronald or anyone else I her family. The police know exactly where she is at all times.
I don't know where Tampa and Cocoa Beach came from in the first place.It's more likely Daytona,St Augustine,Orlando areas.And she's more than likely in contact with family in Mass and Michigan through phone or myspace,which she was on today.But,I'm sure LE knows where she is or at least her lawyer.
I am sure LE know where both of them are. Ron doesn't do alone. Smoke and mirrors played out again. Wanna guess who is supplying all the wrong info to the press?

Misty alledgedly missing in action....but has anyone seen RC since Misty "went" missing? TN is doing the TV shows for him. So is, his attorney. If they didn't, people would be wondering where RC is.....
I doubt that Crystal's home would be any different then Ron's home right now as Crystal also has a missing daughter and I'm sure there is a lot of saddness and stress within that home too. RJ has lived with his dad since he was a baby and I think it is important to keep things the same as possible in situations like this. Ron's mother said that Ron does his grieving at night when he is alone and not around RJ. She said that he trys to stay up when he is around his son. RJ is used to being around Ron's side of the family and in my opinion that is where he belongs right now. A child needs a father and a mother...BOTH...but sometimes it just doesn't work out for mom and dad to live together which is the case here. It sounds to me that Ron is doing fine with RJ and gives him a lot of attention plus there is also Ron's mom and gramma.

I could see your point if Misty was not a POI in the case, but she is. She should not have access to Junior!

No doubt Junior loves his daddy and is used to living with him, but children are remarkably resilient. He would most likely get along just fine living with his mommy. It's not like he would never get to see his daddy again.

Junior is only 4 years old, he depends on the ones he loves to keep him safe. Living with Misty is not safe. imo
IIRC that is this man:

IIRC I have not seen any coverage as of yet that can't bSe assumed to be credible.

Of course, I could be wrong, on both counts.
Unless Misty was searching for her shoes, I can't really believe this guy is much of a reporter..."doing sole searching?" How does one do that ,I wonder.
Shopping for the best insert for your shoes?
Unless Misty was searching for her shoes, I can't really believe this guy is much of a reporter..."doing sole searching?" How does one do that ,I wonder.
Shopping for the best insert for your shoes?

How about the word sole meaning.... the ONLY one..

1. Being the only one: the sole survivor of the crash.
2. Of or relating to only one individual or group; exclusive: The court has the sole right to decide.
3. Law Single; unmarried.

So now this article is claiming Misty "disappeared and resurfaced in Orlando at a theme park this past week -- then disappeared again." So did someone actually spot Misty, or is it just bad reporting? Of course, the article then goes on to state that Misty and Ron "had a very public dispute which ended in her leaving their home in a fit of temper", which has been heavily debated, so I'm leaning towards poor reporting. Then again, to claim she "surfaced" implies that she was actually SEEN in Orlando, so who knows...
Unless Misty was searching for her shoes, I can't really believe this guy is much of a reporter..."doing sole searching?" How does one do that ,I wonder.
Shopping for the best insert for your shoes?

I understand why you posted the thought that you did. He used the word sole as opposed to the word soul. While the explanation that she was searching her one sole works in the sentence it is spelled wrong in his statement as it relates to the searching of her soul. Perhaps substituting the word sole for soul was an attempt on humor by way of homonym. But, yes I understand your point.
How about the word sole meaning.... the ONLY one..

1. Being the only one: the sole survivor of the crash.
2. Of or relating to only one individual or group; exclusive: The court has the sole right to decide.
3. Law Single; unmarried.


searching alone??? searching as a single? searching as decision maker?
Sorry no speak that language,:):crazy:
So sorry for what you and your kids had to go through, teh. :rose:

I agree, this is a totally different situation. Of course Junior deserves to be taken out to do fun things, that poor little boy has been through hell! I just think it's odd timing for them to be taking fun family trips to Universal now that things are picking up with the case. Or perhaps Ron is taking advantage of the situation, he knows he can get more free stuff now that his daughter's face is finally back in the news.

IMO if Ron truly wants to do something good and right for his son he needs to let that precious little boy go stay with his mama. This is no time to be selfish! It doesn't have to be permanent.

The Cummings household can't possibly be a good environment for Junior right now. All that stress has got to be horrible for that poor baby. What would be the harm in letting him go spend some time with the other side of his family... out on the farm with his little sister where it's nice and peaceful. Not cooped up in the volatile atmosphere of that trailer. Especially with the one who police call a POI regarding his missing sister. :furious:

With Ron being so close to his mother, it seems he would understand that children need their mommies. He's almost 26 years old, a grown man, and he still needs his. Too bad he won't allow his son to have that as well.

(bbm) ITA. I don't recall any assaults, arrests nor other reports of violence taking place where Crystal lives in the same time period we have seen continued chaos around RC/MC. CS has lost a child too--but we all know the situation is entirely different. In Crystal's heart I'm sure there is profound sadness but not the inevitable stressors, conflict and turmoil inherent to those in whose care Haleigh was last known to be, the constant strain of media and obvious pressure of being at the center of a lengthy investigation. Not to mention that until Misty, at least, has been eliminated from any involvement or knowledge of Haleigh's wherabouts, Junior is exposed to the same dangers and potential for harm. Whatever GMS has said amidst all of this to promote RC's self-control are far from assurance of Junior's emotional wellbeing or safety. While all maintain they're w/out any inkling or idea of what became of one child I find it shocking and more self-serving than considerate of Junior to continue subjecting him to the same 'unknown' risks and continued confusion. A child's 'status quo' isn't always what's healthiest nor what offers the most stability, by now we've all seen and learned enough to know this is unfortunately where Junior does not belong. As you say, regardless of any future custody decisions at this critical time I pray they can put aside their own needs long enough to consider his. JMO :prayer:

Retraction from Steph Watts:

Sometimes, for whatever unknown reason, sources mislead. There is some information I published last night that I was told was 100% accurate, now this am, I was informed I may have been mislead. So until I can figure out the truth, and print only the facts, I retracted what was written.


We cannot turn this into a witch-hunt; that includes me… guilty as charged.
Retraction from Steph Watts:

Sometimes, for whatever unknown reason, sources mislead. There is some information I published last night that I was told was 100% accurate, now this am, I was informed I may have been mislead. So until I can figure out the truth, and print only the facts, I retracted what was written.


We cannot turn this into a witch-hunt; that includes me… guilty as charged.

wow, thank you SS. Finally someone who cares and takes Honor in what they say, do and report. It has been a snitch teenage witch hunt from the beginnings. Yet, it's not prospered nor panned out.
According to NG Misty is back in town and there will be coverage of Haleigh's case tonight. I thought it was supposed to be covered last night too but it wasn't so you might not want to hold your breath.
According to NG Misty is back in town and there will be coverage of Haleigh's case tonight. I thought it was supposed to be covered last night too but it wasn't so you might not want to hold your breath.

I rarely do, for a NG "bombshell." :crazy:
Not sure if anyone read the article that TJ Hart posted. I am rubbing my eyes actually because it seems that he has veered a bit from the articles he has been reporting in regards to this case and I hope it continues.

snipped from article~Last night, I willfully refused a request from one of the many a cable network shows I've appeared over the past several months.

I was asked play it up a bit in an update about the child's stepmother getting away from the public for a few days ..."Cops find Misty!!!! Misty refusing to speak!!!! Attorney has made no effort to bring her in for questioning!!!!!!

All the cops really said this week is that Misty has a standing invitation to come in anytime with her lawyer and straighten out her timeline. ~ end snip

Then as I finished reading the article I was surprised to read this from TJ:

snip~Today I am examining my heart, my mind and my soul to find where the truth became irrelevant to ratings and page views.

I am also wondering how the circus replaced the search for the child. ~ end snip

Interesting about what he says about wondering when the truth became irrelevant... I have been wondering the same thing for weeks.

God Bless Haleigh and RJ

Forgot link!
Thank you elle for posting this. Says it all for me, it's not been about Haleigh. She along with her own family are being re-victimized daily and it's a shame. I didn't see his article, do you have a link please Mame?
Thank you elle for posting this. Says it all for me, it's not been about Haleigh. She along with her own family are being re-victimized daily and it's a shame. I didn't see his article, do you have a link please Mame?

I guess I disagree......this dysfunction was Haleigh's life. It is now how we discuss her disappearance. It isn't as though the mechanism made Haleigh's family this is the people closest to Haleigh who have spun this out of control in the way it is now.

It's simple: Tell the truth and the whole truth and stick with the truth.
Yes there are certainly many in media who bear responsibility for sensationalizing this case, and amidst the 'sideshow' losing sight of Haleigh. Hopefully any "burden" some may feel will translate into a trend in more responsible reporting.

Just as no one journalist can claim exclusively to have a market on unbiased coverage, neither can any one poster claim to have cornered the pursuit of truth. Given the vast differences in working theories, where some invest time and energy understandably is not where others choose to spend their's. Some may have taken cues from LE and no longer focusing upon stranger abduction and simply unwilling to move beyond remaining questions surrounding the inner cicle. Yet most believe they are operating w facts... albeit attributing different motives and reaching different conclusions. Based upon the conflicted polarized nature of theories here for any one poster to claim the moral high ground tho ('I'm the only one here for Haleigh' card) isn't the least productive. Those addressing the puzzling actions and attitudes of the inner circle, ie what they perceive as risk factors prior to a child vanishing or the inexplicable behaviors in the aftermath, have every right--indeed feel they owe it to Haleigh--to examine and explore those angles free of accusations of creating the three-ring spectacle that's unfolded before all our eyes. Blame tabloid reporting for the Springer-like atmosphere of ratings wars, but let's give credit where credit is due. The confusion, drama and unflattering details that continually emerge under the media spotlight and are unearthed under scrutiny of sleuthing over the course of lo these long eight months belongs solely to the central players themselves.

Those committed to Haleigh and firm in their principles aren't likely to deviate from the concerns this has raised at this point in the absence of any major developments or new evidence. In the interim I'm quick to recognize it's the infighting, the taking personal offense at perceived 'rival' theories themselves, which has proven useless. I've made it my personal policy not to post anything which, regardless of outcome I could not stand by when Lord willing an arrest is finally made. Praying Haleigh can be found, Junior kept safe and sound.


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