NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 1

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I have to admit, I felt better about this when it seemed Steven may have had a secret rendezvous. The fact that he doesn't have his vehicle and that there has been no activity on his bank or credit cards is very concerning.

I certainly don't want to upset or offend the family if they're reading here, but it does seem that Steven may possibly have met with foul play. I think the answers are most likely within Sun City Anthem. This is a retirement community where the majority of the residents would be home during the day. There are tons of activities available to the residents right there in the community, so it would make sense that lots of folks would have been out and about and should have seen Steven around.

I wish we knew exactly where his vehicle was found. I'd like to know what was nearby - besides homes. Is it near a golf course or any bodies of water? Any construction going on nearby? How close are the foothills in relation to where his car was found? Does it seem possible he thought to go for a quick hike before returning to St. George? Our weather has been very mild, so it wouldn't have been odd if he was just right there.

Oh jeez. The more I think about Steven, the more questions I have!
According to the article Steve owned a laptop which supposedly was not with him in Henderson. We were told here by someone claiming to be family that he was not a techie and had no internet access in St. George.

If he left a laptop behind, the family should have had the hard drive searched by now. For heaven's sake, what if he used mapquest and input the exact address of his destination(s)?
According to the article Steve owned a laptop which supposedly was not with him in Henderson. We were told here by someone claiming to be family that he was not a techie and had no internet access in St. George.

If he left a laptop behind, the family should have had the hard drive searched by now. For heaven's sake, what if he used mapquest and input the exact address of his destination(s)?

Just because he had a laptop doesn't mean he had Internet access - which he would need for Mapquest.
They why own a laptop at all? If he was using the laptop at places like Starbucks, his hard drive would still have a history of the websites he went to.
As for the internet access, in this day and age it is not uncommon for people to be able to tap into a neighbor's wireless internet service for free.

So if the family has Steven's laptop, they should have paid someone to search the hard drive weeks ago, that is unless they really don't want to know what is on there.
They why own a laptop at all? If he was using the laptop at places like Starbucks, his hard drive would still have a history of the websites he went to.

I never thought of Steven taking his computer to Starbucks for internet access, but that makes perfect sense, IMHO. Billiant!

I so hope they're checking his laptop harddrive!

I have to admit, I felt better about this when it seemed Steven may have had a secret rendezvous. The fact that he doesn't have his vehicle and that there has been no activity on his bank or credit cards is very concerning.

I certainly don't want to upset or offend the family if they're reading here, but it does seem that Steven may possibly have met with foul play. I think the answers are most likely within Sun City Anthem. This is a retirement community where the majority of the residents would be home during the day. There are tons of activities available to the residents right there in the community, so it would make sense that lots of folks would have been out and about and should have seen Steven around.

I wish we knew exactly where his vehicle was found. I'd like to know what was nearby - besides homes. Is it near a golf course or any bodies of water? Any construction going on nearby? How close are the foothills in relation to where his car was found? Does it seem possible he thought to go for a quick hike before returning to St. George? Our weather has been very mild, so it wouldn't have been odd if he was just right there.

Oh jeez. The more I think about Steven, the more questions I have!

I'm totally with you on this. IF there was no reason for him to disappear, then??????????

I also don't want to alarm his family, but the only OTHER reason he would be gone if not by choice, is something untold happened to him. But, what?

I'm with webrocket here, I hope they're checking his laptop.

A neatly dressed guy with sneakers on carrying a portfolio (whatever that means) does not sound like he was going for a hike. Besides, if he was going hiking, you'd think he would have parked much closer to the trails and not a residential neighborhood.
A neatly dressed guy with sneakers on carrying a portfolio (whatever that means) does not sound like he was going for a hike. Besides, if he was going hiking, you'd think he would have parked much closer to the trails and not a residential neighborhood.

To me it sounds like he was there on some kind of business. This portfolio he was carrying - could it have contained flyers and/or business cards for his window washing business? Could he have been scoping out the neighborhood for potential business - or for potential business needs.

Was he there in missionary capacity?

Could he have met someone, somewhere - possibly a retiree who was interested in helping him with his business or backing his business in some way?

Could this have been something he didn't want to tell anyone about - to have a surprise to tell his family or didn't say anything because he didn't want to "jinx" it?

I agree that this just doesn't seem like someone who "wandered off" or wanted to just up and leave his life. Seems like he was in this area on some kind of mission - whether work or church. Christmas presents in the car. Car is in a neighborhood - not like it's parked in a mall lot, airport lot or on a city street or back alley.

I'm just rambling...sorry!
As for the internet access, in this day and age it is not uncommon for people to be able to tap into a neighbor's wireless internet service for free.

So if the family has Steven's laptop, they should have paid someone to search the hard drive weeks ago, that is unless they really don't want to know what is on there.

Any reason to think that they haven't already checked his hard drive? :waitasec:
I'm sorry I haven't been posting replies. I'll try to get some in today.

I've never heard of the portfolio. Off the cuff I would say it was a resume. These links have been on the news so I feel ok posting them here. One of the white cars driving by is Steven's, then you see him walking down the street.

I'm not sure where you all would dig, but you're the pros. Could you all look at craigs list or something and see if there's anything, job wise, that would appeal to Steven in the area of Henderson in the time range of November and the beginning of December? He's a communications major and has worked in the newspaper business. I don't think he would look for further work in window washing. I think that's just something to pay the bills, but anything is possible.

Also, I hate to be a pain, but I'm at work and I don't have a lot of time to read your posts right now. Could someone sum up the questions since my last post??
First YouTube video:
Does it seem to anyone else that the first white car is driving slowly?
The second white car is driving faster, maybe someone comfortable with the streets?

Steven walking: Striding purposefully.
At the end of the video, does it seem like he walks left into a driveway or down a street?

Also, the last car in the video, at first I thought it was slowing down to park, but it seems to in front of a person's driveway.
The person in the suv (3rd vehicle) had to see him. It looks like it turned around at the cul-de-sac and drove back the way it came to either park or stop momentarily. Did the driver live there? Could they have been following Steven? Has anyone been able to identify the driver and talk to him?

Steven does not walk back the way he came, he turns left into either a street, driveway or parking lot. What is in that direction?
So, I am starting to go a different direction on this. I might be completely off, so bear with me. I also apologize in advance to any family members that might be reading this. I am thinking there may have been a deep depression going on and Steven needed to get away from it by reinventing himseff, going off with someone or possibly taking his life.

Although a lot of what we have read from the family says he was a happy guy with a lot of friends and didn't have any problems that would cause him to leave, I am starting to see a different picture as I continue to research.

It seems he did have a lot of friends through the church and growing up. However, it doesn't seem like any of them were close friends. If you go to the facebook site, under the "How do you know Steven?" discussion, you will see a ton of people comment that they know Steven from such and such and he is/was a great guy, but I haven't talked to him in a long time. I don't see anywhere that says "Steve was my best friend and I just talked to him the day he left." It does mention that a GW called him in the morning, but again I believe that to be a more church related friendship.

With regards to problems, the article below is the first time I have seen more detailed information on financial problems. It seems he needed some help from his parents for the rent, (mom transferred money to his account but it was never used). It also mentions that the electricity was being shut off (although mother believes landlord was responsible for paying).


Mom also mentions that he was "Thirty years old, and probably wasn't exactly where he wanted to be in life, but handling it.”

If you look at all of this put together, it definitely could cause someone to be deeply depressed. I know someone just like this (which I think is why I am so drawn to this case). This person has no real close friends, seems to be missing some sort of social skills. He immerses himself in the church, because thats the only place he feels like he belongs or knows he won't be turned away. Hops from job to job every couple years, because he is sure the grass is greener somewhere else. He is also troubled because all of his friends have moved on from him; married, children, jobs, etc.

Steven sees himself with no real job, not married or significant other (that we know of), no house, kids, etc. He probably feels as though he is a disappointment to his parents/family.

I can see all of this stacking up against him. If he has noone to talk to about these problems, he may think there is no way out.

Sorry for the rambling. What do you guys think?
The more compact white car is Steven's? The 2nd vehicle - the SUV is not? If I am correct, it appears that Steven parked his car and walked away from it. Apparently walking up the street and making the left onto another street (going by what it appears from the 1st vid to the 2nd vid - 2 different cameras)

The 2nd car appears to be
1. Either following him in a suspicious way OR
2. A concerned neighbor wondering who the stranger is.

Why would he park his car and then begin to walk up the street to another - but not to any one house there where his car was parked. To me that is odd in itself.

And I'm sorry - but what it brings to mind is a rendevous with someone. A person who would not want Steven's car in front of their house - someone who has something to hide.

I know from personal experience when I was dating a guy who was older and I was 17 - trying to keep it from my parents I would park on another street when going to his house and walk thru the backyards until I reached his house. His house sat on a well traveled street but the next street over was mainly neighborhood traffic and my car wouldn't be seen/obvious.

My gut is telling me the same instance here. Park car in a cul-de-sac (which isn't a thru street - less traffic) and walk to what appears to be another street.
Based on my above post, I think the police should be looking at all of the gas stations leading to Henderson from St. George. See if there are any videos of him there. What did he purchase? Did he use the pay phone instead of cell?

Another thought unrelated to above, with regards to Sacremento. Could he have met someone to drive with to Sacremento? Should someone be trying to spread the word in that area to keep their eye out for him? Have they checked gas stations from Henderson to Sacremento? Have gas stations been notified to review their cameras? It may be too late at this point, but its a thought.
Perhaps Naegle could let us know if LE has checked the hard drive on Steven's laptop.

I would also like to know if Steven's car was paid for or if he was making payments.

Any idea if he had sought counseling within his church? The answer to that may shed some light on the possibility of depression.

Even if Steven was depressed, I'm not inclined to believe he came all the way to Vegas to commit suicide. What would be the point?

I do think he was in Vegas for a specific reason and somewhere is the answer to what that reason was.
Based on my above post, I think the police should be looking at all of the gas stations leading to Henderson from St. George. See if there are any videos of him there. What did he purchase? Did he use the pay phone instead of cell?

Another thought unrelated to above, with regards to Sacremento. Could he have met someone to drive with to Sacremento? Should someone be trying to spread the word in that area to keep their eye out for him? Have they checked gas stations from Henderson to Sacremento? Have gas stations been notified to review their cameras? It may be too late at this point, but its a thought.

There really aren't that many. St. George is a straight shot to Vegas on I-15 south - and mostly desert the whole way. It's only a 2-hour drive so one probably wouldn't need to stop for gas. If he were stopping for snacks or some other reason, the most likely stop would be Mesquite, which is a little less than 1/2 way coming from St. George and right off the I-15. Though Mesquite has grown significanly in recent years, it's still fairly small. There are a few convenience stores and truck stop type of places as well as the usual fast food restaurants.

But I have to say, having made this trip many, many times myself, I think it would be odd to stop in Mesquite when you have been on the road less than an hour and have just a little more than an hour to go before you're in Vegas. JMO.
There really aren't that many. St. George is a straight shot to Vegas on I-15 south - and mostly desert the whole way. It's only a 2-hour drive so one probably wouldn't need to stop for gas. If he were stopping for snacks or some other reason, the most likely stop would be Mesquite, which is a little less than 1/2 way coming from St. George and right off the I-15. Though Mesquite has grown significanly in recent years, it's still fairly small. There are a few convenience stores and truck stop type of places as well as the usual fast food restaurants.

But I have to say, having made this trip many, many times myself, I think it would be odd to stop in Mesquite when you have been on the road less than an hour and have just a little more than an hour to go before you're in Vegas. JMO.
Thanks Fairy. I keep forgetting you are right there.
Just throwing this out there, and hold the stones if you can...

Given Steven's age and strong affiliation (apparently) to the church, is there a chance that he strode off into the wilderness or something symbolic of the wilderness to test himself??? I know Lent is not for another month, but do you get what I am saying???

Is there any area between St George and Henderson that might have had spiritual significance, like the scene of a revelation?
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