TAMMI posted bail, she is out of jail - 3 Feb 2010

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I'm wondering if the filing of the criminal complaint has anything to do with her threatening LM?
I'm wondering if the filing of the criminal complaint has anything to do with her threatening LM?
I wonder if this means she will be re-arrested or will this just be a new charge?? I am confused......
I'm wondering if the filing of the criminal complaint has anything to do with her threatening LM?

Oh threatening a witness! Good job, Tammi. On nationwide TV no less.

I love a common criminal like Tammi who commits their crimes on nationwide TV. Makes prosecution so much easier, and saves the taxpayers money.

Caught on Tape!
Raw Footage Of PTS interveiw outside Of The Jail -


I'm half way through veiwing this now, & can't help but notice PTS seems like she's enjoying her 15 minute of Fame...

LOL, as you can see I'm waaayyy behind but I just had to comment about this interview of TS and JS.......I didn't see the entire interview until today.

When is this woman going to shut her trap!?
Who the he!! does she think she is?
She blames being arrested on Logan. She says this is all his fault!

OhMyGosh! She's the one that admitted on NATIONAL TV that she'd FALSIFIED A COURT DOCUMENT! That is AGAINST THE LAW!!

Good grief! What rock did she crawl out from under?

If these two hadn't stuck their big face into this matter, Gabriel would probably be with his dad today!

Oh, my goodness..................:banghead:

I'm not sure what thread to post this, and hope it's not a duplicate.

Criminal complaint filed against Tammi Smith in Baby Gabriel case

PHOENIX -- The Maricopa County Attorney's Office said Thursday that it has filed a criminal complaint against Tammi Smith, the woman who, along with her husband, wanted to adopt Gabriel Johnson, the Tempe baby who has been missing since his mother took him out of state back in Decembers.

County Attorney Andrew Thomas will hold a news conference later this morning to discuss the complaint.

Details will be updated as they become available.


In this interview with TS and JS, they accuse LM of lying (ie falsifying) court documents filed in Gabriel's custody fight. At the end of the piece, a statement from LE said they are NOT aware of anything LM has done illegally. not exact words.

TS and JS better be careful. They are teetering on the verge of libel and slander.

Oh, and it's on TAPE!!



PS>...TS KNOWS darn well you can't believe anything EJ says. Yet she bases these slanderous allegations against LM, from something EJ said. Sorry, they are #*&%$^. :twocents:
This is not a defense of TS, but there are ways—UGLY, despicable, underhanded, illegal, deceptive, FRIGHTENING ways—that children are sequestered from a devoted, self-sacrificing, doting, "the greatest joy in life is my children" parent who is equally adored by the children. I am confident that some of these scarred and disillusioned parents found there way to WS for this very reason and just want them to know that there are those among us who know that it happens, wasn't their fault, and that they did and are doing all that they could/can.
Ruh-Roh! Are those darn LE officals copying/cutting/pasting again??? They need to chill huh? HAHAHA:innocent:
IMO, Tammi is mad at Logan for more than just his not cooperating in her getting custody of Gabriel. I think a lot of it goes back to her losing custody of her own kids to their Dad. A father who actively seeks custody of his own children! My goodness! How COULD a man want to take children away from their MOTHER?!?! Even if the mother is willing to give the child away to total strangers, that's GOT to be better than letting a mere FATHER have them, right?

Oh yeah, and Logan got her, Saint Tammi, arrested! How dare he! He cooperated with those nasty gun carrying LE to build a case against her...a bogus case, in her mind. She must be innocent. After all, she's been saying so all along, and if she says so, it must be true!

ITA that she, and EJ as well, have been calling Gabriel the baby/this baby/that baby during this whole thing because they may have gotten used to calling him by another name during all their scheming and conspiring. No one except Logan, involved in this case, seems to have a real, human, loving attachment to Gabriel. That's so sad! Every little baby on earth needs warmth and love from his/her caregivers.

IMO, Tammi took the time to do her makeup, so should have had an opportunity to stop by a hallway drinking fountain to wet her whistle, right? I think she was playing her "victim card" when she pretended to not know what day it was, yada, yada, yada. So now Saint Tammi is becoming Martyr Tammi. At least her "fans" will see it that way.

She implies, seems to me, that when this gets to court, she'll be vindicated, proved innocent. She very well MAY think that once she's proven to be the only guilt-free party left standing, she might get custody of Gabriel. Of course, I find that totally ridiculous, as I'm convinced she's possibly the MOST guilty party involved....but then again, it tells me that she believes he's alive and well. I actually HOPE she KNOWS for a FACT that he's alive and well, and where he is. Because if SHE KNOWS, then someone else can get the info, one way or another....maybe JJ, maybe Logan, maybe those gun-toteing LE. :)
Js and Ts are now using the one site I guess.. >< thats so frustarting I dont know like I said I think JS is taking control now and telling TS to move over, but as far as the complaints go he cleared it up a few minutes ago on TS's FB.

He said : (paraphrazing..)
He says, this is ,Jack. The criminal complaint today is the formal charges being read and that the police can not formally bring charges, that today's reading was the DA's formal charges, um that the DA dropped the custodial interference charge and left the conspiracy to commit charge. He thinks it is important that we know at the press conference the police said " It's clear that the Smith's know nothing about where G is."

I also wanted to say that I saw on the 'bring G home' FB page that TS has releatives in Mexico and that those relatives were removed earlier from her FB page. I am unable to prove any of this but was wondering if anyone else could?

Also saw 'The View' (the show) Aired something about G this morning
If someone has a link can they pass it along? I can't keep up with all the mini-sites they are starting to confuse me..
I don't think this is anything new. Just part of the other charges. From the article:

The criminal complaint accuses Smith of conspiracy to commit custodial interference and forgery.
Ok, I have to admit, I love this article because it mentions TAMMI'S arrest record! She and J referred to LM, in their early morning press conference, as a convicted 'felon.' Well, it seems she is too!

Another thing, they were to meet with their attorney this morning to discuss the charges. I would HOPE their lawyer advises them to quit the slander on LM!



by Kevin Kennedy - Feb. 3, 2010 08:58 PM

Tammi Smith appeared tired and disheveled as she walked out of jail just before the sun came up on Wednesday morning. With her husband Jack there to pick her up Smith had a few choice words before heading home, "We are going to tear them apart, I'm not, my attorney is going to tear them apart," said Smith, referring to the Tempe Police Department.

The arrest is not the first for Smith. 12 News uncovered court records from Louisiana that show Smith was charged with forgery, simple battery and disturbing the peace.


Smith is expected to meet with her attorney on Thursday to discuss the charges.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ok, I have to admit, I love this article because it mentions TAMMI'S arrest record! She and J referred to LM, in their early morning press conference, as a convicted 'felon.' Well, it seems she is too!

Another thing, they were to meet with their attorney this morning to discuss the charges. I would HOPE their lawyer advises them to quit the slander on LM!



by Kevin Kennedy - Feb. 3, 2010 08:58 PM

Tammi Smith appeared tired and disheveled as she walked out of jail just before the sun came up on Wednesday morning. With her husband Jack there to pick her up Smith had a few choice words before heading home, "We are going to tear them apart, I'm not, my attorney is going to tear them apart," said Smith, referring to the Tempe Police Department.

The arrest is not the first for Smith. 12 News uncovered court records from Louisiana that show Smith was charged with forgery, simple battery and disturbing the peace.


Smith is expected to meet with her attorney on Thursday to discuss the charges.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Meeting with their attorney, huh? Here's hoping he/she wants a ginormous retainer.
And, best of luck to the lawyer on muzzling TS.
Tammi Smith Released From Jail – Raw Interview
From 0:35
Reporter: Tammi, how, how are ya?
TS: So bright. (laughs) How am I? (laughs). Let me think about that a minute. Um , I’m just like, getting out of there. Um, I’m sorry, give me a second. I’m just like totally, I haven’t had anything to eat or drink since, what, Monday morning? What day is it?
JS: Tuesday.
Reporter: It’s Wednesday.
TS: It’s at night or something. It’s Wednesday?
JS: It’s Wednesday?
Reporter: It’s Wednesday morning.
JS: Oh, okay, I forgot.
TS: So, Tuesday morning? Okay. I’m like so dry, I can’t even talk (Laughs).
Reporter: What was your experience like inside?
TS: Um, it was really cold. It was really cold, and, um, sitting on cement, basically the whole time. So, sad for all those people in there.
Reporter: I know yesterday, you, um, claimed your innocence as you were walking in. Is that still what you stand by?
TS: Of course, absolutely.
Reporter: What are your thoughts about the charges that are being brought up upon you?
TS: Um, we pretty much already knew those charges, that were going to be brought up. We just didn’t know when. Um, you know, those are charges that, that Tempe Police Department is trying to create a case. Um, because of the whole Craig Cherry thing. Um, by law, they could arrest me. Um, doesn’t mean those charges are gonna stick, doesn’t mean those charges are true, but, nevertheless, they were able to do that, cause they’re the guys with the guns.
Reporter: Now the evidence that was brought up, um, did they release any of the evidence, saying, this, these, this is why we’re pressing these charges?
TS: Um, yeah, there were some things that they did release. Um, they released a paper full of, um, full of things that I don’t, I can’t even describe. It was ridiculous. Um, it’s basically like cutting and pasting little pieces of things together. But forgetting, this and this and this, to prove my innocence. It was unbelievably ludicrous. And it’s okay, cause we have all of those pieces to fit back in there that creates all of our innocence.
Reporter: What about the whole thing with, uh, them saying that you were trying to get your cousin to claim he was the biological father?
TS: I wasn’t trying to get my cousin to claim anything. This is the story, okay? Um, here’s a mother. Where a man is trying to take away her child. Yes, he’s the man that was on the birth certificate, but she’s claiming that there was another potential father. And before you go to court and just let, let this man take your baby away, you have to put that potential father’s name on there. Um, you know, somebody else has to take a paternity test. She refused to put his name down because of the fact, I can’t say why. I’m not going to say why on TV, but the courts will know why when I go to court. So, um, she was going to put a fake name. I didn’t want her to put a fake name, it’s not right to do that to hurt somebody else’s family. And in the process, I ended up hurting my family. And myself, because I didn’t want her to make up a phony name and have somebody get a knock at their door one day.
Reporter: Why get involved? At this point, uh, was it worth getting involved in this entire time?
TS: Um, I mean at this point now, looking back. I wouldn’t have gotten involved, I guess. Um, but, at the time, I got involved because I really cared about this person and I felt like she was being completely taken advantage of by the father and the grandfather and I felt very, very sorry for her that she had nobody on her side.
Reporter: Do you know where Gabriel is?
TS: Absolutely not.
Reporter: Or where he could potentially be?
TS: No, absolutely not. And in court, they did say that, um, whenever I was in jail, we went to a court, I don’t know if it was last night or whenever. But they did say that they know we, we don’t have any clue.
Reporter: Now, we were talking to your husband earlier and he was saying that he was having oh so little doubts about this, because it took a couple days before Gabriel’s father actually called up and said, “Hey, uh, uh, my son’s, uh, my son’s missing.” What are your thoughts on, uh, on the father? And do you think he’s credible or not credible?
TS: I think he’s very uncredible. Um, because he’s taking, um, small pieces of, of text messages and, um, anything that might have been recorded and cutting and pasting them to make it look like we’ve done something wrong, and he knows that’s not the truth. Um, I think he’s very uncredible.
JS: I think, one of the things I think is important, to say here, is we’re very happy when we found out that he did record those messages. Cause, you know what? If he recorded one, he had to record ‘em all.
TS: Right.
JS: He can’t pick and choose which ones he wants to play. If he recorded one of them, he has, he has to play them all. And when he plays them all, what’s gonna happen, is it’s gonna show that we were saying, we don’t even want, eh, eh, this is from Elizabeth. This is what she said, but yet, he takes one text, and everybody, has, has text. You don’t spell this thing in out in a text, be this long. A text is as short as you can possibly get it. Well, they took that one text. But then we heard that they, um, that that they have recordings, that he has recorded every single call. Sorry, I didn’t record every single call that, thatthat we made, because we’re not that type of people, the people that are constantly thinking that somebody is, is potentially, uh, everybody is bad. Uh, we’re gonna, we’re gonna be there, and um, we trust people. You know, we trust people, and we’re gonna do everything that we can. But, but the fact that he recorded one, means he recorded them all. And, and, when we have our records in front of us, and it shows a fifteen minute phone call, the, the attorney’s gonna look at that and say, alright, where’s that call?
TS: Where’s the west, where’s the rest of the recording?
JS: Where’s the rest of the recording? What’s
TS: Why do you only have this much of the recording, out of this much of a call? You know.
Reporter: Did they try to interrogate you? Do you think this is a tactic to try to scare and talk, get you to talk if there’s, uh, if you know something that you’ve yet to say?
TS: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Reporter: So, so did they try to interrogate you in there and, and badger you to get you to, to speak?
TS: Yes, they did at the Temple Police Station.
JS: I think there’s another thing that’s pretty important here too, and forgive me but, it, eh, there’s no question, Tammi’s admitted, we’ve been honest and open. We even called the depar, uh, the detectives, and, and when we knew, because the detectives never channeled their direction toward, well, everything was, was less do you know anything about the baby, do you know where he’s at? Do you know any this? But if they had said, well you know Tammi, on the fifteenth you went to court with Elizabeth. Is there anything you want to tell us about that? Tammi said, of course, yeah, yeah, it was no big deal, this is what happened. They never channeled it toward that. So we weren’t hiding anything from them, we were sitting there saying, do we have any, no, no, no, we don’t know anything. And you know, the thing that’s very, that’s, that’s, once again, they can’t cherrypick. They can’t cherrypick what they want to do. So, for example, uh, if the answer that Tammi was a part of with the Craig Cherry thing, if the answer, she lied, or she falsified something, then we do have to go back to the original document, which is that one that An, that Logan’s said she
TS: The one she was answering.
JS: The one that she was answering, and say, was there any lies in that? We know there were lies in that. Oh, how can they arrest Tammi for that, for that lie
TS: When he made up a bunch of other lies on Elizabeth?
JS: When he made up lies on Elizabeth that, for the original thing? I think somebody at the press conference today, because I asked my friends in the, our friends in the media, which we’ve tried to be friends with everybody, and we’re transparent, everybody knows that. We’re sitting out here at, four o’clock in the morning, you know, talking to you guys. We’re transparent. We’ll do whatever we needs, needs to be done to help try to help find this baby. But I ask, I ask them, be sure and just ask, if, if this is, what about this? And they, said, um, we’re still looking into that. Well, that’s been, that’s been, that been standard question, answer from the day one.
Reporter: You’re no longer a person of interest, of any or considered a person of interest, interest. Does that give you relief somewhat?
JS: Um, no.
TS: It gives me relief, because now that we’re gonna go to court on this, I have a great credible witness for me. (Laughs)
JS: Well, you
TS: Well, he’s really not my best credible witness, I have a few attorneys and I have great credible witnesses. Um, they have Logan, as their witness. Um, let’s see who else they have. Deanne Iala (SP) as a witness. And we’re gonna tear them apart. Well, I’m not. My attorney’s going to tear them apart.
Reporter: What about this connection to Tennessee? They, uh, said there was a potential that, uh, that Elizabeths was supposed to end up in Tennessee and
TS: It heard, I heard many times that that is not the case. Um, that was not the case at all. That’s what I’ve heard many times.
JS: We explained that, we explained that to them. Cause, see, again, you gotta understand, there, there’s, there’s three issues here. We were trying to get her to come back, we were trying to get her to stop, or we were trying to localize her. If any one of those three things we had achieved, we would be heroes today, and you know that. But the fact that she continued to run, cause, cause what happened, she was telling us, I’m going to change my identity. I’m gonna change my social security number. I’m gonna, I’m gonna just become nobody. Okay? And , we’re saying, woah, woah, wait a minute, wait a minute, don’t do that. Let’s, let, let’s try this. Let’s see if maybe you can change jurisdiction, okay? And, we have a place in Tennessee, you can go there. And, never gave her an address, never gave her a name, never even told her where it was at, so she, if she gone to Tennessee, she wouldn’t have had any idea. But, the point being, is what we were trying to do, is trying to get her to stop and come back. Or, or, or, at least get her to a place where we could, where somebody could go get her. You know again, it, it, it, it’s odd to me that it was known where she was, on the twenty, on the twenty-first when I called the father, and told him the phone number of where she was at.
TS: Why didn’t he take, I’m sorry, why didn’t Logan take a road trip when we told him, she’s not coming back if you don’t sign papers? And this is what Elizabeth is telling us? If, if he were to call me (uses hand motion to indicate JS) or somebody were to call me and, and, he’s not coming back with my daughter, if I don’t sign papers, I would have been on the next flight to San Antonio.
JS: And every one of you would have done the same thing.
TS: I would have been in, and, and he knew that she was in, he knew she was in a hotel, with that baby, refusing to come back, and telling everybody she was going to change her identity and his identity, and she’s never gonna call us back again. I mean, come on, did he not want to find his baby?
JS: Well, I
TS: I don’t understand. I don’t believe he wanted to find his baby, ever. He only wanted her to be in trouble, and that’s exactly what he’s doing to me today. He only wants me in trouble, he only wants Elizabeth in trouble. I don’t believe in my heart of hearts, he ever cared about getting that baby. If he did, he had weeks to go get that baby, but never once tried. Never once did he go to San Antonio and go to every hotel, off of the Interstate to say, Hey, have you seen this woman or this baby? Didn’t do it.
JS: I would have, I would have, you would have
TS: My God, I would have went in a heartbeat.
JS: Anybody out there would have.
TS: The golden boy did not want the baby, that’s all I
Reporter: Do you still love, love this baby?
TS: Yes, I love this baby.
JS: And we still love the baby.
TS: I, I will look for this baby until he’s found. I will look for this baby the rest of my life until he’s found. Even though it means bringing him back to Logan. Oh, well, you know, I’m still gonna look for this baby. Cause that baby deserves a home.
Reporter: Alright, thanks guys, thanks a bunch.
TS: And sorry if I seem to be a little bit, um, angry right now, but this has, Logan has done this. I’ve been told by just about everyone of the media, Logan has done this. So, I will help you Logan, to find your baby, but as far as you go, be watching.
[End tape.]
Sorry for the marathon transcript...almost 15 minutes and 6 pages on Word. I could have cut it, but we never know if the tape will be pulled in the future and I want it on record.
Poor TS . She definitely needs a super-sized colon-cleanse & then use the leftovers for a mouth& thought cleanse.
Sorry for the marathon transcript...almost 15 minutes and 6 pages on Word. I could have cut it, but we never know if the tape will be pulled in the future and I want it on record.

That was a ton of work, and much appreciated! On the record is right-she is so over the top, it's good for us to be able to refer back to exactly what she said.
After typing the ravings of TS I'll bet you could use some Purell. ha..ha..
Tammi Smith Released From Jail – Raw Interview
From 0:35
Reporter: Tammi, how, how are ya?
TS: So bright. (laughs) How am I? (laughs). Let me think about that a minute. Um , I’m just like, getting out of there. Um, I’m sorry, give me a second. I’m just like totally, I haven’t had anything to eat or drink since, what, Monday morning? What day is it?

Snipped by me...

Thanks for doing this! Wish I had waited and not put myself through the watching. THe first thing out of her mouth was an over the top exaggeration...she hadn't even been in jail Monday; she hadn't even been in for 18 hours. She accuses the jail of unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. At that point you know you've got quite a ride coming in this interview.
There were times I had to go back and listen 4 or 5 times, because I couldn't actually believe that she had said whatever she said. If you listen to her, there at the end, it's like she finally dropped the mask, and we all got to see the real Tammi. She is a not a nice person, not a confused person...

And I can see it in the way she said that thing about not telling them why there was going to be another name...she will try to play the EJ was raped card. I am calling it now.

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