VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #2

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Somebody she works with is probably involved, was she working on a sensitive project? Did she know something she wasn't supposed to? Did she really run towards the river? It would be very risky for some random person to be lurking in the area when they don't who or what camera is focused on them! Is there a reward fund for information from BPA? an ex I would assume would not risk coming to her workplace!
Another thing to throw out there...

I do believe it's quite possible that another employee had some type of grudge/issue with Kelly. Since she had just gotten a raise for one thing (how well known at work was this?). Also Kelly was doing what is basically considered a "man's job". Kelly is gay and Kelly is a natural beauty. Anyone of those things, or a combo or all, could have tipped someone over the edge.

One thing that hasn't been answered is - was any other employee missing the same time as Kelly? Was there an employee who called in sick, or possibly went home sick that day? Was there an employee who took a vacation day that day?

There's been a rumor that a person was fired on that day. Has this ever been confirmed? If so, what time was this person terminated? Was it known to this employee and/or other employees that this person was going to lose his job before hand?

Could someone have made this appear that a co-worker could have done this?

I think somewhere there was made mention that Kelly had thought an employee had copied her key? If so, how would this person have done that? Does BPA make keys? Do they make casts of things?

I think it would be extremely hard to take a key off of Kelly's keychain and take it somewhere during a break to make a copy and then place the key back on the keychain. I believe it was also stated that pics were taken off of Kelly's toolbox of her and her partner - or of her partner. That to me, along with a possible copied key, doesn't sound like co-workers I'd want to be around.

However, if someone else also knew that information - and we know there was at least one person that knew of those 2 above things - then I'm sure others knew this as well.

The key, the pics removed, things being moved around in her house - sounds to me like someone was sending her a message. Also it could be that someone wants to make Kelly think she's losing it - or give others the impression that Kelly is off kilter...

Doors on the house being open the next day - goggles/gloves found next day.... Were the goggles/gloves ever claimed by another employee? Were the doors/locks anything else in her house fingerprinted the next day the doors were found open?

Anyone know if Kelly's computer was examined by a forensic specialist? How about land line records (if applicable). All banking transactions gone over? (in case anyone was maybe extorting cash from her).

Has the family hired a PI?

Sorry for the rambling...I've just really been thinking hard about Kelly today... Wish we could shake a magic 8 ball and have the answers appear instantly...
Another thing to throw out there...

I do believe it's quite possible that another employee had some type of grudge/issue with Kelly. Since she had just gotten a raise for one thing (how well known at work was this?). Also Kelly was doing what is basically considered a "man's job". Kelly is gay and Kelly is a natural beauty. Anyone of those things, or a combo or all, could have tipped someone over the edge.

One thing that hasn't been answered is - was any other employee missing the same time as Kelly? Was there an employee who called in sick, or possibly went home sick that day? Was there an employee who took a vacation day that day?

There's been a rumor that a person was fired on that day. Has this ever been confirmed? If so, what time was this person terminated? Was it known to this employee and/or other employees that this person was going to lose his job before hand?

Could someone have made this appear that a co-worker could have done this?

I think somewhere there was made mention that Kelly had thought an employee had copied her key? If so, how would this person have done that? Does BPA make keys? Do they make casts of things?

I think it would be extremely hard to take a key off of Kelly's keychain and take it somewhere during a break to make a copy and then place the key back on the keychain. I believe it was also stated that pics were taken off of Kelly's toolbox of her and her partner - or of her partner. That to me, along with a possible copied key, doesn't sound like co-workers I'd want to be around.

However, if someone else also knew that information - and we know there was at least one person that knew of those 2 above things - then I'm sure others knew this as well.

The key, the pics removed, things being moved around in her house - sounds to me like someone was sending her a message. Also it could be that someone wants to make Kelly think she's losing it - or give others the impression that Kelly is off kilter...

Doors on the house being open the next day - goggles/gloves found next day.... Were the goggles/gloves ever claimed by another employee? Were the doors/locks anything else in her house fingerprinted the next day the doors were found open?

Anyone know if Kelly's computer was examined by a forensic specialist? How about land line records (if applicable). All banking transactions gone over? (in case anyone was maybe extorting cash from her).

Has the family hired a PI?

Sorry for the rambling...I've just really been thinking hard about Kelly today... Wish we could shake a magic 8 ball and have the answers appear instantly...

Thanks for reminding me about a lot of this stuff. Some of it had slipped through the cracks for me, so your nudge worked wonders.

I'm always hesitant to go with the insider/fellow employee angle because I would imagine that a coworker/vendor might hurt her/kill her off the premises rather than at their workplace. Sort of the theory "Don't where you eat" (sorry about that!). But then I think of Amy Bishop Henderson from UA-Huntsville shootings of her fellow professors just a few days ago. She shot them at a staff meeting, hid the gun, and attempted to leave the building as if nothing had happend when she was captured by LE. She had no problem whatsoever in shooting 6 and killing 3 coworkers for not getting the tenure she so wanted.

Regarding the keys, you're right, not a lot of time to make a copy of the keys during a 15-min. break. And how would a coworker know exactly which one was the house key? Some people carry up to 7, even 10 keys. How would a stranger/coworker know how many keys were used to open the doors at Kelly's home? Some people have one lock, others two.

The key, the pics removed, things being moved around in her house - sounds to me like someone was sending her a message. Also it could be that someone wants to make Kelly think she's losing it - or give others the impression that Kelly is off kilter...

Doors on the house being open the next day - goggles/gloves found next day.... Were the goggles/gloves ever claimed by another employee? Were the doors/locks anything else in her house fingerprinted the next day the doors were found open?

This is what leads me back again and again to thinking that the person who did this was very familiar with Kelly in a personal way--an ex- (she had several). Someone who was aware of her mental health history. We were told Kelly had "a separation from reality" or a psychic break/mental breakdown a few years back. Someone who had once been close with her and now angry with her could have attempted to play with her mind, hoping to cause such a breakdown in her again.

Sad, but it happens. If that's true, however, the question remains did Kelly then get pushed over the edge or did that same person then hurt her. Since I'm fairly resigned to believing that she did not commit suicide, that means to me that the person who was playing with her mind was involved in hurting/killing her.

Thank you so much for rambling--rambling can work wonders in reminding us of things we need to be reminded of. Ramble anytime, MB. Obviously, I'm pretty good at rambling too. :) Your ramblings were important to me.

Just helping Kelly's thread stay on page one; she needs to be found, and soon.
Kelly's nephew posted on another site that he had talked to the employee who was let go the same day and that he had nothing to do with Kelly's disappearance. I don't think he worked in the building so he would not have been involved with removing the pictures. So who removed the pictures and why?
I think somewhere there was made mention that Kelly had thought an employee had copied her key? If so, how would this person have done that?

I think it would be extremely hard to take a key off of Kelly's keychain and take it somewhere during a break to make a copy and then place the key back on the keychain.

You're not rambling MBLover! You're asking valid questions and considering all possible scenarios in this case. Anything is possible.

About the keys, I believe that someone with the know how could have made a clay impression of her keys or even made a copy of her keys on the photocopy machine at work rather than taking it off a keychain and going someplace during a break or lunch period. The master copy of her house keys would have the lock brand name and that would make it easy to figure out which keys are which in her keychain.

How about this thought to consider. Have any of Kelly's coworkers ever been to her house for a social event? Such as playing poker, having a cookout or a holiday party. It could also be possible that Kelly had a secret affair with someone from her workplace.

Another thought to consider. When Kelly changed the ownership name on her property tax records, did she made any changes to her will or made any changes to the beneficiary of any kind of insurance that she could have?

It's best to have a wide view in this case and consider all possible scenarios rather than just having horse blinders on and considering only one possible view.
The photos were said to be removed from Kelly's toolbox a few times, it was suggested that the guys liked to see two women "together" and that Kelly was initially annoyed but then brushed it off! I think it is WEIRD and CREEPY to have some kinky guys stealing personal photos! I would have felt very uncomfortable with that situation.
The photos were said to be removed from Kelly's toolbox a few times, it was suggested that the guys liked to see two women "together" and that Kelly was initially annoyed but then brushed it off! I think it is WEIRD and CREEPY to have some kinky guys stealing personal photos! I would have felt very uncomfortable with that situation.

Was it wishful thinking with these guys who kept taking the pics...or was there something a bit more sinister behind this?

Could someone have thought...maybe I can change her? Maybe someone there is homophobic? (Especially someone who is staunchly religious and maybe someone had been trying to convert her away from her "sin"?)
I have worked in many traditional men jobs. Men joke and tease each other all the time! The men stopped snubbing me as being a wimpy woman when they realized I could do my job better than a lot of them and was willing to work hard.
The day, I was involved in the jokes and teasing, I knew I was excepted. I believe her co-workers care deeply about her and may even feel they failed to protect her, as they would for any of their buddys.
Hi everyone... I'm joining this thread late. Is there a summary somewhere? I saw that the first thread was pulled for review so I can't find any background. TIA.
As far as the keys go, I think it would depend on how many keys she had on her key ring. If I had 4 or more keys, I would not know if one was removed for the whole day, as long as it was replaced before I needed it.
As I am thinking about it, I don't know how many keys are on my ring. I am going to go check! LOL!
This may be irrelevant but I was in the Army and worked with a really great guy, I learned so much from him and had a lot of respect for him,I loved to work with him, well one night he wanted to come to a bar with me and the girls and I said "sure". Well long story short he asked me out and I said no and after that he made my life a living hell, he became evil. Just saying, people can really deceive you and become irrational if they feel rejected!
Another thing, whoever installs the locks can easily have an extra key made!
To me this is just to strange. IMO, she went out to meet with someone she was close to.
If you haven't read this already, this is an interesting article...especially with Kelly's car being filled up the night before her disappearance and it looks like it was days not months that she thought someone was in her house.

Good to see the Progress-Index article. I'm glad also to have seen family members and WS members working so hard to find Kelly.

Point of Rocks park is eerie looking; the swampy lands around the boardwalks look so intimidating, murky, dark, and menacing. Thank you all for your search and determination in trying to find Kelly under those conditions.

I thought it interesting that a member of LE said that the "doors wide open" discussions were rumors, and that it was only the back door that was not locked, claiming an oversight by the police. If that's true, that sort of changes what I was thinking about this case.

Also, in the very first post of thread #1, Kelly is said to have taken her keys and cell phone with her on the walk, but in this Progress-Index article a friend and coworker (Gina) said that the keys were left in Kelly's locker when she went for her walk. Could she be wrong about this? ... So many details that keep changing.

Anyway, it was great to see the case covered in the media. Thank you for posting the link, beltingitout.

ETA: I so agree with you dnrslucky. She went outside to meet someone she knew. If the keys were kept inside, she never intended to use them or to drive anywhere. I, like you, think she was meeting someone she was close to.
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