DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
State of Florida - Office of the State Attorney
for the 9th Judicial Circuit

425 N Orange Ave., Room 260
Orlando, FL 32801

Original Filed Date: 06/14/2013
Entered by: Auto-Claim Filer

Basis of Claim: Court ordered Costs of Prosecution
Filed by Linda Drane Burdick - Chief Assistant State Attorney

Amount Claimed: $ 50.00

signed by Judge Perry Sept 15, 2011


Deadline to file Proof of Claim is June 24, 2013
HEARING set for June 25, 2013

Creditors with dollar amounts listed:

- Adventist Florida Hospital - $ 200 [from Nov 2007 to present]

- Alliance One Collection Agency for STATE of Florida debt of $ 4,153.91
Orange County Clerk of Courts - CRIMINAL FINES - drivers lic suspended

- Ambulance added 4/4/2013 $ 921.15 FILED CLAIM

- AT&T Mobility - Collection Agency - $ 1,403.32

- Baez - $ 500,000 [though she said she really does not owe this]

- Florida Dept Law Enforcement - $ 61,505.12 [court costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

- Internal Revenue Service - $ 68,540 - -$ 80,855.11 FILED CLAIM

- Metropolitan Bureau of Inv - $ 10,283.90 [judgment for Inv Fees & Costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

- Orange County Florida Clerk of Court - $ 495.00 [court costs]

- Orange County Sheriff's Office - $ 145,660.21 FILED CLAIM
[judgment for Inv Fees & Costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

- State of Florida - $ 50.00 FILED CLAIM
[Ofc State Atty - judgment for Inv Fees & Costs]
Court Ordered Costs of Prosecution

- Tribute MasterCard - $ 1,250

- Roy Kronk - civil suit
- Tim Miller/Texas EquuSearch - civil suit
- Zenaida Gonzalez - civil suit
State of Florida - Office of the State Attorney
for the 9th Judicial Circuit

425 N Orange Ave., Room 260
Orlando, FL 32801

Original Filed Date: 06/14/2013
Entered by: Auto-Claim Filer

Basis of Claim: Court ordered Costs of Prosecution
Filed by Linda Drane Burdick - Chief Assistant State Attorney

Amount Claimed: $ 50.00

signed by Judge Perry Sept 15, 2011


Deadline to file Proof of Claim is June 24, 2013
HEARING set for June 25, 2013

Creditors with dollar amounts listed:

- Adventist Florida Hospital - $ 200 [from Nov 2007 to present]

- Alliance One Collection Agency for STATE of Florida debt of $ 4,153.91
Orange County Clerk of Courts - CRIMINAL FINES - drivers lic suspended

- Ambulance added 4/4/2013 $ 921.15 FILED CLAIM

- AT&T Mobility - Collection Agency - $ 1,403.32

- Baez - $ 500,000 [though she said she really does not owe this]

- Florida Dept Law Enforcement - $ 61,505.12 [court costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

- Internal Revenue Service - $ 68,540 - -$ 80,855.11 FILED CLAIM

- Metropolitan Bureau of Inv - $ 10,283.90 [judgment for Inv Fees & Costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

- Orange County Florida Clerk of Court - $ 495.00 [court costs]

- Orange County Sheriff's Office - $ 145,660.21 FILED CLAIM
[judgment for Inv Fees & Costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

- State of Florida - $ 50.00 FILED CLAIM
[Ofc State Atty - judgment for Inv Fees & Costs]
Court Ordered Costs of Prosecution

- Tribute MasterCard - $ 1,250

- Roy Kronk - civil suit
- Tim Miller/Texas EquuSearch - civil suit
- Zenaida Gonzalez - civil suit

So any word if Baez filed a Proof of Claim :floorlaugh:
I seem to remember a pre-trial hearing(perhaps it was the Indigency Hearing) in which Baez admitted to the Court that he did not track his billable hours on the OCA case
So any word if Baez filed a Proof of Claim :floorlaugh:
I seem to remember a pre-trial hearing(perhaps it was the Indigency Hearing) in which Baez admitted to the Court that he did not track his billable hours on the OCA case

There are only (4) officially filed CLAIMS in the bankruptcy court, as of today June 18, 2013, and Baez is NOT one of them.

The DEADLINE to file a Proof of Claim is June 24, 2013.
A bankruptcy Hearing will be held the next day, June 15, 2013

(1) Ambulance added 4/4/2013 $ 921.15 FILED CLAIM

(2) Internal Revenue Service - $ 68,540 - -$ 80,855.11 FILED CLAIM

(3) Orange County Sheriff's Office - $ 145,660.21 FILED CLAIM
[judgment for Inv Fees & Costs - Court Ordered by Judge Perry]

(4) State of Florida - $ 50.00 FILED CLAIM
[Ofc State Atty - judgment for Inv Fees & Costs]
Court Ordered Costs of Prosecution

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Casey Anthony: Living La Vita Pro Bono


It came as no surprise that Judge Stan Strickland granted indigency status to Casey Anthony on Friday. Not to do so would have put the prosecution of her case in jeopardy. Nevertheless, the hearing on Thursday provided much more information about the case and how it is being pursued.

Jose Baez was next to testify. I noticed that Mason did not ask about his legal experience as he had done with Andrea Lyon. All he asked was if Baez was an attorney licensed to practice in Florida and in good standing (with the Bar). He then asked if Baez was the lead attorney on the case. Baez responded, "for all intents and purposes". Mason asked Baez if he had represented Casey in the collateral check fraud case. Baez answered in the affirmative. Mason asked Baez if he had any knowledge of any deals in the works. To each, Baez answered, "absolutely not".

Mason then asked Baez if he had received money in the case and if he had revealed that information to Judge Strickland in camera. He then asks if there is any money left, and Baez replies, "zero". Baez then testified that he had received approximately $89,000 for all litigation and that, although he had never tracked his hours, he estimated he'd spent 2500 hours on her defense. Baez said that there was no one holding money for him and that he had asked Mason to join the team pro bono.

Baez also testified that the only lawyers who had been paid were himself and Adrea Lyon. The amount paid to him was for his fees and Andrea Lyon received only expenses.
In addition, Linda Kenney-Baden had not been paid anything for her services. She was also working pro bono.



8 page PDF
March 5, 2010


Jose Baez discusses Casey Anthony bankruptcy
Posted: Mar 10, 2013
By Adam Longo - email


Anthony has nearly 100 possible creditors listed on the bankruptcy documents she filed with the court. Baez is among them, listed as possibly being owed $500,000 from Anthony.
If Baez wished to contest the discharging of his attorney fees, he would have to petition the bankruptcy court. It's unclear if he plans to do so.
"Those are private financial matters between an attorney and a client," said Baez. "I don't have a waiver from Casey allowing me to discuss that, so unfortunately I can't say a word about it."

Texas Equusearch founder questions future following thefts


by Drew Karedes / KHOU 11 News
Posted on June 18, 2013 at 10:59 PM

HOUSTON -- The founder and director of Texas Equusearch is questioning the organization’s future after two big thefts in one week.

Tim Miller says he’s found himself at a painful crossroad as the hits keep coming.

On Tuesday afternoon, Equusearch members were eating lunch at a Golden Corral after a search in north Houston. When they came out of restaurant, off of Gulf Freeway and Fuqua, their van and trailer were gone.

“A lot of stuff, the van, the trailer, the 4 wheelers, the equipment inside the van. I’m speechless,” said Tim Miller.

Tim Miller says the theft is a $40,000 dollar blow to the organization.

Earlier this week, Miller says someone within the organization was caught stealing.

Vernon Armentor was arrested in Dickinson on Monday. Miller says he looked at Armentor as part of his family.

“We are financially struggling so bad right now. Some of the hits we are taking, literally I do not see Equusearch keeping their doors open. I don’t see it happening. I really don’t,” he added.

At this point, Miller says he doesn’t know how he could possibly make up for what has been lost.
WKMG Local 6 says they "uncovered a new memo" filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case -- but this was a document filed nine days ago [not new], filed in response to Zenaida and Kronk's filings. It is on the bankruptcy docket and can be "uncovered" there, no journalistic investigating to be done.

Looks to me like this news outlet is trying to garner sympathy for Mz Anthony, with their sensational headline "Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case".

Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case
Hearing scheduled in Florida next week [June 25, 2013]

"Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial."

Here is the document on google docs:

Filed June 10, 2013

page 6 - Casey Anthony will suffer. She will either defend the cases or be forced to default because she has no money. She will be lampooned in the press.
The death threats will increase again.
She will be forced to find new accommodations, or just disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore.


Supplemental Memorandum Concerning Motions To Lift Stay
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Debtor Casey Marie Anthony.
(Entered: 06/10/2013)

This document is in response to Zenaida and Kronk's Motions for Relief from Stay and their documents with supporting case law.

Previous filings:

Motion of Zenaida Gonzalez for Relief from Stay
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Creditor Zenaida Gonzalez
(Entered: 04/19/2013)

Memorandum Of Law in Support of Relief from the Automatic Stay Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§ 362(a) and 1334(c)
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Creditor Zenaida Gonzalez
(Entered: 06/06/2013)

Memorandum of Law in support of Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay
Filed by Michael Nardella on behalf of Creditor Roy Kronk
(Entered: 06/07/2013)

Notice of Filing Affidavit of John W. Dill, Esq.
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Creditor Zenaida Gonzalez
(Entered: 05/30/2013)

Motion for Relief from Stay
Filed by Michael Nardella on behalf of Creditor Roy Kronk
(Entered: 04/19/2013)
Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case
Hearing scheduled in Florida next week
Published On: Jun 19 2013 10:29:09 AM EDT Updated On: Jun 19 2013 10:35:56 AM EDT

ORLANDO, Fla. -Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial.

The memo, which shows how frustrated Anthony is with the ongoing court battle, says if Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez are permitted to take Anthony to trial, Anthony "will be forced to find new accommodations, or just simply disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore."

A hearing is scheduled on the matter next week in a federal court in Tampa.

...more at link
TexasEquuSearch has a separate Adversary Proceeding # 8:13-ap-00375-KRM, within the main bankruptcy case.

TES filed Notice of Taking DEPOSITIONS of: [documents on google docs]

- Casey Anthony - July 22, 2013 - 10:00am - in St. Petersburg, FL at a legal
videography company

- George Anthony - July 23, 2013 - 10:00am - in Orlando

- Cindy Anthony - July 23, 2013 - 2:00pm - in Orlando

They are required to produce requested documents by July 19, 2013.

A TES HEARING is set for July 2, 2013, where TES has filed documents stating why their civil suit should not be discharged in bankruptcy.
Today is the DEADLINE for all bankruptcy Creditors to file a Proof of Claim.

Baez filed a Claim today for $ 397, 431.78 - what he claims is owed out of an original Retainer fee of $ 500,000.00

Jose Baez
c/o The Baez Law Firm
522 Simpson Rd.
Kissimmee, FL 34744-4458

Payment to:
Baez Law Firm - Miami Office
2020 Ponce De Leon Blvd Suite 1101
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Amount claimed: $ 397, 431.78

Basis for Claim - "Legal services performed"
under 11 U.S.C. 507(a) ( )

Retainer Amount = $ 500,000.00

Payments made from Dec 2008 - Sept 23, 2011 = total $ 102,568.22
[$ 8,754.41 paid by Atty Macaluso]

Outstanding Balance = $ 397,431.78

Payment made on Sept 23, 2011 of $ 10,113.39 was payment made by third party of
$ 45,500.00

Amounts subtracted from $ 45,500.00:
- $ 13,650.00 paid to Taxes
- $ 10,000.00 paid to P.I. Pat McKenna
- $ 6,736.61 paid to P.I. Jeremiah Lyons
- $ 5,000.00 paid to misc expenses - computer, personal items, etc

Original Filed Date: 06/24/2013


Indigency Affidavit
signed 3/3/2010

page 8 - Baez fee $ 89,454.83 - no other compensation in future

Baez lists this amount, $ 89,454.83 on his Proof of Claim today, as "Total Paid: (Pre-Indigent)
Today is the DEADLINE for all bankruptcy Creditors to file a Proof of Claim.

Baez filed a Claim today for $ 397, 431.78 - what he claims is owed out of an original Retainer fee of $ 500,000.00

Jose Baez
c/o The Baez Law Firm
522 Simpson Rd.
Kissimmee, FL 34744-4458

Payment to:
Baez Law Firm - Miami Office
2020 Ponce De Leon Blvd Suite 1101
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Amount claimed: $ 397, 431.78

Basis for Claim - "Legal services performed"
under 11 U.S.C. 507(a) ( )

Retainer Amount = $ 500,000.00

Payments made from Dec 2008 - Sept 23, 2011 = total $ 102,568.22
[$ 8,754.41 paid by Atty Macaluso]

Outstanding Balance = $ 397,431.78

Payment made on Sept 23, 2011 of $ 10,113.39 was payment made by third party of
$ 45,500.00

Amounts subtracted from $ 45,500.00:
- $ 13,650.00 paid to Taxes
- $ 10,000.00 paid to P.I. Pat McKenna
- $ 6,736.61 paid to P.I. Jeremiah Lyons
- $ 5,000.00 paid to misc expenses - computer, personal items, etc

Original Filed Date: 06/24/2013
Ok, I know this is the "Current News" thread, but are we to belive he asked FCA to sign a $500,000 retainer when he met with her in jail back in July 2008??!! And this 22 year old unemployed, irresponsible, do nothing signed it? And JB believed he would get paid??!! Now, what was he counting on 'cause at face value, this arrangement is just plain st*pid.
Ok, I know this is the "Current News" thread, but are we to belive he asked FCA to sign a $500,000 retainer when he met with her in jail back in July 2008??!! And this 22 year old unemployed, irresponsible, do nothing signed it? And JB believed he would get paid??!! Now, what was he counting on 'cause at face value, this arrangement is just plain st*pid.

Why didn't he attach a copy of the RETAINER AGREEMENT?
There is NOTHING to confirm that there ever was a Retainer Fee in that amount!
Zenaida filed a Proof of Claim because today is the DEADLINE to do so.
No amount listed - just says Unliquidated Defamation Claim - TBD - to be determined

Zenaida Gonzalez
c/o R. Scott Shuker, Esq
Latham, Shuker, Eden & Beaudine, LLP
111 N. Orange Ave., Ste 1400
Orlando, FL 32801

No amounts claimed - Unliquidated/TBD - Defamation Claim

Signed April 12, 2012 by Judge Munyon
Filed in the bankruptcy case by Zenaida April 19, 2013

Original Filed Date: 06/24/2013
Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery
c/o Peter D. Russin, Esq.
Meland Russin & Budwick, P.A.
200 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 3200
Miami, FL 33131

Amount claimed: EXCEEDING $ 100,000.00

Basis for Claim: Fraud/Fraudulent misrepresentation and unjust enrichment
(See Complaint Objecting to Dischargeability Adversary Case No. 8:13-ap-00375-KRM

Original Filed Date: 06/24/2013
Roy Kronk
c/o Howard S. Marks, Esq.
Michael A. Nardella, Esq.
Burr & Forman LLP
200 S. Orange Avenue, #800
Orlando, FL 32801

No amounts claimed - Unliquidated - to be determined
Basis for Claim: Personal injury (defamation claims)

Kronk has not yet liquidated his personal injury tort claims in State Court, and therefore reserves the right to amend this proof of claim until such time as his claims are liquidated.
Kronk does not waiver any rights to have any issue determined by a jury.

Attached - EXHIBIT A
Filed 6/24/2013
Action for damages in excess of $ 15,000.00
Casey Anthony, through her attorneys, who acted as her agents, published false and defamatory statements about Kronk.
...Casey Anthony authorized and permitted her attorneys, as her agents, to make false and malicious statements against Kronk, and to portray him as the murderer of her child.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, ROY KRONK, demands that this Court render judgment against Defendant, CASEY ANTHONY, individually, and award all damages, including interest, costs and any and such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper under the circumstances.

...reserves the right ... to amend his Complaint and seek punitive damages upon the requisite predicate showing.

... hereby demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable...

Original Filed Date: 06/24/2013
Casey Anthony attorneys back in court to discuss defamation suits

Casey Anthony's bankruptcy attorneys will be back in court Tuesday afternoon for a hearing about the defamation suits that were filed against her in state court.

Zenaida Gonzalez and Roy Kronk each are suing Anthony for defamation. The cases were progressing in Orange County until Anthony filed for bankruptcy protection in January.

Gonzalez claims Anthony tarnished her reputation by telling detectives a nanny with a similar name kidnapped her daughter Caylee in 2008.

Anthony will most likely not attend Tuesday's 3 p.m. hearing in Tampa.,0,5673440.story
Also up for discussion at Today's Bankruptcy Hearing at 3PM

The court is also slated to take up another issue during the hearing — a request by the bankruptcy trustee to see Anthony's computer.

Trustee Stephen Meininger argued he wants May to order Anthony to turn over her computer because the laptop may contain financial data or information that may lead to assets.

Meininger stated in his filing that Anthony's attorneys said there is "nothing of value" to the bankruptcy estate on Anthony's computer and has refused to turn over the laptop.,0,5673440.story
Response to Debtor's Motion to Dismiss Texas Equusearchs Complaint Objecting to Dischargeability of Debt

June 26, 2013

page 2 - "The bankruptcy discharge is intended for the "honest but unfortunate debtor."
Here, the Debtor is neither.

The Plaintiff's [TES] claims asserted in the Complaint against the Debtor [Casey Anthony] center on the fraudulent and material misrepresentations and omissions the Debtor made to the Plaintiff concerning the whereabouts and living status of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony...

... Plaintiff [TES] objects to the dischargeability of the damages suffered by the Plaintiff as a result of the Debtor's fraud pursuant 11 U.S.C. 523(a)(2)(A) and (a)(6).

page 6 - In fact, the Debtor thanked Mr. Miller and the Plaintiff for assisting in the search for Caylee.
These statements later proved to be blatantly false as the Debtor knew at the time she made these statements that Caylee had actually died in the family swimming pool at the Residence on June 16, 2008.

The Debtor certainly received a direct benefit from the Plaintiff's searches for Caylee.
By not alerting the Plaintiff that Caylee was not missing and had actually died in the Swimming Pool on June 16, 2008, the Debtor was able to maintain the appearance of ignorance and innocence as to Caylee's disappearance and death. The Plaintiff's searches for Caylee allowed the Debtor to continue to portray herself as the worried mother desperately hoping that her

page 13 - daughter was still alive and would be safely returned to her family.
The Plaintiff's searches for Caylee also provided the Debtor a means to deflect attention away from her, and focus on the searches for Caylee. Therefore, the Debtor received a direct benefit from the Plaintiff's searches for Caylee.

... the Debtor, directly (and through her parents) told Mr. Miller that Caylee had

page 14 - been abducted and was still alive, and thanked him and the Plaintiff for assisting in the search for Caylee
. Moreover, Casey never once corrected or otherwise disagreed with these false statements and alerted the Plaintiff that Caylee was not actually missing, but in fact she had died in the Swimming Pool on June 16, 2008.

TES has NOT asked the bankruptcy judge to let them continue their civil suit in State Court/Orlando. TES says the bankruptcy court in Tampa has jurisdiction over their Adversary Proceeding, within the main bankruptcy case, and the venue is proper in bankruptcy court in TAMPA.

TES has so far, only asked the bankruptcy judge to NOT allow Casey to discharge the TES civil suit in bankruptcy, due to Casey's fraudulent acts and unjust enrichment.

Casey told Tim Miller directly that Casey believed Caylee had been abducted and was still alive, and thanked Mr. Miller, on behalf of TES, for assisting in the search for Caylee.
Casey knew that Caylee drowned in the swimming pool on June 16, 2008.

TES has scheduled depositions for Casey, George, and Cindy

May 3, 2013 - new attorney Peter Russin for TES

May 3, 2013 - TES files Complaint stating that the TES civil suit is NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy and should not be thrown out
under Bankruptcy Code 523(a)(2) false pretenses, false representation, actual fraud
and Code 523(a)(6) willful and malicious injury

Separate Adversary Proceeding # 8:13-ap-00375KRM

May 3, 2013 - Summons issued on Casey Anthony
May 9, 2013 - Summons SERVICE executed - Certificate of Service filed

May 10, 2013 - TES files Statement of Corporate Ownership

May 14, 2013 - Bankruptcy Court sets a HEARING for July 2, 2013 10:30am TAMPA
to hear TES's reasons that the TES civil suit should not be thrown out/discharged in bankruptcy

June 3, 2013 - Casey files Motion to Dismiss TES' entire Adversary Proceeding
to throw out the TES civil suit

June 19, 2013 - TES files Notices of Taking Depositions of Casey, George, Cindy in July

June 26, 2013 - TES files RESPONSE to Casey's Motion to Dismiss TES's Complaint Objecting to Dischargeability of Debt - stating reasons why the TES civil suit should NOT be discharged in bankruptcy based on LAW - Bankruptcy Code 523.

Jun 24, 2013, 2:51pm EDT
Will Casey Anthony tell the truth in a new deposition?


Miami attorney Peter Russin is hoping Casey Anthony won’t take the Fifth Amendment in an upcoming deposition.

Russin has filed notice to depose Anthony, who was acquitted of murdering her child, and her parents in an upcoming bankruptcy case.

“Because the criminal trial and appeals have come to an end, there should be no basis for Casey Anthony to assert the Fifth Amendment,” Russin said.

Russin, of Meland Russin & Budwick, represents Texas Equusearch (TES) in a lawsuit in which the company is seeking $100,000 from Anthony.


Filed July 1, 2013

Zenaida and Kronk Motions for Relief from Stay - DENIED
cannot proceed with civil suits in State Court in Orlando

Judge gave Zenaida and Kronk 21 days from July 1st to file a Claim and an Adversary Proceeding to object to Casey's discharge and/or their objections to the dischargeability of their claims.

This bankruptcy judge has jurisdiction to decide the claims of Kronk and Zenaida and to decide if Casey is ineligible to obtain a discharge or whether any claim is allowed against the estate, or whether any allowed claim is excepted from discharge.

Bankruptcy judge says there is nothing in the record or the pleadings to counter debtor's sworn assertions that she has no meaningful assets or income.
Her attorneys are working without a fee.

bankruptcy judge would have to conduct a second round of litigation to determine whether the statements made by Casey, or on her behalf, was a "willful and malicious" injury under the Bankruptcy Code.

If the Zenaida and Kronk claims are found to be dischargeable, a state court jury trial would be meaningless in this "apparent no-asset case".

Bankruptcy judge says he needs to first determine the discharge issues, before any jury trial. Zenaida and Kronk have not shown sufficient cause to justify a jury trial in state court BEFORE a determination of whether their claims are dischargeable.

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