She also found what appeared to be pants and purses that had belonged to Casey and she said that she bought a number of the purses at a discount—a fact that seemed to anger Cindy.

"When it came time to buy the items, [George] did not tell [his wife] he had discounted the purses and she was so upset about that," Werner said. "She began yelling at him and said he should have told her. I think the difference may have been a whole 10 dollars, but she was upset."
Zenaida 's bankruptcy attorney, Scott Shuker, has filed a NEW COMPLAINT, under a NEW Adversary Proceeding Case # 8:13-ap-00626-KRM, which is within the main bankruptcy case # 8:13-bk-00922-KRM.
This is what the bankruptcy judge gave them 21 days from June 25th to RE-file.
Deadline is today.
Zenaida is asking the bankruptcy judge to NOT allow Casey Anthony to discharge the Zenaida civil defamation suit in the bankruptcy court.

Complaint by Zenaida Gonzalez against Casey Marie Anthony.

Nature of Suit: [68 (Dischargeability - 523(a)(6), willful and malicious injury)].
(Entered: 07/22/2013)

Demand: $500,000

Casey bankruptcy ZENAIDA NEW COMPLAINT July 22, 2013

"ZENAIDA GONZALEZ ... files this complaint and sues CASEY MARIE ANTHONY ... seeking to except from discharge money damages the Debtor owes Plaintiff ...."

page 5
The Defendant's Statement was both willful and malicious.
The Defendant knew her Statement was false at the time it was made.

"...requests judgment pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 523(a)(6), denying the Debtor-Defendant [Casey Anthony] a discharge as to her liability to the Plaintiff arising from her defamatory Statement...."

Answer from Casey Anthony Due 08/21/2013.
Kronk's bankruptcy attorney, Howard S. Marks, has filed a NEW COMPLAINT, under a NEW Adversary Proceeding Case # 8:13-ap-00629-KRM, which is within the main bankruptcy case # 8:13-bk-00922-KRM.

This is what the bankruptcy judge gave them 21 days from the Hearing on June 25th to RE-file.
Deadline is today.

Kronk is asking the bankruptcy judge to NOT allow Casey Anthony to discharge the Kronk civil defamation suit in the bankruptcy court.

Adversary Proceeding # 8:13-ap-00629-KRM
Filed 7/22/2013

Nature of Suit: [68 (Dischargeability - 523(a)(6), willful and malicious injury)].

Answer from Casey Anthony Due 08/21/2013.

"... ROY KRONK ... files his Complaint against CASEY MARIE ANTHONY ... to determine the dischargeability of certain of Defendant's debts to Plaintiff ..."

"...Casey Anthony, through her attorneys, who acted as her agents, published false and defamatory statements about Kronk."

"The false and defamatory statements about Kronk were made out of court and the publications occurred in the public arena, in almost every media format imaginable and were broadcast and/or published across the country, if not the globe, via the Internet, the news print media, and national television shows."

"Casey Anthony's defense in her Criminal Trial was that Caylee Anthony drowned in the family swimming pool on June 16, 2008. If her story is true, then she knew that the Statements she authorized, adopted, and permitted her agents to publish about Kronk were false, and made them willfully, maliciously, and with the intent of deceiving the public."

"In an attempt to find someone other than herself to blame for the tragic death of her child, Casey Anthony authorized and permitted her attorneys, as her agents, to make the false and malicious Statements against Kronk, and to portray him as the murderer of her child."

"...she acted intentionally and maliciously."
"Malicious injury has been defined ... as conduct which is done without just cause or excuse, or for which there is no reasonable justification."

"The resulting debt is not dischargeable pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 523(a)(6)."

"Plaintiff [Kronk] hereby demands a trial by jury...."

"... Kronk request Court enter judgment ... denying the Defendant discharge as to her liability to the Plaintiff ..."
Woman claims Cindy Anthony assaulted her

MOUNT DORA, Fla. —A woman who videotaped George and Cindy Anthony at a garage sale says she was assaulted by Cindy Anthony when she went back to their home.

According to a police report, Werner stopped her car and said "something to the effect of 'I can't believe you are selling Caylee's belongings.'"

Werner claims Cindy Anthony approached her vehicle and "made contact with her arm," causing minor scratches.

Read more
The bankruptcy trustee has WITHDRAWN his Motion to make her turn over her computer!

Notice of Withdrawal of Trustee's Motion to Compel Turn-Over of Debtors Computer
Filed by Allan C Watkins on behalf of Trustee Stephen L Meininger
(Entered: 07/29/2013)

Also, it is not known what the status of the Texas EquuSearch civil suit is, within the bankruptcy case?
TES had a deadline of July 23rd to RE-file their Complaint, but nothing was filed on the bankruptcy docket.
Has TES backed out, and withdrawn their civil suit?
The bankruptcy trustee AND Casey Anthony filed a "Joint" Motion on July 3rd, asking the judge to ORDER that their Compromise is accepted, and Casey Anthony only needs to pay the TRUSTEE $ 25,000, then the trustee can no longer sell her story.

Order Granting Motion To Approve Compromise of Controversy
(Entered: 07/31/2013)

"Upon the payment of $ 25,000 to the Trustee, the Estate will relinquish any right to publicity and commercialization of the Debtor's [Casey Anthony] story which it may claim as property of the Estate."
Jim Lichtenstein got JUDGE PERRY a syndicated show - NBC -- IF it is picked up in 2014!

ClickOrlando WKMG local 6

Casey Anthony judge may get own TV show

Agent for Judge Belvin Perry in discussion with networks about court show
Published On: Aug 05 2013

The judge in the Casey Anthony trial may be getting his own court TV show in fall 2014.
Local 6 has confirmed an agent for Judge Belvin Perry is in discussion with networks about having a judge show, but no deal has been made yet. He is being represented by an agent at the William Morris Endeavor talent agency.
Similar to "Judge Judy," the show would tape in Los Angeles ...


Casey Anthony Judge Belvin Perry is getting his own TV show
Orange-Osceola County Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who presided over the Casey Anthony trial in 2011, is slated to star in his own TV court show, according to TV and film producer Jim Lichtenstein. (FILE)

By Amanda Evans, Reporter
Last Updated: Monday, August 05, 2013, 3:34 PM

Two years ago, he sat at the center of the Casey Anthony trial. Now, Judge Belvin Perry may be the center of his own TV show.
The chief judge of Orange and Osceola counties is working with producers to be the start of his own court show.
I spoke with the show's producer, Jim Lichtenstein, who confirmed he's been working with Judge Perry since last year on the project.

sizzle reel - says "coming fall of 2013 [not 2014] Judge Belvin Perry Show 'sizzle reel'





bob kealing @bobkealing 58m Aug 5, 2013
TV producer @JimLichtenstein confirms he's partnering with ‪#‎CaseyAnthony‬ judge Belvin Perry for syndicated show. To air in '14 if picked up.

This explains why Lichtenstein/NBC was pushing the Judge Perry interview on the NBC TODAY SHOW which he did on May 6th!,0,

Casey Anthony 'manipulative,' Belvin Perry says
By Hal Boedeker Staff writer 8:08 a.m. EDT, May 6, 2013

Could the interview have been a trial run to see how Perry might play on television? In a recent interview with Jackie Brockington of Central Florida News 13, Perry said he might consider doing a talk show after he retires [2018].
How did Perry come across? Could he be a TV host?


June 30, 2013 - Perry no longer Chief Judge
2012 - Perry re-elected for 6 years
2018 - Perry RETIRE
April 2, 2011
Order in His Court

There was a time when Perry might have viewed a sensational case like this as an opportunity that could lead to a loftier bench, such as the 5th District Court of Appeals or even the Florida Supreme Court. But at 61, he isn’t looking any further into the future than presiding over the Anthony trial and running for re-election in 2012. After another six-year term, there’s retirement, and Perry says he looks forward to playing golf.
Bankruptcy Court filed an ORDER yesterday, August 14,2013.

Casey Anthony has wanted the Zenaida, Kronk, and TexasEquuSearch cases thrown out by the bankruptcy judge, since she filed bankruptcy in January 2013, but all three cases are still active and ongoing by ORDER of the judge filed on August 14, 2013.
Next HEARING set for Sept 17, 2013.


June 10, 2013 - Casey atty files document stating she might "disappear"
She wants the Zenaida, Kronk, and TexasEquuSearch cases thrown out
see page 6

June 25, 2013 - HEARING for Zenaida and Kronk - cases not thrown out - Judge gave them 21 days to RE-file their cases, done on July 22, 2013

July 2, 2013 - HEARING for TexasEquuSearch - case not thrown out
Judge gave TES until Sept 4, 2013 to file an AMENDED Complaint stating how Casey benefited from TES services
ORDER filed August 14, 2013

July 3, 2013 - Casey AND Trustee reached a Compromise for her to pay $ 25,000 for rights to her story - Judge granted July 31, 2013.

July 10, 2013 - Casey filed secret CHANGE OF ADDRESS with Court

July 29, 2013 - Trustee withdraws Motion to Turn Over Computer

August 21, 2013 - DEADLINE for Casey to file Answer to Zenaida and Kronk new case filings

August 14, 2013 - ORDER filed on TexasEquuSearch case from July 2nd HEARING
Deadlines for filing do not start until ORDER is filed. They have 21 days from the date the ORDER was filed.

Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part and Continuing Pretrial Conference.

Casey asked the judge to DISMISS the TexasEquuSearch Complaint which objected to Casey's dischargeability of debt, and Casey also objected to TES' Discovery Requests [which were TES's First Request For Admissions and First Set of Interrogatories].

- The judge said that Casey's Motion to Dismiss is granted in part, and requires TES to amend their Complaint to state what benefit Casey got from TES' services.

TES has 21 days from ORDER on August 14, 2013 - to Amend their Complaint
due by Sept 4, 2013

After TES files their Amended Complaint - Casey has 21 days from that date to
file her Answer/Response

- The judge said that Casey's Motion to Dismiss is denied in part as to all other aspects of her Motion to Dismiss, and Casey cannot re-file a Motion to Dismiss as to the remaining allegations in TES's Complaint.

- The judge set the next HEARING for Sept 17, 2013 at 2:00pm in Tampa

- The judge said that Casey's Objection to TES' pending Discovery Requests is sustained in part, meaning that neither Casey nor TES shall begin Discovery until after TES files their Amended Complaint.

- The judge said that Casey and TES must have a Discovery Conference as soon as possible to determine the Discovery Schedule.

- The judge said the depositions of Casey, George and Cindy are cancelled, PENDING RESCHEDULING - after they set up their Discovery Schedule and Conditions.

- The judge said all Discovery Requests by TES are suspended until after TES files its Amended Complaint. Then Casey can file her Responses and Objections to the TES Request for Admission and Interrogatories, according to the Discovery Schedule and Conditions that have been agreed upon by Casey and TES.
Motion To Determine Non-Core Elements of Complaint
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez.
(Entered: 08/20/2013)

... requests the Court determine that all aspects of this adversary proceeding related to liquidation of any debt owed to Plaintiff [Zenaida] by Casey Marie Anthony [the Debtor] are non-core under 28 U.S.C. 157.

... Plaintiff [Zenaida] requests the Court determine that the liquidation of Plaintiff's defamation claim be determined a non-core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. 157, and that such aspects of the case be reserved for the State Court or district court.

Section 157(b)(2) sets forth a list of proceedings deemed to be core proceedings over which the bankruptcy court has jurisdiction. Personal injury torts are not included on this list, and instead are specifically excluded from bankruptcy court jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 157(b)(5).
Defamation is a "personal injury tort" for purposes of 157(b)(5).
Section 157(b)(5) states: "The district court shall order that personal injury tort and wrongful death claims shall be tried in the district court in which the bankruptcy case is pending, or in the district court in the district in which the claim arose, as determined by the district court in which the bankruptcy case is pending."
Thus, the bankruptcy court may not hear the liquidation aspects of the Complaint because they are grounded in the Defamation Claim.

Because Plaintiff [Zenaida] does not consent to this Court resolving the Defamation Claim, only the State Court or the district court may resolve the liquidation aspects of the Defamation Claim. Plaintiff consents only to the bankruptcy court determining the core aspects of its 523(a)(6) complaint.

... requests this Court enter an Order (ii) determining that the liquidation aspects of the Complaint are non-core under 28 U.S.C. 157(b)(2);
(ii) reserving for determination by the State Court or federal district court such liquidation aspects of Plaintiff's [Zenaida's] defamation claim raised in the Complaint;
(iii) providing such further relief as this Court deems fair and equitable.
KRONK filed a similar Motion as Zenaida's, today Wednesday August 21, 2013
Here is the document on google docs.

Also on google docs - the docket showing that Casey's attorney [David L. Schrader] filed a "secret" CHANGE OF ADDRESS with the court - but there is no document attached for the public to see.
Wonder where she moved to?

July 10, 2013 - Casey filed secret CHANGE OF ADDRESS with Court
CHANGE OF ADDRESS secret main case


Motion to Determine Whether Proceeding Core
Filed by Michael Nardella on behalf of Plaintiff Roy Kronk
August 21, 2013

Kronk initiated adversary proceeding to determine the dischargeability of certain of Casey's debts to Kronk pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 523(a) - Casey defamed Kronk.

On July 23, 2013 ORDER entered scheduling next Hearing - instructing "any party objecting to the entry of final orders or judgments by this Court on any issue in this proceeding file Motion requesting that this Court determine whether this proceeding is a core proceeding or otherwise subject to the entry of final orders or judgments by this Court.
The Order states that the failure of any party to file a motion on or before the deadline provided in this paragraph shall be deemed consent by such party to this Court entering all appropriate final orders and judgments in this proceeding ...
Kronk files this Motion in an abundance of caution only to ensure that Kronk is not waiving his right to a jury trial or his right to have his damages liquidated in another forum.

Kronk asks Court to determine that liquidation of Kronk's defamation claim be determined a non-core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. 157, and that such aspects of the case be reserved for the state court or district court, together with Plaintiff's right to a trial by jury.

The liquidation of personal injury torts are specifically excluded from bankruptcy court jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 157(b)(5), and defamation is a "personal injury tort" for purposes of 157(b)(5).
... Kronk has not consented to their being adjudicated by this [bankruptcy] Court, but reserves his rights to adjudication of his damages in state or district court and to his rights to a jury trial.

8/22/2013 - DEADLINE to ANSWER was 8/21/2013
Motion to Extend Time to Answer Plaintiff's Complaints
Filed by Debra Ferwerda on behalf of Debtor Casey Marie Anthony

Reasons for Request for Extension of Time:

- A member of the Debtor's legal team is unavailable due to a family medical emergency and requests an additional thirty (30) days to answer the Plaintiff's [Zenaida and Kronk] complaints.

- Ferwerda says no prejudice to any party as a result of this request.

- Ferwerda attempted to confer with R. Scott Shuker - attorney for Zenaida, and Howard S. Marks - attorney for Kronk, for their positions on this Motion without response.

Casey asks Judge to enter ORDER granting request of extension of time to answer Zenaida and Kronk Complaints and give (30) extra days.

Ferwerda says she electronically filed this on August 21, 2013 [DEADLINE] with the Clerk of the Court and notice of electronic filing was sent to Howard Marks and R. Scott Shuker.

FERWERDA is ONLY Casey Anthony attorney name on this Motion [no Schrader]
Motion for Entry of Default against Casey Marie Anthony
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez

Zenaida asks for entry of default by the clerk against Casey Anthony for failure to serve an answer within thirty (30) days after the date of issuance of the summons and complaint [ANSWER DUE August 21, 2013].

Complaint and Summons were served by FedEX overnight delivery on July 22, 2013 to Casey's attorneys Debra Ferwerda, and Charles Greene, and David Schrader, and delivered on July 23, 2013, and signed for.

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