Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 1

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the suggestion up there was that she could have kept the expensive phone and swapped the sim. I was just pointing out that wouldn't make the phone untraceable. No need to be snippy.

Was not intended to be snippy at all- in fact, I thanked your post- as it was informative. I was replying to the post- would she care about this little detail if she left without her time I will be clearer.
Haha...sorry Jillian...did I offend you by that statement? Very sorry if I did.

I did triathlons for 10 years. The people who seemed to migrate to independent sports...are independent..and self absorbed to a certain extent...have to concentrate on training, times, food, schedules, is all very narcissistic...if someone is confident, and a good communicator and quick on their feet...they are good manipulators....I saw it time and time again with many, many people....myself included.

By the same token, I could say the same thing about a lot of crafters/artists! I saw on JR's facebook that she makes gorgeous creations through knitting, sewing, drawing, etc. I guess I can only speak for myself, but I love doing crafts and such, and one of the reasons I love it so much is because I'm drawn to solitary activities that allow me to express myself. Being an introvert, I'm not one to express myself outwardly in other ways, so crafting is perfect.

I don't know where I'm going with this. It just occurred to me earlier when you said something about running being an independent sport (GR).... and I immediately thought, yes, but so is crafting (JR)!

Not to mention, when you're sucked into the computer for hours upon hours every day (I'm not judging, b/c I do this), you're not real involved with the *real* world that's going on around you. Her being on her phone playing games all day would fit with her distancing behavior from the family.

Again, I don't know where I'm really going with this.... it was just a thought I had, but not a fully formed thought, apparently :blushing:
By the same token, I could say the same thing about a lot of crafters/artists! I saw on JR's facebook that she makes gorgeous creations through knitting, sewing, drawing, etc. I guess I can only speak for myself, but I love doing crafts and such, and one of the reasons I love it so much is because I'm drawn to solitary activities that allow me to express myself. Being an introvert, I'm not one to express myself outwardly in other ways, so crafting is perfect.

I don't know where I'm going with this. It just occurred to me earlier when you said something about running being an independent sport (GR).... and I immediately thought, yes, but so is crafting (JR)!

Not to mention, when you're sucked into the computer for hours upon hours every day (I'm not judging, b/c I do this), you're not real involved with the *real* world that's going on around you. Her being on her phone playing games all day would fit with her distancing behavior from the family.

Again, I don't know where I'm really going with this.... it was just a thought I had, but not a fully formed thought, apparently :blushing:
Yes, good point Krey...both of their hobbies were independent endeavors...taking time away from family time. I guess though when I make things it is for other people to like and appreciate...thus a less narcissistic voyage..than running....I can see in the pictures those differences...he self confident and proud of his body...and her much more reserved.

But who knows...I don't personally know them....just expressing some thoughts.
One more thought I've had....

As someone who is insecure about myself and my weight, I can see how JR's weight might have (this is just a guess) caused problems between her and GR... on her end, mostly. Can you imagine how she must have felt about herself, being married to someone who is in top shape, and whose life revolves around being fit and running marathons? And they would be constantly surrounded by other fit people in the marathon world. We women are insecure as it is... add to this a weight problem (again, not judging, because I struggle with it too), and always feeling bigger and slumpier than everyone else around you. How could you not get depressed?? How could you trust that your husband really wanted to be with you, no matter how many times he said he loves you regardless?

Maybe she's having like a mid-life crisis type of thing. After feeling poorly about herself, she starts losing weight, and at the same time starts talking to some other guy, and all of a sudden she starts wanting freedom from the "old" her and everything that goes with it, and wants to run off and be a "new" her.

Yes, good point Krey...both of their hobbies were independent endeavors...taking time away from family time. I guess though when I make things it is for other people to like and appreciate...thus a less narcissistic voyage..than running....I can see in the pictures those differences...he self confident and proud of his body...and her much more reserved.

But who knows...I don't personally know them....just expressing some thoughts.

You make great points :) I wasn't disagreeing with, just adding to. And that makes sense about the crafting - making things for other people to enjoy. I was probably putting too much of myself into my thoughts on that one. I'm extremely independent and solitary, and love making things just for the sake of making them, and being alone with my own thoughts, that kind of thing. But crafting is a pretty widespread hobby, so maybe it doesn't really say much about her other than that she was creative.
You make great points :) I wasn't disagreeing with, just adding to. And that makes sense about the crafting - making things for other people to enjoy. I was probably putting too much of myself into my thoughts on that one. I'm extremely independent and solitary, and love making things just for the sake of making them, and being alone with my own thoughts, that kind of thing. But crafting is a pretty widespread hobby, so maybe it doesn't really say much about her other than that she was creative.

She went to college for art & design. Her kids are at an age where much time is spent waiting (practices, school pick up, etc) so phone games are a way to pass the time ( I carry a kindle book). They are also of an age where she finally has some free time to "putter" and for herself. She seems to be confident in her creativity, the healthy changes in diet & exercise, and her family (FB pics)
My cleaning, meal prep, etc. gets put on the back burner every summer- kids are off, it's hot, and the schedule and life in general are much more relaxed.
You make great points :) I wasn't disagreeing with, just adding to. And that makes sense about the crafting - making things for other people to enjoy. I was probably putting too much of myself into my thoughts on that one. I'm extremely independent and solitary, and love making things just for the sake of making them, and being alone with my own thoughts, that kind of thing. But crafting is a pretty widespread hobby, so maybe it doesn't really say much about her other than that she was creative.
Yes, I can imagine that she was't feeling great,fibromyalgia issues, and having some extra pounds...with a husband who is very intense on fitness and how his body looks...she most likely had insecurities. And like was stated above in the thread..she got motivated to lose weight...

Didn't think you we're disagreeing....which of course you are welcome to do...of course....I was just continuing on with thoughts....:)
From Jullian's earlier post (KF email/writing):

But when 3 other intuitives whom I know all agreed on the things I was picking up on I could not keep it to myself. And when GR contacted me on Christmas Eve, in hysterics I could not say no. Since that first conversation I have spoken to GR, her best friend and daughter many times - daily, and many many times daily! Because of this, because of my intuition - but MAINLY because of getting to know Jennifer's family and situations as well as I have I know things that aren't out there in public settings.....
Jillian, do you have links you can provide us so we can see who said these things and read through what they said? Thanks.
If true about Jennifer's so-called best friend, reflection about the past may indeed be a new activity for husband/father GR:

“As the last few days have been blurred into one long nightmare I have finally let myself reflect upon the past a bit, something I normally don’t allow myself to do,” the husband, an avid running enthusiast and marathon competitor, wrote on Facebook.
~ respectfully snipped

If this is the only way information from GR can get here, and it's not violating rules, I believe it can still be posted. I've read the rules before posting, and have quoted permission from KF, who would be posting it herself if she could get on this site. She has tried to sign up here but is getting error messages and her registration isn't going through.

I would like to continue passing on valuable information, unless it's violating any rules. Can someone more experienced than I with WS let me know if I'm violating rules by posting this? My interpretation is that I'm not. And, if it gives us information to go on, then why not?

If someone is trying to register and has problems, the front page of WS has a list of forum leaders. I would suggest this person contact one of them.
I believe IMAMAZE is this forum leader.
Here's a possible scenario:

We don't know exactly when Jen became missing the day of 12/11/12. We're assuming she left around 10:00 to drive to the mall, as reported.

GR's publicly stated "air tight alibi" includes going to the Y in Norwich and entering the sauna, where he runs into an old friend (state trooper). He doesn't normally go to the sauna, but did this day, because he didn't dress for the weather, which is odd because most outdoor enthusiasts up here check the weather forecast first. I think he pre-staged his alibi. The first part of his alibi involves being on the computer while he was alone in the house with his wife for two hours, after their children were off to school (presumably by bus). He states he can prove what he was doing because he was emailing for work (working from home).

Anything could have happened in the home during the times he *wasn't* emailing for work.

Jennifer's car is then found on Route 23 in Norwich. The YMCA that GR went to was less than 1/2 mile away from the car. It was also reported in local papers (I'll look for the link) that GR was seen jogging that day in Plymouth (which is near where both JR's car AND her phone were found).

It's possible that GR drove the car with JR in it for at least part of the destination, to it's final location at 98 Plymouth St., Norwich NY, jogged a few miles away to dispose of her phone, and then went to the Y to "thaw out" and then jogged home. GR was the last person to see her alive, and the only person who stated her alleged plans to go shopping at the mall.

This seems far more plausible than a depressed, formerly devoted mother leaving her kids. Depression is paralyzing. Even making plans for suicide is sometimes exhausting. Not saying she's suicidal, because if she were, she had the means to off herself at home (gun in the home, as posted on her FB page). Every step weighs a thousand pounds for someone who's depressed. And yet GR wants the public to believe that JR concocted this elaborate plan to leave, even though it was far more beneficial to stay and end the marriage (she would get the house, 1/2 of all other property/assets, pension, etc., 1/3 GR's income in child support, etc, etc). He has an affair with her best friend, he asks her for a divorce, she begs him not to divorce her, and then poof, she's gone, like someone else mentioned here on WS in a much earlier post. It just doesn't add up. Even statistically it doesn't make sense.
Jillian, do you have links you can provide us so we can see who said these things and read through what they said? Thanks.

Hi Cheese, See previous posts here, or click on my name and click on "posts." Let me know if you can't find them, okay? The posts should be within the last 5 pages of this thread.
Hi imamaze,

Where does it show the rules regarding psychic discussion?
I'm new here, and just went looking and couldn't find it in either the "Etiquette" section or the "TOS-Long/Detailed version."
Also, if this psychic is giving information on the case, but not from a psychic's perspective, is that okay?

Hi Jillian,

Here is a link where Tricia explained about psychics.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dreams and Visions

If the psychic is giving information from what is known from law enforcement and main stream media for example, then yes it can be discussed.

Hope that helps.

Here's a possible scenario:

We don't know exactly when Jen became missing the day of 12/11/12. We're assuming she left around 10:00 to drive to the mall, as reported.

GR's publicly stated "air tight alibi" includes going to the Y in Norwich and entering the sauna, where he runs into an old friend (state trooper). He doesn't normally go to the sauna, but did this day, because he didn't dress for the weather, which is odd because most outdoor enthusiasts up here check the weather forecast first. I think he pre-staged his alibi. The first part of his alibi involves being on the computer while he was alone in the house with his wife for two hours, after their children were off to school (presumably by bus). He states he can prove what he was doing because he was emailing for work (working from home).

Anything could have happened in the home during the times he *wasn't* emailing for work.

Jennifer's car is then found on Route 23 in Norwich. The YMCA that GR went to was less than 1/2 mile away from the car. It was also reported in local papers (I'll look for the link) that GR was seen jogging that day in Plymouth (which is near where both JR's car AND her phone were found).

It's possible that GR drove the car with JR in it for at least part of the destination, to it's final location at 98 Plymouth St., Norwich NY, jogged a few miles away to dispose of her phone, and then went to the Y to "thaw out" and then jogged home. GR was the last person to see her alive, and the only person who stated her alleged plans to go shopping at the mall.

This seems far more plausible than a depressed, formerly devoted mother leaving her kids. Depression is paralyzing. Even making plans for suicide is sometimes exhausting. Not saying she's suicidal, because if she were, she had the means to off herself at home (gun in the home, as posted on her FB page). Every step weighs a thousand pounds for someone who's depressed. And yet GR wants the public to believe that JR concocted this elaborate plan to leave, even though it was far more beneficial to stay and end the marriage (she would get the house, 1/2 of all other property/assets, pension, etc., 1/3 GR's income in child support, etc, etc). He has an affair with her best friend, he asks her for a divorce, she begs him not to divorce her, and then poof, she's gone, like someone else mentioned here on WS in a much earlier post. It just doesn't add up. Even statistically it doesn't make sense.
BBM: I believe you are on the mark :) I would say that she may have asked him for a divorce (what they say about a little bit of truth in every lie).
Jillian, your theory is really good. It is thoroughly plausible. Did the friends contacting you give that info to LE? I would assume so...

Oh and thank you for caring about JR and creating the fb rock!
the suggestion up there was that she could have kept the expensive phone and swapped the sim. I was just pointing out that wouldn't make the phone untraceable. No need to be snippy.

Thanks for clearing this up, I knew it was technically possible but wasn't sure if it was common - but you were right, and it's true it may have made tossing the phone make more sense.
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