Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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Somehow I think that Aunt Lois does not understand the concept of a PARODY twitter account. :lol:

All she saw was "Grace of GOD" and "MrBarryRoux", thought the actual Roux was defending her angelic nephew and couldn't re-tweet fast enough! Sad. So very sad. * falls on floor LOL *

Apparently she totally missed the "B*tch Don't Kill My Vibe." in "MrBarryRoux" profile!

(Psst ... Do you think we should break it to her that MrBarryRoux is not on her side?)

Nah. :D

LOL. Aimee must be cringing...
Looks like OP isn't the only loose cannon in the family. Aunty L is even magnanimous enough to allocate part ownership of the 'accident' to Reeva...You couldn't make it up...

Vile woman.
We also have the paradox of the Pistorius defence. He wants to try and convince the court that it would have easily been possible for Reeva to have gone to the bathroom unnoticed when you consider his first-hand witness account of having his back turned, noisy fans, pitch darkness etc. Simultaneously, he wants the court to believe that despite him being the witness in question at the time it never once crossed his mind that it could have been possible, to the point he never hesitated to proceed with the deadly action he took.

Good point.
Dear Aunt Lois -

Please RT this:

Barry Roux @MrBarryRoux  Aug 7
Today's lessons: 1. Do not murder. 2. If u do, choose one defence. 3.If u choose a few defences, ensure they're compatible

Your humble servant,
Lois Pistorius @loispistorius
Retweeted by Lois Pistorius
Rich Simmonds @RichSimmondsZA  Aug 5
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. - Winston Churchill

So, OP intends to write his own history so he’s remembered as a good, heroic guy?!

Boy, I can’t wait to read that &h!t.

The Pistorius family’s arrogance and delusion know no limits.

Is it any wonder OP wears his entitlement like a crown?
Looks like OP isn't the only loose cannon in the family. Aunty L is even magnanimous enough to allocate part ownership of the 'accident' to Reeva...You couldn't make it up...

Dovetails perfectly with OP’s tearful, twisted plea to My Lady that he wishes Reeva had just said something from behind the door and he would not have shot four bullets through the door.

These people are VILE.

What I want to know is how does this family even sleep at night?!
I see Auntie Lois is tweeting again ...

"Sometimes, not saying anything is the best answer. You see, silence can never be misquoted."

... and yet she continues to tweet!
I see Auntie Lois is tweeting again ...

"Sometimes, not saying anything is the best answer. You see, silence can never be misquoted."

... and yet she continues to tweet!

No wonder OP had diarrhea of the mouth on the stand! He certainly comes by it honest. Who knew there's a Can't-STFU gene? LOL
Kayla Nolan ?@Kaylatjie07
Stand strong Oscar ! God is working on your situation *advertiser censored* We WILL STAND BY U ALWAYS! @loispistorius @carlpistorius xx

You mean like how God worked on Reeva’s situation?

God seems to be very arbitrary, very selective in his mercies and cruelties, doesn’t he?

WHY would God favor the killer over the innocent victim?

Would you toss out warm and fuzzy, self-righteous platitudes if murdered Reeva were your daughter/sister/friend?
Oscar Pistorius’ lawyers have compared the athlete to an abused woman who has been punched too many times.

During his closing argument today, defence advocate Barry Roux said the effect of Pistorius having no legs and no ability to escape was similar to the “slow burn” of a woman leading up to the shooting of an abusive spouse.

“Ultimately, when that woman picks up that firearm we can use the common words ‘I’ve had enough’.

I’m not shooting you because you’ve just assaulted me. I would never have shot you because of one punch of a fist in my face, but if you’ve done it 60, 70 times that [fills] the cup to the brim,” said Roux.

Pistorius is on trial for shooting dead girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day last year.

Judge Thokozile Masipa said she understood how a slow burn could apply to an abused woman, but wanted to know how it applied to Pistorius.

Roux replied: “You’re a little boy without legs, you experience daily that disability and the effect of this, you experience daily that you cannot run away.

You know: ‘I cannot run away, I cannot run away I don’t have a flight response’.”

Roux pointed out that he was not saying Pistorius suffered “slow burn” abuse but “the word was for the first time used in relation to abuse”.

You know, for R50 000 per day, I’d expect something a bit more polished, professional and frankly, believable in his defense closing statement. LOL

(But then again - whose side is Roux really on?! OP did throw him under the bus... Roux gets paid whether OP wins or loses! Roux may be crazylikeafox? :lol:)

Screaming OP is hanging onto Roux’s feet, who’s hanging onto a slowly cracking tree limb - over a cliff. LOL

Roux may be the most completely disingenuous defense attorney I’ve ever seen (or totally cowed by his client from hell as he waltzes to the bank :)). Either way, the guy is clearly at the end of his rope - nothing he’s thrown at the wall has stuck. Now his desperation is blatantly transparent and utterly ridiculous. It’s sad in a delicious kind of way.

The brutal kick in the nuts? Roux tied his client’s “innocence” to #VAW - the very issue Reeva was to speak about that day and the very thing that killed her. Talk about big brass brazen balls! I think OP came up with that piece of brilliance and demanded Roux run with it. He’s just that GD arrogant!! What a insanely crass, twisted, idiotic, supremely insulting argument to make - at the very LAST minute no less!

You can bet My Lady will not be impressed.
In fact, I’d bet My Lady is very, very angry.

“Little Boy” Pistorius will definitely pay for that.
Barry Roux @MrBarryRoux  Aug 7
Oscar made the mistake of assuming that killing an 'imaginary robber' is not only a lesser crime but that its not a crime at all #OscarTrial

Wonder why Auntie Lois didn’t RT this? :lol:
Oscar Pistorius.

Robin Williams.

No two humans on earth could be more stunningly, diametrically opposite.

OP - a selfish, arrogant, murderous SOB - who could never hope to be even 1% of the gentle, wise, brilliant, generous, loving hero that was Robin Williams.
I do believe that OP fully intends to carry on exactly right where he left off - well, EXCEPT for the Olympics/competitions/sponsorships/glamorous photo shoots/$$$$$ part. :lol:

He’s been giving us hints all along with a new girlfriend(s), Mozambique vacations with his buddies, signing autographs in shopping malls, VIP Room brawls.
Ah, just like the good old days.

Except it won’t be “Blade Runner”!

It will be Oscar Pistorius the Murderer.

OP may find society to be a far more brutal punishment than prison.

Should he be acquitted, I absolutely see him going down an even darker hole.
I'd wondered like you - someone more important than the Emergency services!! Oldwage? Carl..Uncle..Standers wife? Naturally they don't have Standers phone records.
I thought it was very cavalier that Stander is even outside chatting and just motions Stipp to go in - whoever he was calling it was more important .
Remember Mrs Standers turned up afterwards and Stipp related her choice statement " I hope this doesn't get into the papers".
Seems to be something about Pistorius that makes his associates deluded! I suppose it's simply in the nature of celebrity and power that makes those around them forget their own integrity.

“Cavalier” is the perfect word, Cottonweaver!

In my mind, it’s clear that Stander knew from the minute he walked in that Reeva was already dead. Certainly didn’t take Dr. Stipp long to figure it out. Pulse, eyes, GONE. This is why Stander and Carice told OP to immediately lay Reeva DOWN - going to the hospital was useless.

If both Stander and Stipp saw she was dead, why didn’t OP? Ah...but he DID. She was long dead in the toilet. He still was compelled to carry out his “heroic” charade of dramatically carrying her downstairs just as the Standers arrived and valiantly trying to “save” her - hence, she had to be “ALIVE”! Seriously, OP is a colder b#stard then I even first imagined. What kind of a warped mind could even go through with such brutally twisted manipulation? SICK.

Mrs. Stander’s comment was cold, callous and chilling. (A woman just had her brains blown out and she’s worried about bad publicity?!!) I imagine this is exactly the same entitled, superior mind set of the Pistorius family - like Oscar, IMAGE is everything (spit out that gum).
... 4. OP said he picked-up Reeva's body and carried her all the way from the bathroom to the bottom of the stairs without ever stopping to put her down… even kept on carrying her when Johan and Carice were trying to reason with him to put her down. ...
IMO, OP wanted Stander to take Reeva to the hospital while he stayed home to figure out the best way to cover-up the crime scene with his intruder story. ...

Great post, AJ. It’s crystal clear to me that OP desperately wanted to not only get Reeva out of the bathroom (brutal, bloody crime scene) but OUT and away from his house ASAP - literally get rid of Exhibit #1. Had it not been for Stander and Carice, he might have gotten away with it. OP truly is beyond calculating and coldly manipulative - he needed buddy Stander to be the prime witness to his heroic, tragic, grand entrance down the staircase (she was already dead) AND help him get Reeva immediately out of his house.

Had Stander taken Reeva to the hospital, I seriously doubt OP would have stayed at the house. He had already worked out his “intruder” story and done his scene manipulation. For his “beloved” Reeva to go to the hospital while he remained at the house would have looked extremely suspicious. What true lover would stay behind?

Going with Stander and Reeva to the hospital would have granted him two specific, very valuable bonuses - it would portray him as the loving, distraught boyfriend and would remove himself immediately from the bloody crime scene - win-win for him on all counts.

He knew she was already dead. He failed in the second part of his plan - we have photos of dead Reeva at the bottom of his stairs and photos of a bloody OP in his own garage, exactly what he wanted to avoid. He wanted to totally disassociate himself from the crime scene as much as possible by IMMEDIATELY removing both Reeva and himself from his house.

While that, alone, is not proof of murder, it together with the other 1000 strands make an iron-bound case of murder, IMHO.
How can we keep up with this dude?! Pistorius tweets bible versus, children's charity work and philosophical Holocaust books while having incidents in clubs...textbook what-not-to-do. As I'm still writing my analysis of the psychologist's report, this is where I question again Pistorius' test score of high (4) on the 'agoraphobia', higher (5) on the 'social phobia' and very low (0) on the 'alcohol abuse'. Clubbing on a Saturday night - that's the definition of social and crowded. Bizarre incidents like shootings and altercations just seem to 'happen' around this guy.

I, too, have been seriously wondering about those docs at Westkoppies! It certainly doesn’t take a Ph.D to see there’s something way off with OP. Either they’re hopelessly star struck or lots of mysterious money found its way into their bank accounts - or both!
“Code Red ... combat mode ... source of the noise, something in the laundry ...” - Sean Rens, firearms dealer & trainer, relating OP’s laundry room story

How many people don’t know the sounds of their own washer and dryer in their own house?!

Sounds like gung-ho OP was searching for any incident or excuse to use his gun and training.

He certainly enjoyed tweeting about the incident! (Haha) - then mysteriously deleted that tweet.

He’s a professionally trained, certified gun owner who carefully investigated and did not shoot his dryer, nor did he shoot anyone else during numerous other noise incidents - but he somehow mysteriously DID shoot his girlfriend - amid female SCREAMS heard by four ear witnesses. (Who’s still buying the “accident” fairytale?)

He FAILED miserably on Feb 14, when he deliberately tossed ALL his extensive “code red” training out the bathroom window along with Reeva’s jeans.

That, alone, should be proof enough for a bare minimum conviction of CH.
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