GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 4

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nojusticenusa, you mentioned in one of your initial posts that you knew both Beverly and Crystal. Do you mind me asking how you were connected to both of them? They certainly didn't seem to run in the same circles. Thanks.
Absolutely bizarre. Thank you . There isn't a lot of mystery surrounding my fathers murder so I haven't discussed it here. We know who did it and how she did it. The why is answered by her drug past and record of more than one person having a no contact order against her. She is a mean, ugly,violent woman. My father taking Pity on her was to his detriment. But that was how he was. No one would go hungry or without shelter if they showed up at his place. He didn't have much but he shared all he had. He was a kind soul. I miss him very much.
Wow!! So so sorry, SavvyRose. ((Hugs))
There are enough crazy people in the world---throw drugs in on top of crazy===lethal!
I don't understand if they really knew she was in school that night they would charge her... In one news video it said she was charged with the exact charges.
Keep in mind texts were rolling in on Carl Carter's phone at 1 a.m.
I get it now. I had not thought of it that way. It is just that her charge for stealing the phone was dated at the same time AL arrest warrant was. Or at least it was that day before they found her body. I wonder why they didn't use the warrant and arrest her the day (Monday) they had her in for questioning. She was not arrest for that until several days later. Just so odd. Would it really take from Thursday to Monday for them to research BC's phone pings?

I just looked and she was not arrested until 10/9/14 for that charge and the warrant was issued on 9/29/14. Strange they waited 10 days to arrest her when they had her right there for questioning. I guess they had their reasons.

Nojustice said LE took CLs phone when she was questioned and wouldn't return it ... I would imagine they went through all mssgs with a fine tooth combing. Maybe they found something implicating there. I'm also finding it hard to fathom why LE would ever risk those kinds of charges in this public of a case without having obtained some solid evidence in those 10 days. But I've not been satisfied with most the theorized motives for AL yet, nothing quite adds up. At this point I keep coming back to him as more of a hired hand for a hit of some sort. Someone behind AL that felt he might be a good candidate to commit the deed for a cash payout. And possibly the mission was not murder but got out of hand. Still missing chunks of this story out there...
Perhaps DNA evidence has come back. When's the next court appearance for them both?
Originally Posted by Metry504
I don't understand if they really knew she was in school that night they would charge her... In one news video it said she was charged with the exact charges

Maybe if it was found to be premeditated ...and they had some evidence of her involvement in the plotting of the crime without evidence of direct participation in the execution of it? Would that fit with capital murder charges though? I'm not familiar enough with the law to know.

Maybe if it was found to be premeditated ...and they had some evidence of her involvement in the plotting of the crime without evidence of direct participation in the execution of it? Would that fit with capital murder charges though? I'm not familiar enough with the law to know.
Causing the death of another during the commission of a violent and major felony—such as robbery, rape, or kidnapping—under circumstances that show extreme indifference to human life
Causing the death of another in the process of committing arson
Purposely causing the death of another after premeditation
Causing the death of another while attempting to kill a law enforcement officer, teacher, or other public official in the line of duty
Purposely causing the death of another while incarcerated with the Arkansas Department of Corrections
Killing another in exchange for something or value or hiring another person to do so
Killing another by discharging a firearm from a vehicle
Causing the death of a person under the age of 14 under circumstances showing extreme indifference to human life
- See more at:

I found item #6 to be interesting in light of some posters' thoughts regarding a possible third party.
I've been led to believe the dumptruck was stolen after he left the hospital. If it was taken from a place in Saline Co., how did he get from Baptist Med to the place in Saline Co.? It's not super far, but an awful long way to travel on foot.

Maybe if it was found to be premeditated ...and they had some evidence of her involvement in the plotting of the crime without evidence of direct participation in the execution of it? Would that fit with capital murder charges though? I'm not familiar enough with the law to know.

Charges for capital murder in AR pretty much means they are candidates for capital punishment (death) if found guilty. It is also a Class Y felony (highest ranking felony)
If CL did not know the phone was in the house, then her fingerprints would not be on it. It will be interesting to find out if LE found any clear fingerprints on the phone besides AL and BC.
I shouldn't have even posted the drug test at ualr Info because like I said, it's been a little over 10 years since I attended.

So are you saying they only charged her with the theft by receiving because the phone was in her house? When did they find it? If that truly is the case, it does sound like they rushed that arrest to keep her from going out of town like you said.
I've been led to believe the dumptruck was stolen after he left the hospital. If it was taken from a place in Saline Co., how did he get from Baptist Med to the place in Saline Co.? It's not super far, but an awful long way to travel on foot.

That's right. That's why when NoJustice posted that CL went to the hospital, I asked her what happened next. Because it is my understanding that he left the hospital then stole the dump truck. CL had to have taken him there if she is the one who picked him up from the hospital. Right?!
NoJustice please share what she told you about the hospital and after.
CL would almost certainly have left hairs and perhaps other sources of DNA in any vehicle that she rode in, and therefore such evidence would be in AL's vehicles. Obviously this does not prove that she was in a vehicle with AL at the time of the murder or disposal of the body. If, as implied by others, CL picked AL up from the hospital on the day of his crash, maybe police are looking at this as evidence that she was involved. Again, this is not very good evidence. It is hard to believe that LE would charge her with capital murder without strong evidence. It is also true that LE charges innocent people, and innocent people end up on death row, not infrequently. I hope justice is done and the truth comes out.
Perhaps DNA evidence has come back. When's the next court appearance for them both?
The theft by receiving was charged on day they before they arrested him, while they were still looking for him on the manhunt. They hauled both she and her daughter down to Sheriff station. with her daughter screaming and terrified. Took their dogs to pound even though she begged them to allow her to call a friend to get them or to put them in back yard. The pound would not give her daughter's dog back. Said LE relinquished the dogs to them and they adopted them out. The daughter was crushed. CL cooperated but they kept telling her she knew something. They kept her there 8 hours. That is day they found the phone. She had no idea it was in her house. She had been gone all weekend. She has gone back to the Sheriff office freely since that time asking them for her phone (they took her personal phone and she gave them the password). They kept telling her they were still investigating.

What I think and I could be totally wrong is that AL carried BC phone with him everywhere he went that Thur night and then brought it home. Maybe they used cell phone tower info to find her body and the phone at AL house. He was a suspect before he wrecked his car that Sunday morning when he was being followed by LE. CL was not even home when that happened. She stayed the night away. She did go to the hospital when he called her. She was clueless what was happening at that time (meaning AL was being investigated for BC disappearance). She found out like the rest of us on the news. When she went to hospital he didn't tell her. But apparently AL knew to be paranoid because he was trying to lose LE tail when he wrecked his car. He was being followed by LE and tried to speed up to lose them. At that point CL was still in dark and going on with her life as usual. That is why I don't think she knew anything. That and my observations of her both during that time and since.
I'm totally confused, so please explain if you want.
You stated she was gone away all weekend, then said she wasn't home when he wrecked his car (which was on Sun.), but said she went to the hospital on Sun. Plus was questioned for 8 hours on Sun? Sorry for my confusion, but being away all weekend to me usually means Fri. P.M. to Sunday P.M.

So sad the daughter was frightened and her dogs were adopted out. Sad she had to be drug through that drama.
I would think LE probably drug tested him soon after arrest? Not sure. I've only witnessed a few individuals methed up in public places. It's very evident when they are tweaking. IMO AL didn't appear methed up, but I'm not a drug expert.

CL swears that AL did not do drugs. I can't say for sure but have no reason to doubt what she said.
IMO... LE waiting the 10 days to arrest her leads me to believe they really did their "homework" so as to make certain they did not make an arrest on weak evidence...


Would not be the first time or the last that LE rushed to an arrest due to publicity of the case. Not suggesting they did, just stating IMO.
Nojustice, what else did CL share with you about the hospital? She picked him up there? It is believed that he stole the dump truck after he left the hospital and my theory was he stole the dump truck to get into the plant without being noticed to bury her. If that's true, where was Beverly before that? And if it's not why he stole the dump truck then why else?
I wonder if the park he took a picture at and posted then deleted from Facebook, was where he had her at first?
CL didn't know what was going on? But as soon as he went missing from hospital his picture was all over the place. How could she not know he was being investigated for the disappearance? She would be one of the few Arkansans who didn't know if that's true. And where did she say she took him and why?

All I know about the hospital is that she was called there by AL. When she got there police started questioning her about where he was going and she told them probably home. They told her he was going in opposite direction of home. She had no idea where he was going since she had spent night elsewhere. While she was being interviewed by police AL slipped out back door or whatever happened and left. That is how she found out he was a suspect at that same time. I think police told her at the hospital. It was my understanding that the warrant came and then AL was gone. That is the first CL knew he was being watched or about him being a suspect.

Do you know which plant the dump truck was stolen from @savvyrose? I thought I read you said Saline Co. Would that be Benton?
nojusticenusa, you mentioned in one of your initial posts that you knew both Beverly and Crystal. Do you mind me asking how you were connected to both of them? They certainly didn't seem to run in the same circles. Thanks.

I did not know them from the same circles. I knew BC differently than I knew CL. I do not believe CL and BC knew each other. I met CL because our kids have been friends for several years. I knew BC in professional circles.
Please keep in mind this is hearsay at its finest. Nojusticeusa says a friend knows for sure that CL was in school that night. She might have very well been but I'm not counting on it with this she said she said..

The person that said she was at school knew for sure as in they are 100% aware she was at school and can verify seeing her there. It's not hearsay. CL told me she arrived home at 10 pm and AL was already home playing internet games.
Absolutely bizarre. Thank you . There isn't a lot of mystery surrounding my fathers murder so I haven't discussed it here. We know who did it and how she did it. The why is answered by her drug past and record of more than one person having a no contact order against her. She is a mean, ugly,violent woman. My father taking Pity on her was to his detriment. But that was how he was. No one would go hungry or without shelter if they showed up at his place. He didn't have much but he shared all he had. He was a kind soul. I miss him very much.

Hugs to you SavvyRose. God Bless you and your family.
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