Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #2

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Steely Dan

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Dec 22, 2008
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Well it looks like Bill Cosby made a stupid decision on his twitter account. He sort of "Streisand Effected" himself.


Rape allegations haunt Bill Cosby in the digital age
By Todd Leopold and Ben Brumfield, CNN
updated 5:08 AM EST, Fri November 14, 2014

...The Tweet

On Monday, the comedian -- or whomever was in charge of his social media -- put out a challenge with a jovial picture of Cosby in a cap: "Go ahead. Meme me! #cosbymeme."

The Internet immediately reacted, but probably not in the way Cosby expected.

"Claire, have you seen my ... nevermind, found my raping hat!" tweeted Trill Withers over the cap picture....

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There's a lot more to this and I suggest reading the entire article before commenting.


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Dr. Lillian Glass was on Tricia's radio show earlier this evening. She said that a woman like Whoopi would not have been someone that BC would target to drug and rape because she would likely be too outspoken straight away. There is no doubt in my mind that BC is guilty of the charges. I hope he is left with only a dime once this is all said and done. Further, I believe that this type of behavior is more wide spread than most even consider it to be. I recall John Travolta being involved in several similar accusations. These type of people happen to have access to plenty of hush money. OMO

My bolds.

There is no typical rapist.

The perpetrators of sexual violence are not all rich. They are not all in the same profession. They are not all the same age. They are not all the same race. They have not all been abused. They have not all been indulged. They do not all lack willing sexual partners.

There is no “typical profile” of a rapist. Many defense attorneys will talk about whether their client, the alleged assailant, either fits the profile of a rapist or doesn’t. This is an invalid argument because there is no typical profile of a rapist. This is why it is good to focus on that person’s behavior instead of who they are in their community (Maas, 2007).

However, rapists are, IMO, all predators. And, sadly, again IMO, we still have stereotypes of who a rapist is that are divisive and dangerously misleading. The very fact that a rapist may have presented himself/herself as a warm, caring, helpful person who holds high ideals and is respected in the community may make a rape victim doubt her/his understanding of what has happened. The less the perpetrator resembles the stereotype, the more the victim may be disbelieved.

The scenarios being alleged by women bringing their stories to the press about their experiences with BC seem consistent with acquaintance rape (https://www.rainn.org/get-information/types-of-sexual-assault/acquaintance-rape) and with date rape (http://www.girlshealth.gov/safety/saferelationships/daterape.html). The stories describing the alleged actions of BC are, to say the least, sad and disturbing but, IIRC, remain corroborated. As well, the number of years between the alleged incidents and the reporting of the incidents raises questions about the women reporting the behaviour. I think there may be many reasons for them to have waited, but among those reasons is that in our culture we now commonly use the word "rape" to describe what allegedly happened to them all those years ago.

Although the act we now call "acquaintance rape" has probably always existed in human societies, the term "acquaintance rape" has only become part of North American culture relatively recently. The term was first published in 1978 by Diana Russell, and the first major book in the USA about the subject was published by Robin Warshaw in 1988. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquaintance_rape). The title of the book may have relevance to this case, and, if the accusations prove true, may be relevant in understanding why some women are only coming forward now: I Never Called It Rape.

Maybe now, some of these women are, for the first time, calling what they experienced by its proper name.
Why did BC chose to drug his accusers, assuming they are truthful? I'm betting a lot of them would have been willing partners. Did he think they wouldn't remember?
JMO I think some people probably get more kicks over the power aspect of date rape. Rendering someone helpless and having the power to do anything to someone who can't resist gives them a stronger rush than just the part of the act where the genitals rub together. Consensual sex is not as exciting for these people. The ability to give or refuse their consent gives the woman influence and status in the relationship. The rapist wants to see himself as the king and the ruler of his empire with absolute power over mere mortals and not as someone who has to negotiate to have sex with a girl (who might refuse).

Maybe partly from contempt and misogyny too? Getting their kicks out of humiliating a woman? Revenge for whatever transgressions, real or imaginary, the woman had committed in his mind? Didn't one of the women say the drugging happened after a consensual relationship was ending? (sorry I forget who) "YOU don't leave me, I will tell you when to eff off", that sort of thing.

I've no doubt he could have found any number of willing sexual partners at any time and according to what I read about his biography it seems like he did too.
Why did BC chose to drug his accusers, assuming they are truthful? I'm betting a lot of them would have been willing partners. Did he think they wouldn't remember?

The thrill of doing it without their consent/knowledge. Also fox news had an article stating he could also have a "sleepy" fetish (i.e. sex with unconscious women).

Not to imply all guys with a sleepy fetish are into rape, but allegedly he even drugged and had sex with a girlfriend that was a very consensual partner.

Maybe BC himself was abused/raped in his youth. I'm no expert, but isn't there some sort of propensity for victims to become victimizers? Or am I getting rape/sexual assault confused with domestic violence? Or pedophilia?

Abuse in his past might provide some explanation for the way CC has stood by his side - maybe they went through therapy together to work out the issues with his infidelity, and maybe these details came out at that time.

Total speculation on my part.
Sexual Abuse of Males: Prevalence, Possible Lasting Effects and Resources


Some of the long-term effects of sexual abuse are related to the development of gender identity. A number of clinicians' case studies indicate that male survivors of childhood sexual abuse may experience:

Attempts to "prove" their masculinity by having multiple female sexual partners, sexually victimizing others, and/or engaging in dangerous or violent behaviors

I have no idea of the quality of this research, I was just searching for something to explain BC's seeming fetish for drugging and raping women.
As more women have come out against Cosby in recent weeks, many of whom say the comedian did rape them, Johnson said she began talking to people in the entertainment business about her own story.
"The response was, 'Oh yeah, we know he has been doing that for quite a while.' It was like, everyone knew," Johnson said. "But people like myself, I most certainly wouldn't have gone to Bill Cosby's brownstone if I knew the reputation he had with assaulting women."

n her live interview with CNN, Johnson said she didn't "want to see anything happen to Bill Cosby" by sharing her story. What she does want -- besides showing solidarity with other Cosby accusers, like her longtime friend Janice Dickinson -- is for her speaking out to encourage others who have been the victims of sexual assault by any perpetrator to speak up.
"This, to me, is not about Bill Cosby. This, to me, is about violence against women," Johnson said. "... What I want to see happen is that women come out and speak their truth."

Johnson described the fallout of her night with Cosby, saying:

She initially kept the incident a secret from her daughter. "I told her what would you tell your daughter, my granddaughter, if she ever came to her and said, 'Hey, mom, I have been drugged.' What would you do? And she said 'Mom, you are doing the right thing. I support you. I love you.'"

She kept quiet about her story because of Cosby’s status: "At the time I felt that it would hurt my career. Most certainly he was a very powerful man."

Incl. video. She looks very credible to me. JMO.

"At the time it happened, Bill Cosby was on top of the world and he was very powerful in Hollywood and I was in Hollywood trying to make this transition from model to actress, and so I had a lot of fear about speaking out," she says.

"One of the things I found out in coming forward is it's the norm not to tell. Often, women don't."

As she wrestled with the thought of going public with her recollection, many cautioned her against it. "Most of the people I spoke to were afraid for me to speak out," she says. "They said, 'Don't say anything,' but that's the culture of being a woman, you keep it to yourself."

"This was not easy for me to do, particularly with the racial climate today and what is happening with black men," she says, "but this was bigger than Bill Cosby – this was about sexual violence against women, and I think by telling my story it allowed me to shine a light and reveal that the shame of being sexually abused is often kept in the dark."

"You have to take action," she says. "Bill Cosby took my power that day, and I took my power back today. Maybe it took 30 years, but I did."

Johnson tells PEOPLE that she has no plans to sue Cosby for any type of damages.

"I want nothing. I want no money and I wouldn't touch that money. I came out because I wanted to stand beside these women and give voice to women out there who have been sexually assaulted, to speak up and speak out and speak loudly."
Johnson struggled to pinpoint exactly how she felt the next morning.

"I was devastated and disappointed. I can't explain this feeling. It was like a family member had died or betrayed me in a such a way. I was numb," she said.

Asked what she hopes will happen to Cosby now, Johnson said punishing him is "not [her] purpose." Instead, she hopes this national conversation will free other victims of sexual abuse to speak out.

"This is not about Bill Cosby. He is just a lightning rod. And thank you very much, Bill Cosby, for that," Johnson said.

Incl. video:
Dickinson said:

[Johnson] doesn't lie either. I'm lucky to call her my friend. I'm just really grateful more and more women are doing the right thing.
She says happy holidays and rape is not a joking matter (referring to South Park)

Leave it to “South Park” to lampoon Bill Cosby’s sex assault scandal by pairing him in a scene with Taylor Swift.

During the show's season 18 finale, which aired Wednesday, the comedian and pop star performed a duet of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” But the holiday classic, which Salon recently called a “date-rape anthem,” takes on an even more uncomfortable meaning when Cosby urges her to stay by pressing a drink on her.

In a press release, the Hamilton Woman Abuse Working Group (WAWG) says it is “deeply concerned” that Cosby’s performance is still going ahead as scheduled in the midst of such serious public allegations of sexual violence.

“We question the support of alleged rapists and are especially concerned about the message this sends to survivors of abuse and violence – that celebrity and entertainment are more important than taking a strong stand on violence against women,” the news release reads.

WAWG represents a host of Hamilton organizations, including the Catholic Children’s Aid Society, the Immigrant Women’s Centre, the Women’s Centre of Hamilton and the local Sexual Assault Centre. The collective says it has contacted Global Spectrum about Cosby’s Jan. 9 performance, but were told it had to go ahead because of “contractual obligations.”

Radar: What do you think of the situation Bill Cosby’s in?
Breuer: I feel terrible because he was a great interview and he was very pivotal influence. But it’s staggering the amount of people who’ve come out.

Radar: Can you get your head around what they’re saying about him?
Breuer: Psychologically it would make a lot of sense. He tried so hard to prove he’s sooo good. He put that image out there. Now it seems to make a lot of sense.

Radar: What do other comics think?
Breuer: Eddie Murphy did a bit in his act years ago about Bill. He said; “I was upset because I met Bill Cosby and he told me I was too dirty, so I went to Richard Pryor and he told me; “You tell Bill, to have a Coke and a smile, and to shut the **** up!”
Why did BC chose to drug his accusers, assuming they are truthful? I'm betting a lot of them would have been willing partners. Did he think they wouldn't remember?

It's not up to us or the victims to know why Cosby did it. He knows.

Do You Think Bill Cosby's Rape Allegations Are a Conspiracy?
The notion that twenty women would collectively gather to put themselves in the spotlight for rape accusations and be exposed to public shaming all to bring one man down is a disturbing one. That particular idea is rooted in sexist ideologies. Much the same way people claiming black witnesses of Mike Brown's killing in Ferguson, MO conspired in their accounts is rooted in racist pathologies. In the instance of Cosby's accusers, there exists no single shred of evidence I could find to suggest that some of these women have conspired to plot against him. In a conversation in which Jill Scott calls for evidence that Cosby is even capable of committing such heinous acts, it appears cognitively dissonant to accuse 20 women of lying without evidence of deceit or benefits they would gain.

Let us suppose that somewhere there may be a valid reason, in spite of twenty-plus alleged victims, for which one refuses to believe Bill Cosby has ever harmed a woman -- conspiracy is simply not one of them.
Maybe BC himself was abused/raped in his youth. I'm no expert, but isn't there some sort of propensity for victims to become victimizers? Or am I getting rape/sexual assault confused with domestic violence? Or pedophilia?

Abuse in his past might provide some explanation for the way CC has stood by his side - maybe they went through therapy together to work out the issues with his infidelity, and maybe these details came out at that time.

Total speculation on my part.

According to the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Center, that's possible but does not apply in the majority of cases.

Most sex offenders were not sexually or physically abused as children. In one study of 114 convicted rapists, 91% denied experiencing childhood sexual abuse; 66% denied experiencing childhood physical abuse; and 50% admitted to having non-violent childhoods. (Scully, 1990).

From the article, "Her story illuminates the social expectation women feel to comply with men's requests for fear of being seen as rude, a b!@#h, or worse being physically harmed. One can only imagine this weight may magnify in women in the entertainment industry whose incomes rely on maintaining amicable relationships with powerful individuals, most often men."

Beverly Johnson "It's nuts, I know, but it felt oddly inappropriate arguing with Bill Cosby so I took a few sips of the coffee just to appease him."

This is spot on, how many women or even men have had to be in an uncomfortable position and you end up appeasing them, even if it's coffee. The pushiness of some people is totally inappropriate but it catches a person off-guard so they just give in. Anyone know if this is a particular trait of serial rapists?, because I am sure there are guys/girls that do this but not sure it's something that would be a trait of rapists. (ie. going out to the bar with friends and some guy constantly trying to chat you up or buy drinks when not wanted).
The pushiness of some people is totally inappropriate but it catches a person off-guard so they just give in. Anyone know if this is a particular trait of serial rapists?, because I am sure there are guys/girls that do this but not sure it's something that would be a trait of rapists. (ie. going out to the bar with friends and some guy constantly trying to chat you up or buy drinks when not wanted).

I do not think it is a trait specific to serial rapists especially when many rapists use outright force/weapons.

I also don't think the vast majority of persistent men in bars realize what they are doing, they just want to get the woman's attention and don't know how. They think if they keep trying the results will change.

Could it contribute to date rape? If the woman says no but then keeps giving in to requests to "be nice"? Absolutely. Maybe because the rapist is encouraged by her submissiveness, or maybe because he actually thinks she doesn't really mean "no" (since she said no to other things and he changed her mind).
Slightly O/T But there is something called "sexual coercion" that other species experience. I was recently thinking about how animals handle it because my brother told me male ducks rape females and in which I never knew. I think it it's interesting that females of various species will use various tactics to prevent sexual coercion like "anatomical protection, male avoidance, protection/alliances, resistance/fighting back or acceptance/submission." (not a biologist but found on wikia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_coercion). Some of these are things that humans do like avoidance, alliances, fighting back and even submission.

More on sexual coercion in humans:
What Does 'Sexual Coercion' Say About A Society?
By Shankar Vedantam
May 10, 2013 5:04 AM ET

"Sexual coercion, Sanday said — in a view backed by numerous feminist scholars — is shaped by cultural forces: "It is important to understand that violence is socially and not biologically programmed...In one analysis of 228 U.S. cities, researchers suggested that "in areas where women enjoy a higher absolute status, rape rates will be lower," meaning that access to power — rather than equality per se — might protect women against sexual coercion. In some ways, this finding meshes with research that suggests disadvantaged women in many societies are the ones who are at greatest risk of experiencing sexual coercion."

What is Sexual Coercion?

Mon, 04/28/2014 - 11:40 -- NDVH
"...It’s not consent if you’re afraid to say no. It’s not consent if you’re being manipulated, pressured, or threatened to say yes. It’s also not consent if you or a partner is unable to legitimately give consent, which includes being asleep, unconscious, under the influence of conscious-altering substances or not able to understand what you’re saying yes to...."
‘Bill Cosby is NOT Cliff Huxtable!!’: Daughter of Beverly Johnson defends supermodel mom after she speaks out against fallen funnyman
"Bill Cosby is NOT Cliff Huxtable!! He was a man playing a scripted character. Wake up! My Mom @BeverlyJohnson1 is my hero," Anansa Sims said in the emotional tweet.

Sims backed her mom wholeheartedly after some Twitter users questioned the iconic model's account of an alleged drugging by the fallen funnyman some thirty years ago.

Well I don't think her mom needs defending, as such, but if there's anyone still out there who hasn't realized that characters are not actors and actors are not characters I guess they could use this wake up call.
We can't speculate? Gee. I thought that was what WS was all about.

Of course it is. Go right ahead and speculate why Cosby drugged all those women before he raped them!
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