"Stun Gun" marks

DNA Solves
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kaykay said:
I have to wonder why an adult would need to use a stun gun on a small child and use it over and over.

Would this cause JB to cry out in pain? Would it make a noise?

I don't know what caused the marks on JB but I don't think it was a stun gun.

There's no reason an adult would need to do this, but kids may if one was used.

JMO kaykay


IMO a stun gun was used on JonBenet, and since she wasn't a threat to the perp(s), the only plausible reason left for using a stun gun on a little six-year-old girl is torture.

BlueCrab said:

As you know, there are no two stun gun injuries that look alike. This is due to an infinite number of variables possible when a hand-held stun gun (not an Air Taser that shoots darts) is applied each time to the body of the victim. For instance, there is (and these are my opinions) :

0 the length of time the trigger is held (the longer the gun's trigger is held, the worse is the burn on the skin -- one to three seconds would be normal and five seconds would likely start damaging the skin),

0 the amount of pressure of the metal prongs against the skin (if jammed hard against the skin the relatively sharp metal prongs can cause an abrasion in addition to the burn),

0 the area on the skin being stunned (some areas are softer and flatter and conduct electricity better than others),

0 the amount of clothing, if any, the current must travel before reaching the skin, and

0 the angle of the gun's twin prongs as they press against the skin (in a struggle did both prongs make contact with the skin or did just one of them make contact).

Of the three stun gun injuries on JonBenet, the better defined injury was the one on the flat part of her back. It clearly showed the small twin rectangular burns, about 1 3/8 inches apart, left by the prongs of the stun gun.

The injury on the back of her lower leg, near the ankle, was less defined because of the sharply rounded surface of the child's small ankle.

The injury on JonBenet's face was severe and left a large ugly burn. It suggests that the trigger of the stun gun was held for an exceptionally long time (perhaps as long as 10 seconds) and thus one of the twin prongs severely burned her. The gun was likely held at an angle because the other prong left a barely noticeable mark on her face.

but why would someone use a stun gun on her legs????or even her face??? that doesn't even make any sense ..wouldn't they likely chose the torso?
Solace said:
I saw a show on stun guns and every single person that was hit with one "screamed' out in pain. I guess everyone except JonBent.
That's my thought too Solace..

Solace said:
I saw a show on stun guns and every single person that was hit with one "screamed' out in pain. I guess everyone except JonBent.


They didn't have black duct tape on their mouths.

I believe JB was stun-gunned twice. Once in her bedroom (when she was asleep), and once in the basement (just before or possibly just after she screamed).

IMO no parent would use a stun-gun on their child.
the duct tape was likely used(from the AG doll,IMO) and wouldnt have stuck much...plus there is no evidence on it to imply she was awake and struggling at the time.
what I find most interesting about the stun gun theory isn't the abrasions themselves,it's JR's attitude and his refusal to exhume JB to get some solid answers,once and for all ..I'm not buying that he doesn't want to disturb her...this is the person who was going to leave her under the xmas tree alone,didn't escort her to the morgue,and tried to high-tail it out of town right after finding her body ! yea....right JR !!!
..like my teachers used to say..'keep on talkin' now,ya hear???!'
Ames said:
I have thought that those marks could have possibly been from the Christmas lights on the staircase too. Those things, ten years ago....used to get really hot...(there had even been a recall on them..because they were burning people's houses down). I have seen a photo of the staircase that was taken shortly after JB's body was found, and the lights were ON.

I have found a picture of the the christmas lights on the spiral staircase. I have circled where the lights look like two prongs that could make those marks on JBR.


Last christmas our tree lights that we bought in early 90s finally gave up so we went out and bought some new ones. I was quite surprised how less hot they get than our previous lights which could really heat up. In fact at night during the xmas period we would switch off the lights for fear of the tree catching alight from the heat .
thx Charlie,that's interesting.I wonder if she got caught in the lights and garland while someone was carrying her to the basement?That would explain why some garland was found in her hair..maybe that's when she got the abrasions as well?
Would this cause JB to cry out in pain? Would it make a noise?

Yes to both! I actually own one of these things.

They didn't have black duct tape on their mouths.

Black duct tape that showed no signs of even the meekest resistance, Crab. It doesn't wash.

At one point, I used to wonder whether the scream that Melody Stanton heard, was from the use of a stun gun on JonBenet in the basement.

That is, if there was a scream.


Solace said:
I saw a show on stun guns and every single person that was hit with one "screamed' out in pain. I guess everyone except JonBent.
I suspect if a scream was heard,it was PR.
JMO8778 said:
thx Charlie,that's interesting.I wonder if she got caught in the lights and garland while someone was carrying her to the basement?That would explain why some garland was found in her hair..maybe that's when she got the abrasions as well?

Perhaps once JB was dead the perp while thinking about his/her next move placed her on the stairs sittng up, with her back supported by the railings on the bottom steps. Her back would then be leaning against the dropping lights and her head dropped to the side against the lights also, hence the burns being in thier respective places. Also would explain the garland in her hair. Heres the pic again to visualise how she could have been sitting propped up against the stairs.

thx again Charlie.I have one more q,if you don't mind...I think JB also had the abrasions on one leg too..would that fit somehow with the way she could have been placed there?that does makes sense about the abrasions on her back and neck.
JMO8778 said:
thx again Charlie.I have one more q,if you don't mind...I think JB also had the abrasions on one leg too..would that fit somehow with the way she could have been placed there?that does makes sense about the abrasions on her back and neck.

I dont recall in the autopsy there being metion of any abrasion on her leg, are you suggesting perhaps that was something that was left out of the public domain to verify credible suspects?
Charlie said:
I dont recall in the autopsy there being metion of any abrasion on her leg, are you suggesting perhaps that was something that was left out of the public domain to verify credible suspects?
No,I was thinking I'd read she had 3 sets of abrasions in all.maybe I was wrong.
JMO8778 said:
I suspect if a scream was heard,it was PR.
I am with you JMO8778....if JB had screamed loud enough for the NEIGHBORS to hear...why the h*ll didn't her parents hear her?...They were in the SAME house...for crying out loud. I believe the scream was from Patsy, too. After she realized what she had done....and there was NO turning back.
Charlie said:
Perhaps once JB was dead the perp while thinking about his/her next move placed her on the stairs sittng up, with her back supported by the railings on the bottom steps. Her back would then be leaning against the dropping lights and her head dropped to the side against the lights also, hence the burns being in thier respective places. Also would explain the garland in her hair. Heres the pic again to visualise how she could have been sitting propped up against the stairs.

This makes sense...because I believe that the actual head blow and possibly the strangulation may have happened in either her room or her bathroom.
Ames said:
This makes sense...because I believe that the actual head blow and possibly the strangulation may have happened in either her room or her bathroom.

I agree Ames, what are your thoughts about the timeline concerning the head blow and strangulation?
Charlie said:
I agree Ames, what are your thoughts about the timeline concerning the head blow and strangulation?
Well, like I said...I do believe that they both probably happened either in her room, or the bathroom. My guess would be, the head blow came in the bathroom. I think that after the head blow, Patsy tried to revive an unconscious JB, by shaking her (JB's head had some bruising that would be consistant with someone shaking her...I believe this was done when Patsy was trying to revive her)...when she couldn't, I believe that Patsy screamed (the scream that the neighbors heard), and that is what woke John up (I don't believe that he was in on this, except for the coverup). John probably immediately came running, and he and Patsy tried desperately to revive JB...when they realized that they couldn't...and probably thought she was dead...then the process started for the coverup. I think possibly the head blow and the strangulation came within 15 - 20 minutes of each other...enough time for them to devise a quick plan. I think that its entirely possible for the head blow to have happened in her bathroom, and the strangulation to have happened in her bedroom...and THEN she was carried to the basement (possibly to keep Burke from seeing the body.) I believe it was then, that they composed the "War and Peace"....ransom letter. I do believe that they thought that she was dead after the head blow...because I am quite sure that Patsy heard the skull crack. And since neither Patsy or John, either one...are/were in the medical field...when JB slipped into unconsciousness, she probably had a faint heartbeat....one that they couldn't detect....I am sure that they didn't have a stethoscope. They probably felt for a pulse, and didn't feel one, and thought she was dead. So they devised a cover up plan to keep their butts outta jail. IMO
JMO8778 said:
No,I was thinking I'd read she had 3 sets of abrasions in all.maybe I was wrong.


There were 3 sets of "abrasions" on JonBenet. Each set had two tiny burn marks which some are calling abrasions because that's how the coroner described them in the autopsy report. However, he later agreed that the marks were also consistent with stun gun injuries The twin marks are about 1 3/8 inches apart, the same distance apart as the twin prongs on a Taser brand stun gun. One set of marks was on the right side of her face, near the ear. The second set was on the lower left side of her back. The third set was on the lower rear of the left leg, near the ankle.

The largest and ugliest mark was the one on JonBenet's face. The clearest set of marks was on her back. The smallest set was on her leg, which the coroner originally described as tiny scratches.


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