Found Deceased FL - Taylor Wright, 33, Pensacola, 8 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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Have you looked through the laptopa, or has LE done so, to search for clues as to where she might have gone?

Does she have a passport, and if so, did she take it with her?

I have not, but her girlfriend has. I believe PPD has done so as well.
respectfully snipped by me

So there is some basic trust left between you two?

You are high school sweethearts?

No, there is no trust remaining, but I am still 100% committed to maintaining my own moral and ethical principles regardless of what she does to me. This is a core component of my personal belief system: how we treat the people who have wronged us isn't a reflection of who they are; it's a reflection of who WE are.
So, it sounds like her behavior is irrational at times and that is why you have custody of your son? Why did she leave the police department and does she still have ties in the area?

I am asking because of the context she left in. Such as is this patterned behavior?

I think I mentioned this above, but she gave up custody when it became apparent that doing so was best for Drake. The court commended her courage in doing so, and I agree. As for her behavior: irrational isn't the right word. It makes sense to her, and it makes sense for her objectives. The problem is that her objectives are abnormal. Her priorities in life are pride, adulation from others, and vengeance on those she perceived have wronged her.

That said, I have received numerous emails and texts (past 2 years) from her that were clearly written in an altered state of mind. I don't want to go into details, again, for the sake of her privacy.

She left JPD twice. Both times were because she wanted to quit due to personality conflicts, or just not wanting to work the crazy hours anymore. She'll tell people it was because of family reasons but the dates don't match up. She didn't get pregnant with Drake until January '10 but resigned in fall of '09. We didn't have PCS orders until April of '14 but she resigned I think in September '13. Just like everything else with her stories - there's a convenient kernel of truth that she stretches to match the narrative she wishes were true.
No, there is no trust remaining, but I am still 100% committed to maintaining my own moral and ethical principles regardless of what she does to me. This is a core component of my personal belief system: how we treat the people who have wronged us isn't a reflection of who they are; it's a reflection of who WE are.

Thanks for filling us in on all this info, AbuDrake. I hope- especially for your sons sake- that she is ok and just taking a breather. Divorce and custody battles can bring out the worst in many people and stir up a lot of unpleasant emotions.

It does seem strange not to take her laptop or vehicle but maybe she did this spontaneously with someone's help? Do you know if she has notified her employer when she's left town in the past?
at one point, you loved and/or were in love with Taylor. Can you tell us about some of her genuine good qualities? What is her passion in life, what is she good at (positive things, not the manipulation, etc. you mentioned).

Obviously, we are hearing just one side and it might be good to have a glimpse into the positive things about this woman. I am getting the vibe that you are very angry but we never know what little clue might lead to resolution so if you can share anything else, please do.
That's a rather salacious leap of logic there, bud. The reason I haven't 'come forward with any public request' is twofold. #1 - news media generally doesn't need help getting attention when a pretty young white mother goes missing. #2 - For the first week and change, it seemed highly unlikely that this was anything but another stunt of hers.

According to her girlfriend, she left all of her belongings at the girlfriend's house - Taylor had only recently moved in with her, and most of her possessions were still in a moving truck in the driveway. The notable things she left behind were 2x laptops (unlocked, logged into her Gmail etc) and heirloom jewelry.

Correct: this was an unusually rancorous case. Taylor undertook a protracted campaign of harassment, extortion, and cyberstalking as part of her strategy for 'winning' the divorce case. It's difficult to overstate the degree of animosity she displayed - or the degree to which the conflict was a one-sided affray.

Can't hold someone accountable if they aren't in the courtroom to answer for it. And you can't seize money that's in dollar bills, stashed away somewhere.
(Logical response to my response: "What's she going to do? Stay gone forever?". Answer: Taylor has never thought like a chess player, thinking several moves ahead. She has always been able to manipulate her way out of whatever situation her penchant for deception gets her into. She doesn't have an answer yet - but is used to figuring it out on the fly, and probably figures that a solution will come up soon enough. While looking for that 'out', she has to protect what matters most in the short term: avoid conviction for contempt and protect the money. Staying 'missing' accomplishes both...buys her time to figure out a solution.)

EDIT: Why did she leave her household goods behind? #1 - she has nowhere else to put them. #2 - she doesn't have a long term plan. The laptops, however, are the ONLY reason my spidey senses are even a bit prickled from her disappearing. Taylor is quite paranoid about people having access to her phones and computers - she relies on keeping people from various parts of her life apart, lest they communicate and figure out that she's been deceiving them individually. If you are a GoT fan - she's like Littlefinger in that she sows discord between people to keep them isolated, and vulnerable to only her. So, leaving her laptops is quite out of character. But given her state of mind and other issues of late, it's quite possible that she simply overlooked that detail while focusing on the cash.

Jewelry's value depends on whom you ask. She'll say $30k+. Pawn shop says a fraction of that, according to reports I've gotten recently.

She was last seen leaving a friend's house in an Uber.

Good point. That detail isn't neat and tidy for me either. But here's my analysis: the ring and earrings were her mother's, and represented her family's era of being well-to-do. Taylor and I both were raised in households where our grandparents were very well to do, and we enjoyed upper-class lifestyles until we were middle school aged. Both of our families subsequently pissed the fortunes away, and Taylor and I bonded over the idea of rebuilding the time we were in our early 30s, we had half million in assets. Not bad for two government salaries. That's almost all gone now - consumed in the divorce. What Taylor has left is the cash, her car, and the ring. Her girlfriend relayed that she tried to sell it recently but what she was offered didn't come close to what she thought it was worth. Plus she knows that I'd never, ever try and take that from her no matter how much she owes me.

Further, I think that Taylor departed with the intention of coming back. I can't know what her actual thought process was, but it was probably something like "I'll just hang out in NOLA while Irma passes, and then come back and say I missed it due to the hurricane. In the meantime, I have to hide this money because the court will have it seized if I have it in a bank." So taking the ring with her on what she thought would be a quick trip wouldn't make sense...she probably figured it'd be safer at her girlfriend's house. The laptops, though? I don't get it. That's a huge misstep for Taylor.

No, there is no trust remaining, but I am still 100% committed to maintaining my own moral and ethical principles regardless of what she does to me. This is a core component of my personal belief system: how we treat the people who have wronged us isn't a reflection of who they are; it's a reflection of who WE are.

I think I mentioned this above, but she gave up custody when it became apparent that doing so was best for Drake. The court commended her courage in doing so, and I agree. As for her behavior: irrational isn't the right word. It makes sense to her, and it makes sense for her objectives. The problem is that her objectives are abnormal. Her priorities in life are pride, adulation from others, and vengeance on those she perceived have wronged her.

That said, I have received numerous emails and texts (past 2 years) from her that were clearly written in an altered state of mind. I don't want to go into details, again, for the sake of her privacy.

She left JPD twice. Both times were because she wanted to quit due to personality conflicts, or just not wanting to work the crazy hours anymore. She'll tell people it was because of family reasons but the dates don't match up. She didn't get pregnant with Drake until January '10 but resigned in fall of '09. We didn't have PCS orders until April of '14 but she resigned I think in September '13. Just like everything else with her stories - there's a convenient kernel of truth that she stretches to match the narrative she wishes were true.

Thanks for your input, AbuDrake.
After reading everything, I'm hopefully she has just taken off. I know we have seen so many of these cases and almost always ends badly but I have a feeling she's ok.
seems the potential is great for her to have stumbled into someone's business who didn't want their business known
i cant imagine a PI ex law enforcement officer taking off and not letting someone know. no way no how.

either something happened to her or she went off the grid as to not ne found.
something is going on here abd maybe LE is privy to it.
bumping for Taylor. Whether she took off on her own or not, may a resolution for all come soon and, in the event she took off and needed to get away, that she is able to get whatever help she may need to go on.
Hi Everyone,

AbuDrake is now a verified insider in Taylor's case.

Please continue to treat AbuDrake with respect.

Remember AbuDrake does not need to provide links to his posts and it's up to you whether to believe what AbuDrake posts or not.

Thank you
Welcome AbuDrake! Hopefully you can provide some more insight into this case.
I have a very bad feeling about the outcome of Taylor's case. (However, this is just my opinion, of course.)
AbuDrake, let me begin by apologizing. I am so happy that you have come forward. This relieves my suspicious mind about the "ex-husband." Welcome to the Websleuths forum. We hope to provide support to you, as I realize that your have a sincere interest in Taylor's well-being.
Welcome AbuDrake! Hopefully you can provide some more insight into this case.

She left those laptops for a purpose. What is found on there was probably left to deliberately mislead anyone looking.

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Can you tell us about some of her genuine good qualities? What is her passion in life, what is she good at (positive things, not the manipulation, etc. you mentioned).

Obviously, we are hearing just one side and it might be good to have a glimpse into the positive things about this woman. I am getting the vibe that you are very angry but we never know what little clue might lead to resolution so if you can share anything else, please do.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide some balance. The most frustrating thing about Taylor's actions of the past few years has been the fact that they stand in such stark contrast to other parts of her personality. She has so much potential - that's what kept me with her for so long. I was hoping that by trying to help feed her good wolf, it would defeat the other one. I'd like to think it's still in there, and can still come back.

Taylor is one of the most highly socially intelligent people I've ever met. She has an amazing knack for knowing what people want, and providing it. If she were a D&D Character, she would have a "first strike" charisma score of 18 that's pretty damn hard to roll against. As such, she is an incredible salesman, negotiator, interrogator, and "Good Time Charlie." Her passions in life are connected to this: she wants happy, positive social energy. She wants validation, adulation, and attention. This made her a great cop: she genuinely wanted to help people, and was effective at both doing good as a protector, and busting bad guys as an investigator. She was selected for a self-directed street crimes unit over much more senior officers because of her drive and ability to drum up information and cooperation where others could not.

She is extroverted and genuinely interested in other people. She is quick to give gifts, attention, sympathy, compassion, and to form exceptionally tight bonds with people after knowing them for a short while.
AbuDrake, let me begin by apologizing. I am so happy that you have come forward. This relieves my suspicious mind about the "ex-husband." Welcome to the Websleuths forum. We hope to provide support to you, as I realize that your have a sincere interest in Taylor's well-being.

No worries - I understand completely. It is totally reasonable to have suspicions about an ex-spouse under any condition, especially in my profession.
Thanks for filling us in on all this info, AbuDrake. I hope- especially for your sons sake- that she is ok and just taking a breather. Divorce and custody battles can bring out the worst in many people and stir up a lot of unpleasant emotions.

It does seem strange not to take her laptop or vehicle but maybe she did this spontaneously with someone's help? Do you know if she has notified her employer when she's left town in the past?

She is very secretive about her work, and who she works for. As the divorce case documents note, she didn't disclose employment records as ordered, had large amounts of unexplained income, hidden bank accounts, and was deceptive and evasive about where the money came from. I don't even know who she works for or what she does, other than apparently part-time employment doing PI work.

I hope she's OK too. I don't trust anyone's intuition, my own included...but my gut feeling is that nothing bad has happened to her. I just hope that she accepts that continuing to run and try to avoid the legal consequences of her actions isn't going to improve her position. If you are reading this, Taylor, please just stop trying to avoid the inevitable! When we do the wrong thing on purpose, we have to Pay The Man. That's just how it works. You've got a karma debt built up for sure, but it's not too late to start doing the right thing. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago...the second best time is today.
Abudrake. earlier you had mentioned NOLA. Is that somewhere that Taylor would likely go? Is that her favorite place for comfort? Does she have friends there?
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