50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #2

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I think it is important to make sure that we have reasonable information that points to a match and that no facts about the case conflict and rule out a potential match before we send it to LE. LE will take us more seriously if we do this and are more likely to check out leads/tips we send to them if we do quality research and catch the, "rule outs" ourselves.

Perhaps if any of us think we have found a match it can be posted here or any forum that is researching a particular case first. We can each dissect all of the information to both find anything that would rule out a match and search for as much info on the possible match as possible. Then we can be reasonably assured that there is still a potential match. This way we have done our jobs thoroughly, and LE will be more likely to listen to what we have to say in this case and in future cases.

The dates for Hurricane Charley versus the date Benjaman was found do match. But, with all that could have happened and that we have no info leading us to believe he was a victim of that storm we need to do more research before turning in his name. For example, we need to research if there are still any missing or even at this point declared dead believed to have vanished/perished in Hurricane Charley who fit Benjaman's description. If so, them we might possibly have something.

I'd like to add this man to the mix of possibles for BK. He was in the Army and would probably have his fingerprints on file with the military but I think he is still a possible (though probably not)

Here is a post from the web:

My Brother "Bill Beck" (29 November 1941) Is Missing

If anyone knows of a man by the name of Bill Beck (or some version there of) who was born on or around 29 Nov 1941 - please contact me. He is originally from Minnesota but moved to Las Vegas in his late teens or early 20's.

He is a chef/cook & worked in the 70's & 80's at "The Peppermill" in Las Vegas. He is one of those people who you'd likely remember if you ever met him. I have searched for a long time for him. No one in our family has talked to him in at least 10 - 15 years - perhaps longer.

I am the youngest of 10 children & he is the eldest. His childhood was not pleasant & he seems to have gladly left us behind. I have only met him maybe 2 or 3 times in my life. As I said, he is memorable - but not necessarily in a pleasant way.

He is my brother & I want to know him (good, bad, & the ugly) & I want for him to know that he is loved, missed, & thought of always.

I've spoken to folks who have known him & all seem to agree that he isn't the nicest person in the world. He can be very harsh & is clearly filled with anger. He is not necessarily well acquainted with the truth - and is pretty talented at colouring it to his advantage. He's a fast / slick talker. In fact, word has it that he is filled with colourful tall tales of his life & experiences.

He seems to somehow have a way with women - in spite of himself, it seems. He tells it the way he sees it & feels no need to spare your feelings.

He is rumoured to have possibly lived in other parts of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, & maybe Idaho. But the truth is that I have no earthly idea what is true & whether he is even still alive. He is nearly impossible to track - as I believe he is possibly using either alias' and/or alternate social security numbers. Again, rumour has it that he may not be all that well acquainted with honesty or tax paying either... lol.

He is a veteran - served in the Army, so at this point in his life he should be utilizing VA Services - but I haven't been able to track him that way either. While he is old enough to be collecting SS benefits - there seems to be no record of him using the SS # we know he has.

If anyone knows of him, his where-a-bouts, or (God forbid) the where-a-bouts of his remains - I'd be very grateful for your help.

He has been married two times to my knowledge. His first wife, Sharon, is remarried & I have spoken to her recently. His second wife, Sherry, passed away several years ago in Las Vegas. He has a son, Sonny (his nickname) who is also a cook/chef & still lives in the Las Vegas area. His 'step' daughter passed away shortly after her mother passed & his 'step' son, Shane, I know nearly nothing about. He is, again rumoured, to have possibly had other children - but no one really knows. His son has not heard from him in as many years as we have & knows little of him to begin with (I tracked him down through my research).

When his son last saw him he was wearing a Star of David around his neck & apparently alluded to some sort of religious conversion - but, I don't know that this is true (and given my family of origin, highly unlikely, but not impossible, of course)

Here's the last photo I have of him from the last time I saw him in 1985:

Hi RKnowley. I think there are possible similarities comparing histories (Bill lived at one point in Colorado, and he was a chef, etc..), but I think the nose and facial expression is off. Also, Bill would be about 67 years old today, and I think Benjaman may be younger. He was in the military so he should have finger prints on file, so the FBI/LE would probably have made a match early on as you already thought of.

I wonder if Bill is listed anywhere else where there is a physical description of him. I will research that now, but I don't think this is him. But, we must check out every possible match, and I am glad that you found this. This is just my opnion, and someone else's opnion may differ. Someone else may see something that I don't see.

I googled Bill Beck, William Beck, Bill J. Beck, William J. Beck, Bill James Beck, and William James Beck. I pulled up the article from the city-data forum (where I learned his middle name might be James), and I found nothing else on him.

So now what? I am not even sure he read my letter. I can't imagine no response, not even a thanks but no thanks.

I would like to continue the search and if find any promising leads just work with LE and FBI.

I feel stuck, not sure if our help is even wanted.

Does he want to be indentified?

This is a very unique situation for us....we have a 'live' person here...and he/his advocates aren't cooperating. Now what?
I am glad you are finally coming around on this case tho...and thinking more objectively.

:waitasec: From early on, I wondered if this wasn't some psychological experiment or a hoax. It still could be either one of those...or something totally off the wall. However, I don't believe his story anymore. Nothing I have seen on the subject of Amnesia or Disassociative Fague is descriptive of his case. :snooty:

You guys have been working diligently and I must say I am very proud of all of you, especially Gina and Christine with all you both do in other areas too. :clap: Let me say, "Thank you for caring!". Someone needed to say it!! :blowkiss:

Yeah in the beginning, I was so excited to help out on this case no matter how much or little to help find his identity. I quickly got a strange feeling from the case and decided to bow out early on unless I seen that he himself was coming here or the nurse was visiting more regularly and helping out.

These cases take a ton of time, and after spending months on a case only to find out they don't seem to want to know who they are anyways, is very frustrating. I won't spend anymore time on this case until they seem to be interested in finding out who he is as well.

I am sorry it turned out like this but it really does make you question, who he was or what type of person he was and if he already knows.

So at this point do we have to question if he doesnt want to know who he is, then is it already someone we suggested?????

It is my understanding after listening to and reading media reports that Benjaman was found naked, sunburned, covered in fire ant bites and blind. It is also my understanding that the cataracts causing his blindness developed over a very short period of time and likely formed when he was laying face up in the sun with his eyes open for many hours after being unconscious. What's more is that I was under the impression that he may have been laying there as a result of head injuries, and that there was physical evidence of head injuries.

There are cases where a person intentionally injured themselves to wrongly gain something in some shady way (an alibi that someone else attacked killed someone, so they injured themselves to take the focus off them, or to gain insurance money or fame and money with some twisted scheme). But, I have never known anyone to hurt themselves in a vital area such as the eyes or head. So, if what I believe is true, that the injuries to Benjaman I described are accurate, I believe it is possible that Benjaman's story may be legitimate.

I cannot explain what has happened with nurse Betty, and I have never spoken with her. But, I am still open-minded concerning Benjaman's case. I have a hard time believing that anyone would lay in the sun, naked, allow themselves to be ravaged by fire ants, allow themselves to be bashed in the head, and lay there in pain as they go blind from the sun--if it all happened this way.

It is my understanding after listening to and reading media reports that Benjaman was found naked, sunburned, covered in fire ant bites and blind. It is also my understanding that the cataracts causing his blindness developed over a very short period of time and likely formed when he was laying face up in the sun with his eyes open for many hours after being unconscious. What's more is that I was under the impression that he may have been laying there as a result of head injuries, and that there was physical evidence of head injuries.

There are cases where a person intentionally injured themselves to wrongly gain something in some shady way (an alibi that someone else attacked killed someone, so they injured themselves to take the focus off them, or to gain insurance money or fame and money with some twisted scheme). But, I have never known anyone to hurt themselves in a vital area such as the eyes or head. So, if what I believe is true, that the injuries to Benjaman I described are accurate, I believe it is possible that Benjaman's story may be legitimate.

I cannot explain what has happened with nurse Betty, and I have never spoken with her. But, I am still open-minded concerning Benjaman's case. I have a hard time believing that anyone would lay in the sun, naked, allow themselves to be ravaged by fire ants, allow themselves to be bashed in the head, and lay there in pain as they go blind from the sun--if it all happened this way.


I agree with you. I believe the story.

Nurse Betty may be just like us trying to help. Just because her and I butt heads and I didn't think she was handling this case correctly doesn't mean she is a horrible, lying, out to get $$ person. I do not know. Someone came to me for help, (or maybe I pm'd her when posting, not even sure now), we started to develope a friendship. I thought her meeting this man a few months ago and taking this on was incredible and I just wanted to help him and her really. But as things progressed walls went up. Things were said that made me uncomfy...ugh. No sense in rehashing. But, truth is, I don't know, we don't know.. what anyone's motives are here. (except maybe our own) Maybe they do think us sleuthers are all nuts and LE has told them to stay away from us. Who knows. None of it makes a lick a sense to me as I sit here and think about all of this.

I do believe the story.

I think he wants to be found. (?)

I want to figure out this mystery and would like to continue investigating it.

This is not a hobby for me, this is all very real. I have familes I am working with that are bending over backwards to work with us and also get involved with helping other cases (had 2 families of missing travel to another vigil here to support the other family they had never met)...I think after the holidays I am going to need to spend energy on ones that want our help, are seeking our help and are thankful and contributing. They, Mr. Kyle and NB, know how to 'reach us'.
Just popping in. Lion, I do believe that he was injured by outsiders, not intentionally by himself. But as Christine has been saying, something is hinky with nursy. I don't know. Maybe she has something to gain some how. Money, fame, attention as has already been said. Maybe she loves him and doesn't want to find out he has a wife. Maybe he did find out his identity and isn't happy about it as someone else has said. Do we even know that he still has amnesia? I hate to think that all of your work has been for nothing. You guys are great.
I hate to say I told you so....so I won't. :slap: I am glad you are finally coming around on this case tho...and thinking more objectively.

"Does he honestly NEED to be identified?" is probably more the question, Christine. :bang:

:waitasec: From early on, I wondered if this wasn't some psychological experiment or a hoax. It still could be either one of those...or something totally off the wall. However, I don't believe his story anymore. Nothing I have seen on the subject of Amnesia or Disassociative Fague is descriptive of his case. :snooty:

I think it is absolutely cruel of these people to take advantage of loving, kind people who want nothing more than to help others. :furious: You guys have worked so many hours (as did I in the beginning) and these people haven't given anyone here even a heartfelt thank you! Seriously, BK should have been working with us on here from day one minus this go-between nurse person. This should have been our first clue and it was one that gave me great pause. I wrote many posts which I deleted where I chastised either the nurse or BK. :snooty:

You guys have been working diligently and I must say I am very proud of all of you, especially Gina and Christine with all you both do in other areas too. :clap: Let me say, "Thank you for caring!". Someone needed to say it!! :blowkiss:


I second this. I too was very cautious from the get go. I felt that no one really wanted to hear the reality I was trying to have others see. I chose to back off and hope that I was wrong. I fear now that I like SS we were correct in our original thoughts.

That being said I too want to thank all of you for your compete and utter devotion to each and every case that comes your way. I think your dedication and heartfelt applications are both inspiring and redeeming. I sincerely hope that you continue doing the good that you do regardless of how this case eventually turns out. Next time something like this comes around we will all be versed in how to proceed. We will be more efficient and organized. We will travel the paths we have already laid. Once again you are all an inspiration to many people. :clap:
Christine, thank you for clarifying that you still believe that Benjaman's story might be true. We may not understand fully why things have turned out the way that they did. But, we don't have facts to support that either person is a fraud. Nurse Betty backed off and there were some problems. There are some things that I don't understand. But, until I have more facts to suggest fraud, I am open minded, and I will be careful not to accuse or insinuate fraud or dishonesty.

I am cautious because I don't know nurse Betty or Benjaman, but I don't have blinders on. My motive here is to help find Benjaman's previous identity, and if for any reason he doesn't want our help that is okay with me. In media reports it seemed he wanted to learn his identity. If for some reason he and/or nurse Betty has become soured towards ws, I accept that, too.

BeavisMom, unfortunately, there is always that possibility. But, at this point there are other possible explanations as to why nurse Betty backed off. I am interested in helping to find Benjaman's identity, and I can search for possible matches and submit them directly to agencies--if I find any. I don't care if Benjaman appreciates anything I do. If he succeeds in finding out who he used to be that is all that matters.

Christine, thank you for clarifying that you still believe that Benjaman's story might be true. We may not understand fully why things have turned out the way that they did. But, we don't have facts to support that either person is a fraud. Nurse Betty backed off and there were some problems. There are some things that I don't understand. But, until I have more facts to suggest fraud, I am open minded, and I will be careful not to accuse or insinuate fraud or dishonesty.

I am cautious because I don't know nurse Betty or Benjaman, but I don't have blinders on. My motive here is to help find Benjaman's previous identity, and if for any reason he doesn't want our help that is okay with me. In media reports it seemed he wanted to learn his identity. If for some reason he and/or nurse Betty has become soured towards ws, I accept that, too.


My dearest Lion I don't think anyone is suggesting flat out fraud. I at least think there is more to this story than what we are being let in on. I just don't want anyone to get hurt over this. Keep working on this, if it is BK that needs the help and NB who is preventing it, it will be so much more important to keep plugging away. I cant ignore my gut feeling on this, but I do not wish in hinder others progress on this case. This is one situation where I would love to be wrong.
I toned down my post, but my feelings about it aren't going to change. : ) I still think there is more to this that will eventually come out and you will find out the reasons why BK never posted here or became active in the search for his identity. There is just something wrong here.
I toned down my post, but my feelings about it aren't going to change. : ) I still think there is more to this that will eventually come out and you will find out the reasons why BK never posted here or became active in the search for his identity. There is just something wrong here.

Yep - another lurker here who has been hesitant to get involved due to the "hinky meter" going off. Not about the entire story, but about how things are being handled.

As a nurse, I see some professional boundary issues with what Nurse Betty is doing. I'm not exactly clear on their relationship, but something is just...off.
I toned down my post, but my feelings about it aren't going to change. : ) I still think there is more to this that will eventually come out and you will find out the reasons why BK never posted here or became active in the search for his identity. There is just something wrong here.

I'm agreeing with SS on this point - I don't think his story is necessarily fabricated, however something is still off for me. Perhaps he remembers more than he's letting on, or maybe it's just the vibes I get from the nurse, but either way I don't think they (BK and the nurse) are being completely transparent, and it doesn't make sense to me. At first I was very eager to search where I could to try to help this man find his identity. But there was never a response to my (or many of your) searching efforts, so I gave up.

If I was in his shoes I would want to do everything possible to figure out who I am. I'm not passing judgment on how they're handling the situation, but for myself I am choosing to walk away from this one. If you're still searching on behalf of BK I wish you the very best in your efforts - not many would exert such a great effort as you have! :clap:
I'm agreeing with SS on this point - I don't think his story is necessarily fabricated, however something is still off for me. Perhaps he remembers more than he's letting on, or maybe it's just the vibes I get from the nurse, but either way I don't think they (BK and the nurse) are being completely transparent, and it doesn't make sense to me. At first I was very eager to search where I could to try to help this man find his identity. But there was never a response to my (or many of your) searching efforts, so I gave up.

If I was in his shoes I would want to do everything possible to figure out who I am. I'm not passing judgment on how they're handling the situation, but for myself I am choosing to walk away from this one. If you're still searching on behalf of BK I wish you the very best in your efforts - not many would exert such a great effort as you have! :clap:

Do you think that maybe this whole this is the real deal... BUT after going public, BK remembered who he was and it wasn't a nice memory. And he probably told the nurse. And maybe that's why she backed off too.

Maybe with all the trying to find out who he was has triggered things that are unpleasant.

I do hope that we find the answers someday. I'm really curious as to who he is.
Hi believe:blowkiss:. I hope your holidays were lovely! I don't think that either Timothy or Paul are Benjaman. The description is off for each, and I don't think the facial structure for either man is similar enough for tit to be Benjaman. But, this is only my opinion. As always another might see something that I don't.

thank you, Lion-:blowkiss: As always I appreciate your opinion! I hope your holiday was extra fabulous!
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