SC SC - John, 47, & Elizabeth Calvert, 45, Hilton Head, 3 March 2008

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Sleeping in the tub is something a husband does who has been evicted from the bedroom, with no couch available. Unless this man was so neat and so concerned for the apartment that he wanted as little mess as possible.....but then would a man that neat, that concerned for others things..would he be able to swindle and kill another couple, as well as himself? My answer is no indeed he would not.

So I say that not only were the couple being set up but so was he because he knew what was going on and who else was involved.
SS, I agree, it really does sound like torture. I can't see a man like this, who has been depicted as somewhat "refined" and enjoying the finer things of life, would do this. Way too bloody. And he's walking around leaving bloody footprints.

I have to say, I cut my ankle once, really badly, and the blood was spirting out, and I almost passed out just from seeing my own blood (lots of it). I can't imagine how this guy would be trying to mortally wound himself and be walking around in his own blood. And did he start out in the bathtub and then get out, or was he walking around stabbing himself and then finally get into the tub?

One thing that always struck me as odd. When Greta did her show the night this guy was found, she was allowed into the bathroom and she even commented on how perfectly cleaned up it was, not a speck of blood anywhere. That's why I think it was reported that he had hung himself. It was a really short time from crime scene clean up to letting the media in to see a perfectly clean condo. That's always bugged me.
Gosh, earlier I thought it doubtful that this 5ft.8in. accountant single handedly overtook the couple while they were watching TV on their yacht and disposed of their bodies in a landfill or anywhere else.

Now, it sounds like he didn't even have a gun!

How did he do it? Stab them all over their bodies with a steak knife?

We didn't hear about a bloody murder scene did we?
Gosh, earlier I thought it doubtful that this 5ft.8in. accountant single handedly overtook the couple while they were watching TV on their yacht and disposed of their bodies in a landfill or anywhere else.

Now, it sounds like he didn't even have a gun!

How did he do it? Stab them all over their bodies with a steak knife?

We didn't hear about a bloody murder scene did we?

I think that their accountant is as much of a vic as they are. I still think that the unknown in this is a women. The crime scene in the rented apartment screams female.
DD, that's what I've thinking the scene cries, "female". It could also mean he had female tendencies that nobody really knew about....
DD, that's what I've thinking the scene cries, "female". It could also mean he had female tendencies that nobody really knew about....

After all he was an accountant! I keep thinking that he knew how much blood would be involved and how much easier it would be to clean in the tub vs. ruining a mattress or flooring. If he had bruising on his body from someone else forcing him I would take another look at murder. The autopsy wasn't printed but any ME would note defensive bruises vs. footsteps from the sink to the tub.No one would allow someone else to stab them repeatedly without a defensive posture as it is second nature to protest such. He would have some defensive cuts to his hands for instance.

Nope, I think he did this to himself.
Unless he was osso out of it from the wine and drugs that he couldn't be very effective defending himself. Maybe the perp, who was known to him as an friend, waited until the wine and drugs took affect. Put him in the tub ..suggesting it was his bed and went to town on him. He would have been too far gone at that point, especcially if he was already sleeping, to put up much of a backlash. He would have simply been prey at that point.
After all he was an accountant! I keep thinking that he knew how much blood would be involved and how much easier it would be to clean in the tub vs. ruining a mattress or flooring. If he had bruising on his body from someone else forcing him I would take another look at murder. The autopsy wasn't printed but any ME would note defensive bruises vs. footsteps from the sink to the tub.No one would allow someone else to stab them repeatedly without a defensive posture as it is second nature to protest such. He would have some defensive cuts to his hands for instance.

Nope, I think he did this to himself.
There was a wound to the back of his wrist and the front. Neither were deep enough to kill him, but who is to say that they were not defensive wounds while someone was trying to cut him elsewhere? If he were drugged before then...he may not have been able to defend himself. If someone is holding a gun on aren't going to show signs of bruising.
Thank you for the articles from the Island Packet.

I am curious as to if he is righthanded had did he end up with a cut between his thumb and first finger on his right hand. Also if you are righthanded wouldn't you cut yuor left thigh and left calve instead of your right?

I really wish we knew what was in the suicide notes.
Thank you for the articles from the Island Packet.

I am curious as to if he is righthanded had did he end up with a cut between his thumb and first finger on his right hand. Also if you are righthanded wouldn't you cut yuor left thigh and left calve instead of your right?

I really wish we knew what was in the suicide notes.

I just think with the amount of blood being described that if someone had done this to him they would be covered in blood as well. There would be bloody footprints leading out of the bathroom and would be on carpeting in the bedroom too. Even if they took a shower you can bet LE thought of that and checked the drains and they would still have to walk out of the bathroom. With that kind of carnage anyone leaving the area would leave blood somewhere else in the unit on the way out.

With all of that said they may be others involved with the disappearance of the Calverts. But, I think Gerwing did this to himself.
I was just about to post exactly what dd said.......I want to know how there was a small cut on the web of his right hand, there were cuts on the right and left side of his body, I am right handed and it seems he would have cut himself on his left leg. Also if he was holding the knife with the right hand then if the knife slid out of his hand it still wouldnt cut the web of the right hand......

All very confusing.....
Thanks, Royalpurple!! Wow! What a read!!

The firefighters did not break down the front door as I thought. Four men met at the condo, Mark King, Bob Long, Peter Strauss, and Daniel Saxon and tried to open the front door with a key then because the deadbolt was locked from the interior, they kicked in the front door.

So these four men had access to the apartment long before they called in the authorities. Interesting. There were 12 hours from the time of death until authorities arrived.

Another thing I noted was the 7-day pill container was on the bathroom sink with only Monday's gone. There was no empty pill bottle mentioned in the intial report at least. OK this was brought up in a subsequent report when they were doing the photographs.
7 day pill container. I am trying to think what that could be. First, I am thinking some kind of antibiotic or predisone is given in packets. Maybe someone else knows of other drugs that would be in a packet. If he wasn't sure of suicide yet maybe he went ahead and took the dosage he was suppose to have and then decided to commit suicide. Or he was a creature of habit and routinely took his meds as prescribed with no thought that he wouldn't be needing them.

This is a very confusing case.
I thought they meant a pill container that you purchase with each day of the week having it's own smaller compartment. Many people that take vitamins and meds use these so their pills are sorted out for daily use. Especially when they travel..and he was away from home.

The documents said that one of the man had a pass key because the Club Group owned the property. Right there my hinky meter goes off. He couldn't gain access because the security bolt was engaged from the inside. The sliding door also had an inside only lock engaged. So does this mean there was no way someone could have exited the apartment..due to specific locks being engaged? I have to think about this before I can completely accept that.

Also why have they not released the contents of the note and the fitted bedsheet that he wrote on prior to his death?

An empty pill container was found in the bedroom nightstand I think..wasn't there also one in the living room..good grief after that and some wine why would he have to cut himself at all.
It was a 7-day pill caddy like you described DD. Only one empty pill bottle was found either near or in his dop kit on the bathroom sink. Evidently, the top to this was found in the living room. (Out of place. Should have been with the pill bottle or visa versa.)

It was stated by Saxon he had been trying to get ahold of him for "several days". He also said Gerwing was the "occupant" at that address indicating to me Gerwing had been there for those days. There was yogurt and something else in the fridge then the bottled water and the wine. A fork and plate were in the sink in the kitchen to indicate he had eaten. (If he was such a "neat freak" why didn't he put them in the dishwasher?! He was so careful about everything else. This is out of place.)

The time of death was between 5 am and 9 am so where did they figure the 12 hours from? Didn't they find the body early afternoon?

It would appear that he had eaten probably the night prior and most likely would be when he consumed the wine. Evidently, he was drinking water after that as indicated by the water bottle in the bathroom and bedroom.
And why would he use his left hand to cut himself if he were right handed?!?! This makes no sense at all!

Where did you see where there were cuts on his right hand, DD?
I found that in the attachment labeled #2 is on the second page of that attachment. The person writing it is talking about wounds they observed.
I haven't followed this case completely but I am getting more and more interested in it.....A couple of questions....

Has there been any evidence that the couple is not alive?

Could he possibly have been trying to keep them from getting harmed and told them what someone/accomplice was planning to do to them and told them to get away from there and not contact anyone for a while?

Could the couple not be victims in this case??

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