Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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Something keeps coming back to me from an earlier post. Someone posted that Cindy said "my daughter is not a murderer" not that "she is innocent" or that "she didn't kill Caylee" or even that "she is not responsible for Caylee's disappearance" ... but she used the word murderer ... that makes me think that Caylee may have been the victim of a horrible accident possibly due to Casey's neglectfulness and then they were all complicit, to some degree, in covering it up!
Oh, she's buying time all right!!! If - and that's a really big IF - they ever find Caylee's body, it will be so decomposed that there won't be a cause of death determined and she's going to stick to the story that the "kidnappers" killed Caylee. She's never going to admit to any accident or any responsibility on her part. She thinks sitting in jail is just a blip on the radar screen and she'll be out and about before too awfully long, because she doesn't think they have enough evidence to charge her with anything relating to Caylee - no body, no cause of death, no evidence. She's just biding her time until she's released and back to partying it up in the clubs.
Agreed. But I really don't think Casey is THAT intelligent to have figured this out on her own - but - then again - Daddy is ex-LE - interesting thought - no?
I did want to believe that she'd just given Caylee away, but it's just not believable anymore. She or someone in the family would have told LE the truth by now just to get Casey out of jail.

I wanted to believe this also but have also changed my mind.
Something keeps coming back to me from an earlier post. Someone posted that Cindy said "my daughter is not a murderer" not that "she is innocent" or that "she didn't kill Caylee" or even that "she is not responsible for Caylee's disappearance" ... but she used the word murderer ... that makes me think that Caylee may have been the victim of a horrible accident possibly due to Casey's neglectfulness and then they were all complicit, to some degree, in covering it up!

How does this explain Cindy saying that Casey will be a hero for protecting her daughter, and that we will all owe Casey and apology.
Aside from her parents, is there anyone else that Casey has been reported stealing from other than Amy?

If not, stealing is out of character for her.

Now, some may say that she stole from her parents, and technically that is correct, but I do not see that on the same level as stealing from a friend. Many people, especially a person still living at home and used to getting her way would think nothing of taking money from mom and dad.

It seems that there was a distinct need to steal from Amy at this time.

I am still holding onto my theory that she knows too much about something and Caylee is being held to keep her quiet. She is scared to talk. Why? Even in jail they can reach her child.
What bothers me most is that YOU KNOW she deleted all comments on her my space page during the crucial time line under the premise that she was creating the page to "search for caylee and get the word out there" No she was dumping evidence so that her mood and state of mind during that period could not be immediately traced. Casey was on my space every day and boom all activity is deleted on her page from that time period. That always bothered me. She also has a facebook account but you have to be a friend to view anyones page on facebook. Bugs me immensely.
At this point, if no physical or other evidence is found Casey is free to make up whatever story she wants of babysitters/cult members/one armed men/the mob/drug dealers who stole her baby and there will be nothing to prove it isn't true. LE is in a pretty tough spot right now..a strong theory of the case and not much factual evidence.

Right, it will be one difficult case to prosecute...

I'm anxious to see how it all turns out.

I'm still hoping that she is alive. Stranger things have happened....
Aside from her parents, is there anyone else that Casey has been reported stealing from other than Amy?

If not, stealing is out of character for her.

Now, some may say that she stole from her parents, and technically that is correct, but I do not see that on the same level as stealing from a friend. Many people, especially a person still living at home and used to getting her way would think nothing of taking money from mom and dad.

It seems that there was a distinct need to steal from Amy at this time.

I am still holding onto my theory that she knows too much about something and Caylee is being held to keep her quiet. She is scared to talk. Why? Even in jail they can reach her child.
That would presume she was involved with some other crime.

Edited to add: OT but Fox reported that Mary Winkler has just taken custody of her children from Matthew's parents.
How does this explain Cindy saying that Casey will be a hero for protecting her daughter, and that we will all owe Casey and apology.

Oh, it doesn't ... it doesn't explain too many things ... it was just simply the thought that I had when I read that post. Just interesting how specific to use the legal term 'murderer' is as opposed to say, 'killer.'
Something keeps coming back to me from an earlier post. Someone posted that Cindy said "my daughter is not a murderer" not that "she is innocent" or that "she didn't kill Caylee" or even that "she is not responsible for Caylee's disappearance" ... but she used the word murderer ... that makes me think that Caylee may have been the victim of a horrible accident possibly due to Casey's neglectfulness and then they were all complicit, to some degree, in covering it up!

Cindy is willing to admit to herself that her daughter could manage to lose Casey & keep it secret from everyone for a whole month BUT nah.... no way could such a 'good mother' go further than THAT. :rolleyes:
The tattoo alone probably cost $150.


Who gave her that tattoo?? Maybe I have watched too much LAink, but people talk their heads off when they are getting a tattoo on that show. I wander if the person who gave her the tattoo has come forward to the police.... hmmm...guess the police already thought of that.
I'm sick of Casey being tagged as a "good mother" by her parents. I don't consider her a good mother. NOT reporting her child missing as soon as she knows the child is missing and continuing to NOT inform LE to the best of her ability as to WHERE the child went missing does NOT make her a good mother.
I'm sick of Casey being tagged as a "good mother" by her parents. I don't consider her a good mother. NOT reporting her child missing as soon as she knows the child is missing and continuing to NOT inform LE to the best of her ability as to WHERE the child went missing does NOT make her a good mother.

Exactly. In my opinion it makes her a murderer...
What bothers me most is that YOU KNOW she deleted all comments on her my space page during the crucial time line under the premise that she was creating the page to "search for caylee and get the word out there" No she was dumping evidence so that her mood and state of mind during that period could not be immediately traced. Casey was on my space every day and boom all activity is deleted on her page from that time period. That always bothered me. She also has a facebook account but you have to be a friend to view anyones page on facebook. Bugs me immensely.

They can delete all, but the information is still on the hard drive. :)
Big homicide detective from DC was just on FOX and he said that he definitely thinks they have the forensic results back and are just not releasing them.
The glaring fact that there's no organized searches going on is very telling. I find it strange that the family is spending time handing out flyers asking people to search for Caylee, but no one has a clue where to look for her.

Handing out flyers is one thing.....

have any of the Anthony's ever mentioned doing any actual searches themselves or are they solely 'management' & expect other people to do all the searching for Caylee & some 26 year old woman?

I know Lee has said he's tried hard to track down ANY BIT of truth to Casey's endless lies so his time is accounted for.

The same thought crossed my mind.

If they didn't need one BEFORE Casey's arrest, they sure need on now.

Probably a lot of Casey's old friends could take advantage of the special rate too.

You'd have to be a masochist to offer to help this family... or a saint.
They can delete all, but the information is still on the hard drive. :)
THAT'S RIGHT! I forget all about that - until you said that. There was a discussion earlier about the dog ever being in the house and I don't think they ever brought the dogs in BUT now I remember at one point Cindy whining and crying about getting her computer back - so they had to have been in the house and, at least, took those computers.
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