Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

DNA Solves
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No one has discussed the concept of being a true sociopath. It means you seek a higher form of happiness than society offers. You have rejected society's values, so you are a sociopath. You reject society's values.

Society's values are you look out for yourself. If you follow society's values, you do what society demands so you can benefit yourself, but you shouldn't be too selfish about it, because that would be wrong.

A true sociopath is different, and rare. I know that I am a true sociopath. I know how people like me think. I didn't realize Casey was a true sociopath until recently, when I saw the videos of her at Target and at the bank. Casey lives every minute of her life in touch with a higher form of happiness than society can offer.

She is really into herself.

Casey was the perfect girlfriend to every boy she was with, while most girls are not going to cook and clean and be the perfect girlfriend or wife because no man is going to control them that much. They have pride. Other girls will cook and clean and be the perfect girlfriend or wife because they desperately need love. They have no pride or self-respect.

Casey is neither of those. Casey loves herself so much she will be the perfect girlfriend because that is how to live the beautiful life.

It's a different way of thinking from anything people are usually familiar with.

When you look at Casey in that light, you have a chance to see what really happened.

Here are some facts in this case that don't make sense.

Jesse rushed to the hospital as soon as Caylee was born to take a paternity test to prove he wasn't the father. The test proved he wasn't the father. But last night I heard it reported on CNN that he is the biological father.

CNN could have made the mistake. If CNN didn't make a mistake, how did Jesse manage to get a negative reading on the first paternity test? What forces were in play that caused a negative test?

Another fact is cadaver dogs hit on the back yard, and we know about the overwhelming odor in the car. But with that much odor, there was absolutely no DNA. DNA could be left behind from a body rubbing against the carpet in the trunk. If a body was in a bag, there wouldn't be that much decomposition smell.

How can there be so much odor and no DNA?

I asked myself, is there some kind of human decomp spray that is used to train cadaver dogs?

Jesse's family was connected with the police during that time. Could he have arranged for a negative paternity test and gotten some of this human decomp spray that they might use to train cadaver dogs?

How is there so much human decomp smell, but no DNA?

If Jesse is the biological father, how did he manage to get a negative paternity test when Caylee was born?

So what about the negative paternity test if he is the biological father, and the overwhelmingly strong decomp smell, but no DNA?
I thought this was very interesting and telling. I read this thinking about Caylee as the "object", Casey as the "narsissist", "withholding" her from her family. So sad.

(Copied & pasted from this website)


I knew a man whose first family moved out on him, and, when another woman and her children moved in, they were overjoyed at the sight of the swing set and the basketball hoop. You could tell those poor kids had nothing and suddenly felt rich.

But letting their delight in these things show was a big mistake. The jerk suddenly stopped mowing back by the swing set, so that the weeds grew so tall around it they couldn't play on it. And he started parking old junked cars underneath the basketball hoop.

It was so obvious — because that was the only part of the lawn not mowed, and there was no need to park those vehicles right under the basket. Those boys often looked wistfully at it, but I never heard them ask if they could play. I'm sure I know why they didn't. Been there. Everyone who's ever lived with a narcissist has.

My mother told me about a man many years ago, whose sons worked hard all week on the farm (back in the days when they chopped wood, milked cows by hand, and plowed with horses). They had to come and ask him every Friday evening for a little money to spend at the local dance. And he always took off on a long walk out in the fields to make them chase him all the way out there for their pay.

I used to call it playing "Keep Away." Psychologists call it "withholding."

By withholding whatever they know you want, narcissists make themselves feel important. If you are observant of little children, you'll notice they do the same thing. For example, a child can be bored with a toy and about to leave it lay — until he notices that some other child wants it: then he plays Keep Away. If the other child pleads for it, he just gets more determined to keep it away, clutching it tightly to himself and yelling, "Nnno!"

Never forget that: the narcissist you are dealing with is full grown but every bit the three-year-old, and not a sweet one, either.

This stunt is a power play too, of course. I know a woman in whom it's a knee jerk reaction: whenever someone says "Will you...?" or "Can I...?" the first thing out of her mouth is, "You'll have to wait." However long you can wait, she will make you wait longer.

Narcissists often have to make you beg or grovel too.

When they see your eyes light on something you want, they look at it and see nothing but a stick to use as leverage on you. God Almighty wants to make you pray to him (in this case, her!) for it.
All of those things point to someone who is protecting himself, which is normal social behavior unless it is carried too far.

A true sociopath like me does not seek to protect myself from scorn. I am not living in the value system of society. Casey is like that. You can't ascribe behaviors to her that are based on what you understand. All of that bad behavior you described is logical to society but it has been carried too far. The husband doesn't want to be seen as a failure because his wife and kids left him. A sociopath wouldn't care. He would use and maintain the swings and basketball hoop because they are there and the kids enjoy them.

Casey's personality is a very rare one.

Watch the video at Target. Casey was attentive and reacted immediately to everything, the opposite of withholding.
SoftSoul: The sociopath is a very scary person because they can appear so different than they actually are.

Yes such is the nature of evil, to deceive. At the heart of evil lies deception according to Scott Peck's book "People of the Lie" in which evil is linked to lies--and to a fundamental narcissistic willfullness. Btw I unwittingly married a pathological NPD who was an utterly charming considerate fiance who had managed to sustain that impression for two years. Just weeks after our wedding, on September 11 of 1999 I found myself calling 9-1-1, after being thrown to the ground and having my head repeatedly kicked in. That was only the beginning of our nightmare as my children and I began living in fear... a real life "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde." Many people may embellish the truth or exaggerate. But the difference is people who are evil don't just lie about what they do... :liar: they lie about who they ARE. And they are both ruthless and predatory. Beware of :wolf::wolf2: in sheep's clothing... JMHUO
No one has discussed the concept of being a true sociopath. It means you seek a higher form of happiness than society offers. You have rejected society's values, so you are a sociopath. You reject society's values.

Society's values are you look out for yourself. If you follow society's values, you do what society demands so you can benefit yourself, but you shouldn't be too selfish about it, because that would be wrong.

A true sociopath is different, and rare. I know that I am a true sociopath. I know how people like me think. I didn't realize Casey was a true sociopath until recently, when I saw the videos of her at Target and at the bank. Casey lives every minute of her life in touch with a higher form of happiness than society can offer.

She is really into herself.

Casey was the perfect girlfriend to every boy she was with, while most girls are not going to cook and clean and be the perfect girlfriend or wife because no man is going to control them that much. They have pride. Other girls will cook and clean and be the perfect girlfriend or wife because they desperately need love. They have no pride or self-respect.

Casey is neither of those. Casey loves herself so much she will be the perfect girlfriend because that is how to live the beautiful life.

It's a different way of thinking from anything people are usually familiar with.

When you look at Casey in that light, you have a chance to see what really happened.

Here are some facts in this case that don't make sense.

Jesse rushed to the hospital as soon as Caylee was born to take a paternity test to prove he wasn't the father. The test proved he wasn't the father. But last night I heard it reported on CNN that he is the biological father.

CNN could have made the mistake. If CNN didn't make a mistake, how did Jesse manage to get a negative reading on the first paternity test? What forces were in play that caused a negative test?

Another fact is cadaver dogs hit on the back yard, and we know about the overwhelming odor in the car. But with that much odor, there was absolutely no DNA. DNA could be left behind from a body rubbing against the carpet in the trunk. If a body was in a bag, there wouldn't be that much decomposition smell.

How can there be so much odor and no DNA?

I asked myself, is there some kind of human decomp spray that is used to train cadaver dogs?

Jesse's family was connected with the police during that time. Could he have arranged for a negative paternity test and gotten some of this human decomp spray that they might use to train cadaver dogs?

How is there so much human decomp smell, but no DNA?

If Jesse is the biological father, how did he manage to get a negative paternity test when Caylee was born?

So what about the negative paternity test if he is the biological father, and the overwhelmingly strong decomp smell, but no DNA?

Ya gotta take your bizarre "secret squirrel" theories to the Bizarre Secret Squirrel Thread !!! LOL
THERE IS DNA EVIDENCE !!!!!!!!!!!! And, maybe you should go back and read some of the other threads about the "evidence" and "facts" in this case, John. :)
I know a child who was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and he received SS disability payments.
Okay you get it, Casey is not oppositional and defiant. She is extremely compliant, but not because she lacks self-respect. That makes her very different. You can't put her personality into most cubbyholes.

A big huge fact is whether or not Jesse is the biological father.

I am not championing any particular theory. I could be wrong. I would get an independent paternity test to see if he is the biological father. The chances are that he is, even though he rushed to the hospital as soon as Caylee was born to prove he wasn't.

If another test proves he is, then this case is over. There is a huge reasonable doubt, because a paternity test that was somehow faked when Caylee was born proves major motive and major opportunity for something other than the obvious; the obvious being Casey killed her daughter.
A big huge fact is whether or not Jesse is the biological father.

I am not championing any particular theory. I could be wrong. I would get an independent paternity test to see if he is the biological father. The chances are that he is, even though he rushed to the hospital as soon as Caylee was born to prove he wasn't.

If another test proves he is, then this case is over. There is a huge reasonable doubt, because a paternity test that was somehow faked when Caylee born proves major motive and major opportunity for something other than the obvious; the obvious being Casey killed her daughter.

Faked paternity test? :confused:

Not only does JG have legitimate DNA test results that definitively prove he is not Caylee's father, JG by all accounts did not even meet Casey until late January 2005. Caylee was born a full term infant on Aug. 9 2005. You do the math.
I don't know much about government disability but I have never heard of getting full benefits for being a Sociopath.

Can we have a WS sleuth check on this please?


Thanks, Tricia for that response/question. The answer to that question would be a big fat NO !!! People DO NOT get Disability for "being a sociopath" for 25 years....or maybe I should say a "self proclaimed" sociopath. It would also depend upon "other" mental disorders that are present along with it and a psychiatric diagnosis. So, just being a "sociopath" (sorry to put it that way) is not considered a disability, per se. If this "gentleman" is such a sociopath, why would he even THINK of applying for disability ??
I don't know much about government disability but I have never heard of getting full benefits for being a Sociopath.

Can we have a WS sleuth check on this please?


That's because it doesn't happen. It has to be a REAL mental illness, and they check back at least yearly, IIRC.
I am not a psychologist so I don't know how best to phrase this.

With some criminals, once they feel they are suspected of their crimes will seek to distance themselves from fruits of the crime, objects used in commission of the crime, etc. In my opinion, Casey (the alleged criminal) does not really distance herself much from her alleged crimes. For example, the State has alleged that she stole Amy's checks and bought items at various stores, like the white sunglasses from Target. Some, if not many, criminals after being QUESTIONED would try to discard the stolen items and distance themselves from the crime. Casey marches around *wearing* the alleged stolen items after she's been charged and in full view of the public. Why is this? Why would Baez (who surely must know what she is accused of stealing) not tell his client not to WEAR the alleged stolen items *after* she's been charged! I mean, come on!

Another example: On the alleged stolen checks themselves Casey signs her own name. She does not sign Amy's name to all of the checks. Had she signed Amy's name to the checks and used a stolen i.d. or something it would have taken Amy (likely) a few more minutes to figure out it had been Casey who cleaned her out. But in this case, you can see the name of Casey Anthony clearly on many of the stolen checks. The chickens were going to come home to roost on this one. Same with the alleged stolen money from Grandpa.

Having stated the above opinions, I wonder in applying this theory to Caylee's disappearance whether Casey would also exhibit non-distancing behaviors in Caylee's disappearance. What I mean is that where a "normal" criminal would really seek to cover up the crime more maybe Casey did not do that. Maybe Casey did not go to some super remote place (we know she did not really travel out of the greater orlando area). Maybe she was texting about parties and other random stuff while doing the deed. She really does not seem to be affected in the same way emotionally as other people (in my opinion). Maybe she did not even bother to detail the Sunfire's trunk and left that task to others (her parents when they cleaned up?). Maybe since her lies flew for 22 years she did not even bother to think beyond telling them and assumed she'd be believed to a certain extent. We don't know who made the "blue screen of death" on her computer so we cannot be sure she was the one who tried to cover up the computer forensics. Maybe she trashed her cellphone (ignorantly believing that all the information would not be retrieved). We know that the gray pinstripe pants that GA last saw her in were still in the car (reeking of decomp) and were then washed. If Casey committed a crime while wearing those pants (and we don't know she did) she did not even throw them away.

Any thoughts?
Im a psych major... and my limited understanding is that KC being a psychopath feels that she is entitled to these things. She doesnt feel remorse for what she has done and feels she didnt do anything wrong. She justifies her theft with something like, well i did this or that for AH so she owes me... Same with her parents.. She feels the world owes her something.
Theonly1 - I've been thinking along the same lines as you...Wracking my brain for things she has said and done that give an indication of how she thinks. I found it amazing that she would want to be seen so publicly with her stolen items and without question she knew what she was doing. Maybe she was flipping Amy/LE the bird??? I have had strong suspicions that the large white knapsack that she was taking to Baez's office is the one she left the house with on the 16th and I so wish that LE would take out a warrant for it. It's amazing to me that she did not clean out the objects that were left in the car. I've wondered a lot about those boots that she supposedly wore to Fusian. They were left in the car. I do think that she does/says a lot of things as an inside joke to herself and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this doesnt' just end up being the nail on the coffin for her!

Great idea for a thread!
I was wondering if JB wants her to wear the glasses etc? Maybe part of his defense of the theft is that she only took the money to help aid in the search for her daughter. She kept all of the recipts which is out of character for her so she could pay AH back eventually. You know AH was her very best friend, she wouldn't steal from her except in these trying circumstances. :boohoo:

Don't we all do missing persons searches in Target buying Bud light and push up bras? We need big white shades to disguise ourselves. :rolleyes:
Deplorable as it is, using things she stole is nothing new to her. She's been stealing all of her adult life. If she didn't wear what she stole, she'd be running around nakie. :eek:
I was wondering if JB wants her to wear the glasses etc? Maybe part of his defense of the theft is that she only took the money to help aid in the search for her daughter. She kept all of the recipts which is out of character for her so she could pay AH back eventually. You know AH was her very best friend, she wouldn't steal from her except in these trying circumstances. :boohoo:

Don't we all do missing persons searches in Target buying Bud light and push up bras? We need big white shades to disguise ourselves. :rolleyes:

Did anyone see any pictures of her leaving to go back home the last time she wore those glasses? The day she had the shorts on and the blue tight fitting shirt? It would be interesting to see if she still had them on.
KC doesn't believe she's done anything wrong to distance herself FROM.

If you remove conscience and empathy from the picture, everything she does makes perfect sense. She is a conscienceless creature and to her, there's no distinction between a stolen item and one she purchased conventionally.

You and I would want to get as far away from our own wrongdoings as possible, but we only do it with what we acknowlege as wrong. It's a very subjective thing, some people self flagellate over imagined wrong doings . . . KC is at the other end of the continuum :D .
I always thought one thing Casey said was extremely revealing. When she was on the phone from jail to her friend, she said, in a really irritated way "All they care about is getting Caylee back.....(long pause)....and honestly, that's all I care about, too."

So I think her mask slipped a little and her true thoughts slipped out "all they care about is getting Caylee back" and she realized it, and quickly got the mask back on, then went on with the rest of the statement, pretending like that was all she cared about, as well.

I think that was a peek into her true thoughts/feelings about Caylee, as well as her parents. LOTS of jealousy there.
Great thread Theonly1,

Casey acts on impulse and believes that she will never be questioned, or if questioned, everyone will believe her.

She said in her police statement that she would steal or do anything to try to locate her daughter. She fessed up to the theft. She believes she can do anything, and then give an excuse as to why she did it. I don't think she ever realized that we would all see her stealing the stuff.

It's almost as if she if she is flaunting it. Look at what I can get away with!

Even her friends acknowledged that she told fibs, but no one questioned her on it or made her accountable. They knew she lied, but it was no big deal. "It's just Casey".

Casey thought they all believed her.

So, if everything you do/say is not questioned or called out, you think you can get away with anything.

Since she had confessed to stealing (LE had proof), maybe she was conciously wearing those items to taunt LE, saying, "see, I stole, just like I said I did, and here is the proof. I would do anything for my daughter". So twisted.

Have you seen that video, where she is walking to a court appt and doing the butt strut for all to admire?

She doesn't care what she did. Her life revolves around her and no one else.
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