TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

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A phone will still ping off towers even if it needs charging won't it? I think the batteries were out of the phone until 9:38, because it should have pinged. He could have went in any direction or even stayed in town 2 hours. All he needed was the amount of time it should take to get from CC to Big Spring. I'd like to know where he says he was during that time until 9:38.
Wow Hailey's baby sister looks just like her!! Just saw a video on an news site and they showed her baby sister on there. She's adorable and is wearing a onsie with Haiely's picture on it.
watching Nancy Grace catching up on this case. They showed the cell pings of that morning & have HDs mom on . . . she says they are searching by keeping Hailey in the media rather than searching in TX.

Bring Hailey home.
I've researched and the only way for it to suddenly quit pinging is for the phone to have died{battery died or was removed} or the SIM card was removed..

So, at 656 he removed battery or SIM card or coincidentally it "just died" at that moment.. and did not "work" again until 938 pinging in Big Spring at mom's..

I am thinking and this is just me thinking as I'm typing about this new way of looking at things.. That maybe just maybe it was not until SA arrived back home at 1804 Chestnut that he made the determination of what he was going to do to Hailey{possibly in his mind not able to pass up such an unbelievable open opportunity with Billie and David for certain not returning any time in the near future}..cuz think about it this was before 7am..He knew DD had gone to spend nite with friend at 9pm the nite before, he knew the kids were out of school, so most likely he determoined DD would not be getting up for any reason whatsoever at such an early morning hour, after most likely staying up most of the nite with his friend playing video games, etc..So, he knows most likely DD, a 16yr oldboy, enjoying Christmas vacation is gonna be sleeping til noon{SA lived with DD as well so he knew his sleeping/awaking habits, ya know}..That means no worry of DD coming home anytime in the very near future..

Then there's Billie..He knew the car arrangements for Billie to and from work for that day..He had the only working vehicle and would be picking Billie up that nite.so he didn;t have to worry about her possibly coming home unexpectedly either..

So, what if when he arrived there at home he realized it was the perfect opportunity that he could not pass up..

Therefor that is when we see the "break in usage"{IMO battery or SIM out}at 656am and SA puts battery or SIm back in the cell when he is safely at his alibi destination{i.e. moms in Big Spring}at 948am..

Wow, this may be beginning to somewhat fit together..just thinking as I'm typing..I'll have to think on this and see what holes I can poke through it, though before I start thinking anything for certain..

I think you are very possibly correct. However, I think it was all pre-meditated... hence, why he got to work, and left ten minutes later.
I'm referring to the next day, when Billie said she called home and told DD to text MB to tell Hailey to come home, and when MB said Hailey never showed, she called the police. 12/28 I believe. 12/27 is when DD arrived home at 4pm and Hailey was not there.

That's correct. DD came home at 4 p.m. on Monday 12/27 to the locked door. SA says that Hailey told him she went to dad's then to stay over at MB's. DD probably doesn't think anything of it. Nobody calls to check in on Hailey over at MB's. Next day, Tuesday 12/28, Billie calls home and gets DD. Maybe she asks what Hailey's doing. DD says she's not home. BD asks him to text MB (whose number is probably in the cell phone they all share) and tell Hailey come to home. DD does as told, MB says Hailey never stayed over, DD calls Billie with the news...
But what I wonder is why the scent at MB's house and how that would fit into this scenario?

Is it possible that someone took something that had Hailey's scent on it and walked to their front door, as well as to the outside door of the motel room?
purpose, to verify info is correct, or to shew them in another direction than where she was?

I don't know if that would work, but I'd be dumb enough to give it a shot if I had the morals of a ___.

ETA; Why would he take the family phone in the first place? How does that make sense at all?
Wouldn't that mean Hailey was with him while he was in BSpring? Why didn't he just leave the phone at home? Was BD prone to call and check on the kids throughout the day? or is there another reason? tia
ITA. I don't usually wake up thinking about cases (soon after), but the morning after those affadavits became public (showing that huge gap of time), I woke up and said "What did you do with her Shawn???" First thought and words out of my mouth.

About the ping question... did he go out of coverage area, or did he take battery out?

My thought: only using common sense ... if he did find himself in a non-coverage area, was he miraculously able to stay in a non-coverage area, all the way from CC to Big Spring? On I20 no less? Aren't interstates more "covered"? This man, this "innocent" man as he claims, really must have such rotten luck, that a normal trip from CC to Big Springs kept him out of touch. Really? For all of 2 hours and 40 minutes?

Didn't even poke a toe into an area that had coverage that WHOLE time?
Common sense says he took his battery (or whatever) out.

BBM: OR his phone was pinging another cell phone provider's tower other than Verizon.
Did the brother come home at 4 or 5? I feel like I've seen different things.
Criminy --there should be an advertising line in this case --

Missing, Hailey Dunn - you have questions....we have no answers.

Okay...something else I thought of -- did SA's mom work? I was thinking that she was home during the day, retired or something, then it hit me how young he is. (well, young to me, I didn't have my first child til I was 29 years old).
Is it possible that someone took something that had Hailey's scent on it and walked to their front door, as well as to the outside door of the motel room?
purpose, to verify info is correct, or to shew them in another direction than where she was?

I don't know if that would work, but I'd be dumb enough to give it a shot if I had the morals of a ___.

Does anyone think this could be possible? I wonder.
In the Searchwarrant or affidavit it says that Cd says that DD arrived at his house at 4pm to a locked door. Then he crawled thru the window. BD says DD arrived home at 5 pm
Is it possible that someone took something that had Hailey's scent on it and walked to their front door, as well as to the outside door of the motel room?
purpose, to verify info is correct, or to shew them in another direction than where she was?

I don't know if that would work, but I'd be dumb enough to give it a shot if I had the morals of a ___.

I think the dogs would just be thoroughly confused, the scent coming off of this item would be so small they wouldn't know what to make of it, especially the dogs we are talking about. These are't SAR dogs, they don't train for a lot of variables. They are prison dogs. They are very good at what they do, but it is not the same as SAR.
So, I would say the 4pm is the correct time. According to the police...
I think the dogs would just be thoroughly confused, the scent coming off of this item would be so small they wouldn't know what to make of it, especially the dogs we are talking about. These are't SAR dogs, they don't train for a lot of variables. They are prison dogs. They are very good at what they do, but it is not the same as SAR.

But it's been said that she wore a certain jacket all the time. She was never seen without it, yet it was found in her room.
What if they used that jacket, and LE also used the same jacket for the dogs?
What would happen then? tia
Not sure if I said this before...

If SA realized his phone was dying after he left work, he could have driven home to get the charger or to charge it. It didn't die until 6:58am. When he got home, (insert your theory here). He plugs charger in at mom's, plugs in phone at 9:38am.

IMO the big two questions surrounding this is:

1) What did he do/where was he between 6:58 and 9:38 am? and

2) How did he get from Big Springs to CCity in less than 30 min?
If BD left her phone at home for the children to use, then possibly she called her phone expecting HD to answer. And when she didn't, BD then realized HD wasn't home and called DD.

That could explain how she knew HD wasn't at home.

Just my opinion.
But it's been said that she wore a certain jacket all the time. She was never seen without it, yet it was found in her room.
What if they used that jacket, and LE also used the same jacket for the dogs?
What would happen then? tia

That confused me, lol! Scent is scent, doesn't matter which jacket it came off of.

In regards to that, what was the weather that day?
But it's been said that she wore a certain jacket all the time. She was never seen without it, yet it was found in her room.
What if they used that jacket, and LE also used the same jacket for the dogs?
What would happen then? tia

My understanding is that tracking dogs scent by the small almost invisible particles of skin and whatnot that fall from our bodies constantly. I think that if someone used a shirt or jacket or whatever, the dogs would lose scent pretty quickly because there would be a limited number of particles for them to track, and, the particles on the item would be older than particles that actually came from the person they are tracking.

Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!
I'm referring to the next day, when Billie said she called home and told DD to text MB to tell Hailey to come home, and when MB said Hailey never showed, she called the police. 12/28 I believe. 12/27 is when DD arrived home at 4pm and Hailey was not there.

IMO... this is yet another statement that has been busted. HD didn't not show up... she was never asked or expected to come over that day.
IMO... no mother calls her teenage son to locate a younger sibling. It's EASIER, QUICKER and CARRIES MORE WEIGHT comijg from mom than a big brother. My daughter would have told my son to go jump in a lake... what mom puts a sibling in the parenting role.
Even though BD was at work she could still txt HD from the internet, or called the friends landline or cellphone.
My guess is 12:00pm was her lunch break. An easy time to concoct this myth of concern. We have all seen firsthand that since HD went missing SA and how she is portrayed far outweigh her concern for HD.

submitted by android please excuse typos!
But it's been said that she wore a certain jacket all the time. She was never seen without it, yet it was found in her room.
What if they used that jacket, and LE also used the same jacket for the dogs?
What would happen then? tia

ITA it could be done. SARX??????
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