2011.02.25 - BD's Mom in Custody, on drug charge

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It seems like it might've been something evil unleashed on Hailey fed by the perverted images being looked at and drugs that excited beyond control. Of course, I hope not. All I know is what is being reported. The pieces of this puzzle I already have are enough to suggest out-of-bounds behavior from SA was building up. BD seemed unaware of just about everything going on. CO sold them drugs. What happened to Hailey!
Good thought. I would guess they got $ for pills (maybe they had to pick up her mother's RX at the store and bring it to her?), were on the way home or wherever and suddenly recalled there was no food in the house but they had spent all the money on drugs so had to stop again to get more money to feed themselves and the kids?
FIrst of all I meant CD mom above about stealing and SSI.

Yeah how about BD and SA also being high might not be thinking straight and wanted a record of their whereabouts therefore they went back to buy a few things for a reciept.

Here is something that is bothering me. What if sometime (timeline is sketchey) HD saw something or even with SA and BD, saw the drugs, or told mom she is going to call the cops, a fight started, HD ran out the door, SA and BD chased her, caughter her just in the parking lot of that hotel where the dogs hit on. Since SA was probably driving, BD started hitting HD maybe with some tool or something that was in the truck and killed her. Maybe this is why the dogs hit on that area. Just something that came to my mind but I couldn't fully complete my thought. Maybe someone else can make more sense of it.
Wow. I have recently seen on the local news of a house that burned and there was a shot in the news video where I noticed a pair of sneakers thrown over a power line or telephone line on the street right in front of the burning house. I noticed it because I once saw this on a street where I grew up and never had seen it again.

As for the drug abuse/use, when I had shoulder replacement surgery a few years ago, I was placed on oxy-contin by the orthopaedist at Duke. I absolutely hated the way it made me feel but the anesthesiologist told me at the time of discharge from the hospital, "if you don't take this medication around the clock as prescribed and the pain catches up with you, you will not be able to stand the pain". So I took it as prescribed and was counting the days, then hours when I was completely weaned off in 2 weeks. I mentioned to the doc that I did not understand how anyone could WANT to take that stuff. He said those people are usually "snorting it". Huh?

Anyway, the recent arrest of CO has upset me with regards to little Hailey's probable lack of a support system. Here she is, excelling in her school work, involved in probably some extracurricular actitivies such as cheerleading, possible other sports, etc. and whose face is she seeing in the crowd, cheering her on? All parents and even grandparents I know are always there in the bleachers, working on bake sales, selling wrapping paper, supporting their children. Did anyone in this family actually attend her activities? or were they too busy with their *advertiser censored*, beastiality, drugs, etc. to even encourage this smart, sweet, beautiful child? All MOO of course.

This family is proving the old cliche of "birds of a feather"....

BBM - OT but if it is still what it used to mean, shoes over the power line signifies 2 things, gang member was killed on that street, or the house in front of it is a drug house. (this is what I know from working in LE, but that's been a few years and they change things up constantly.)
BBM - OT but if it is still what it used to mean, shoes over the power line signifies 2 things, gang member was killed on that street, or the house in front of it is a drug house. (this is what I know from working in LE, but that's been a few years and they change things up constantly.)

Really? That's interesting. Boy how times change. When I was a kid, we used to throw shoes over the power line just to see if we could do it. No gangs in town, just strange kids throwing shoes.
FIrst of all I meant CD mom above about stealing and SSI.

Yeah how about BD and SA also being high might not be thinking straight and wanted a record of their whereabouts therefore they went back to buy a few things for a reciept.

Here is something that is bothering me. What if sometime (timeline is sketchey) HD saw something or even with SA and BD, saw the drugs, or told mom she is going to call the cops, a fight started, HD ran out the door, SA and BD chased her, caughter her just in the parking lot of that hotel where the dogs hit on. Since SA was probably driving, BD started hitting HD maybe with some tool or something that was in the truck and killed her. Maybe this is why the dogs hit on that area. Just something that came to my mind but I couldn't fully complete my thought. Maybe someone else can make more sense of it.

maybe Hailey wanted to run away but got caught by them and...............
maybe Hailey wanted to run away but got caught by them and...............
YES, something like that and their timeline I think is wrong. They would keep it the same but maybe a day off. Suppose the convienced David it was the day before when he saw HD last too, or begged him to tell the police this by lying to DD telling him something like. "The police are going to think I'm a bad mommy and take you away too if they think I did something and I didn't, so DD you have to tell them that you saw HD on this day and time.
FIrst of all I meant CD mom above about stealing and SSI.

Yeah how about BD and SA also being high might not be thinking straight and wanted a record of their whereabouts therefore they went back to buy a few things for a reciept.

Here is something that is bothering me. What if sometime (timeline is sketchey) HD saw something or even with SA and BD, saw the drugs, or told mom she is going to call the cops, a fight started, HD ran out the door, SA and BD chased her, caughter her just in the parking lot of that hotel where the dogs hit on. Since SA was probably driving, BD started hitting HD maybe with some tool or something that was in the truck and killed her. Maybe this is why the dogs hit on that area. Just something that came to my mind but I couldn't fully complete my thought. Maybe someone else can make more sense of it.

G0d, just the thought of it makes me so sick and so sad.
Thinking about the affidavit statements about SA and BD buying drugs in Scurry county makes me wonder if since that evening when this supposedly occurred, LE could have suspected the place they made the purchase was actually at CO's home, and they could have even set her up or just watched and waited for her to make another sale? Just my opinion, but could be. Maybe the cell phone records pointed LE in the direction of CO. Does anyone else recall that in I think NG's program, BD made a statement about how they went by her mom's house to see if she was "okay or needed anything?". I seem to recall her stating that but cannot document it anywhere.

Above BBM..

Hiya Strawberry! Yes indeed I remember it well and she has stuck with this as fact{even including it in her printed timeline}..

She says that upon leaving work early that day(the 27th)and her reason for the out of routine(norm work hrs were 7a-7p) early dismissal from work BD said was because they had a staff meeting that afternoon therefor her relief that works(7p-7a)shift was already there due to the meeting so she told her she could go ahead and leave..BD says that her/SA stopped at an ATM near the hospital to withdraw cash..just cuz she was a little low on cash..:eye roll:..we know those withdrawals were at 6:19 for $80 and 6:20 for $60{=$140 which according to the affidavit says by BD's own admission she took that money and purchased illegal narcotics for both her&SA from a "person" in Scurry Cty}..but per "Billie's Timeline" she says that after the withdrawal from ATM that THE ONLY PLACE THAT SHE/SA WENT WAS STRAIGHT TO HER MOM'S HOUSE{C.O. currently in Scurry Cty Jail}.. She says they stayed at her mom's for 15mins and then went straight home to 1804 Chestnut..

Which from their arrival home@7:15ish to bedtime of the 27th HAS ALWAYS BEEN GLOSSED OVER by BD..Even in her Presser and printed out timeline she still completely glosses over this period of time.. She has stayed consistent about her and SA arriving home at 7:15ish and then cuts straight to then we got ready for bed..Everytime its stated exactly as that with that time period never being filled in.. and thats always been suspicious to me..

But back to them going to BD's moms..yes this is what BD has stuck with{atleast publicly} in the affidavit it states that BD voluntarily admitted to taking the money withdrawn from the ATM{$140}and purchased illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry County.. So you take that info from the affidavit and combine it with what she has adamantly stated publicly{BD/SA after leaving ATM went ONLY TO HER MOM'S HOUSE FOR 15mins}and now you can add-in that Mom{C.O.} arrested on drug charge..

and IMO it seems very/highly likely that C.O. is the "person" whom in the affidavit it states "BD/SA purchased illegal narcotics from "a person" in Scurry Cty"..I'd say chances are it's BD's mom who is that "person"..jmo..tho..
I think that Shawn raped and murdered Hailey. It will probably be just as Clint's mom said Shawn knew Hailey would tell so he killed her. I don't think that Billie had anything to do with it. JMO
Good thought. I would guess they got $ for pills (maybe they had to pick up her mother's RX at the store and bring it to her?), were on the way home or wherever and suddenly recalled there was no food in the house but they had spent all the money on drugs so had to stop again to get more money to feed themselves and the kids?

IIRC the two ATM withdrawals were like 2 minutes apart at the same ATM.
C (CD's mom) stated that C (BD's) mom was her best friend. How is it possible that these two C's didn't know and discuss drug usage? Is C (CD's mom) also involved in drugs? Sounds like drugs are everrywhere here. With Grandparents, their children and their children's children. YUCK. What a horrible mess.

I think that Shawn raped and murdered Hailey. It will probably be just as Clint's mom said Shawn knew Hailey would tell so he killed her. I don't think that Billie had anything to do with it. JMO
She may have not had anything to do with it but she sure does seem to make elaborate efforts to exonerate him from being guilty! If your daughter disappeared into thin air with your bf being the last person to have seen her stating that she went somewhere that NO ONE will collaborate...Would you still be insisting that he shouldn't be considered a suspect?
C (CD's mom) stated that C (BD's) mom was her best friend. How is it possible that these two C's didn't know and discuss drug usage? Is C (CD's mom) also involved in drugs? Sounds like drugs are everrywhere here. With Grandparents, their children and their children's children. YUCK. What a horrible mess.

I don't think CD mom is doing drugs for thrill but rather ailments. I think CO, BD's mom befriended her for a few reasons and I bet one of them is a source to steall her drugs, put medical things in her head so when she goes to the doctor she will complain about it, doctor will give CD mom pills, CO steals them. Probably something like that. MOO
Offender ID: 12180 Date of Birth: 01/12/1962 Age: 49 Race: White Gender: Female
Custody Status: Out of Custody Date: 02/26/2011 Reason: Bonded out
I just shaking my head

Clint Dunn out on bond
CO- out on bond
DO- out on bond
BG-still showing up in Harris county


Where Hailey???

Could this case get any closer to Cummings:banghead:
Originally Posted by OneLostGrl
Good thought. I would guess they got $ for pills (maybe they had to pick up her mother's RX at the store and bring it to her?), were on the way home or wherever and suddenly recalled there was no food in the house but they had spent all the money on drugs so had to stop again to get more money to feed themselves and the kids?
Originally Posted by Truthwillsetufree
IIRC the two ATM withdrawals were like 2 minutes apart at the same ATM.
Yes Truth you are correct.. The two ATM withdrawals were immediately back to back..6:19pm withdrawal of $80 and 6:20pm withdrawal of $60..IMO more than enough for the purchase of illegal narcotics for both BD/SA from "a person" in Scurry County{be it Oxys..Roxys..coke..or meth}..

Originally Posted by PinkPanther
C (CD's mom) stated that C (BD's) mom was her best friend. How is it possible that these two C's didn't know and discuss drug usage? Is C (CD's mom) also involved in drugs? Sounds like drugs are everrywhere here. With Grandparents, their children and their children's children. YUCK. What a horrible mess.
Though Grandma Connie{Clint's mom} does appear to be more what most of us would see as a typical sweet grandma "type"..and that may be true but I"ve learned that looks can almost always be deceiving..meaning that as much as I'd like to believe that Grandma Connie{CD's mom} was just that and only thing she'd ever over indulged in was too much of her homemade chocolate pies and chicken dumplings..sadly after assessing the family dynamics and the ppl involved..especially upon learning as u mentioned that she is best friends with Grandma Connie Ostrander{who just within the last 24hrs has been arrested for drugs..and it not being by far her first go around with LE}..all these things combined lead me to believe that much more likely than the over indulgence in her own pies would be more likely that at the very least she's known to associate with many who indulge in getting high off drugs..which makes me even sadder for Hailey and angrier AT THEM ALL FOR FAILING HER{and DD as well} MISERABLY AND ALL BEING AT FAULT IN SOME WAY WITH WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN SO EASILY AVOIDED IN HAVING HAILEY'S LIFE LOST AT 13 YRS OF AGE!

Originally Posted by WillenFan21
I think that Shawn raped and murdered Hailey. It will probably be just as Clint's mom said Shawn knew Hailey would tell so he killed her. I don't think that Billie had anything to do with it. JMO
Originally Posted by PinkPanther
She may have not had anything to do with it but she sure does seem to make elaborate efforts to exonerate him from being guilty! If your daughter disappeared into thin air with your bf being the last person to have seen her stating that she went somewhere that NO ONE will collaborate...Would you still be insisting that he shouldn't be considered a suspect?
Highlighted Green by me.. ITA agree and as much as I do not want Billie to have had a hand or even knowledge of what Happened to Hailey..you cannot continue to ignore or deny her very damning behaviors..actions and statements..jmo tho..

Highlighted Red by me.. I have looked at this from every angle possible as well as attempted to go thru every scenario imaginable where Billie's die hard approach to "Shawn didn't do it and quit focusing on him!" would add up or make sense..and I have yet to find one that makes any sense..So for me its one of two things.. Either as the therapist on last night's NG show stated this: If Billie truly did not know of Shawn's apparent deep involvement with child *advertiser censored*..beastiality..etc..along with the many other deviant behaviors we have seen displayed by this man then Billie would be the MOST naive..MOST gullible..MOST clueless "innocent" person that had ever walked the earth..
With Marc Klaas IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THAT THERAPISTS STATEMENT WITH THIS: Let me be clear that Billie is in no way naive whatsoever..Billie is completely and totally aware and in charge of her surroundings in and around her home..and Billie is extremely "street smart" and street savvy..
So she's either that what the therapist described..or that what Marc Klaas "WITNESSED" first hand in dealing with Billie{described above}..

IMO Billie Jean Dunn is not naive nor gullible and is infact completely aware and in charge of her surroundings meaning she knew of Shawn's involvement in the sick/twisted deviant behaviors that he enjoyed..engaged in.. and the most likeliest of scenarios/theories would be that she was a "partner in crime" with him engaging and enjoying ALL THE WAY!


Marc Klaas has been up close and personal with Billie Jean Dunn and I believe he is being dead honest about "how Billie Jean Dunn is" and if you believe that she is that smart..that aware..added to her obsessive need to defend the monster most likeliest to have "disappeared" your daughter{Raped and Killed as most of us fully realize}..and this mother defends that person..that says one thing and one thing alone..SHE IS INVOLVED!
I have seen alot of dopers in my time. I have smoked a ton of weed myself and don't see anything wrong with smoking a little weed now and then. I was never into hard core drugs. I see SA, BD, and probably BD's mom as pill poppers. SA nor BD look like meth or crack heads to me but if you offered them a line they probably wouldn't turn it down. I don't know what BD's moms drug of choice is because I have not seen her or heard her speak. I think CD is a huge weed smoker and before this happened was probably stoned everyday. I don't think any one was on a drug fueled frenzy and killed HD but I think they are all involved in some sort of drugs. I have seen some grandma types like CD's mom also smoking weed and what ever else. They don't look like that type at all and its kinda a shock when you see them doing it. IMO
Almost anything is possible in this case, considering the way things are going, but let's just try to remember that Grandma wasn't charged in jail with doing anything to Hailey and probably had nothing to do with it. JMOO

Neither of the Grandma's was around when Hailey disappeared, as far as we know.

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