2011.04.06 Clint Dunn Arrested.

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This could be a good thing for CD. Maybe he will stay a day or two, have a couple of good chats with the Sheriff, leave the weed alone while he collects his thoughts.

This must be a very difficult time for him. Hailey has been gone 3 months and there is no sign of her. Much has been discussed about BJD that I am sure makes CD's head swirl.

A little time alone, a few chats with the Sheriff and maybe CD can get it together and figure out where he is going in life and how he is going to get there while he is in constant turmoil over the disappearance of his daughter.


I dunno Salem...to me this is just another example of the 'unstructured' life (and that is putting it mildly) that the authority figures in Hailey's life have historically led. It has been generational and ongoing.

Kids love structure and predictability and I can only imagine that Hailey's intelligence was what made her so successful in her young life.

I have a great deal of compassion for Clint but I do not think that NOW would be the time for him to reduce of give up his 'comfort' drug.
I am not a substance abuser but I can only imagine that in these times of enormous stress he is unlikely to reduce his use.
Maybe later, but not now.
I dunno Salem...to me this is just another example of the 'unstructured' life (and that is putting it mildly) that the authority figures in Hailey's life have historically led. It has been generational and ongoing.

Kids love structure and predictability and I can only imagine that Hailey's intelligence was what made her so successful in her young life.

I have a great deal of compassion for Clint but I do not think that NOW would be the time for him to reduce of give up his 'comfort' drug.
I am not a substance abuser but I can only imagine that in these times of enormous stress he is unlikely to reduce his use.
Maybe later, but not now.

I think your right AR. Many people can talk to CD...and prolly have, but I don't think he really knows "how to" pull himself together (generational dysfunction)...and there might be some feelings of total failure in his self-image which would put a damper on even trying. He listens, but doesn't have the fortitude to carry thru, stay focused or maybe even ask how to take the first step. He had many people behind him....and forgiving for his past behavior. He had so much moral support for his searching for HD and everyone wanted to give him that second chance. I think a lot of people feel let down...and now see that HD was possibly let down too. His passion for searching and finding HD should have been enough incentive for him to curtail his toking and do the right thing... .. If he can't pull himself together to be on time for a court date, then the many hurdles he is and will be faced with are miles high and unconquerable ---to him. JMO
I'm with Teh... i have taken up for him since the beginning.. but my opinion of him is headed down a landslide.

Me too. It's like "come on dude - sort it out". If he was late enough for the judge to issue an arrest warrant, that pretty darn late.

Can you imagine what this is doing to Naomi and baby C? It could have been so easily avoided.


I not been posting on this forum because I needed a break. but Clint does has a missing child and before I say anything about him being late I like to know the reason he was late it could had something do with Hailey and if that the case the court should had mercy on him. J/S
With all that going on with a child missing why couldn't date be push back?

I guess the court has their reasons...just thinking! It just crazy how a lot family of Hailey has been spending time in jail right down to a grandma:maddening:

Kind crazy but so far out of all the arrests... SA has not been arrested:waitasec:

I too would like to know why he was late. It could be as simple as his car broke down (if he still has one), or he got the time wrong (thought it was 10:00 and not 9:00). So many "if's". I think I'll sit back and see what details come out tomorrow.

I could be mistaken, but it seems unusual to be arrested for being only 4o minutes late. I know they have the legal right, but it seems kind of unfair. Obviously he was not trying to run from the law as he arrived within the hour. I could see their point but it seems a bit much, imo.

They will put out a warrant for your arrest if you don't show up for jury duty, so what is so unusual about arresting someone when they're 30 minutes late for a hearing? These judges have a busy schedule, they don't have time to sit around and wait for the defendant to show up and they also can't afford to bend the rules for one person when they have to enforce them for everybody else. I've heard of them berating an attorney and fining them for being late to court. Court hearings and procedures are serious business, even if some people don't take them seriously.
I could be mistaken, but it seems unusual to be arrested for being only 4o minutes late. I know they have the legal right, but it seems kind of unfair. Obviously he was not trying to run from the law as he arrived within the hour. I could see their point but it seems a bit much, imo.

I agree.

In my experience, here where I live, court is scheduled for EVERYONE at 9 and you sit around until they get to you. I've been late myself because I have to drive my son to school, no big deal.
I have been over utilizing my brain this morning but the best I could do was come up with some more questions that I really hope that someone can answer for me. Here goes...

How is it that CD can be late for a court date that started at 9:00 am and by 9:40 am an arrest warrant has already been issued and CD is arrested?

How is it that SA has illegal child *advertiser censored* (illegal in the state of Texas to have possession) in his possession but has yet to be arrested?
I have been over utilizing my brain this morning but the best I could do was come up with some more questions that I really hope that someone can answer for me. Here goes...

How is it that CD can be late for a court date that started at 9:00 am and by 9:40 am an arrest warrant has already been issued and CD is arrested?

How is it that SA has illegal child *advertiser censored* (illegal in the state of Texas to have possession) in his possession but has yet to be arrested?

Yeah, ironic isn't it? :maddening:
Only thing I can come up with is SA and BD have attorney's, CD doesn't.........
Only thing I can come up with is SA and BD have attorney's, CD doesn't.........

I thought of that possibility too but so what if they have atty's...just means they will invoke their right to remain silent or maybe not...

Then I have to question the fact that CCity says how low they are on manpower in the department but still can take the time and manpower to go to CD's house or wherever that very day and place him under arrest.

Something is not right, it doesn't make any sense not that it ever did.
I feel sorry for people, their hearts are in the right place but if there is ANYTHING we have learned on WS - DON'T DO IT. Don't get involved no matter which horse you're backing because all horses poop.



Teh, This made my day and I think it should be in the WS hall of Fame for best Quote!!!

Thing is I didn't realize that some do a whole lot more than others.
I thought of that possibility too but so what if they have atty's...just means they will invoke their right to remain silent or maybe not...

Then I have to question the fact that CCity says how low they are on manpower in the department but still can take the time and manpower to go to CD's house or wherever that very day and place him under arrest.

Something is not right, it doesn't make any sense not that it ever did.

I think the arrested him right there at the courthouse, when he showed up.. it may have been a bench warrant
I thought of that possibility too but so what if they have atty's...just means they will invoke their right to remain silent or maybe not...

Then I have to question the fact that CCity says how low they are on manpower in the department but still can take the time and manpower to go to CD's house or wherever that very day and place him under arrest.

Something is not right, it doesn't make any sense not that it ever did.

I could be wrong, but I think he was arrested when he showed up for court.
I can't speak for Texas but I know in Florida, if the judge calls your case and you don't get up and present yourself to him, he will say right there IMMEDIATELY, issue a bench warrant for this person and the bailiff and clerk do exactly that. It doesn't matter if you are 100th on the list. If they told you to be there at 9 a.m., you better be there at 9 a.m. If they told you to be there at 5 a.m., you better be there at 5 a.m.

I can't excuse Clint for this. I'm sure he was represented by a public defender, all he had to do was call his public defender and let them know what the circumstances were and when his name was called in court, the public defender could have explained the situation. Irregardless of all that, the fact remains that Clint missed his 9 a.m. court date and got his butt thrown in jail. He's been around the block a time or two so he should know how the system work. If a judge makes an exception for him, then he has to make that same exception for every other person accused of a crime. What if it were a defendant with a rape charge against them or some other heinous crime and the judge just turned a blind eye because they were 40 minutes late, then everyone would be screaming about it because he wasn't locked up. What if this happened to Billie? How would everyone react if she was 40 minutes late to court and they locked her up? We'd all be high-5'ing and cheering because she was back in jail, and yes, I'd be guilty of doing that very same thing. Nothing would make me happier to see her and Shawn in jail no matter what the circumstance was.

Anyway, those are my thoughts about Clint's arrest. He is doing nothing for Hailey being behind bars. He needs to clean his act up and be a responsible parent and a productive citizen.

Well I know my opinion is in the minority, but I'll just say that it burns me up that our courts and jails are filled and wasting time with charging and jailing people on pot charges in the first place.

"Justice" only seems to be swift when you're a working class guy who smokes pot. But if you're a white collar criminal, and you can pay for an attorney, you can roam free for months or years until you have to show up for court.

Not to mention the fact that someone found with child *advertiser censored* sits on the porch of his mother's house day after day, a stones throw from CD, with nothing done about HIM.

If this arrests shows ME anything, its that I wish there were a fund somewhere I could donate to to get Cd a lawyer. He obviously needs one, because apparently where he's from, LE is all about hanging pot smokers high, but not so gung ho on missing teens and kiddie *advertiser censored* possessors. And really, this is the time for a judge to show no mercy? To a guy with a possession charge and a missing daughter? Justice without mercy is no justice at all. It's a police state. When we can't differentiate between possession of pot, and possession of child *advertiser censored*, then there's a big problem with our system.

Waste of court time, waste of public funds. Skewed priorities. We wonder why our court systems are overburdened, and hard criminals get deals, it's because they're clogged up dealing with things like pot charges.

I hope CD is smoking all the pot he can get his hands on if that's what gets him through this. At least he still goes out to searches, and shows up to wash cars at fundraisers.

There now, I've painted a big ole target on myself to make it easy. Go ahead, hurl your tomatoes, if you will. I was gonna make a salad anyway. ;)
Well I know my opinion is in the minority, but I'll just say that it burns me up that our courts and jails are filled and wasting time with charging and jailing people on pot charges in the first place.

"Justice" only seems to be swift when you're a working class guy who smokes pot. But if you're a white collar criminal, and you can pay for an attorney, you can roam free for months or years until you have to show up for court.

Not to mention the fact that someone found with child *advertiser censored* sits on the porch of his mother's house day after day, a stones throw from CD, with nothing done about HIM.

If this arrests shows ME anything, its that I wish there were a fund somewhere I could donate to to get Cd a lawyer. He obviously needs one, because apparently where he's from, LE is all about hanging pot smokers high, but not so gung ho on missing teens and kiddie *advertiser censored* possessors. And really, this is the time for a judge to show no mercy? To a guy with a possession charge and a missing daughter? Justice without mercy is no justice at all. It's a police state. When we can't differentiate between possession of pot, and possession of child *advertiser censored*, then there's a big problem with our system.

Waste of court time, waste of public funds. Skewed priorities. We wonder why our court systems are overburdened, and hard criminals get deals, it's because they're clogged up dealing with things like pot charges.

I hope CD is smoking all the pot he can get his hands on if that's what gets him through this. At least he still goes out to searches, and shows up to wash cars at fundraisers.

There now, I've painted a big ole target on myself to make it easy. Go ahead, hurl your tomatoes, if you will. I was gonna make a salad anyway. ;)

I will definitely NOT through anything at you...

I would hands down pay for a Lawyer for Clint, IF he also used said such Lawyer to get a divorce from BD....
I have been over utilizing my brain this morning but the best I could do was come up with some more questions that I really hope that someone can answer for me. Here goes...

How is it that CD can be late for a court date that started at 9:00 am and by 9:40 am an arrest warrant has already been issued and CD is arrested?

How is it that SA has illegal child *advertiser censored* (illegal in the state of Texas to have possession) in his possession but has yet to be arrested?

Because Clint's are piddly problems, whereas SA has a major case against him, and a complicated one? jmo
I have been over utilizing my brain this morning but the best I could do was come up with some more questions that I really hope that someone can answer for me. Here goes...

How is it that CD can be late for a court date that started at 9:00 am and by 9:40 am an arrest warrant has already been issued and CD is arrested?

How is it that SA has illegal child *advertiser censored* (illegal in the state of Texas to have possession) in his possession but has yet to be arrested?

It's called a bench warrant. The Judge fills out a form while he's having court and hands it to someone and they serve it immediately. He was probably in the parking lot when they arrested him.

This is how it is done most places. This really isn't as big of a deal as it might seem.
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