ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 2

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FBI in on investigation of toddler's disappearance

WATERVILLE, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Police in Waterville say 20-month-old Ayla Reynolds was last seen at 8 o'clock Friday night. Justin DiPietro, the girl's father, reported her missing just before 9 a.m. Saturday, according to Waterville Police Chief Joe Massey.

According to Massey, the child was asleep in her own room, and everyone else in the house went to sleep. Massey said DiPietro was not home alone, but declined to say who else was in the home with him.

Police say the girl's mother, Trista Reynolds, lives in Portland.

The investigation involves local police, state police, wardens and the FBI. The Waterville Fire Department is managing search parties that include firefighters and members of the community.

Ayla was last seen wearing green one-piece pajamas with white polka dots and the words "Daddy's Princess" written on them.

She's 2' 9" tall and weighs about 30 pounds. She has short, blonde hair and her left arm is in a sling with a soft splint. Police say that injury was suffered three weeks ago when she reportedly fell down accidentally


Thread #1 ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I'd feel a whole lot better if Dad was speaking out, I guess. I know it doesn't mean much in the scheme of things, but why is the entire paternal side of the family keeping such a "low profile"? And I don't buy the excuse that LE told them not to talk. JMO
transcript of two little quotes from this video of TR from today:

TR: I just want answers. I just want to know where my daughter is. And who she may be with. Just bring her home.

Reporter: At around 8 oclock on Friday night, Justin Dipietro, Ayla's father, says he put the toddler to bed. When he went to check on her Saturday morning, he says she was gone. He's had custody of Ayla since child welfare agents placed her with him in November, while Reynolds was in rehab for substance abuse. During that time, Ayla's mom said she became concerned when she saw bruises, and confronted him.

TR: He said well, you know, her and my neice like to go down on the stairs. Like, it could be from that. I just..I didn't believe it.
I think some people are very private. That may be the reason dad's family is not talking. Or they may know something we don't. I would like to know more about dad, but not based on info from mom. She talks about a custody agreement, but it sounds like child protective staff removed the child. I think we can safely say that this child did not have a very stable life.
Based on the loud noise and late night car, I feel pessimistic.
We have to find a way to keep children safe. How do we protect children from parents?
IMPORTANT LINKS! this is going to be a really long post, sorry! if i missed anything please let me know.

LE Press Confereces/Statements:

PC Dec. 18th 2011

PC Dec. 19th 2011

not a full transcript:

Q: Friday night, one of the neighbors said she heard a motor vehicle pull up to the house late..but she didn't pay much attention to it..would that have been something that you have been looking into?
A: Yes. We've looked into all the information that has been passed onto us.
Q: So a motor vehicle did come to the house, late?
A: Yes. There was a neighbor that reported a motor vehicle outside..that is with the investigators right now.
Q: Do we know who was in that vehicle, what kind of vehicle it was, where it came from?
A: The only information I have is that a resident reported vehicle outside at some point. That has been forwarded to detectives and they are following up on it.

Q: Is this a missing person or is it an abduction?
A: It's a missing persons case.

Q: The father, Justin Dipietro, he lives at 29 Violette with his mother, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Okay, is he still in the area as far as you know, or is he...?
A: I'm not sure of his whereabouts at this time, I'm not sure if he is continued there or moved someplace else.

Q: At what point will the family be allowed back into the house?
A: I'm not sure. That would be up to the folks who are actually at the house.

Q: Who is at the house right now? No one in the family is allowed to be at the house right now? Is the house closed off, just investigators right now?
A: Yes.
Q: How long do you think that is going to be?
A: Again, I'd have to speak to those investigators that are there. I'm not sure.

Q: The search that is going on right now, is that along the banks of the river or divers in the river? How do you see that transpiring over the next day or so?
A: The search today was along the banks. Let me defer to Lt. Adams, uh, confined to the banks?
Adams: To the banks, yes sir.
Q: That is still going on right now?
Adams: Yes.

Q: Where does the mother live?
A: I don't think she has a permanent address.
Q: But is she homeless? Does she live with a relative?
A: I believe that she was staying with relatives, yes.

PC Dec. 20th 2011

Mother and Family Statements w/transcripts:

Dec.18th 2011 clips with family members.

RR: Oh, man, what I'm going through right now is..I want to go there, I want to search, I want to just go up there and search, and stay up all night to do whatever I need to do but the police are telling me to let them do their job.
Um, does somebody have her in a car? I, I mean, is she dead?
Ayla's aunt: This is type of thing that I watch on the news, I never thought, in a million years thought, that my sister or anyone that close to me would be dealing with this. I just want my niece to be found, that's all we can hope for at this point.

Raw video interview TR Dec.19th 2011

TR: I guess there is, everyone is over there right now..and I just, I guess I just want to like, I want to pick her up and I want to hold her. And I just want to tell her like, she's going to be okay. And I just, I want to see her face. I want to see her eyes. I want to feel her touch. I want to tell her I love her and I feel like I can't protect her right now and I thought by me letting her go with her father and by me keeping her there for as long as she has been that it was the safest place for her to be because I knew that I wasn't able to take care of her but now I'm so wrong.
Like, since she's been there she got a broken arm, she's ended up missing, you know what I mean, and I wasn't trying to be secretive by going to the courts. I just, I didn't want to fight with him anymore. Like, me and her father have been fighting constantly and just..I didn't want to fight no more. I was tired of getting my hopes up that my daughter was going to get to come spend the night or even a weekend with me. And then when he wouldn't show with know what I mean? Like..
Reporter: Plus you're in two far apart towns..
TR: Right. Like..she's all the way in Waterville and I'm here and there is nothing I can do right now. Except for sit here and put it out there that I hope that they find her. And I hope she is safe. And I hope she's okay, but like, my biggest fear is that she's all alone and she's scared..and she ain't got nobody to turn to. And I'm her mother, I'm supposed to be protecting her. There are other people out there looking for her, and not me. I should be in Waterville right now searching for my daughter but nobody will let me be there. Waterville PD are telling me I can't be there.
Reporter: Why is that?
TR: I don't know, they just keep saying like "interfere interfere" interfere with what? Like, you..there is an amazing woman out there that I wish I knew her name, I've seen her come up on TV, talking the same thing, you know, like, has Ayla eaten? Is she okay? I mean, like, this lady, she has her own family and she has sent her own kids with her mother so she could go search for my daughter. Like, I thank that woman right now for what she is doing because I can't be there.
Reporter: What if you went up there, like what are they gonna do?
TR: That's what I'm wondering like, what are they gonna do? My whole family is ready to go up there and do our own little search. But it's like, if the dogs can't even sniff her out from the outside, then where is she? If she's not outside, then who has her? Where is she?
Reporter: First there is the abduction theory, and then you hear people are pointing fingers, you're a suspect, he is a suspect, everybody is a suspect now. What really in your heart of hearts tells you happened here? Apparently he had some people over, somebody he didn't know or..?
TR: Uh, I'm really starting to believe that he has done something with my daughter. I'm really starting to feel that, as a mother, that somebody in his family or himself has done something with Ayla. And if he has, all he's gotta do is come out and just say it. Know what I mean? Just come out and talk to me. Just tell me where she is. Because I want to know where she is. I haven't seen her in over a month and then this is what happens? Like I can't..

clip with TR Dec. 19th 2011

Reporter: From the kitchen table at her fathers house in Portland, TR says she hasn't slept since the call on Saturday, that her 20 month old baby named Ayla was missing from a Waterville home where she stayed with the father, JD. Reynolds says the couple, who were never married, had no legal custody arrangement, but they did have an agreement. Including around the time Trista was in rehab.
TR: The agreement was, was that if he took Ayla, if I let him take care of Ayla for the time being, for me to get back on my feet, he had to live with his mother because I thought it would have been the safest place for her to be. And..I was wrong.

WMTV RR interview Dec.19th 2011:

Q: People are pointing fingers at the family..
A: Exactly, I mean, no no no no, see, what you don't understand is, my granddaughter wasn't with us. She was with her father, and has been. Where is my granddaughter? I'll keep saying it until I get closure. Where is my granddaughter? I want her home! Do people not understand that? I want her home and I thank everybody that is out there right now. The state police, the FBI, everybody that is involved, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. This whole thing is just tearing me up..I just..I want her home. I want answers. I want something...just..And if he did have something to do with it, god dammit, say something, come forth and say something, somebody say something out there, somebody knows something about my granddaughter. Okay. The poor helpless little thing right now, she is out there somewhere. She's scared. And I can't do nothing. All I can do is support my family, support my daughter..this whole thing is tearing me up..
Just let me, I'll go to his house. I'll knock on his door. I'll ask him face to face if it comes down to it, where's my granddaughter? But I know what will happen if I go there..I know exactly what will happen.
Q: You'll get arrested.
A: Exactly.

Dec.19th 2011 quoted from article:

The toddler had lived in Portland with her mother and grandmother until mid-October, said Becca Hanson, Ayla’s grandmother. The grandparents, who are not married and have separate addresses, said Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services had removed Ayla from her mother’s care in October. The maternal grandparents criticized the agency, although no details about the action were available Sunday.
Hanson was staying with Ayla’s mother, Trista Reynolds, in a South Portland motel Sunday as the search continued in Waterville.
“This is the worst thing of all because she doesn’t know where her daughter is at,” Hanson said. “I’m hoping that they call us soon and say they found her.”
Hanson said Trista Reynolds was not able to talk to the media. Trista Reynolds also has a 9-month-old son who is living with her at the South Portland motel, Hanson said.
Ayla’s grandparents described her as a bright, happy girl.
“Ayla started walking when she was 10 months old,” Hanson said. “She’s a really outgoing child. She always had a smile on her face.”
Ayla loves her little brother, Hanson said. “She tries to give him his bottle and his binky. They’re like two peas in a pod.”

Dec. 19th 2011 ABC interview with TR

TR: He would help me out, he'd take care of her until I was on my feet. We've been unable to actually get along the last few weeks and "parent" together.
Reporter: Reynolds said she filed paperwork on Thursday to get full custody of the toddler, one day before Ayla went missing, but says she hadn't told Ayla's father.
TR: He didn't know I went to file them. He'll know now but I haven't told him and no one told him.
Reporter: Reynolds says she hasn't spoken to Ayla's father Justin since their daughter disappeared.
TR: I've had no contact with him. He's had no contact with me. Like, all I know is he's the last man to see my daughter and all I want to know is where she is.
RR: I want Ayla home with her family. With her mother, with her Pop Pop, with her Grandmother, with all of us. I want her home, I want her safe. And I pray right now that she is safe.

Dec.19th 2011 NECN interview with TR. The video at this link is changed, it no longer shows the same video, but I transcribed the video before it was deleted.

Reporter: Trista Reynolds says her 20 month old daugther is bright, fun, talkative, and energetic. Not knowing where she is or what has happened to her is heartwrenching.
TR: It's killing me. Every minute and every hour and every second that is going by and there's nothing about her, it's hurts.
Reporter: Reynolds, who has never lived with Ayla's father, says she is angry that this happened on his watched. Asked if she thought he would ever hurt their daughter...
TR: I don't know, like, I barely know who Justin is. We've never been in a relationship. I want to believe that no, he wouldn't hurt my daughter, but if he did...he just needs to tell me. But I feel deep down inside that..he didn't hurt her but I do think he did something with her.
Reporter: Trista Reynolds is holding out hope and praying for her daughters dafe return.
TR: I am praying that the next phone call or the next knock that I get coming at my door, they're gonna say, I want you to come with me cause we got your daughter.

Dec. 20th 2011 short quotes from TR.

TR: I just want answers. I just want to know where my daughter is. And who she may be with. Just bring her home.
Reporter: At around 8 oclock on Friday night, Justin Dipietro, Ayla's father, says he put the toddler to bed. When he went to check on her Saturday morning, he says she was gone. He's had custody of Ayla since child welfare agents placed her with him in November, while Reynolds was in rehab for substance abuse. During that time, Ayla's mom said she became concerned when she saw bruises, and confronted him.
TR: He said well, you know, her and my neice like to go down on the stairs. Like, it could be from that. I just..I didn't believe it.

Links to some local reporter Twitter accounts:!/DanielleWaugh!/carolyncallahan!/ccsquirrel!/wcvbkelleyt

Nancy Grave and JVM Transcripts and Video:

Ayla Reynolds: Nancy 12/19/11 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Issues 12/19/11 - YouTube

Waterville PD fb

Some photos of the house and etc:

WMTV live blog:

Interview with neighbor that heard car:

Google map:
:tyou: askfornina !

:tyou: Great Job !

If the dad is not answering her calls, I wonder why she doesn't drive out there, and ask the family, or talk to them. Do you think LE has just asked her to not come at all?
On HLN right now and the home is the Grandparent's home.
Also a vehicle from a mystery woman has been seized.
Did she really go missing Friday night or did something happen earlier (paraphrasing the mother).
Trista's brother last saw Ayla on one of the last times Trista did.
If the dad is not answering her calls, I wonder why she doesn't drive out there, and ask the family, or talk to them. Do you think LE has just asked her to not come at all?

If she was filing paperwork to get custody of Ayla back, it is possible that she is not allowed to go to his house. She is not the custodial parent, her job is to wait for LE to tell her where to go and what to do.

Also,no one (except for LE) is really sure where he is right now. There's been some back and forth as to where he's staying, but I'm not sure that it ws ever pinned down. The father and his family, as of yesterday, were not being allowed back into the home she disappeared from, until the police were finished with it.
Police say several people inside the house. Another neighbor heard a noise that was loud enough to wake the dog at about 3-3:30 am. (dog barking)
He was holding Ayla while he went up or down a few steps and fell while holding her. He waited 24 hours to get her arm checked. (mother's statement)
Texts from him to her that she was paranoid that someone was going to take baby Ayla? WTH???? (Mike Brooks said this)
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