The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #19 *ADULT CONTENT*

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did she really drive 1,000 miles with a stolen loaded gun and knife?
that would be premeditated #1 murder, IMOO
Oh gosh, Nurmi is trying to hard to get the brother to say that the fights on fight night were "brutal". As if that shows how evil Travis is. What about all those other guys who watched?
Welcome Apparition! No, there is no confession on video or on paper so far as I have been able to find so far! It's what she entered as her plea and we are witnessing it's description through this trial.

: )

exactly.. she saw the discovery and tried to change her story again with a rejected plea (same happened recently as well..)

welcome apparition!
PLEASE...someone...please tell me what in the HELL-O does it matter whose photos these belong to? HOW does it matter? Why is everyone going on and on and on about it? I just don't understand. I know that it seems to be okay and definitely not against rules here, but this is supposed to be a victim friendly forum. How would any of us feel if our brother, or father, or son were murdered and there was a forum of people laughing and joking about a part of him? I'm sure I will take heat on this, but I feel that I have to say it out of respect for a dead young man who was slaughtered. I don't mean to offend anyone with this post. I just don't understand. PLEASE help me understand!

It has been agreed upon by most that the penis pictures were NOT of him and was another outrageous attempt by the defense to try to say that Travis was some wild sexual fiend. Combine that with another day of absolutely NOTHING from the defense, and so since we have nothing of substnce to talk about because of the DEFENSE, some of us are making light of the stupid "evidence" the defense brought in today.

Thats my take on it, and I have no problem with it untll the defense either gets some real evidence or gives up.

P.S. A lot of us even think Jodi probably got those pics on that drive somehow, so they could be her pics.

The following link shows the naked pictures that have been entered as evidence in the trial. This is not my photobucket and I have no idea whose it is.

Looking at the photo of TA with what appears to be a post-coital flaccid penis it appears as though he is not circumcised, thus one would have to conclude that today's pictures were of someone other than TA. The picture wasn't very large or sharp so I could be wrong, but again I believe I see a fully intact foreskin (turtle neck) in that image.
Oh gosh, Nurmi is trying to hard to get the brother to say that the fights on fight night were "brutal". As if that shows how evil Travis is. What about all those other guys who watched?

If it's possible to pull a jury as stupid as the Pinellas 12 together, it's possible for Nurmi to lead another 12 idjuts to believe that watching stupid fights on tv is proof to someone being deranged and abusive. I no longer have a compass for what is possible. Based on their questions so far, I am hoping for more; much more...But who knows?
did she really drive 1,000 miles with a stolen loaded gun and knife?
that would be premeditated #1 murder, IMOO

I'm not sure about the knife but the gun is pretty much proven, to me. She made it disappear a week before the murder.

Who cares if they are or aren't TA. Unless the defence can definitely link them to him and thereby to his physical abuse of JA - they don't mean a thing.

Yeah, we already know Travis was having sex and posing for naked photos. I can only imagine they are trying to anger any Mormon jurors and make them hate Travis for lying about his activity while holding himself out to be an elder, and/or they are trying to insinuate that just as Travis hid from the church that he was breaking church law by having a vigorous sex life with jodi, he may also have been hiding from everyone that he was a doemstic abuser. Quite a stretch to me.
defense team using smoke & mirrors
if they say this is Travis and he hurt her with
his BIG one.........ha! I say it would take many men
and years to have her girl parts look like they do.
IMO, her parts look used allot and she never had a baby?
I never saw such an ugly photo.
She loved it ...........JMOO
Being in the medical field I would expect the autopsy report to say "the external genitalia are those of [a] CIRCUMCISED normal male". My view may be slightly skewed since I do work in Urology, so that's pertinent in our office.

Also a note on the same general subject:
That is NOT a fully erect penis, it appears to be partially erect as evidenced by the curvature at the base of the penis. They only way an adult penis would have such a curvature at the base when erect would be if they had a fairly severe case of Peyronie's disease (plaque(s) usually of the tunica albuginea most commonly caused by trauma to the penis such as fracture, the plaque(s) cause the penis to curve abnormally when erect). Not that it actually matters, since an erect penis really has nothing to do with the case, but I figured for the sake of accuracy I would point that out.

BBM LOL! Great, now I am thinking about Bill Clinton's penis!!
It has been agreed upon by most that the penis pictures were NOT of him and was another outrageous attempt by the defense to try to say that Travis was some wild sexual fiend. Combine that with another day of absolutely NOTHING from the defense, and so since we have nothing of substnce to talk about because of the DEFENSE, some of us are making light of the stupid "evidence" the defense brought in today.

Thats my take on it, and I have no problem with it untll the defense either gets some real evidence or gives up.

P.S. A lot of us even think Jodi probably got those pics on that drive somehow, so they could be her pics.

I understand what you are saying. But, there still are several people here who have said that they think it is Travis'. If it were my son or brother, and I happened to come here to read about my loved one's thread, I would be shocked and horrified at this being discussed. I have absolutely not a bit of prudishness in me and even chimed in here or there on Jodi and her nudies. But, this is a slaughtered innocent human being and joking about the state, size, etc. of a penis that could be his, is just wrong, to me.

I know that I can scroll past and not read it or leave, which I will be doing very shortly. But, I am truly interested in the trial and the legal aspects. I scrolled through dozens of pages, hoping that it would be over soon, and it still isn't. All I ask is to think of how any of us would feel if it were our loved one. That's all...:(
I'm way behind in the threads, but I had to bump this up as I so disagree with you. Family environment has never been found to be a catalyst for psychopathy. Eric Harris is a perfect example - upper middle class kid who was well looked after all of his life. Despite the myths around Columbine he was never really an outcast, and was never bullied any more than any other kid in a High School environment. How about Joran van der Sloot? Was HE abused in any way? No. These are budding psychopaths who if anything were spoiled and given way too much privilege without earning it. Hmmm, kinda sounds like a Florida convict that we all know too.

Psychopaths are born with a brain that is different from ours. Using MRI's to map out how their brain is different is a science that is still in it's infancy. I can't remember the doctor's name, but there is a doctor who opened a clinic (I think in Nevada? not sure now), who travels to the various prisons in a portable MRI unit and does brain scans of the most likely candidates in the prison to be psychopaths. His findings are very interesting. I'll try to find it if I can and post the link if it's allowed.

Not sure if you are talking about Neuroscientist, James Fallon. There was a documentary awhile back on him.. as it turns out his own brain scans show the abnormality. I'm of the opinion that it is a combination of nature/nurture. It is hypothesized that people with the abnormal "warrior" gene, combined with abusive past are more likely to be violent, dangerous. In Fallon's case, he knows/accepts that his empathy, etc. is atypical, but believes that since he was raised in a loving, healthy environment.. it has offset his warrior gene genetics.
There is an Internet site where you can paste a photo and it tells you where that photo has been posted on the Internet. Maybe the photo appears on other *advertiser censored* sites and we would know that it definitely wasn't Travis'. (Jodi copied it and sent it to herself.) Has anyone tried this yet?
I'm not sure about the knife but the gun is pretty much proven, to me. She made it disappear a week before the murder.

Yeah, we already know Travis was having sex and posing for naked photos. I can only imagine they are trying to anger any Mormon jurors and make them hate Travis for lying about his activity while holding himself out to be an elder, and/or they are trying to insinuate that just as Travis hid from the church that he was breaking church law by having a vigorous sex life with jodi, he may also have been hiding from everyone that he was a doemstic abuser. Quite a stretch to me.

Not such a stretch. They stated that she was his "dirty little secret" and quite frankly, I think she was. She had control over him, knowing that she she could "out" him to the church at any time. I think she probably threatened him with such several times over! The fact that he couldn't (in fact would be doomed) if he admitted to their relations is what she is now using for her defense. He may have failed in the eyes of his "faith" but he didn't as a human being. Secrets cause such chaos always.

BBM: A recent Harvard research study on BPD revealed similar brain scan anomalies---> pre-frontal cortex not wired into the amygdala per the norm. However, the Harvard study did not mention the "Warrior Gene" as your UMass study (Dr. Fallon) did.
Very interesting stuff. I hope it doesn't become an "excuse" for criminal behavior down the know, "I was born this way"!!!!!
OY! :what:
Very interesting! I'm off to get an MRI in the morning; God, I *hope* my pre-frontal cortex is wired into my amygdala! (And damn it, I'm gonna ask!) :seeya:
I painfully listened to the testimony about the dubious hard drive and transcribed:

attorney: Let's talk about the work you did on an external drive. And I'm talking about the one that was initially broken

witness: Yes

attorney: Do you remember when you received that?

witness: (witness looks at his records) October 25, 2012, 11:26 a.m.

attorney: what is it that you received?

witness: I received a 2.5 inch internal hard drive, that's the size of a hard drive you would find in a laptop, and a bag of parts from an external enclosure that would be appropriate for use with that hard drive. So it appeared that that hard drive may have been in that enclosure at some point, but its enclosure was provided to me as a bag of parts.

attorney: Did you receive a mirror image ....did you receive something else in November with this external drive...a mirror image? (editorial: defense attorney mischaracterizing it as external drive)

witness: Yes

attorney: When was that received?

(witness hands some piece of paper to defense attorney; defense attorney has something marked and hands it to witness)

attorney: Does that refresh your recollection as to when you received the mirror image?

witness: Yes

attorney: When was that?

witness: That was on November 5, 2012 at approx 4:57 and I can't read if it's a.m. or p.m., and it wasn't received directly by me, it was received by a representative of my office

attorney: What were you asked to do with that mirror image? Well, let me ask you this -- what's a mirror image?

witness: A mirror image is another term that's used for forensic earlier in our discussion, we talked about me having received a copy of the victim's laptop from the Mesa Police Department in a forensic format. This also is the exact same format, just a different evidence item, a different hard drive

attorney: What were you asked to do?

witness: I was asked ...I don't recall what I was asked to do

attorney: Were you asked to pull photographs, everything you can, off the mirror image?

witness: I was asked to process the hard drive using my standard protocol. I don't recall, without looking at any notes, what specifically I was asked to do. I do remember following the same protocol.

attorney: So, would that standard protocol, would that involve using Ncase?

witness: It wold involve using Ncase. I believe on all the evidence items I had received, I recovered all photographs, messages and internet history. So I would expect that I had done the same with this device as well. However, this particular forensic copy posed a unique challenge.

attorney: What's that?

witness: The copy I received was made from the original hard drive but the original hard drive was not functioning was damaged as it was related to me. And therefore the hard drive had to be sent out from Mesa PD, as I understand it, to a specialty service to try to make the hard drive operational, and then once that was accomplished by this third party they created an Ncase forensic image and returned it to Mesa PD, and then I received a copy from them. So normally, if I receive a forensic copy, and the copy was made from a working computer - a working hard drive, I can easily add it to my forensic tool and I can open it up and it will appear to me as any Windows hard drive -- I will see a file system, I'll see folders and I'll see files. In this case, because the first sectors of the hard drive had been damaged, the master file table that enables or establishes the file system, the folders, file names and all and such, had been damaged. So I had to run some extra special -- or some unique -- scripts and do a little bit of searching to essentially reconstitute the file system. NTF file systems...this is the file system often used by Windows, certainly Windows XP and Windows Version 7, often has a backup, and I was able to search the hard drive and locate the backup file system, and using that I was now able to view the contents on the hard drive. However, I was also aware that the copy I was presented, the portions that had been damaged had in its place of having the normal bits we would expect to see..the service (?) had written "unrecoverable" so I knew those sectors were not usable and did not have any evidentiary value. (mind numbing!)

attorney: ultimately were you able to pull different information from Ncase off this mirror image

witness: Yes

attorney: And was some of that information photos?

witness: Yes

attorney: When you pull photos off, were you always able to get information about when those photos were taken?

witness: not always

attorney: Was that due to the damage on the external hard drive? (again, she mischaracterizes it as an external hard drive, with no correction from the expert)

witness: Some of it, yes. some of it, no.

attorney grabs pics, shows them to prosecutor and asks to approach -- pics not visible from this camera angle. Hands witness exhibits 394 and 393

attorney: Do you recognize those as two photos that were taken off of this mirror image?

witness: Yes

attorney: I see that there's a time stamp on the front of the photos, is that right?

witness: Correct

attorney: Is that something you put on there? (no) Does that come with the photo - that time stamp? (whatever that means)

witness: This is how the photo appeared to me on the evidence item (whatever that means)

attorney: Defense moves ..giggle, I forgot the numbers...defense moves to enter exhibit number..

(attorney approaches witness; witness picks up photos to look at exhibit numbers on the back, showing a view of the pics)

witness: 393 and 394 ...

attorney: 393 and 394

JUAN MARTINEZ, SUPER PROSECUTOR: Objection relevance (asks to take witness on voir dire -- defense tries to stop Juan, but judge allows him to voir dire the witness)

JUAN MARTINEZ, SUPER PROSECUTOR: Sir, with regard to that part of the human body that's you know who it belongs to?

witness: I do not

JUAN MARTINEZ, SUPER PROSECUTOR: That's not your area of expertise, is it?

witness: No, it is not.

JUAN MARTINEZ, SUPER PROSECUTOR: I object on the grounds of relevancy and lack of foundation.

side bar ....
Penis, penis, penis.....

I have a (very) healthy sex life but after all this, I think I'd be good to never hear that word again!
There is an Internet site where you can paste a photo and it tells you where that photo has been posted on the Internet. Maybe the photo appears on other *advertiser censored* sites and we would know that it definitely wasn't Travis'. (Jodi copied it and sent it to herself.) Has anyone tried this yet?

Great idea!

I think it's google image search or something.
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